5 years ago

Viking Sun Art Collection

  • Text
  • Norway
  • Norwegian
  • Viking
  • Tapestry
  • Photography
  • Landscape
  • Paintings
  • Abstract
  • Decks
  • Bayeux


THE CHEF’S TABLE | DECK 1 EELCO BRAND 1969 X THE NETHERLANDS X DIGITAL ANIMATION Dutch video artist Eelco Brand uses both paint and digital techniques to create images that reflect his conception of nature. His works are not so much the depiction of an actual place or event, but the way he imagines and models it in the calculated space of digital art. His subjects are modeled to the utmost detail to create a kind of hyper-real cosmos, a simulacrum of nature. Still, we experience these models of forests, cars and mountains as pure conveyers of meaning. These static images speak the language of scale, light, repetition, infinite detail and the deeper meaning of a simple gesture. NR9.MOVI | 2012–2014 52

PRIVATE DINING ROOM: THE CHEF’S TABLE | DECK 1 EMMA WRIGHT 1979 X NORWAY X DIGITAL ARTWORK ON FOIL Emma Wright works with a variety of mediums and materials, from drawing, aquarelle and oil painting to using cotton fabrics, chicken wire and wall string. She concentrates on geometric shapes, grids and lines, which are composed into stringent systems. Her compositions are strict, yet playful, soft and bold, and often with traces of tiny imperfections left behind. AQUARELLE GEOMETRICS | 2017 53