socijalnata polo@ba na naselenieto vo republika makedonija

socijalnata polo@ba na naselenieto vo republika makedonija

socijalnata polo@ba na naselenieto vo republika makedonija

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Jorde Jakimovski: Summarymountain and the underdeveloped areas. They are facing poverty due toseveral factors. First, there are lesser possibilities for agriculture. Second,the migration has reduced the number of work-capable population. Fi<strong>na</strong>lly,the access to the public institutions, such as educatio<strong>na</strong>l, health, cultural,and the like is difficult.There is a great recession in the area of perso<strong>na</strong>l spending. Themeans for perso<strong>na</strong>l spending in Republic Macedonia are decreasing. Thisinfluences on significant changes in the structure of expenditures. In theseframes, there is increase of expenditures for food, housing, heat, electricity,health, and hygiene, whereas, there is decrease in expenditures for clothes,furniture, as well as savings. All of it indicates decrease in the living standardof the population in the Republic Macedonia.Many categories of population are excluded in Republic Macedonia.The most obvious exclusion is on the economic and social level, where dueto unemployment or low and irregular wages, citizens cannot cater sufficientquantities of food, cannot use the health services, as well the educationis not available to everyone. Fi<strong>na</strong>lly, the welfare help is not available tothose that need it. There are difficult and chronic changes in the area of theregio<strong>na</strong>l development. The regio<strong>na</strong>l changes in the level of development arevery big and there is tendency toward increase. There are multiple causes,however, they can be reduced to two major: First, one fourth of the populationin Republic Macedonia is excluded from the possibility to participatein the economy. The poor are not capable to get bank loans, thus, they cannotparticipate in the economic life. This i<strong>na</strong>bility prevents them from improvingnot only their fi<strong>na</strong>ncial condition, but also to contribute to the economicdevelopment of the country. Second, the high degree of unemploymentindicates that large amount of people have been denied their right toparticipate on the labour market. The structure of the unemployed indicatesthat the participation is denied mostly to the relatively young and insufficientlyeducated people. The transition caused decrease even in the participationof the employed. That is, large amount of the employed is deniedtheir rights for normal work conditions, rights for higher nightshift wage,rights for trade-union organization, or regular wages.Among the most significant sources of social exclusion is the unemployment.The unemployed is denied equal opportunities to the production.296

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