midnight in the garden of peace

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midnight in the garden of peace

If and only if human personally appreciates peace of mind

As safe haven brings joy and peace and to humanity

Midnight in the Garden of Peace

Being steadfast and watching the time clock at exact point

Thin line between life and death is a dangerous moment

All through the midnight is heavy wind and dark cloud

Like fire is movement of this strange cloud and wind

The whirlwind is as always present in garden of peace

Midnight in the Garden of Peace

In stream of consciousness is this literature piece in peace

Living all through in the library called garden of peace

Suddenly in a midnight is a voice heard faintly crying

From a community among heterogeneous global

community calling for survival

As humane sages such life needs peace of mind

Midnight in the Garden of Peace

The universe is blessed by creator with children and families

Having different nature like sun and moon which brings light

A day of midnight in the garden of peace is chaos

Human must comprehend life literature to live in perfect peace

The life is worth living for if understand an enabling horizon


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