5 years ago

Viking Sun Art Collection

  • Text
  • Norway
  • Norwegian
  • Viking
  • Tapestry
  • Photography
  • Landscape
  • Paintings
  • Abstract
  • Decks
  • Bayeux


WINTERGARDEN | DECK 7 ISABEL TELLEFSEN 1968 X NORWAY X PHOTOGRAPHY Isabel Tellefsen is an autodidact Norwegian photographer. She gets her inspiration from multiple sources, including Norwegian nature, landscapes and light, as well as her family and many travels abroad. Tellefsen never goes anywhere without her camera and takes photographs wherever she may be. NESODDEN | 2017 14

WINTERGARDEN | DECK 7 NICOLAUS WIDERBERG 1960 X NORWAY X GLASS Nicolaus Widerberg is a Norwegian artist working in the mediums of lithography, painting and sculpture in stone, bronze and casted glass. Of his intentions, he once remarked, “My goal is to produce strength, communicate energy: There is something about creating something living out of an inanimate material. I try to give life to something dead, which comes to life—it’s a sort of cycle.” It has been described as “beings in a state of suspended animation; hence their timelessness. As in fairy tales, if you kissed them they would wake, breathe, move and talk.” Widerberg has participated in a large number of group shows both in Norway and abroad and since 1984 has held numerous one-man exhibitions at both public and private galleries. His works are held in public and private collections in Norway, the USA and Britain. SUPPORT | 2015 15