Dünya TV - Today's Zaman

Dünya TV - Today's Zaman

Dünya TV - Today's Zaman

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SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2012 91Adem Yavuz Arslan: Just the nerve endingsof Ergenekon have been disturbed, itsmain vein has not been reached yetAnkara representative of BugünNewspaper Adem Yavuz Arslanpoints out especially to thefinancial and brain structure of ErgenekonTerror Organization by statingthat its nerve endings have been reachedonly. Reminding the fact thatno traffic ticket could be issued for amaster sergeant let alone a general,Arslan said it was only possible todayfor such structures as Ergenekon tofail in achieving success with “a powerfulpolitical stability and a powerfulgovernment”.Spending its journalism years generallyby researching and pursuingpolice-courthouse news, Adem YavuzArslan does not spend the current periodof its professional life just by sittingin the office chair of its newspaper.Arslan reveals its special interest in deepstructures and his ambition to researchthrough the information and documentsit uses in its column as well astwo books which he published. Workingas Ankara representative of BugünNewspaper, Arslan performed importantworks about the deep structuresappearing between 2003 and 2007and leaking into many governmentalinstitutions. He made a great influenceby offering to the public the informationwhich he revealed in his twobooks entitled ‘Bir Ermeni Var’ and‘Ergenekon’un Zirvesi’ together withrelevant documents. We talked withthe master journalist about Ergenekonand the latest state of Ergenekon casebased on his latest book ‘Ergenekon’unZirvesi’. We began our interview withthe name of his book which arousedsome interest in everyone.

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