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ITB Berlin News - Day 3

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NEWS 5 EDITORIAL Richard Barnes Editor-in-Chief, ITB Berlin News CONTENTS DAY 3 EDITION Friday 11 th March 2016 News.............................................. page 4 Trade 8 ITB Berlin Convention................. page 11 Exclusive 12 SPECIAL FEATURES Cultural Tourism.......................... page 15 Group Travel................................ page 21 Business Travel & MICE.............. page 22 Family Destinations & Amusement Parks................... page 25 REGIONAL SPOTLIGHT The Americas ............................. page 29 WHERE TO GO IN BERLIN..... page 37 ITB BERLIN NEWS is a CLEVERDIS Publication. 65 av. Jules Cantini - Tour Méditerranée, 13006 Marseille, France • Tel: + 33 442 77 46 00 • Fax: + 33 442 77 46 01 • SARL capitalised at e155,750 • VAT FR 95413604471 • RCS Marseille 413 604 471 • • During ITB Berlin: Press Center – Hall 6.3 – Room 403 • Tel: +49 (0)30 3038 81 209 • • • Publisher: Gérard Lefebvre • Managing Director: Jean-François Pieri • Publishing Director: Jean-Guy Bienfait • Project Manager: Bettina Badon • Editor-in-Chief: Richard Barnes • Editorial Coordination: Gabriele Dyburyte • Editorial team: Stuart Braun, Luc Citrinot, Neil Cole, Bob Snyder • Marketing Manager: Monia Tazamoucht • Art Director: Hélène Beunat • Design & Page Setting: Guillaume Kaercher, Guillaume Vinrich • With the participation of: Marie-Elia Cheravola, Lucie Lavina, Mélanie Lopez, Lixiang Wei >To contact them : first name.last Revealing The World’s Best Kept Secrets The role of ITB Berlin in exposing lesser-known destinations to the travel world has again been underlined this week by the naming of Botswana as the show’s official Partner Country for 2017. As David Ruetz, head of ITB Berlin stated, “Botswana is Africa’s best-kept secret”… a fact that may well change after the country’s exposure to the world’s travel trade and media at next year’s event. It will not only place the spotlight on Botswana’s tourism successes but will also focus attention worldwide on their potential for economic development. In the past, Botswana has achieved great success that has remained largely unnoticed around the world. Interestingly, already this year, ITB Berlin and Botswana have something in common. As the show celebrates its 50th anniversary, Botswana celebrates 50 years of independence. Over the past decades, the fact that Botswana is the world’s largest producer of diamonds has transformed it into a middle-income nation. Botswana has a long tradition of lively and unimpeded public debate, and the US-based NGO Freedom House states that the country has “free and vigorous” press in cities and towns. As recently as last November, Botswana was named the top country in the world for travellers in 2016. The country received the accolade in LONELY PLANET’S BEST IN TRAVEL 2016, the highly anticipated collection of the world’s hottest trends, destinations and experiences for the year ahead. According to the book, “Botswana is so full of life-changing experiences it would be easier to list the things that aren’t remarkable. Here is a real wilderness that puts you in touch with palpable primitive thrills and fears, whether it’s being poled by an African gondolier in a mokoro past pods of sunbathing hippos in the Okavango Delta; or feeling the spirit of the first men in the thousand-year- beauty of Kubu Island’s ancient baobabs backlit by incandescent constellations in a vast night sky.” Hats-off to the show organisers yet again for a visionary choice of Partner Country: Botswana - the first southern African nation ever to put its name to the show. • Cover: © Cleverdis • Printing: Möller Druck und Verlag GmbH, Ahrensfelde OT Blumberg, Germany Registration of Copyright March 2016 Information presented in this publication is purely indicative in order to illustrate subjects contained therein. No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of data or content at time of printing and thus the latter should not be used for professional or commercial ends. 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Their opinions are entirely their own, and are included with the understanding that they contain, to our knowledge, no malicious intent. The inclusion of all texts, photographs and other documents supplied by those included in this publication imply the acceptance by their authors of their free publication therein. Documents and photographs will not be returned. It should be understood that this publication contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and assumptions include assumptions relating to the timing of the recorded date. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialises or any of these assumptions proves incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the expectations outlined in these statements. Cleverdis assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements during the period of publication. Photo Credits and Copyright: All Rights Reserved. FREE WI-FI AT ITB BERLIN Network: ITBWifi Password: itb2016 ITB BERLIN NEWS • Friday 11 th March 2016

ITB Berlin News