midnight in the garden of peace

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international poetry antology

but continue to remain inhuman.

Try to change yourself at least human,

with involvement, love, friendship, emotions,

relationships, thought and action.

Sailing not in the same boa

We are not sailing in the same boat

but struggling hard in lone distinct storm,

stuck in the corona pandemic hurricane.

Regardless of region, religion, race, ethnicity,

colour, caste, community and discrimination of unkind,

sustained throughout the human development,

this single invisible enemy virus amalgamated us one,

and struggle to cope with this malaise microbe.

Until this moment any Noah has been unseen,

to provide a sea liner guaranteeing insulation,

from this deadly pandemic and save everyone.

Threats to mankind all overcome tremendous

and achieved much progress in enormous,

the present challenge has never been met.

The squeal of humanity seeking a saviour,

seem alarmingly aloud and at extreme fringe.


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