International Gramsci Society Newsletter

International Gramsci Society Newsletter

International Gramsci Society Newsletter


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Engels's writings on revolution and on the concept of democracy. Nevertheless, Texier's workshould be required reading for anyone who wishes to understand <strong>Gramsci</strong>'s views on the 19thcentury which are the core of his understanding of revolutionary processes. It would, in fact, beaccurate to say that this study constitutes a <strong>Gramsci</strong>an reading of Marx and Engels.Giuseppe Vacca. Appuntamenti con <strong>Gramsci</strong>. Rome: Carocci Editore, , 1999.This work is conceived as an introduction to the study of the Quaderni. Relying heavily on achronological analysis of <strong>Gramsci</strong>'s work, Vacca looks at the evolution of <strong>Gramsci</strong>'s thought as anprogressively radical repudiation of the direction in which the communist movement was beingguided by Stalin. Vacca sets out to demonstrate that in <strong>Gramsci</strong> one finds a profound re-thinking ofthe Marxist tradition—so profound, in fact, that in the course of his exposition Vacca makes<strong>Gramsci</strong> appear to be a precursor of neo-liberlism or, at least, of "third way" politics.CONTENTS:Introduzione: Egemonia e democraziaI. 1926-1937: la linea d'ombra nei rapporti con il Comintern e il partitoII. Togliatti editore delle Lettere e dei QuaderniIII. L'interpretazione dei Quaderni nel dopoguerraIV. La "quistione politica degli intellettuali" e la concezione dello Stato. Nomenclatura dei QuaderniV. L'anilisi dell'URSS stalinianaVI. La politica come egemoniaThe Philosophical Forum, Vol. XXIX, nos. 3-4, (Spring-Summer 1998), is a special issue on"Antonio <strong>Gramsci</strong>: Philosophy, Politics, and Culture" compiled by guest editor Benedetto Fontana.In addition to a brief introduction by Fontana, it contains the following aricles:Renato Zangheri: "Notes on <strong>Gramsci</strong> and the Twentieth Century"Benedetto Fontana: "Politics, Philosophy, and Modernity in <strong>Gramsci</strong>"Maurice A. Finocchiaro: "Democracy, Philosophy, and <strong>Gramsci</strong>"Richard Bellamy: "<strong>Gramsci</strong> and Walzer on the Intellectual as Social Critic"Joseph V. Femia: "<strong>Gramsci</strong> and the Question of Transformation"Nadia Urbinati: "Detecting Democratic Modernity: Antonio <strong>Gramsci</strong> on Individualism and Equality"Dante Germino and Meindert Fennema: "Antonio <strong>Gramsci</strong> on the Culture of Violence and its Overturning"Anne Showstack Sassoon: "Family, Civil <strong>Society</strong>, State: Is <strong>Gramsci</strong>'s Concept of società civile still relevant?"Kate Crehan: "'A Vague Passion for a Vague Proletarian Culture': An Anthropologist Reads <strong>Gramsci</strong>"Mauro Pala: "<strong>Gramsci</strong>'s Spelling of Keywords: From Williams' and <strong>Gramsci</strong>'s Theories of Language to CulturalHegemony"Robert S. Dombroski: "A Note on <strong>Gramsci</strong> and Literature"— 39 —

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