Issue 403 = 28-05-2021

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Covid 19 Management and Scientific Temper

(Samaj Weekly)- With the outbreak

of Covid 19, one of the earliest claims

for its treatment came from Baba

Ramdev. Baba Ramdev is the leading

Baba who is also close to the ruling dispensation.

He began becoming popular

with his Yoga exercises and later took

up the manufacture of medicines etc.

including cow products. He has come to

stand in the row of leading Corporate of

the country. He learned his craft of Yoga

from his Guru. His colleague Acharya

Balkishan is the one who is his partner

in the Patanjail enterprise, which has

become a leading drug manufacturer.

Not much is known about the formal

education of the duo.

Their launch of Coronil, as a cure of

Corona drew lot of attention. There was

the claim initially that it has got WHO

approval, later the claim was diluted to

say that it has been made as per WHO

guidelines. A study was cited as the

proof of efficacy of the Coronil. The

claim was made that within seven days

the disease will be cured. Later the fallacy

of the study which was presented

as the basis of proving efficacy of

Coronil was demonstrated. Interestingly

two central minsters were present at the


Last one year has seen so many

claims coming up for treatment of the

dreaded pandemic. The Ayush ministry

advised the application of sesame

oil/coconut oil/cow ghee on the nostrils.

Centre tried to defame

farmers with motivated

chargesheet, alleges


Some came up with the idea of steam

inhalation. Malegaon blast accused,

Bhopal BJP MP, Pragya Singh Thakur

claimed that consumption of Cow urine

is protecting her from Corona. BJP,

Madhya Pradesh Culture Minister Usha

Thakur claimed that performing of Fire

ritual; Havan; will protect us from the


Swami Chakrapani Maharaj organized

a Gomutra party for popularising

Cow-urine drinking and for applying

cow dung on the body. Similar practice

is being done by a group of Sadhus in

Gujarat. The peak of this was the statement

from the Chief Minister of

Uttrakhand who invited people for taking

bath in Mahakumbh with the plea

that divine powers of the river will protect

us from the calamity. The results

were right there to see as number of sadhus

lost their lives right during the

kumbh and later many sadhus carried

the disease to their respective places.

The overarching ideology behind

this of course filtered down from the

Prime minster himself, who first gave

the call of banging pots and pans for

five minutes at 5 PM and in April he

asked for burning candles and flashing

lights for 9 Minutes at Nine PM.

In a unique way another BJP worthy

one Sankeshwar in a recent press meet

stated that administration of lime juice

through nostrils increases oxygen levels

by 80%. This as per him was based on

Ram Puniyani

observation of nearly 200 friends and


The whole trend has been to make

statements and adopt politics, which do

not have any scientific base. The science

has tried to evolve method to

search for truth through the elaborate

methods. What we saw all through this

period has been the statements and

actions which are based on faith or common

sense. Cow which is a political

symbol for the ruling dispensation has

been employed extensively for treatment,

its urine; its dung have been the

major advices. The veterinary science

will tell us that Urine/dung is the waste

products of the body and there is no evidence

of any benefit of these to human


The faith that 33 Crore Gods reside

in her body is a matter of faith, which is

being popularized and being forced on

the policies of this ruling dispensation.

The fire ritual of Yagna and ablation

(Ahuti) is again being proffered out of

the hat. The volunteers of the BJP s parent

organization are doing extensive

propagation of the methods of doing

Havan at places.

Along with this Baba Ramdev, who

is among the major Godmen of last two

decades, went on to say that Allopathic

system of medicine is stupid and bankrupt

science. In response the Indian

Medical Association lodged protest. The

health Minster, wrote to Ramdev who in

turn has withdrawn his statement. This

is the same Ramdev who was in ICU

after his few days of fasting. This is

same Ramdev, whose partner Balkishan

was recently admitted to some allopathic


The rise of such faith based irrational

statements and policies during last few

decades are running parallel to the rise

of sectarian politics, Hindutva. As such

the religious nationalism wants to harp

on the pre democratic values of caste

and gender hierarchy. The major step in

dawn of democratic society was the

struggle for reason to come up against

the prevalent blind beliefs, blind faith.

With democratization of Western societies

the faith/blind faith, such irrational,

retrograde practices are seen less

often there, if at all.

Here the rise of national movement,

the rise of social reform among women

and dalits also saw the firming up of the

scientific thinking. While the freedom

movement ran parallel to introduction

of rational though in society, those

believing in religious nationalism were

not only opposed to social reforms, anti

colonial struggle but also were against

the scientific thinking. They harped on

faith as it gives legitimacy to inequality

in society.

Our Constitution wants the state to

promote scientific temper as a matter of

policy. As we have seen with the rise of

divisive nationalism we have seen an

all-out attack on rational thinking. We

saw the murders of Dr. Dabholkar, Com

Pansare, M. M. Kalburgi and Gauri

Lankesh. The tragedy of pandemic has

seen the revival of blind faith as the ruling

dispensation s whole ideology is

founded on faith/blind faith. This is an

obstacle to efficiently dealing with the

pandemic. While the likes of Ramdev

are on the top of pyramid of faith based

knowledge, there are hoards of others

promoting these things all around. We

do need to promote scientific temper

and the spectacles of banging pans or

lighting lamps are not going to solve the

tragic situation in which we are writhing

at present.

Chandigarh : The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) on

Thursday condemned the Central government for trying to

defame the farmers’ agitation as well as suppress it by allegedly

filing a politically motivated chargesheet accusing the farmers

of conspiring to turn the Red Fort into a protest site on

January 26 this year.

In a statement here, former minister Daljit Singh Cheema

said it was shocking that Delhi Police had filed a chargesheet

accusing the farmers of trying to capture the Red Fort on

January 26 with the aim of turning it into a protest site.

He said this was furthest from the truth. "It is a matter of

record that the entire established leadership of the Kisan

Andolan as well as thousands of protesters took a predetermined

route as finalised after talks with Delhi Police. Only a

small section of people reached the Red Fort."

Cheema said it was apparent that Delhi Police had not done

a professional investigation into the entire case.

"The factual position on the ground has not been taken into

consideration while framing the chargesheet. In fact, it seems

to be motivated by politics."

The SAD leader asked the Central government to take stock

of the situation immediately and take corrective measures to

ensure no farmer was victimised due to the partisan

chargesheet filed by the police.

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