midnight in the garden of peace

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midnight in the garden of peace

you protect me when I do not see evil myself,

and now there is so much evil in the world, so much

it multiplies, spreads, bleeds, and triumphs so fast.

Gods whom people have raised to the high pedestals,

they probably laugh loudly at humans' stupidity.

They are supposed to make only good

and teach love for one's neighbor,

it was the man who made them an instrument of war.

With the name of God on their lips, these "rational" beings

they conquered new lands, murdered, robbed, and raped.

Human history is written in blood and pain.

How many more cards we will be able to feel in it

before the last animal dies,

before we, people, will cut down the last tree,

before the fat belly oligarch throws in

to their unnecessary fortune the last bloody dollar?


It might be the last lesson

just yesterday they believed it would be okay

they fought for every breath, for every sip of life

today rows of only empty chairs remind of them,

the cat mewing in the armchair and dog in tears


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