O Guia Definitivo do Yii 1.1

O Guia Definitivo do Yii 1.1

O Guia Definitivo do Yii 1.1


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$user = <strong>Yii</strong>::app()->db->createCommand()<br />

->select('id, username, profile')<br />

->from('tbl_user u')<br />

->join('tbl_profile p', 'u.id=p.user_id')<br />

->where('id=:id', array(':id'=>$id))<br />

->queryRow();<br />

The Query Builder is best used when you need to assemble a SQL statement procedurally,<br />

or based on some conditional logic in your application. The main benefits of using the<br />

Query Builder include:<br />

• It allows building complex SQL statements programmatically.<br />

• It automatically quotes table names and column names to prevent conflict with SQL<br />

reserved words and special characters.<br />

• It also quotes parameter values and uses parameter binding when possible, which<br />

helps reduce risk of SQL injection attacks.<br />

• It offers certain degree of DB abstraction, which simplifies migration to different DB<br />

platforms.<br />

• It is not mandatory to use the Query Builder. In fact, if your queries are simple, it is<br />

easier and faster to directly write SQL statements.<br />

Preparing Query Builder<br />

The <strong>Yii</strong> Query Builder is provided in terms of CDbCommand, the main DB query class<br />

described in Data Access Objects.<br />

To start using the Query Builder, we create a new instance of CDbCommand as follows,<br />

$command = <strong>Yii</strong>::app()->db->createCommand();<br />

That is, we use <strong>Yii</strong>::app()->db to get the DB connection, and then call<br />

CDbConnection::createCommand() to create the needed command instance.<br />

Note that instead of passing a whole SQL statement to the createCommand() call as we<br />

<strong>do</strong> in Data Access Objects, we leave it empty. This is because we will build individual parts<br />

of the SQL statement using the Query Builder methods explained in the following.<br />

Building Data Retrieval Queries<br />

Data retrieval queries refer to SELECT SQL statements. The query builder provides a set<br />

of methods to build individual parts of a SELECT statement. Because all these methods<br />

return the CDbCommand instance, we can call them using method chaining, as shown in<br />

the example at the beginning of this section.<br />

• select: specifies the SELECT part of the query<br />

• selectDistinct: specifies the SELECT part of the query and turns on the DISTINCT<br />

flag<br />

• from: specifies the FROM part of the query

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