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Scânteia As – Nr. 5 septembrie - octombrie 2009<br />
On Monday of this week, the Financial Times Germany<br />
reported for its exclusive readership about a moratorium<br />
between the leading monopolies and the government on<br />
postponing mass dismissals and other massive attacks upon<br />
the workforce until election day and only until then!<br />
Comprehensive attacks on the part of the state are also<br />
being prepared, because the gigantic crisis management<br />
programs with hundreds of billions of euros have to be<br />
refinanced somehow. Surely the focus will be on the<br />
planned increase in indirect taxes, cutbacks in social<br />
services, further dismantling the equal financing of social<br />
security, the cuts in pensions, further cuts in Hartz IV<br />
income support - in short: deep cuts in all social security<br />
systems. That is why we are using the election campaign for<br />
preparing the masses for what is coming. After the elections<br />
we will have to pay the bill! The working class, the broad<br />
masses of people have to be brought into position against<br />
this: they have to fight 2 against the shifting of the burdens<br />
of the crisis onto their backs.<br />
What is the essence of the MLPD’s election campaign?<br />
The most important thing is to conduct the federal election<br />
campaign as an offensive for genuine socialism. This means<br />
that we fight within the framework of the present trend to<br />
the left among the masses for winning the people for a<br />
revolutionary socialist alternative.<br />
The left-reformist tendency within the trend to the left still<br />
has the upper hand. The Left Party could use the<br />
parliamentary illusions among the masses for its own ends.<br />
For this reason we also have to deal with the policy of the<br />
Left Party critically, but without cutting the ties. Many<br />
members and supporters of the Left Party remain to be the<br />
most important potential allies in the struggle against the<br />
dismantling of social gains, against neo-fascism, against<br />
military missions in Afghanistan. Nevertheless we have to<br />
tell people the truth. Lafontaine’s slogan of an “economy of<br />
free people” without abolishing capitalism is illusory and a<br />
misleading fantasy which harms the class struggle.<br />
If the working class wants to liberate itself from<br />
exploitation and oppression it has to overcome the capitalist<br />
system. For this reason, on the one hand, the offensive for<br />
genuine socialism means a dispute with the illusory view of<br />
the petty-bourgeois-reformist, pettybourgeois-revisionist<br />
and petty-bourgeois-parliamentary mode of thinking,<br />
especially of the Left Party. On the other hand, it also<br />
means spreading our concept of genuine socialism among<br />
the masses in a lively, convincing, popular and selfconfident<br />
way. They are open to this more than I have never<br />
experienced before.<br />
How is this openness expressed?<br />
In the run-up to these federal elections, we experienced that<br />
anti-communism no longer played the primary role as an<br />
obstacle in the debate over the collection of signatures.<br />
We collected 40,000 signatures and for this we had to<br />
conduct about 200,000 partly very demanding individual<br />
talks. There it became evident that the main problem was a<br />
certain disenchantment with politics and discontent about<br />
“politicians” on the whole. We first have to convincingly<br />
draw a line of demarcation as “rebels of politics” and<br />
declare our position in order not to take a beating for the<br />
bourgeois parties.<br />
B. Stânga internațională<br />
People have to realize that muffled expressions of<br />
discontent are not enough. Instead of declining into<br />
negativism and defeatism you have to fight for your<br />
interests and get organized. Sheer discontent off the top of<br />
one’s head is even a breeding-ground for right populists.<br />
The collection of signatures was an important preliminary<br />
battle which we could deal with very successfully as a<br />
whole. We are the only party in Germany that had to collect<br />
signatures and was successful in this in all federal states.<br />
That was a great success that we can build upon. The<br />
election campaign will further intensify the debate that has<br />
started and the method of the intensive work of convincing<br />
people.<br />
Every offensive means making special efforts and must<br />
have an excellent quality!<br />
There is the time of holiday and relaxation and there is the<br />
time of the mobilization of forces and exertion of all one’s<br />
energies. Now is a time that requires great efforts! During<br />
the next weeks we will be on the streets daily, with and<br />
among the people, and concentrate completely on this<br />
offensive of the work among the rank and file of the masses.<br />
Our voter action groups have to be built up, our contacts<br />
have to be consolidated and we have to win many people<br />
for the MLPD and the struggle for socialism. This will be<br />
the test whether our offensive in connection with the federal<br />
elections will be successful or not.<br />
The spirit that has been spread from our start in Hamburg is<br />
very important for these goals: The strong power to<br />
convince people, the aggressiveness and the selfconfidence,<br />
but also attractiveness of the great solidarity<br />
and the intensified alliance-building work. We have to<br />
emphasize especially the alliance-building work with<br />
various migrant organizations with which we are<br />
conducting a joint election campaign. The decisive method<br />
of our offensive is a really systematic and intensive work<br />
among the rank and file of the broad masses – the success of<br />
Hamburg was also based on this.<br />
Would you give us a glance behind the curtains and tell us<br />
what problems are currently being discussed within the<br />
MLPD ?<br />
Naturally, every social dispute is reflected within the party<br />
in one way or another.<br />
Those who are influenced by the pseudo-soft-soap course of<br />
the government are avoiding polarization. Those who are at<br />
odds with the growing number of votes for the "Left Party"<br />
cannot carry out the patient work of accompanying the<br />
masses in coping with the pettybourgeois parliamentary<br />
mode of thinking. Those who are frustrated that the workers<br />
don't start fighting immediately with the outbreak of the<br />
crisis are still worshiping spontaneity themselves.<br />
Dilettantism and disorganization spread, if you don't work<br />
tirelessly on raising your level in mastering the dialectical<br />
method. However, we have progressed quite well in solving<br />
all these problems, because all in all, as a party, we are<br />
positioned excellently and have outstanding and enthusiastic<br />
members, whose commitment other parties are panting for.<br />
The offensive for genuine socialism is advancing and<br />
cannot be stopped.<br />
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