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ITB Berlin News Preview Edition

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  • Berlin
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  • February
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NEWS 3 HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM ITB BERLIN A View from the Top Messe Berlin CEO Dr Christian Göke – on ITB Berlin 2014 For Dr Christian Göke, promoted last year from the role of Chief Operating Officer to Chief Executive Officer, this will be his first ITB Berlin in this capacity. We asked him what this changes… © Messe Berlin The best way to make the most of a visit to ITB Berlin is through good preparation. I recommend the ITB Virtual Market Place. It is a comprehensive online catalogue and networking tool available to both exhibitors and interested members of the public. By clicking on www. virtualmarket.itb-berlin. de Internet users can find out about products and services from any exhibitor and can contact them directly for appointments. A virtual Route Planner lets you organise your own personal tour of the trade fair online. All company profiles and exhibitors’ products can be viewed here. Exhibitors and visitors should also download the ’ITB Mobile Guide’ app to their mobile phone, which makes it easier to find one’s way around the grounds. They should also take part in evening receptions, events at the convention and make use of other networking opportunities. No other place lets you meet the whole world in one place in a single day. And finally: Do not miss the ITB Berlin Convention. It features discussions on the latest tourism issues and topical themes, confirming once again its role as the global travel industry’s leading think tank. There are few activities that combine such a level of diversity and such an international appeal as organising this, The World’s Leading Travel Trade Show. For that reason I have always given my full support to strengthening the strategic competitiveness of this event. And because our business is a people’s business, over the years I have cultivated excellent relations with members of this industry. In my new position, I have an even greater freedom to influence future developments and I can now put my contacts and experience to even greater use. Why has ITB Berlin developed into the world’s most successful travel and tourism trade event? What sets it apart? At ITB Berlin anyone with a lust for travel can experience the whole world in a single place. As far back as 1968 the second edition of ITB Berlin offered visitors a “top-notch travel agency“ with information on the latest holiday destinations, travel arrangements and transport links. Since then three elements have shaped the concept of ITB Berlin: a specialist exhibition for the travel industry, a convention that gives trade visitors an overview of the industry’s main trends, and a shop window for the general public. Dividing up the show into days for trade visitors and the general public has proved to be highly effective. The advantage for exhibitors and trade visitors is that during the B2B days they can devote themselves fully to conducting business, networking with important decisionmakers and exchanging information on the latest trends and developments in international tourism. During this period reserved for trade visitors ITB Berlin is able to satisfy the needs and high demands of tourism professionals from around the world. Eleven years ago, the ITB Berlin Convention was set up, which has long since established itself as the world’s largest tourism convention with 21.000 participants and is recognised as the leading think tank of the global travel industry. Today, ITB Berlin is truly the world’s leading travel trade show. All sectors of the leisure and corporate travel market are represented. The volume of business negotiated and concluded at the show is in the order of six billion Euros, which is impressive proof that ITB Berlin gives exhibitors’ business a long-term boost. In addition, ITB Berlin offers an ideal fixed costs ratio compared to the volume of business initiated measured against the number of buyers (cost per contact), ideal services and infrastructure. Dr Christian Göke CEO Messe Berlin GmbH THE VOLUME OF BUSINESS NEGOTIATED AND CONCLUDED AT THE SHOW IS IN THE ORDER OF SIX BILLION EUROS, WHICH IS IMPRESSIVE PROOF THAT ITB BERLIN GIVES EXHIBITORS’ BUSINESS A LONG-TERM BOOST. ITB BERLIN NEWS is a CLEVERDIS Publication. 65 avenue Jules Cantini - Tour Méditerranée – 13006 Marseille, France • Tel: + 33 442 77 46 00 • Fax: + 33 442 77 46 01 • SARL capitalised at e128,250• VAT FR 95413604471 • RCS Marseille 413 604 471 • • During ITB Berlin: Press Center – Hall 6.3 – Room 403 • Tel: +49 (0)30 3038 81210 • • • Publisher: Gérard Lefebvre • Managing Director: Jean-François Pieri • Publishing Director: Jean-Guy Bienfait • Project Manager: Sophie Layer • Editor-in-Chief: Richard Barnes • Editorial team: Editorial team: Calypso Barnes, Luc Citrinot, Neil Cole, Julia Hanne, Bob Snyder • Art Director: Hélène Beunat • Webmaster: Benjamin Ras • With the participation of: Bettina Badon, Kristina Braun, Mario Kapp, Marjorie Sanch, Monia Tazamoucht >>>>To contact them : first name.last • Cover: © Messe Berlin © CLEVERDIS 2014 - Registration of Copyright February 2014 Information presented in this publication is purely indicative in order to illustrate subjects contained therein. 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The publishers and editorial staff decline all responsibility as to opinions formulated in this publication by those interviewed or cited therein. Their opinions are entirely their own, and are included with the understanding that they contain, to our knowledge, no malicious intent. The inclusion of all texts, photographs and other documents supplied by those included in this publication imply the acceptance by their authors of their free publication therein. Documents and photographs will not be returned. It should be understood that this publication contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and assumptions include assumptions relating to the timing of the recorded date. 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ITB Berlin News