O Guia Definitivo do Yii 1.1

O Guia Definitivo do Yii 1.1

O Guia Definitivo do Yii 1.1


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array(<br />

'//' => '/<br />

',<br />

'/' => '/read',<br />

's' => '/list',<br />

)<br />

In the above, we use two named parameters in the route part of the rules: _c and _a. The<br />

former matches a controller ID to be either post or comment, while the latter matches an<br />

action ID to be create, update or delete. You may name the parameters differently as long<br />

as they <strong>do</strong> not conflict with GET parameters that may appear in URLs.<br />

Using the aboving rules, the URL /index.php/post/123/create would be parsed as the route<br />

post/create with GET parameter id=123. And given the route comment/list and GET<br />

parameter page=2, we can create a URL /index.php/comments?page=2.<br />

Parameterizing Hostnames<br />

Starting from version 1.0.11, it is also possible to include hostname into the rules for<br />

parsing and creating URLs. One may extract part of the hostname to be a GET parameter.<br />

For example, the URL http://admin.example.com/en/profile may be parsed into GET<br />

parameters user=admin and lang=en. On the other hand, rules with hostname may also<br />

be used to create URLs with paratermized hostnames.<br />

In order to use parameterized hostnames, simply declare URL rules with host info, e.g.:<br />

array(<br />

)<br />

'http://.example.com//profile' => 'user/profile',<br />

The above example says that the first segment in the hostname should be treated as user<br />

parameter while the first segment in the path info should be lang parameter. The rule<br />

corresponds to the user/profile route.<br />

Note that CUrlManager::showScriptName will not take effect when a URL is being created<br />

using a rule with parameterized hostname.<br />

Also note that the rule with parameterized hostname should NOT contain the sub-folder if<br />

the application is under a sub-folder of the Web root. For example, if the application is<br />

under http://www.example.com/sandbox/blog, then we should still use the same URL rule<br />

as described above without the sub-folder sandbox/blog.<br />

Hiding index.php<br />

There is one more thing that we can <strong>do</strong> to further clean our URLs, i.e., hiding the entry<br />

script index.php in the URL. This requires us to configure the Web server as well as the<br />

urlManager application component.

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