Cindy Sherman - Retrospective (Art Photo Ebook)

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Judith Williamson, "Images

that the gaze is

not an issue in

Sherman's images). If she had

voman'—The Photographs

this photograph is in my view

attended to her own participation

of Cindy Sherman," Screen 24,

unconvincing. Krauss leaps


recasting Sherman's images

n. 6 (November/December

from an interesting observation

as proposing a desublimated

1983): 102.

to an untenable claim that com-

rather than coherent subject

pletely ignores the history of

and explored why this might be

18 Ibid. At the same time such

soft-core pornography: the way

an interesting thing to do at this

a doubling achieves only regres-

in which the "nimbus" can just

moment, Krauss's insights (and

sive ends in the readings of

as easily suggest the welcoming

they are many) would have been

some viewers. Mira Schor sees

of a gaze as it can a "voyeuristic

more convincing overall.


Sherman's work as only reinforcing

the stereotypes it

remove." Further, the use of a

light flare (like Sherman's use of

20 This is my expanded, phe-

engages: "a substantial number

graininess in

Untitled Film Still

nomenological definition based

of the women enacted by

#2, which Krauss discusses in

on Duchamp's notes; see "The

Sherman are either squatting,

similar terms) could also be

Green Box" (1934). The Writings

crouching or prone, crazed or

viewed in

feminist terms as

of Marcel Duchamp, ed. Michel

dead. .

has only to see

making the (male) gaze aware of

Sanouillet and Elmer Peterson

certain Sherman photographs


just as exaggerating the

(New York: Da Capo, 1973). 65.

on a collector's wall to under-

texture of the photograph could

On "Flesh" as an indication of

stand the rather traditional

be viewed as a way of splitting

the embodiment of the self in

nature of their appeal: a wet T-

the conventionally sutured duo

relation to the world see

shirt clinging to breasts is the

of "image" and "feminine."

Merleau-Ponty, "The

same old thing, whether you call

There is

no point in dwelling on

Intertwining—The Chiasm,"


draperie mouillee ... or tits

Krauss's antifeminism, but I



and ass." Schor, "Backlash and

want to note, as it is relevant to

Appropriation," in

The Power of

my own argument, that she per-

2i I

this argument vis-a-

Feminist Art: The American

forms precisely the sin she

vis body art in

my book Body

Movement of the 1970s, History

accuses feminists (in


Art/Performing the Subject.

and Impact, ed. Norma Broude

Laura Mulvey) of committing

and Mary D. Garrard (New York:

vis-a-vis Sherman's work: fixat-

22 Judith Butler, "Sexual

Harry N. Abrams, 1994), 255.

ing on an a priori

model of

Ideology and Phenomenological

While I

appreciate Schor's pas-

explanation (in

Mulvey's case

Description," 89. On intersub-

sion, I think

such a reading is

that of the model of the gaze)

jectivity in the work of Jean-Paul

far too simplistic (as any examination

of the broad reception

her work has engendered would

such that, in the terms Krauss

applies to Mulvey, the interpreter

fails to "look under the

Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, see

also Martin Jay, Downcast Eyes:

The Denigration of Vision in


hood" (that is,

one assumes, to

Twentieth-Century Thought

19 Mulvey, "A

Phantasmagoria," 138. Krauss

reads this image specifically

against Mulvey's model, arguing

that the notion of the gaze is

countered by the "voyeuristic

see the "true" meaning of

Sherman's work—as specified

by Krauss). Krauss's apparently

consuming need to devalue

feminism (to dismiss the last

thirty years of feminist theorizing,

while at the same time

(Berkeley and Los Angeles:

University of California Press,

1993). 3ii-

23 Initially commissioned by

Artforum, the images were not

ultimately published there.

remove" established by the

appropriating much of its


"nimbus that washes around

the frame of the image, repeating

in the register of light the

sense of barrier that the door

frame constructs in the world of

guage) compels her to overlook

her own participation in rereading

Sherman's work according

to a formalist paradigm. In the

oldest trick in the art historical

24 On feminist Brechtian

strategies, which Sherman's

works particularly avoid, see

Griselda Pollock, "Screening the

seventies: sexuality and repre-

physical objects," in


book, Krauss uses the stick of

sentation in feminist practice

Sherman: 1975-7993, 56. While

Krauss's attention to the wash

of light flaring in at the bottom

of the photograph is compelling

(the nimbus does mark the photograph

as "image" and makes

evident circuits of identification

or projection), her attempt to

objectivity to pose her readings

as correct (according to Krauss,

Mulvey imposes her model and

consumes Sherman's images as

myth, while Krauss, by attending

to the formal structure, lighting

effects, etc. of the photographs,

simply shows us the truth of

a Brechtian perspective," in

Vision and Difference: Femininity,

Feminism and the Histories of Art

(New York and London:

Routledge, 1988), 155-199.

use this observation as "proof"

what is

"under the hood" of

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