3 years ago

ITB Berlin News 2021 - Review Edition

  • Text
  • Destination
  • Dental
  • Sweden
  • Virtual
  • Global
  • Luxury
  • Pandemic
  • Sustainable
  • Tourism
  • Berlin



I NEWS I EDITORIAL Richard Barnes Editor-in-Chief, ITB Berlin News Nothing will be the same again... ever... and thank goodness If anything has been learnt from ITB Berlin NOW this year, it is that while on the one hand, a virtual event can be a rip-roaring success, on the other, people’s longing for face-to-face meetings is not waning. Of course, we have probably all learned that digitalisation has experienced a huge surge. The pandemic has indeed been the much talked-about catalyst. At the same time, as trade show organisers, Messe Berlin have taken a huge leap forward. And while many people were initially enthusiastic about Zoom and co., most now realise that one cannot simply replace faceto-face meetings online. Thus, according to Dr Martin Buck - SVP, Travel & Logistics, Messe Berlin, “the post- ITB Berlin NOW 2021 buzzword is ‘hybrid’ and that is where we believe the future lies – by cleverly combining virtual and in-person formats.” Dr Buck says this applies to the workplace too, combining home-working with the office, as it does to business trips, with online and actual meetings. So, no, there will be no going back to the “old normal” next year, or at any other time in the future. The future will be hybrid and the future will be different. And hopefully it will bring with it the better part of the changes many of us constantly wish for in the world of travel and tourism, when it comes to setting a new course for planet earth, to truly make it a better place for all those who sail on her. Looking forward to seeing you there! CONTENTS ITB BERLIN NEWS is a CLEVERDIS Publication. 65 av. Jules Cantini - Tour Méditerranée, 13006 Marseille, France • Tel: + 33 442 77 46 00 • SARL capitalised at €155,750 • VAT FR 95413604471 • RCS Marseille 413 604 471 • • • • • Publisher: Jean-François Pieri • Project Manager: Bettina Badon • Editor-in-chief: Richard Barnes • Editorial team: Luc Citrinot, Simon King • Art Director: Hélène Beunat • Web Designer: Guillaume Vinrich • With the participation of: Benjamin Klene, Ekaterina Morozova >>> To contact them: first name.last name Cover: © Visit Sweden © CLEVERDIS 2021 - Registration of Copyright March 2021. Information presented in this publication is purely indicative in order to illustrate subjects contained therein. No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of data or content at time of printing and thus the latter should not be used for professional or commercial ends. While all efforts have been made as to accuracy and pertinence of content and data contained in this publication, CLEVERDIS may in no case be held responsible for the consequences, whatever their nature may be, that may result from the interpretation of this data or content, or any eventual errors therein. Any reproduction of the content of this publication, even partial, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the prior autorisation of the publisher. Any copy, whether by photography, photography film, magnetic tape, disc or other means constitutes a forgery, liable to punishment under French law according to the legislation of 11 th March 1957 covering copyright. All brands cited in this publication are registered trade marks and/or belong to companies which are their respective proprietors. The publishers and editorial staff decline all responsibility as to opinions formulated in this publication by those interviewed or cited therein. Their opinions are entirely their own, and are included with the understanding that they contain, to our knowledge, no malicious intent. The inclusion of all texts, photographs and other documents supplied by those included in this publication imply the acceptance by their authors of their free publication therein. Documents and photographs will not be returned. It should be understood that this publication contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and assumptions include assumptions relating to the timing of the recorded date. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialises or any of these assumptions proves incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the expectations outlined in these statements. Cleverdis assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements during the period of publication. Photo Credits and Copyright: All Rights Reserved. #04 NEWS #11 TRADE TALK #12 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS SPECIAL FEATURE #16 LUXURY ACCOMMODATION & TRAVEL Hoteliers’ debate: will sustainability certification increase turnover? #08 ITB BERLIN NEWS • WEDNESDAY 17 TH MARCH 2021 3

ITB Berlin News