CLTA Newsletter September 2022

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美 國 中 ⽂ 教 師 學 會 通 訊<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong><br />


Chinese Language Teachers Association (USA)<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>| Volume 46 |Number 3<br />

ISSUE <br />


<strong>CLTA</strong> 中 秋 祝 贺 <br />

& 年 度 期 中 报 告 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> 2023 Conference<br />

Call for Proposals<br />

九 ⽉ 专 栏 <br />

“The Privilege of the<br />

Nonnative Speaker,<br />

Revisited” <br />

by Dr. Scott McGinnis

The Chinese Language Teachers Association <strong>Newsletter</strong> (<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>) keeps its readers informed<br />

about recent developments in the profession by publishing personal and institutional news and<br />

placement information. The newsletter is published online three times a year (in January, May and<br />

<strong>September</strong>*). An email will be sent to active members announcing the online publication of the<br />

newsletter.<br />

Cut-off dates for submission of all materials to be included in the <strong>Newsletter</strong> are December 15, April 15,<br />

and August 15. The ad rate is $150 full-page (6Wx8H). Ads to be included in the <strong>Newsletter</strong> can be black<br />

and white or in color, and each ad can be formatted in .jpg or .pdf under 1 MB. Submit ads online by<br />

filling out the Full-Page <strong>Newsletter</strong> Ad Form.<br />

A job advertisement is $300 flat-fee for posting to the <strong>CLTA</strong> emailing list, the website, and the<br />

newsletter. Submit your job announcement and make the payment online. A job announcement will not<br />

be made until paid.<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong><br />

<strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

Chinese Language Teachers<br />

Association of USA<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> HEADQUARTERS 总 部 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters<br />



5000 FORBES AVE.<br />

PITTSBURGH, PA 15213-3890, U.S.A.<br />

EMAIL: <strong>CLTA</strong>@ANDREW.CMU.EDU<br />

https://<strong>CLTA</strong>-US.ORG<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> Archive:<br />



Elected Officers<br />

President<br />

Shuai Li 郦 帅 <br />

Georgia State University<br />

Immediate Past President<br />

Yongping Zhu 朱 永 平 <br />

University of Notre Dame<br />

Vice President<br />

Xia Liang 梁 霞 <br />

Washington University in St Louis<br />

<br />

Appointed Officers<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters<br />

Sue-mei Wu 吴 素 美 , Executive director<br />

Carnegie Mellon University<br />

Journal Office <br />

Dana S. Bourgerie ⽩ 杰 理 , CSL Journal Editor <br />

Brigham Young University<br />

Journal Office<br />

Baozhang He 何 宝 璋 , CSL Associate Editor<br />

College of the Holy Cross<br />

<br />

Conference Officer<br />

Baozhang He 何 宝 璋 <br />

College of the Holy Cross<br />

K-12 Publication Office<br />

Cilei Han 韩 慈 磊 , Editor<br />

Lake Oswego High School<br />

Home Page Office<br />

Jun Da 笪 骏 , Webmaster<br />

Middle Tennessee State University<br />

<strong>Newsletter</strong> Office<br />

Christine Liu 吕 逸 勤 , Editor<br />

High Point University<br />

Committees<br />

Steering Committee<br />

Shuai Li 郦 帅 (President)<br />

Yongping Zhu 朱 永 平 (Immediate Past President)<br />

Xia Liang 梁 霞 (Vice President)<br />

Sue-mei Wu 吴 素 美 (Executive Director)<br />

Zhongqi Shi 史 中 琦 (Board Member)<br />

Jing Wang 王 静 (Board Member)<br />

Awards Committee<br />

Jing Wang 王 静 <br />

The National Collegiate<br />

Chinese Honor Society<br />

Tong Chen 陈 彤 <br />

Nominating and Election<br />

Committee<br />

Xia Liang 梁 霞 <br />

Conference Committee<br />

Shuai Li 郦 帅 <br />

Finance Committee<br />

Xia Liang 梁 霞<br />

Fund-Raising Committee<br />

Gang Liu 刘 刚 <br />

Media and Publicity Committee<br />

Zhongqi Shi 史 中 琦 <br />

Regional Associations <br />

Committee<br />

Ran Zhao 赵 冉 <br />

Professional Development <br />

Committee<br />

Wenhao Diao 刁 ⽂ 豪 <br />

K-12 Committee<br />

Zoe (Ling’ou) Jiang 江 凌 欧

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> Volume 46, No. 3<br />

Table of Contents<br />

Highlights of the Issue 1<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> 中 秋 祝 贺 与 年 度 中 期 报 告 2<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> 2023 Annual Conference: Call for Proposals 2023 年 <strong>CLTA</strong> 年 会 征 稿 通 知 6<br />

主 编 特 邀 : 九 ⽉ 专 栏 —“The Privilege of the Nonnative Speaker, Revisited” 15<br />

News and Announcements 20<br />

《 国 际 中 ⽂ 教 育 中 ⽂⽔ 平 等 级 标 准 》 与 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 学 国 际 学 术 研 讨 会 (⼆ 号 通 知 ) 21<br />

Call for Submissions: The <strong>CLTA</strong> K-12 CLT Journal 25<br />

Call for Proposals : The <strong>CLTA</strong> Jiede Empirical Reseach Grant (<strong>2022</strong>-2023) 28<br />

Call for Proposals: The <strong>CLTA</strong> Action Research Award (<strong>2022</strong>-2023) 29<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Events List 30<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Membership Benefits 36<br />

Book News & Open Resources 38<br />

The Accurate Use of Chinese: Practical Sentence Structures and Word Usage for English Speakers 38<br />

Teaching and Researching Chinese Second Language Listening 39<br />

Pedagogical Grammar and Grammar Pedagogy in Chinese as a Second Language 40<br />

E-Chinese Tools 40<br />

Conferences<br />

<strong>2022</strong> GWU 研 讨 会 “ 电 写 时 代 的 汉 字 教 学 ” 会 议 报 道 41<br />

电 写 为 主 ” 汉 字 教 学 的 可 喜 探 索 44<br />

Advertisements<br />

Fluency Link 46<br />

Carnegie Mellon University Chinese Online 47<br />

2023 Virginia STARTALK Chinese Teacher Academy (University of Virginia) 49<br />

The College of Holy Cross STARTALK Teachers Program 51<br />

Middlebury School 明 德 ⼤ 学 中 ⽂ 学 校 52<br />

DD 中 ⽂ 53<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Jobs<br />

Assistant Teaching Professor of Chinese Language (Location: Buffalo, NY) 56<br />

One-Year Leave Replacement In Chinese Language (Location: Williamstown, MA) 57<br />

Preceptor in Chinese (Location: Cambridge, MA) 58<br />

Assistant Professor in Chinese Linguistics (Urbana, IL) 58<br />

Assistant Professor – Chinese in Multilingual and Global Settings (Stony Brook, NY) 59<br />

Lecturer, Academic General Faculty – Department of East Asian Languages, Literatures and Cultures<br />

(Charlottesville, VA)<br />

61<br />

Associate Director of the Language and Culture Center (LCC) (Suzhou, China) 61<br />

Emory University -Lecture-track Assistant Teaching Professor in Chinese Language and Culture (Atlanta, GA) 63<br />

Isolated Immersion Instructor of Chinese Language and Culture (Bemidji, MN) 63<br />

Lecturer in Chinese (Northfield, MN) 64<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese Literature, Fall 2023 (Knoxville, TN) 65<br />

Director of the Chinese Language Program at the rank of Senior Lecturer (Princeton, NJ) 65<br />

Chinese Language Lecturer in the East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies Department (Santa Barbara,<br />

CA)<br />

66<br />

Assistant Professor in Language Sciences (Hong Kong, China) 67<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese The Department of Asian Languages and Literatures (ALL) (Claremont, CA) 68<br />

Assistant Professor in Chinese (Carlisle, PA) 69<br />

Teaching Fellow for Chinese Studies (Clinton, NY) 69<br />

Assistant Professor in Linguistics (Ref. 220607001) (Hong Kong) 70<br />

Adjunct Chinese Lecturer (Fort Worth, Texas) 71<br />

Head of Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies (Ref. 22060909) (Hong Kong) 71<br />

Visiting Assistant Professor in Chinese Language (Carlisle, PA) 73<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese Language, Literature, and Culture, Middlebury College (Middlebury, Vermont) 73<br />

Journal updates<br />

International Chinese Language Education 国 际 中 ⽂ 教 育 75<br />

世 界 汉 语 教 学 77<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> K12 Selected Works 《 精 选 》 83<br />

Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching 84<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Journal 汉 语 教 学 研 究 85<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> membership Renewal and Information Updates 86<br />

既 往 开 来 - 回 顾 <strong>CLTA</strong> 成 ⽴ 六 ⼗ 周 年 87<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2022</strong>

Highlights<br />

<br />

Highlights<br />

of the Issue

主 题 : <strong>CLTA</strong> 中 秋 祝 贺 与 年 度 中 期 报 告 <br />

时 间 : <strong>2022</strong> 年 9⽉9⽇<br />

各 位 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 (<strong>CLTA</strong>) 会 员 :<br />

“ 中 秋 明 ⽉ 照 天 涯 , 祝 福 多 彩 似 云 霞 ” 。 值 此 佳 节 之 际 , 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 (<strong>CLTA</strong>)<br />

恭 祝 广 ⼤ 会 员 中 秋 愉 快 、 阖 家 团 圆 、 幸 福 安 康 ! 我 们 谨 代 表 学 会 向 各 位 会 员 简 要 汇<br />

报 学 会 <strong>2022</strong> 年 4 至 9⽉ 的 ⼯ 作 。<br />

<br />

• 新 ⼀ 届 理 事 会 (<strong>CLTA</strong> Board) ⾃<strong>2022</strong> 年 4⽉ 成 ⽴ 以 来 , 各 ⼩ 组 主 要 ⼯ 作 进 展 如 下 :<br />

(1) 执 委 会 Steering Committee ( 组 长 : 郦 帅 ): 总 理 学 会 各 项 事 务 。<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 2

(2) 年 会 组 Conference Committee ( 组 长 : 郦 帅 ): 确 定 2023 年 会 计 划 于 2023 年 3⽉31⽇ 至 4<br />

⽉2⽇ 在 华 盛 顿 特 区 Hilton Hotel at Washington Dulles Airport 举 办 , 各 项 筹 备 ⼯ 作 正 在<br />

有 序 推 进 , 望 广 ⼤ 会 员 踊 跃 投 稿 ⽀ 持 ! 由 梁 霞 ⽼ 师 牵 头 并 推 动 学 会 与 汉 考 国 际 合 作 举<br />

办 的 “《 等 级 标 准 》 与 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 学 国 际 学 术 研 讨 会 ” 将 于 9⽉24⽇ 在 线 上 召 开 , 诚 邀<br />

广 ⼤ 会 员 参 会 。<strong>2022</strong> ACTFL / <strong>CLTA</strong> conference (11/18-11/20, <strong>2022</strong>) 将 在 Boston 举 ⾏,<br />

欲 参 会 的 ⽼ 师 请 至 ACTFL ⽹ 站 注 册 https://actfl.org。<br />

(3) 媒 体 组 Media and Publicity Committee ( 组 长 : 史 中 琦 ): 向 理 事 会 提 交 关 于 设 ⽴ 学 会<br />

官 ⽅ 社 交 媒 体 频 道 的 提 案 并 获 得 理 事 会 通 过 。<strong>CLTA</strong> YouTube 官 ⽅ 频 道 现 已 正 式 开<br />

通 ! 此 举 旨 在 顺 应 ⽹ 络 时 代 的 要 求 , 展 现 学 会 的 学 术 性 、 公 益 性 、 及 包 容 性 。⾸ 先 跟<br />

⼤ 家 见 ⾯ 的 视 频 是 “ 回 顾 历 史 ” 系 列 , 该 系 列 邀 请 在 过 去 六 ⼗ 年 ⾥ 对 学 会 的 建 ⽴ 和 发 展<br />

做 出 巨 ⼤ 贡 献 的 前 辈 , 请 他 们 分 享 宝 贵 的 从 业 和 ⼈⽣ 经 历 , 讲 述 <strong>CLTA</strong> 的 故 事 和 趣 闻 。<br />

⽬ 前 , 在 <strong>2022</strong> 年 年 会 上 ⾸ 播 的 《 继 往 开 来 - 回 顾 <strong>CLTA</strong> 成 ⽴60 周 年 》(https://youtu.be/<br />

7hLMFWNbSjE) 以 及 三 部 短 视 频 均 已 上 线 。 请 ⼤ 家 点 播 、 传 播 并 订 阅 咱 们 <strong>CLTA</strong>⾃⼰<br />

的 频 道 , 让 更 多 ⼈ 了 解 <strong>CLTA</strong>, 并 成 为 <strong>CLTA</strong>⼤ 家 庭 的 ⼀ 员 。 此 外 , 正 在 策 划 中 的 视 频 系<br />

列 包 括 “⾛ 进 我 的 教 室 ” ( 跟 中 ⼩ 学 组 合 办 )、“<strong>CLTA</strong> 带 你 ⾛ 遍 美 国 ”、“ 我 为 什 么 要 学 习<br />

中 ⽂” 等 系 列 。 请 关 注 ⽇ 后 的 视 频 征 稿 启 事 , 积 极 参 与 。 如 果 有 建 议 , 请 联 系 史 中 琦 ⽼<br />

师 。<br />

(4) 筹 资 组 Fund-Raising Committee ( 组 长 : 刘 刚 ): 全 ⾯ 修 订 学 会 的 捐 赠 标 准 ( 理 事 会 已<br />

经 投 票 通 过 )。 负 责 起 草 及 修 订 学 会 与 汉 考 国 际 共 同 办 会 及 相 关 捐 赠 的 协 议 。<br />

(5) 专 业 组 Professional Development & SIG Committee ( 组 长 : 刁 ⽂ 豪 ): 全 ⾯ 修 订 学 会<br />

SIG 章 程 ( 理 事 会 已 经 投 票 通 过 )。<br />

(6) 荣 誉 组 National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society ( 组 长 : 陈 彤 ): 向 理 事 会 提 交 《 关 于<br />

扩 ⼤Honor Society 影 响 的 建 议 》, 并 获 得 理 事 会 通 过 。<br />

(7) 奖 项 组 Awards Committee ( 组 长 : 王 静 ): 向 执 委 会 提 交 关 于 提 ⾼ 部 分 奖 项 资 助 额 度<br />

的 提 案 。 修 改 后 的 提 案 将 提 交 理 事 会 审 议 表 决 。<br />

(8) 财 务 组 Finance Committee ( 组 长 : 梁 霞 ): 审 核 学 会 <strong>2022</strong> 财 务 ⽅⾯ 的 ⽀ 出 与 收 入 及 学<br />

会 的 <strong>2022</strong> & 2023 年 度 编 列 预 算 。<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

(9) 提 名 组 Nominating and Election Committee ( 组 长 : 梁 霞 ): 准 备 在 10⽉ 进 ⾏<strong>CLTA</strong> 年 度<br />

理 事 提 名 及 选 举 等 事 宜 , 11⽉ 进 ⾏ 投 票 。<br />

(10) 区 域 学 会 组 Regional Associations Committee ( 组 长 : 赵 冉 ): 更 新 区 域 学 会 加 入 总 会<br />

的 流 程 。 喜 迎 亚 利 桑 那 州 、 佐 治 亚 州 两 地 教 师 学 会 加 入 总 会 (⽬ 前 共 有 16 个 区 域 学 会<br />

加 入 总 会 )。 与 中 ⼩ 学 组 通 ⼒ 合 作 , 推 动 域 内 K-16⽼ 师 之 间 的 对 接 。<br />

<br />

(11) 中 ⼩ 学 组 K-12 Committee ( 组 长 : 江 凌 欧 ): 与 区 域 学 会 组 合 作 , 为 推 动 域 内 K-16⽼<br />

师 的 交 流 创 造 平 台 与 机 会 。 五 ⽉ 已 经 出 版 中 ⼩ 学 优 秀 学 ⽣ 作 品 《 精 选 》 。<br />

• <strong>CLTA</strong> Appointed Officers 学 会 部 门 及 学 刊 主 任 ⼯ 作 进 展 如 下 :<br />

(1) 总 部 Headquarters ( 执 ⾏ 长 : 吴 素 美 ): 执 ⾏ 学 会 对 内 及 对 外 的 ⽇ 常 运 作 , 管 理 学 会 财<br />

务 收 ⽀, 服 务 会 员 , 协 助 理 事 会 各 ⼩ 组 、 部 门 及 学 刊 主 任 开 展 ⼯ 作 。 发 布 有 关 <strong>CLTA</strong> 各<br />

类 信 息 、 动 态 、 活 动 。<br />

(2) 年 会 主 任 Conference Officer ( 何 宝 璋 ): 负 责 接 洽 年 会 场 地 , 已 与 Hilton Hotel at<br />

Washington Dulles Airport 洽 谈 年 会 场 地 、 住 宿 及 餐 饮 等 。<br />

(3) CSL 学 报 主 编 CSL Journal Editor (Dana S. Bourgerie ⽩ 杰 理 ): 负 责 管 理 学 报 CSL<br />

(Chinese as A Second Language) 各 期 组 稿 及 出 版 事 务 。 会 员 可 登 录 <strong>CLTA</strong> 官 ⽹ 点 阅 、 查<br />

询 、 以 及 下 载 历 年 来 的 学 报 。<br />

(4) 《 中 ⼩ 学 汉 语 教 学 》 期 刊 K-12 CLT Editor ( 韩 慈 磊 ): 负 责 编 辑 和 推 广 《 中 ⼩ 学 汉 语<br />

教 学 》 期 刊 。<strong>2022</strong> 年 7⽉⼀ 期 的 《 中 ⼩ 学 汉 语 教 学 》 已 经 出 版 并 发 送 给 会 员 。 会 员 可<br />

至 <strong>CLTA</strong> 官 ⽹ 点 阅 、 查 询 、 以 及 下 载 。<br />

(5) 通 讯 <strong>Newsletter</strong> Editor ( 呂 逸 勤 ): 负 责 编 辑 ⼀ 年 3 期 的 (1⽉、5⽉、9⽉) 学 会 《 通<br />

讯 》。 <strong>2022</strong> 年 5⽉ 的 《 通 讯 》 已 经 出 版 并 发 送 给 会 员 。 9⽉ 的 《 通 讯 》 即 将 出 刊 。<br />

可 至 <strong>CLTA</strong> 官 ⽹ 点 阅 、 查 询 、 以 及 下 载 。<br />

(6) ⽹ 站 <strong>CLTA</strong> Webmaster ( 笪 骏 ): 负 责 设 置 2023 <strong>CLTA</strong> 年 会 投 稿 及 评 审 ⽹ 站 。 投 稿 截 ⽌<br />

⽇ 期 为 <strong>2022</strong> 年 11⽉1⽇。 请 至 <strong>CLTA</strong> 官 ⽹ 查 看 年 会 投 稿 详 情 。<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 4

各 位 会 员 朋 友 们 , 今 年 4⽉ 在 前 任 会 长 朱 永 平 ⽼ 师 的 领 导 下 , 我 们 成 功 举 办 了 学 会<br />

60 周 年 华 诞 的 庆 典 。⽽ 今 , <strong>CLTA</strong> 新 ⼀ 届 理 事 会 成 员 与 各 部 门 及 学 刊 主 任 们 , 站 在 学 会<br />

新 的 甲 ⼦ 的 起 点 , 共 同 为 ⼤ 家 服 务 。 我 们 深 感 使 命 光 荣 、 责 任 重 ⼤。 我 们 將 继 续 与 全<br />

体 会 员 和 各 界 同 仁 ⼀ 道 , 砥 砺 前 ⾏, 为 推 动 学 会 的 发 展 壮 ⼤, 为 促 进 中 ⽂ 教 学 与 研 究 在<br />

美 国 及 世 界 范 围 内 的 深 化 ⽽ 努 ⼒⼯ 作 !<br />

祝 中 秋 佳 节 愉 快 , 阖 家 安 康 !<br />

美 国 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 (<strong>CLTA</strong>)<br />

郦 帅 ( 会 长 )、 梁 霞 ( 副 会 长 )、 吴 素 美 ( 执 ⾏ 长 ) 敬 上<br />

<strong>2022</strong> <strong>CLTA</strong> Board Members and Officers Meeting<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Call for Proposals: The 2023 Annual Conference of<br />

Call for Proposals: the Chinese The Language 2023 Annual Teachers Conference Association, of USA<br />

(Notice No. 1, 8/18/<strong>2022</strong>)<br />

the Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong><br />

Washington, D.C. 2023<br />

Conference Date: March 31 to April 2<br />

Conference Site: Hilton Hotel at Washington Dulles Airport<br />

The Chinese Language Teachers Association - USA (<strong>CLTA</strong>-USA) plans to hold its 2023<br />

Annual Conference (a fully in-person conference) from March 31 to April 2, 2023 in Washington<br />

D.C.. The annual conference aims to provide a platform for Chinese teachers, scholars and school<br />

administrators to exchange teaching experience, and share the cutting-edge research finding of<br />

Chinese language acquisition, pedagogy, assessment and/or instructional technology. Representatives<br />

of the Regional Associations will also report their best practices and development plans with support<br />

from <strong>CLTA</strong>. In addition, the conference committee will organize workshops and roundtables during<br />

the annual conference. We sincerely invite colleagues from all over the world (including non-<strong>CLTA</strong>-<br />

USA members) to participate in the 2023 annual conference to exchange experiences and engage in<br />

meaningful discussions.<br />

<br />

Proposal Submission Deadline: October 15, <strong>2022</strong>, 11:59 pm (Eastern Time)<br />

Proposal Submission Website: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/<strong>CLTA</strong>2023<br />

Proposal Submission Policies:<br />

• Submissions are welcome from <strong>CLTA</strong> members as well as non-members, and from scholars<br />

based inside and outside the United States. Graduate students are also welcomed to submit.<br />

• Proposals, written in either English or Chinese, are acceptable.<br />

• Submissions should fall into one of the three categories and be clearly labeled (i.e., individual<br />

papers, panels, technical demonstrations, see below for more detailed descriptions).<br />

• Each individual can submit only one proposal as a single or first author, across all three<br />

proposal types. The same individual may be listed as a co-author in a second proposal,<br />

appearing in a maximum of two proposals.<br />

• If one proposal has multiple authors/presenters, information of all authors/presenters should be<br />

included during the proposal submission.<br />

Proposal Types:<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> 2023 accepts three types of proposals: individual papers, panels, technique demonstrations.<br />

Please select the appropriate category when submitting your proposal online. Additional requirements<br />

of proposal submission are as follows:<br />

1. Individual Papers. This category is for proposals to present empirical research findings for<br />

an eighteen-minute session (including 5 minutes for Q&A). The proposal should include:<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 6

https://www.clta-us.org/awards<br />

https://clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3<br />


<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 8

https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/<strong>CLTA</strong>2023<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

https://www.clta-us.org/awards<br />

https://clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 10

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/<strong>CLTA</strong>2023<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 12

https://www.clta-us.org/awards<br />

https://clta-us.org/clta-annual-conference/<br />

clta@andrew.cmu.edu<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 14

主 编 特 邀 <br />

九 ⽉ 专 栏<br />

⼀ 栏 好 ⽂ 登 九 ⽉,<br />

最 是 橙 黄 橘 绿 时 。<br />

各 位 同 仁 ,<br />

秋 天 是 丰 收 的 ⽇⼦, 也 是 感 恩 的 季<br />

节 。<strong>CLTA</strong> 通 讯 因 前 辈 们 的 辛 勤 耕 耘<br />

与 同 仁 们 的 ⼀ 路 ⽀ 持 , 才 有 今 ⽇ 的<br />

丰 硕 成 果 。<br />

为 了 回 馈 这 份 ⽀ 持 , 本 期 ⾸ 创 「 主<br />

编 特 邀 - 九 ⽉ 专 栏 」, 让 ⼤ 家 有 机 会<br />

读 到 海 内 外 老 师 们 分 享 他 们 的 经 验<br />

与 轶 事 。<br />

本 期 非 常 荣 幸 能 邀 请 到 ⻢ 思 凯 教 授<br />

(Dr. Scott McGinnis) 为 专 栏 撰 ⽂,<br />

分 享 他 深 耕 汉 语 教 学 领 域 多 年 , 以<br />

⼀ 个 非 中 ⽂⺟ 语 ⼈⼠ 的 视 ⾓, 回 顾<br />

⾃⼰ 从 ⼀ 位 中 ⽂ 学 ⽣ 到 中 ⽂ 教 师 ,<br />

所 体 验 与 观 察 到 的 ⼼ 得 。<br />

本 期 专 栏 ⽂ 末 将 试 办 读 者 留 ⾔ 区 ,<br />

让 读 者 分 享 其 所 感 , 有 机 会 在 通 讯<br />

这 块 园 地 交 流 。 本 期 读 者 留 ⾔ 将 于<br />

2023 年 1⽉ 通 讯 刊 出 。 欢 迎 多 多 利<br />

⽤, 云 端 共 襄 盛 举 。<br />

吕 逸 勤 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> 通 讯 主 编 <br />

Editor<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

“The privilege of the nonnative speaker, revisited”<br />

Dr. Scott McGinnis<br />

Defense Language Institute-Washington Office<br />

First off, my deepest thanks to Christine Liu, who in her role as Editor of<br />

the <strong>Newsletter</strong> over the past several months, invited me to consider putting this<br />

piece together.<br />

And second, full disclosure: This is by no means a criticism of and/or<br />

complaint about the current state of the field and art in Chinese language pedagogy,<br />

circa <strong>2022</strong>. It is, however, grounded in the nearly four decades that I have spent<br />

either deeply invested (= 1985-2000), or on the periphery (= 2000-present) of the<br />

Chinese language teaching profession – including a decade as the coordinator of the<br />

Chinese language programs at the Universities of Oregon and Maryland, and lead<br />

teacher for summer immersion programs at Indiana University and Middlebury<br />

College. So while I have self-admittedly spent more of my professional life NOT<br />

teaching Chinese than teaching it, my roots are deep, and my commitment towards<br />

its emerging development remain unshakable.<br />

Between 2005 and 2007, I had the good fortune of being asked to serve on<br />

the Ad Hoc Committee on Foreign Languages for the Modern Language Association<br />

– the report from which many of you may be familiar with (see https://<br />

www.mla.org/Resources/Guidelines-and-Data/Reports-and-Professional-<br />

Guidelines/Teaching-Enrollments-and-Programs/Foreign-Languages-and-Higher-<br />

Education-New-Structures-for-a-Changed-World). In the course of my service on<br />

that committee, I had the equally great good fortune to serve as a fellow committee<br />

member with Professor Claire Kramsch, then on the faculty of the University of<br />

California-Berkeley, and through which I became acquainted with a truly seminal<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 16

article from then nearly a decade earlier by Claire, entitled “The Privilege of the<br />

Nonnative Speaker (PMLA , May, 1997, Vol. 112, No. 3 (May, 1997), pp. 359-369). I<br />

below quote the passage that did then and still sticks with me:<br />

“Users of tongues other than their own can reveal unexpected ways of dealing with<br />

the cross-cultural clashes they encounter as they migrate between languages. Their<br />

appropriation of foreign languages enables them to construct linguistic and cultural<br />

identities in the interstices of national languages and on the margins of monolingual<br />

speakers' territories. Seen from the perspective of linguistic travel and migration<br />

rather than from that of the traditional sedentary, bounded opposition native/<br />

nonnative, the notion of native speakership loses its power and significance. Far<br />

more interesting are the multiple possibilities for self-expression in language. In<br />

that regard, everyone is potentially, to a greater or lesser extent, a nonnative<br />

speaker, and that position is a privilege.” (368)<br />

<br />

As one of those nonnative speakers of<br />

Chinese, I do not mean to diminish the role<br />

and importance of the native speaker of<br />

Chinese in our Chinese language classrooms,<br />

much less inflate the importance of the<br />

nonnative speaker. Times, including political<br />

and economic conditions, have changed<br />

significantly with regard to greater China over<br />

the past decade in particular, as well as in the<br />

demographics of the Chinese language<br />

teaching professional population in the<br />

current century. So I do count myself at once<br />

both blessed and lucky to have been<br />

considered professionally and pedagogically<br />

competent enough to teach Chinese at a<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

number of higher educational institutions.<br />

What is striking to me is that in reviewing <strong>CLTA</strong> conference programs from<br />

over the last 35 years, dating back to 1997 (the earliest for which records are<br />

available at the <strong>CLTA</strong> website), there has been a clear quantitative decline in the<br />

nonnative “presence” among the paper presenters, panelists, and discussants. The<br />

advantage of having attended the conference since 1986 (!) is that the names are<br />

very familiar to me, and I know who among them are the nonnative speakers with<br />

some degree of confidence.<br />

Conference year Total presenters/ Nonna5ve Chinese Percentage of<br />

panelists/discussants presenters nonna5ve Chinese<br />

1997 127 15 11.8%<br />

2002 92 10 10.7%<br />

2012 223 10 4.5%<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 348 13 3.7%<br />

(retrieved from https://www.clta-us.org/meeting/program-archives/)<br />

As we anticipate the next report by the Modern Language Association (MLA)<br />

on Enrollments in Languages<br />

Other Than English in United<br />

States Institutions of Higher<br />

Education, the data for which<br />

began being compiled in the<br />

autumn of 2021 and the report<br />

for which will be published in<br />

the spring of 2023, we might<br />

want to be mindful of how<br />

enrollment in Chinese<br />

language courses at colleges<br />

and universities declined by<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 18

13.1% between 2013 and 2016, from 61,084 to 53,069 students – and why. At the<br />

least, depending on the student demographics of where one teaches at any institutional<br />

level – primary, secondary or tertiary – one might want to consider how the nonnative<br />

speaker’s perspective might be better incorporated into a Chinese language program<br />

curriculum.<br />

In sum, the native speaker of Chinese knows and understands elements of<br />

what it means to be proficient in the language and culture that I do not yet, and<br />

most likely never will, comprehend. But as a nonnative speaker, I have an<br />

experiential basis for knowing what it takes to learn how to perform competently in<br />

Chinese in both linguistic and cultural terms. Both the native and nonnative speaker<br />

are, in unique ways, “privileged.” We need to consider how our privileges may be<br />

leveraged for the more effective learning of all our students.<br />

~ 读 者 留 ⾔ 区 ~<br />

~ 感 谢 您 的 分 享 ~<br />

To share your thoughts in the next <strong>Newsletter</strong> issue, <br />

please go to this link or scan the QR code.<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

News<br />

News and Announcements

⼆ 号 通 知 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

https://forlang.fsa.mtsu.edu/index.php/clta<strong>2022</strong>/cn_standards<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 22

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 24

《 中 ⼩ 学 汉 语 教 学 》2023 年 特 刊 征 稿 启 事<br />

各 位 ⽼ 师 好 ! 欢 迎 关 注 由 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 (<strong>CLTA</strong>-US) 主 办 的 电 ⼦ 期 刊<br />

《 中 ⼩ 学 汉 语 教 学 》(K-12 Chinese Language Teaching) 。 在 编 审 顾 问 委 员<br />

会 ( 成 员 姓 名 见 表 ) 的 ⼀<br />

致 努 ⼒ 下 ,《 中 ⼩ 学 汉 语<br />

教 学 》⾯ 向 全 球 中 ⽂ 教 学<br />

⼯ 作 者 , 利 ⽤ 经 验 分 享 和<br />

教 学 研 究 的 资 源 , 正 竭 尽<br />

全 ⼒ 为 中 ⼩ 学 中 ⽂ 教 学 提<br />

供 信 息 服 务 ; 并 通 过 期 刊<br />

的 平 台 , 就 教 师 职 业 成 长<br />

等 重 要 问 题 , 促 成 各 级 中<br />

⽂ 教 师 和 语 ⾔ 教 学 研 究 ⼈ 员 之 间 的 对 话 和 合 作 。<br />

期 刊 不 仅 常 年 接 受 稿 件 , 快 速 阅 审 回 复 ;⽽ 且 还 推 出 年 度 活 动 ,⿎ 励 ⽼ 师 们 就 广 泛 的 课 题 ,<br />

进 ⾏ 形 式 多 样 的 交 流 。 以 下 是 2023 年 刊 的 三 ⼤ 重 点 栏 ⽬:<br />

1. 我 刊 在 <strong>2022</strong> 年 春 节 期 间 开 展 的 《 迎 虎 年 精 品 活 动 照 ⽚ 展 》 得 到 了<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Journal of K-12 Chinese Language<br />

Teaching<br />

( )<br />


广 ⼤ 教 师 的 热 情 ⽀ 持 ( 见 <strong>CLTA</strong> K-12 Committee Chair 江 凌 欧 ⽼ 师 的<br />

⼩ 结 ⽂ 章 ,p.48-51)。 今 年 拟 扩 ⼤ 照 ⽚ 征 集 范 围 , 将 由 万 静 然 ⽼ 师<br />

负 责 , 把 春 节 主 题 延 申 至 中 国 各 ⼤ 传 统 节 庆 主 题 。 请 ⽼ 师 们 加 盟 我<br />

02/28/2023<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong><br />

K-12 COMMITTEE<br />

K-12 COMMITTEE<br />

WJR98075@GMAIL.COM)<br />


们 的 《 中 国 节 庆 课 堂 活 动 精 品 照 ⽚ 展 》, 图 解 活 动 过 程 , 分 享 学 ⽣<br />

作 品 成 果 。 投 稿 截 ⽌⽇ 期 为 2023 年 2⽉28⽇, 点 击 阅 读 海 报 , 填 写<br />

投 稿 申 请 表 , 或 者 直 接 键 入 : http://bit.ly/cltphoto。<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

2. 最 近 ⼆⼗ 年 来 , 中 ⽂ 教 学 在 美 国 多 地 的 中 ⼩ 学 阶 段 均 取<br />

得 了 巨 ⼤ 的 发 展 , 形 成 了 丰 富 多 彩 、 质 量 上 乘 的 各 类 教<br />

学 体 系 。 我 刊 拟 搭 建 平 台 , 在 2023 年 特 刊 中 介 绍 美 国 若<br />

⼲ 中 ⼩ 学 优 秀 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬, 展 现 师 ⽣ 们 的 ⾼ 光 亮 点 , 收 集<br />

推 广 成 功 经 验 , 帮 助 ⼤ 家 更 好 地 孕 育 或 发 展 具 有 个 性 的<br />

中 ⽂ 项 ⽬。 各 校 申 报 材 料 经 编 辑 委 员 会 选 拔 评 定 后 , 将<br />

在 2023 年 特 刊 上 对 贵 校 的 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 作 隆 重 介 绍 , 不 收 取<br />

费 ⽤。 另 外 , 本 活 动 颁 发 <strong>CLTA</strong>-US 认 证 ⽂ 件 (Certificate<br />

of <strong>CLTA</strong> K-12 Outstanding Chinese Program), 详 情 请 见 海<br />

报 和 申 报 表 , 截 ⽌⽇ 期 为 <strong>2022</strong> 年 12⽉30⽇。<br />

3. 继 我 刊 的 微 征 ⽂《 汉 字 ⼿ 书 电 打 之 我 见 》 活 动 取 得 广 泛 影 响 以 来<br />

( 见 张 新 颖 博 ⼠ 的 ⼩ 结 ⽂ 章 ,p.51-55), 编 委 会 决 定 继 续 开 展 第 ⼆<br />

届 微 征 ⽂ 活 动 。 今 年 的 研 讨 题 ⽬ 为 《 汉 语 声 调 教 学 之 我 见 》。 为 更<br />

好 地 开 展 讨 论 与 研 究 , 我 们 特 别 邀 请 了 张 正 ⽣ 教 授 为 ⼤ 家 提 供 了 若<br />

⼲ 思 考 ⽅ 向 , 请 阅 读 活 动 海 报 , 以 填 写 问 卷 的 ⽅ 式 参 加 本 次 微 征 ⽂<br />

活 动 。 答 复 超 过 500 字 的 作 者 将 获 得 期 刊 颁 发 的 荣 誉 证 书 , 截 ⽌⽇<br />

期 为 <strong>2022</strong> 年 12⽉30⽇。<br />

除 了 以 上 三 ⼤ 活 动 以 外 , 其 他 常 规 稿 件 的 主 旨 内 容 、 特 点 、 要 求 与 体 例 介 绍 均 可 在 学 会 ⽹ 站<br />

上 找 到 。 为 ⿎ 励 并 感 谢 教 师 学 者 们 撰 写 、 分 享 ⼼ 得 体 会 , 本 刊<br />

编 辑 委 员 会 在 <strong>CLTA</strong>-US 的 鼎 ⼒⽀ 持 下 , 将 继 续 向 所 有 在 期 刊 上<br />

独 ⽴ 发 表 ⽂ 章 的 作 者 们 颁 发 《 中 ⼩ 学 中 ⽂ 教 学 研 究 优 秀 成 果<br />

奖 》 证 书 (Excellent Achievement Certificate in K-12 Chinese<br />

Curriculum and Instruction Development) ( 参 看 证 书 样 张 , 不 需<br />

要 <strong>CLTA</strong> 会 员 资 格 )。<br />

愿 诸 同 仁 教 学 相 长 , 广 泛 积 累 提 炼 教 学 ⼼ 得 , 并 期 待 拜 读 各 位 的 ⼤ 作 !<br />

韩 慈 磊 代 《 中 ⼩ 学 汉 语 教 学 》 编 辑 委 员 会 敬 邀<br />

k12journal@gmail.com <br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 26

以 下 是 常 规 稿 件 的 主 旨 内 容 , 特 点 , 要 求 与 体 例 等 , 供 您 参 考 。<br />

稿 件 主 旨 内 容 :<br />

• 中 ⽂ 教 学 法 研 究 与 实 践 , 包 括 传 统 和 多 媒 体 课 堂 、 星 谈 课 堂 、 沉 浸 式 课 堂 、 华 裔 课<br />

堂 、⼤ 学 督 导 下 的 中 ⽂ 领 航 项 ⽬ 等 教 学 法 和 测 试 ⽅ 法<br />

• 在 职 以 及 职 前 中 ⽂ 教 师 跨 ⽂ 化 适 应 研 究 与 实 践 以 及 职 业 发 展<br />

• 各 类 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 的 ⼤ 纲 设 计 、 课 堂 管 理 原 则 、 留 学 中 国 、 跨 ⽂ 化 学 习 与 经 验 介 绍<br />

• 教 材 编 辑 及 应 ⽤ 评 介 、 多 媒 体 教 学 平 台 、⽹ 络 教 学 ⼯ 具 创 造 性 实 践 与 反 思<br />

• 中 ⼩ 学 中 ⽂ 师 资 教 育 理 论 与 实 践 , 包 括 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 设 计 、 教 学 法 、⼤ 纲 设 计 、 测 试 ⽅<br />

式 、 课 堂 管 理 、 学 ⽣ 情 感 管 理 与 建 设<br />

• 学 ⽣ 习 作 探 索 反 思 、 教 案 分 析 与 分 享 , 包 括 教 学 、 教 育 政 策 制 定 以 及 项 ⽬ 实 施<br />

• 摘 引 学 界 已 出 版 ⽂ 献 ( 含 书 籍 、 单 篇 论 ⽂), 附 以 个 ⼈ 意 见 或 实 践 经 验<br />

• 各 级 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 开 展 的 培 训 讲 座 回 顾 、 中 ⽂ 教 师 资 格 证 书 项 ⽬ 介 绍 , 以 及<br />

• 以 上 内 容 的 学 术 和 教 学 会 议 的 ⽂ 章<br />

稿 件 特 点 :<br />

• 理 论 实 践 互 相 结 合 , 职 业 发 展 共 享 资 源 , 教 学 研 究 ⼼ 得 荟 萃 ,⽹ 络 交 流 互 动 互 惠<br />

稿 件 要 求 与 体 例 :<br />

• 稿 件 必 须 是 作 者 原 创 , 未 曾 发 表 ( 不 含 待 发 ) 的 作 品 。<br />

• 交 稿 前 须 认 真 检 查 拼 写 与 ⽂ 法 ,⽤ 非 母 语 撰 稿 的 ⽂ 章 交 稿 前 须 经 过 所 ⽤ 语 ⾔ 的 母 语 语<br />

⾔ 专 家 审 稿 。<br />

• 实 证 与 理 论 研 究 性 ⽂ 章 , 英 ⽂ 不 超 过 3000 词 , 中 ⽂ 不 超 过 5000 汉 字 。 其 他 各 类 教 科<br />

研 ⽂ 章 , 英 ⽂500-2000 词 , 中 ⽂800-3000 汉 字 。 中 ⽂ 简 体 、 繁 体 均 可 。<br />

• 以 电 ⼦ 版 形 式 投 稿 , 稿 件 投 递 地 址 :k12journal@gmail.com。<br />

• 格 式 : 中 ⽂ 参 见 《 中 ⼩ 学 汉 语 教 学 》⽹ 络 期 刊 中 ⽂ 学 术 论 ⽂ 体 例 要 求 以 及 常 见 中 ⽂ 字<br />

体 字 号 索 引 ; 英 ⽂ 参 见 American Psychological Association(6th or 7th)《 美 国 ⼼ 理 学 学<br />

会 出 版 ⼿ 册 》 第 6 版 或 者 第 7 版 。<br />

期 刊 初 审 阅 稿 组 采 ⽤ 随 到 随 阅 体 制 , 不 设 截 ⽌ 期 , 在 收 到 ( 符 合 以 上 要 求 的 ) 稿 件 的 两 个<br />

⽉ 内 由 该 领 域 资 深 的 中 ⽂ 教 学 专 家 对 来 稿 进 ⾏ 盲 审 阅 读 评 议 , 做 出 录 ⽤、⼩ 修 、⼤ 修 , 或 者<br />

婉 谢 等 决 定 。 经 修 改 再 阅 、 期 刊 四 ⼤ 委 员 集 体 会 审 , 直 至 电 ⼦ 出 版 以 前 , 期 刊 编 辑 会 跟 您 保<br />

持 沟 通 直 至 定 稿 。 更 多 详 情 请 见 学 会 ⽹ 站 , 投 稿 相 关 问 题 请 洽 期 刊 编 辑 韩 慈 磊 ⽼ 师 。 谢 谢<br />

⼤ 家 , 期 待 您 的 ⽂ 字 分 享 。<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

The <strong>CLTA</strong> Jiede Empirical Research Grant for Chinese Pedagogy /<br />

Chinese Applied Linguistics 皆 得 學 術 研 究 基 ⾦ (<strong>2022</strong>-2023)<br />

<br />

The Chinese Language Teachers Association invites proposals for the Jiede (all-attain)<br />

Empirical Research Grant, established in 2003 by an anonymous member, and enhanced<br />

thereafter by the original donor and other donors. The grant will support empirical<br />

research in Chinese pedagogy and applied linguistics that contributes to building a sound<br />

understanding of teaching and learning Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL). The<br />

recipient will be expected to present a paper at the annual meeting of the <strong>CLTA</strong> or to<br />

submit a progress report at the end of the grant term.<br />

<br />

• Eligibility: Except for university/college tenured associate and full professors,<br />

applications from all teaching professions including assistant professors,<br />

instructors, lecturers, K-12 teachers, heritage school teachers, independent<br />

researchers, and graduate students in registered M.A. or Ph.D. programs who are<br />

current <strong>CLTA</strong> members (active membership from grant application to research<br />

presentation) and conduct empirical research in the Chinese language are welcome<br />

to apply. The recipient should have no other grant support for the same project.<br />

• Application: Submit the following materials electronically to the <strong>CLTA</strong> Award<br />

committee at cltaaward@gmail.com, with the subject line of “<strong>2022</strong> Jiede<br />

Application” by the due date (<strong>September</strong> 30, <strong>2022</strong>).<br />

1. a three to five-page proposal to include a clear description of the research project,<br />

such as the theoretical background, the objectives, research design and methods,<br />

timeline, and budget of the project (itemize in detail). Please do NOT identify<br />

yourself or your institution in the proposal.<br />

2. A separate attachment of a brief (two pages maximum) curriculum vitae, indicating<br />

your current status, institutional affiliation (if any), educational background and<br />

contact information.<br />

<br />

3. The completed award application form.<br />

• Deadline: Proposals must be submitted by <strong>September</strong> 30, <strong>2022</strong>. Applicants will be<br />

notified of results by December 1, <strong>2022</strong>. Please follow the timeline indicated in this<br />

document for the <strong>2022</strong> Jiede Award cycle. <br />

Visit the <strong>CLTA</strong> web site for more information about the Jiede Empirical Research<br />

Grant: https://clta-us.org/awards/jiede-empirical-research-grant/<br />

<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Awards Committee (<strong>2022</strong>-2023)<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 28

The <strong>CLTA</strong> Action Research Award (<strong>2022</strong>-2023)<br />

The Chinese Language Teachers Association invites proposals for the <strong>CLTA</strong> Action<br />

Research Award newly established in 2013. The award will support action research to<br />

improve Chinese language instruction in the classroom setting. The recipient will be<br />

expected to present a paper at the annual meeting of the <strong>CLTA</strong> or to submit a progress<br />

report at the end of the funding period. The funding period normally is one year.<br />

<br />

• Eligibility: With the exception of university and college tenure-track and tenured<br />

faculty, all teaching professionals, including college instructors, lecturers, K-12<br />

teachers, community school teachers and graduate teaching assistants, who are<br />

current <strong>CLTA</strong> members (maintain an active membership from application to<br />

completion) are welcome to apply. The recipient should have no other grant support<br />

for the same project.<br />

• Application: Submit the following documents electronically to the <strong>CLTA</strong> Award<br />

committee at cltaaward@gmail.com, with the subject line of “<strong>2022</strong> Action Research<br />

Application” by the due date (<strong>September</strong> 30, <strong>2022</strong>).<br />

1. A two-to-three-page proposal that provides a clear description of the research<br />

project, including purpose, procedures, timeline (a research cycle of three months or<br />

one semester is recommended), and budget (itemized in detail). The proposal can<br />

be written either in English or in Chinese. Please do NOT identify yourself in<br />

the proposal.<br />

<br />

2. In a separate attachment, send a one-page curriculum vitae indicating your current<br />

status, institutional affiliation (if any), educational background, teaching/research<br />

accomplishment, and contact information.<br />

3. Include the completed Award Application Form<br />

• Deadline: Proposals must be received at the <strong>CLTA</strong> Award committee at<br />

cltaaward@gmail.com by <strong>September</strong> 30, <strong>2022</strong>. Applicants will be notified of results<br />

by December 1, <strong>2022</strong>. Please follow the timeline indicated in this document for the<br />

<strong>2022</strong> Action research Award cycle.<br />

<br />

Visit the <strong>CLTA</strong> web site for more information about the award: https://clta-us.org/awards/<br />

clta-action-research-award/<br />

<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Awards Committee (<strong>2022</strong>-2023)<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Events<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <br />


Events -<strong>CLTA</strong><br />

Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (<strong>CLTA</strong>)<br />

美 國 中 ⽂ 教 師 學 會 ( 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 )<br />

Website: https://clta-us.org<br />

E-mail: clta@andrew.cmu.edu<br />

Title<br />

报 告 主 题<br />

⼿ 机 语 ⾳ 识 别 软<br />

件 与 ⼜ 语 练 习<br />

TBD(heritage<br />

landscape)<br />

ACTFL 阅 读 写<br />

作 ⼜ 语 测 试 在 乔<br />

治 华 盛 顿 ⼤ 学<br />

中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 的 应 ⽤<br />

“ 北 美 学 校 的 中<br />

⽂ 项 ⽬” 系 列 讲<br />

座 ( 六 )<br />

Finding Joy in<br />

the Challenges of<br />

Teaching World<br />

Languages in the<br />

21st Century<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-TEXAS<br />

Pre-Conference:<br />

Quality Talk,<br />

Design Thinking,<br />

Cross-Cultural<br />

Teaching<br />

Speaker<br />

主 讲 ⼈<br />

Penny Wang<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 年 6⽉ 活 动 表<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Events List (June, <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Time 时 间<br />

ET=Eastern Time;<br />

CT=Central Time;<br />

PT=Pacific Time<br />

Zoom link<br />

活 动 链 接<br />

8:00pm-9:00pm, 6/4 Zoom (TBD)<br />

詹 秀 娴 6/24 or 6/25 Zoom (TBD)<br />

Matt Coss<br />

(⾼ 正 远 )<br />

8:00-9:30pm, 6/3<br />

王 静 , 萧 峰 8:00-9:30pm, 6/24<br />

Cara<br />

Heminger<br />

蔡 雅 薰<br />

11:00am-12:30pm<br />

EST, 6/4<br />

7:30-9:30 PM EST,<br />

6/18, 6/24, 6/25<br />

https://fsu.zoom.us/j/<br />

6150115373<br />

https://cmu.zoom.us/j/<br />

99925320900?<br />

pwd=YndDalkrY0k4N<br />

WV6Qm4vaUZwcEly<br />

QT09<br />

https://bit.ly/3wuji71<br />

Program at: https://<br />

tinyurl.com/ycy3e8ca<br />

TBA, registration<br />

required at https://<br />

tinyurl.com/48jzp2mb<br />

Organizer<br />

组 织 ⽅<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG:<br />

Tech<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG:<br />

华 裔 教 学<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG:<br />

汉 语 ⼆ 语<br />

研 究 群<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: ⾼<br />

年 级 中 ⽂ 教<br />

学 <strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG:<br />

初 中 级 中 ⽂<br />

教 学 K-16 中<br />

⽂ 教 学 群<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG:<br />

K12 &<br />

Nevada<br />

Department of<br />

Education<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-<br />

TEXAS<br />

Contact<br />

person<br />

联 系 ⼈<br />

Penny<br />

Wang<br />

王 祥 宁 、<br />

刘 艳<br />

钱 之 莹<br />

刘 刚<br />

刘 仙 泉 、<br />

关 春 梅<br />

李 宇 ⼼<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (<strong>CLTA</strong>)<br />

美 國 中 ⽂ 教 師 學 會 ( 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 )<br />

Website: https://clta-us.org E-mail: clta@andrew.cmu.edu<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 年 7⽉ 活 动 表<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Events List (July, <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Title<br />

报 告 主 题<br />

TCB 教 学 技 术<br />

演 ⽰: 中 ⽂ 阅<br />

读 教 学 ⽹ 站 和<br />

软 件<br />

Speaker<br />

主 讲 ⼈<br />

TCB 教 学<br />

技 术 演 ⽰<br />

Time 时 间<br />

ET=Eastern Time;<br />

CT=Central Time;<br />

PT=Pacific Time<br />

1:00pm ET<br />

7/1<br />

Zoom link<br />

活 动 链 接<br />

Zoom Meeting ID: 931<br />

8184 9890<br />

Pass Code:703855<br />

Organizer<br />

组 织 ⽅<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>- SIG:<br />

Tech 科 技 与 中<br />

⽂ 教 学<br />

Contact<br />

person<br />

联 系 ⼈<br />

Penny<br />

Wang<br />

“ 北 美 学 校 的<br />

中 ⽂ 项 ⽬” 系<br />

列 讲 座 ( 七 )<br />

赵 冉 、<br />

陆 熙 雯<br />

8:00-9:30 pm ET<br />

7/15<br />

https://cmu.zoom.us/j/<br />

99925320900?<br />

pwd=YndDalkrY0k4NW<br />

V6Qm4vaUZwcElyQT09<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: 跨<br />

学 科 ⾼ 年 级 中<br />

⽂ 教 学 <strong>CLTA</strong>-<br />

SIG: 初 中 级 中<br />

⽂ 教 学 K-16 中<br />

⽂ 教 学 群<br />

刘 刚<br />

华 裔 中 ⽂ 教 学<br />

之 观 察 : 以 语<br />

法 、 篇 章 为 例<br />

姚 瑜 雯<br />

8-9pm ET<br />

7/22<br />

Zoom (TBD)<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: 华<br />

裔 教 学<br />

王 祥 宁<br />

刘 艳<br />

汉 语 语 ⾔ 学 等<br />

非 中 ⽂ 课 教 学<br />

⽅ 法 研 讨 会<br />

Anyone<br />

interested<br />

7-8:30 pm ET<br />

7/14<br />

https://fsu.zoom.us/j/<br />

6150115373<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: 汉<br />

语 ⼆ 语 研 究<br />

钱 之 莹<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 32

Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (<strong>CLTA</strong>)<br />

美 國 中 ⽂ 教 師 學 會 ( 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 )<br />

Website: https://clta-us.org E-mail: clta@andrew.cmu.edu<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 年 8⽉ 活 动 表<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Events List (August, <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Title<br />

报 告 主 题<br />

Speaker<br />

主 讲 ⼈<br />

Time 时 间<br />

ET=Eastern Time;<br />

CT=Central Time;<br />

PT=Pacific Time<br />

Zoom link<br />

活 动 链 接<br />

Organizer<br />

组 织 ⽅<br />

Contact<br />

person<br />

联 系 ⼈<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-TEXAS Annual<br />

Conference:<br />

變 中 求 異 、 異 中 求 同<br />

蔡 雅 薰<br />

9:30AM-9:30PM<br />

ET, 8/6 (Sat)<br />

TBA, registration<br />

required at https://<br />

tinyurl.com/<br />

48jzp2mb<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-TX<br />

李 宇 ⼼<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-NC Annual<br />

Conference: 回 归 “ 新<br />

常 态 ”, 拓 展<br />

“ 新 领 域 ”— 推 动 中 ⽂<br />

项 ⽬ 可 持 续 发 展<br />

赵 冉<br />

11AM-4PM ET, <br />

8/6 (Sat)<br />

Registration<br />

required at https://<br />

tinyurl.com/cltanc<strong>2022</strong><br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-NC<br />

刘 羿 彣<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-VA Field Trip:<br />

Smithsonian National<br />

Museum of Asian Art<br />

Museum<br />

Staff<br />

10am-1pm ET, <br />

8/8 (Mon)<br />

Registration<br />

required at https://<br />

forms.gle/<br />

T4CdTecsNuRQr<br />

MY16<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-VA<br />

王 璇<br />

苏 芊<br />

TBD<br />

梁 敏 敏<br />

8:00-9:30PM, <br />

8/13 (Sat)<br />

Zoom (TBD)<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG:<br />

华 裔 教 学<br />

王 祥 寧<br />

刘 艳<br />

“ 北 美 学 校 的 中 ⽂ 项<br />

⽬” 系 列 讲 座 ( 八 )<br />

王 颖<br />

汪 洋<br />

8:00-9:30 pm, <br />

8/19 (Fri)<br />

https://<br />

cmu.zoom.us/j/<br />

99925320900?<br />

pwd=YndDalkrY0<br />

k4NWV6Qm4vaU<br />

ZwcElyQT09<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: 跨 学<br />

科 ⾼ 年 级 中 ⽂ 教<br />

学 , <strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG:<br />

初 、 中 级 中 ⽂ 教<br />

学 K-16 中 ⽂ 教 学<br />

刘 刚<br />

Effective Strategies<br />

for Teaching Tones,<br />

Pronunciation and<br />

Pinyin & Using<br />

Music, Rhymes and<br />

Rhythm to Deepen<br />

Language Learning<br />

and Cultural<br />

Understanding<br />

Heidi<br />

Steele<br />

10am - 3pm PT,<br />

8/21 (Sun)<br />

https://bit.ly/<br />

cltawa8<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-WA<br />

Jingran<br />

Wan<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA (<strong>CLTA</strong>)<br />

美 國 中 ⽂ 教 師 學 會 ( 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 师 学 会 )<br />

Website: https://clta-us.org E-mail: clta@andrew.cmu.edu<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 年 9⽉ 活 动 表 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Events List (<strong>September</strong>, <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

祝 ⽼ 师 们 秋 季 学 期 ⼯ 作 顺 利 !Have a great fall semester!<br />

Title<br />

报 告 主 题<br />

Evaluation as a Part<br />

of Learning Process<br />

AAPPL Assessment<br />

of Proficiency<br />

Maximizing<br />

Language Learning<br />

Success by<br />

Maximizing<br />

Student and Teacher<br />

Flow<br />

北 美 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 系 列<br />

讲 座 ( 九 )<br />

Interpersonal<br />

Speaking and<br />

Writing Tasks<br />

Speaker<br />

主 讲 ⼈<br />

Ms. Zhe<br />

Feng<br />

Dr. Nick<br />

Ziegler<br />

Dr.<br />

Christoph<br />

er Jacobs<br />

许 怡 , <br />

朱 琳<br />

Ms.<br />

Kelleen<br />

Browning<br />

Time 时 间<br />

ET=Eastern Time;<br />

CT=Central Time;<br />

PT=Pacific Time<br />

11:00 am -12:30 pm<br />

ET, 8/27 (Sat)<br />

4:45 pm-6:15 pm ET,<br />

09/07 (Wed)<br />

11:00am-12:30pm<br />

ET, 9/10 (Sat)<br />

8:00-9:30PM,<br />

09/16 (Fri)<br />

11:00am-12:30pm<br />

ET, 9/17 (Sat)<br />

Zoom link<br />

活 动 链 接<br />

http://bit.ly/3d3ioYb<br />

http://bit.ly/<br />

3R5USb'G<br />

http://bit.ly/3bqhuEu<br />

https://cmu.zoom.us/<br />

j/99925320900?<br />

pwd=YndDalkrY0k<br />

4NWV6Qm4vaUZw<br />

cElyQT09<br />

http://bit.ly/3BJ9Srp<br />

Organizer<br />

组 织 ⽅<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: K12<br />

& Nebraska<br />

Department of<br />

Education<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> SIG: K12 &<br />

Nebraska<br />

Department of<br />

Education<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> SIG: K12 &<br />

Nebraska<br />

Department of<br />

Education<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: 跨 学<br />

科 ⾼ 年 级 中 ⽂ 教<br />

学 <strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: 初<br />

中 级 中 ⽂ 教 学<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>- SIG: 项 ⽬<br />

衔 接<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> SIG: K12 &<br />

Nebraska<br />

Department of<br />

Education<br />

Contact<br />

person<br />

联 系 ⼈<br />

刘 仙 泉<br />

关 春 梅<br />

刘 仙 泉<br />

关 春 梅<br />

刘 仙 泉<br />

关 春 梅<br />

刘 刚<br />

刘 仙 泉<br />

关 春 梅<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 34

1. Culture and<br />

Connection in the<br />

Communicative<br />

Classroom-<br />

Process & Progress<br />

with TCI<br />

2. Developing<br />

Proficiency &<br />

Communicative<br />

Competence by<br />

Using High<br />

Frequency<br />

Vocabulary &<br />

Acquisition-Driven<br />

Instruction<br />

Movement in the<br />

Classroom<br />

《 国 际 中 ⽂ 教 育 中<br />

⽂⽔ 平 等 级 标 准 》<br />

与 美 国 中 ⽂ 教 学<br />

( 线 上 ) 国 际 学 术<br />

研 讨 会<br />

Utterance-level<br />

prosody teaching: A<br />

hands-on workshop<br />

on CHIPROT<br />

⾼ 中 与 ⼤ 学 中 ⽂ 项<br />

⽬ 合 作 初 探<br />

The 11th NE<strong>CLTA</strong><br />

Annual Conference<br />

新 英 格 兰 地 区 中 ⽂<br />

教 师 协 会 第 ⼗⼀ 届<br />

中 ⽂ 教 学 国 际 会 议<br />

1.<br />

Wenching<br />

Jiang<br />

姜 ⽂ 靜 <br />

2. Jian Li<br />

李 剑<br />

Mrs.<br />

Yulia<br />

Evans<br />

约 有 20 位<br />

发 ⾔⼈<br />

Dr. Hana<br />

Třísková<br />

刘 艳 、<br />

王 春 梦<br />

9:00am-12:00pm ET,<br />

9/24 (Sat)<br />

11:00am-12:30pm<br />

ET, 9/24 (Sat)<br />

9:00 am -5:00 pm,<br />

ET, 9/24 (Sat)<br />

10:00 - 11:00 am ET,<br />

9/30 (Fri)<br />

8:00-9:30PM,<br />

9/30 (Fri)<br />

9 am - 5 pm,<br />

10/1 (Sat)<br />

registration required:<br />

https://forms.gle/<br />

GsFAWaKLXoZMg<br />

NJQ7<br />

http://bit.ly/3zqry8u<br />

Zoom link: TBA<br />

Zoom (TBA)<br />

https://<br />

virginia.zoom.us/j/<br />

5333530126<br />

In person conference<br />

at Tufts University<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-IN<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> SIG: K12 &<br />

Nebraska<br />

Department of<br />

Education<br />

Organizer: <strong>CLTA</strong><br />

& 汉 考 国 际<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: L2<br />

pronunciation<br />

Teaching and<br />

Research<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIG: 项 ⽬<br />

衔 接 & <strong>CLTA</strong>-<br />

SIG: K12<br />

NE<strong>CLTA</strong><br />

崔 世 玲<br />

刘 仙 泉<br />

关 春 梅<br />

梁 霞<br />

郦 帅<br />

杨 春 ⽣<br />

赵 冉<br />

吴 瑜<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

<strong>CLTA</strong> Membership Benefits<br />

WELCOME! JOIN <strong>CLTA</strong> TODAY!!<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> HEADQUARTERS<br />

Website: https://clta-us.org<br />

E-mail: clta@andrew.cmu.edu<br />

In addition to career development resources and opportunities to network with CFL K-16 professionals, below are<br />

some highlights of <strong>CLTA</strong> members’ privileges:<br />

•To be included in the <strong>CLTA</strong> LISTSERV and receive prompt announcements including job advertisements from<br />

the <strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters<br />

•To apply for awards and grants sponsored by <strong>CLTA</strong><br />

•To join <strong>CLTA</strong> Special Interest Groups (<strong>CLTA</strong>-SIGs) for free<br />

•To access <strong>CLTA</strong> publications such as the CSL Journal, <strong>Newsletter</strong>, K-12 CLT Journal & Selection of <strong>CLTA</strong> K-12<br />

Outstanding Chinese Works<br />

•To publish personal and institutional news in the <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

•To receive information on meetings and conferences sponsored by <strong>CLTA</strong><br />

•To attend, present papers at, and organize panels for these meetings and conferences at discounted rates<br />

•To elect members to the Board of Directors<br />

•To be nominated and elected as members of the Board of Directors<br />

•To attend <strong>CLTA</strong> sponsored activities for free or at a discounted rate<br />

•To nominate students to join the National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society<br />

•To nominate K-12 students to submit their work to the “Selection of <strong>CLTA</strong> K-12 Outstanding Chinese Works” <br />

And more…<br />

NEW! Introduction to <strong>CLTA</strong> short video: Watch the video to learn more about <strong>CLTA</strong> -- who we are and what benefits<br />

we provide for Chinese language educators<br />

(1) Introduction to <strong>CLTA</strong> (Narration in Chinese) https://youtu.be/lN-UFTPEnMs<br />

(2) Introduction to <strong>CLTA</strong> (Narration in English) https://youtu.be/1BQpG5B98k8<br />

Check out the <strong>CLTA</strong> monthly events lists since July 2020: https://clta-us.org/news/clta-events/<br />

Have a smooth and successful fall semester of <strong>2022</strong>!<br />

返 回 ⽬ 录<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 36

I love bookss<br />

BOOK <br />

NEWS<br />

新 <br />

书 <br />

快 <br />

The Accurate Use of Chinese:<br />

Practical Sentence Structures and<br />

Word usage for English Speakers<br />

Wen-Hua Teng<br />

Publisher: Routledge<br />

ISBN: 978-0-367-45609-2<br />

Date of Publication: February, <strong>2022</strong><br />

The Accurate Use of Chinese: Practical Sentence Structures and Word Usage for English<br />

Speakers is a unique learning resource for learners of Chinese who are English speakers.<br />

The primary goal is twofold: to help these learners leverage their existent knowledge in<br />

English and navigate the Chinese system with fewer obstacles; and also to help them<br />

prevent errors of which the underlying cause may be English. This is done through<br />

comparisons of selected grammar topics, language rules and word usages between the two<br />

languages. Grammar topics in English serve as the comparison points from which learners<br />

can gain a deeper understanding of the comparable, but differing structures in Chinese.<br />

The book's comparative approach is unique and innovative, designed to build a more<br />

nuanced and instinctive approach to grammar. A valuable resource for beginners to<br />

advanced learners and instructors of Chinese, the book contextualizes grammar structures<br />

and provides in-depth information not covered in Chinese language textbooks.<br />

The Accurate Use of Chinese<br />

Practical Sentence Structures and Word Usage for <br />

English Speakers<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 38

Teaching and Researching Chinese<br />

Second Language Listening<br />

Wei Cai<br />

Publisher: Rutledge (Taylor & Francis)<br />

ISBN:9780367181895<br />

Teaching and Researching Chinese Second Language Listening focuses on<br />

Chinese L2 listening with theory and pedagogy at its heart. The objectives of the book are<br />

to recount the development of Chinese L2 listening pedagogy, to synthesize research on<br />

Chinese L2 listening, and to propose a Chinese L2 listening approach. <br />

This book is the first to bridge the gap between Chinese L2 and general L2 listening and<br />

develop a much-needed systematic teaching approach to Chinese listening based on<br />

research findings in L2 listening, the unique features of the Chinese language, and the<br />

distinctive characteristics of the Chinese L2 learner population. This book grounds Chinese<br />

L2 teaching in solid theories of L2 acquisition and teaching. The research-informed and<br />

evidence-based Chinese L2 teaching approach proposed in the book seeks to move beyond<br />

the traditional product-oriented approach to integrate form-, meaning-, process-, and<br />

learner-focused listening. This book also discusses Chinese L2 listening from learners’<br />

perspectives: heritage versus non-heritage learners and motivation. These are presented<br />

together with theory and teaching practice. <br />

The book is aimed at researchers, in-service teachers and students taking upper-level<br />

undergraduate courses and post-graduate courses for programs in Chinese applied<br />

linguistics and teaching Chinese as a second language (TCSL).<br />

<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3<br />


Pedagogical Grammar and Grammar Pedagogy <br />

in Chinese as a Second Language<br />

Edited by Fangyuan Yuan, Baozhang He, & Wenze Hu<br />

Publisher: Routledge<br />

ISBN 9780367752460<br />

Pedagogical Grammar and Grammar Pedagogy in<br />

Chinese as a Second Language is the first book in the field of<br />

Chinese as a second language that brings together one overview<br />

article and eleven research studies surrounding the key words<br />

"grammar" "pedagogy" and "Chinese as a second language."<br />

The book is a dedication to the 60th anniversary of the Chinese Language Teachers<br />

Association – U.S. The studies included draw on different theoretical frameworks, adopt a<br />

range of methodological strategies, and address the questions of how grammatical<br />

knowledge should be effectively presented and in what capacity grammar competence<br />

could be better developed in and outside classrooms, based on which pedagogical<br />

recommendations and implications are advanced. The publication of this monograph is<br />

aimed at three goals: to promote a dialogue between the field of Chinese as a second<br />

language and general field of second/foreign language teaching and learning; to bridge a<br />

link among researchers in Chinese linguistics and Chinese applied linguistics; and to<br />

establish a closer tie between research and classroom practices in L2 Chinese.<br />

New release: e·Chinese Tools <br />

Nowadays, the use of technologies is deeply<br />

embedded in the teaching and learning of<br />

foreign languages. Therefore, students and<br />

teachers are compelled to continuously update<br />

their digital skills. Moreover, the need for online<br />

teaching has been spurred by the COVID<br />

pandemics, which has posed new challenges in<br />

this regard. When searching for online tools, one of the main difficulties is the vast amount<br />

and disparity of resources available to both teachers and students, who often feel<br />

overwhelmed due to the lack of time or assessment criteria. In such cases, the potential of<br />

existing resources remains largely unexplored. In this context, we developed an online<br />

open access database of digital resources for Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign<br />

Language. It includes a collection of metadata to satisfy users with different profiles and<br />

needs. In sum, we set up a multilingual (Catalan, Spanish, English and Chinese) and<br />

dynamic website, which can be useful for both teachers and learners who, in turn, will be<br />

able to enrich it through different types of feedback. Check our website and subscribe to<br />

our newsletter to be informed of the latest resources added to the database. <br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 40

Conference<br />

<strong>2022</strong> GWU 研 讨 会 “ 电 写 时 代 的 汉 字 教 学 ” 会 议 报 道 <br />

汉 字 教 学 多 年 来 ⼀ 直 是 ⼆ 语 中 ⽂ 教 学 中 的 瓶 颈 ,“ 汉 字 关 ” 也 时 常 使 ⼆ 语 中 ⽂ 学 习 者 望 ⽽ 却<br />

步 , 或 者 半 途 ⽽ 废 。 所 幸 的 是 , 当 代 电 ⼦ 书 写 的 出 现 和 普 及 终 于 使 汉 字 学 习 瓶 颈 有 望 突 破 。<br />

随 着 科 技 的 快 速 发 展 , 不 仅 拼 ⾳ 输 入 的 键 打 ⽅ 式 已 成 为 国 际 上 通 ⽤ 的 电 写 ⽅ 式 ,⽽ 且 ⼜ 述 转<br />

写 汉 字 的 技 术 也 ⽇ 臻 成 熟 , 并 逐 渐 进 入 中 ⽂ 使 ⽤ 者 的 ⽇ 常 交 际 应 ⽤。 毫 无 疑 问 , 电 写 在 现 实<br />

中 已 取 代 ⼿ 写 成 为 智 能 科 技 时 代 ⽂ 本 书 写 和 书 ⾯ 交 际 的 新 常 态 。 对 ⼆ 语 中 ⽂ 教 学 ⽽⾔, 汉 字<br />

教 学 的 主 导 ⽅ 式 从 ⼿ 写 向 电 写 模 式 转 型 已 属 必 然 。<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 年 7⽉30-31⽇, 乔 治 华 盛 顿 ⼤ 学 (George Washington University / GWU) 举 ⾏ 了<br />

以 “ 电 写 时 代 的 汉 字 教 与 学 ” 为 主 题 的 线 上 研 讨 会 , 探 讨 电 写 汉 字 教 学 的 创 新 、 收 效 、 和 新<br />

⽅ 向 , 帮 助 学 ⽣ 从 根 本 上 解 决 汉 字 难 学 的 困 扰 。 本 次 会 议 是 国 际 上 的 ⾸ 届 “ 汉 字 电 写 教 学 ” 专<br />

题 研 讨 会 , 受 到 世 界 各 地 ⼆ 语 中 ⽂ 教 师 的 广 泛 关 注 。 会 议 注 册 ⼈ 数 达 650⼈, 会 议 全 程 参 会<br />

者 保 持 在 300-350⼈。 参 会 者 包 括 北 美 、 亚 洲 、 欧 洲 、 澳 洲 等 至 少 15 个 国 家 / 地 区 的 ⼀ 线 教<br />

师 、 学 者 和 在 读 研 究 ⽣。 研 讨 会 分 为 主 旨 演 讲 、 专 题 报 告 、 学 ⽣ 和 成 功 的 学 习 者 访 谈 、 以 及<br />

圆 桌 论 坛 四 个 版 块 , 从 理 论 探 讨 、 实 证 研 究 、 教 学 实 践 、 学 习 体 验 、 经 验 反 思 等 角 度 对 汉 字<br />

电 写 教 学 进 ⾏ 多 ⽅ 位 的 研 讨 交 流 , 获 得 与 会 者 的 热 烈 反 响 。 研 讨 会 后 的 第 ⼆ 天 , 有 约 340⼈<br />

参 加 了 两 场 汉 字 教 学 研 习 班 , 从 课 堂 教 学 实 施 的 层 ⾯ 进 ⼀ 步 探 讨 电 写 训 练 、 测 评 、 以 及 脱 离<br />

⼿ 写 的 汉 字 知 识 课 程 设 计 。 <br />

会 议 报 告 讨 论 概 要 <br />

1. 主 旨 演 讲 (New Directions)<br />

储 诚 志 (U of California, Davis) 做 了 题 为 《 电 写 时 代 国 际 中 ⽂ 教 育 中 的 ⼯ 具 汉 字 和 ⽂ 化<br />

汉 字 》 的 演 讲 , 从 学 理 思 考 和 教 学 应 ⽤ 的 角 度 系 统 论 证 了 当 今 时 代 以 “ 电 写 为 主 ” 的 汉 字 教 学<br />

改 ⾰ 的 合 理 性 、 必 要 性 和 紧 迫 性 。 他 提 出 “⽂ 化 汉 字 ” 和 “⼯ 具 汉 字 ” 的 概 念 , 以 此 澄 清 ⼆ 语 中<br />

⽂ 教 师 对 汉 字 的 ⽂ 化 属 性 和 ⼯ 具 属 性 及 其 关 系 的 普 遍 误 解 , 指 出 “ 电 写 为 主 ” 的 教 学 转 型 不 仅<br />

不 会 削 弱 反 ⽽ 有 利 于 促 进 汉 字 ⽂ 化 的 国 际 教 育 。<br />

蒋 楠 (U of Maryland) 的 演 讲 题 ⽬ 是 《 汉 外 语 学 ⽣ 的 分 析 性 汉 字 识 别 及 其 教 学 应 对 》,<br />

介 绍 了 他 有 关 汉 语 学 习 者 分 析 性 识 字 的 研 究 , 并 讨 论 了 如 何 在 教 学 中 帮 助 学 习 者 逐 渐 形 成 整<br />

体 识 字 ( 即 整 字 整 词 处 理 ) 的 能 ⼒, 以 免 学 习 者 在 阅 读 时 习 惯 性 地 耽 搁 于 分 析 字 的 细 节 、 降<br />

低 阅 读 效 率 。 <br />

2. 专 题 报 告 (Innovations in Theory and Practice) <br />

张 正 ⽣ (San Diego State U, California) 报 告 题 ⽬ 为 《 打 字 与 技 能 整 合 》, 他 强 调 汉 字 学<br />

习 的 成 本 效 益 , 总 结 了 打 字 的 优 势 ,“⼀⽯ 数 鸟 ”, 可 有 效 地 训 练 多 种 技 能 , 同 时 可 加 强 拼 ⾳<br />

和 发 ⾳、 强 化 同 ⾳ 字 的 辨 析 能 ⼒, 并 可 缩 短 语 ⾔ 和 ⽂ 字 之 间 的 距 离 。<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

何 ⽂ 潮 (U of Rhode Island) 报 告 了 《 从 三 种 处 理 汉 字 教 学 模 式 看 “ 电 脑 中 ⽂” 的 可 ⾏ 性 和<br />

必 要 性 》。 何 教 授 早 在 20 年 前 就 提 出 并 率 先 尝 试 “ 电 脑 中 ⽂” 教 学 模 式 , 此 次 报 告 中 他 分 析 了<br />

并 进 型 、 缓 进 型 、 及 缺 进 型 三 种 汉 字 教 学 模 式 , 并 以 罗 德 岛 ⼤ 学 中 ⽂ 领 航 项 ⽬ 的 成 功 实 践 和<br />

显 著 成 效 进 ⼀ 步 说 明 “ 电 脑 中 ⽂” 在 该 项 ⽬ 实 施 ⽅ 案 中 的 关 键 作 ⽤。 <br />

张 霓 (George Washington U) 的 题 ⽬ 是 《 释 放 潜 能 可 事 半 功 倍 -- 重 构 CFL 初 级 汉 字 教<br />

学 》, 报 告 她 2015 年 以 来 的 初 级 班 课 堂 实 证 研 究 。 她 指 出 拼 ⾳ 键 打 与 ⼿ 写 属 于 两 类 完 全 不 同<br />

的 信 息 处 理 过 程 ,⽽ 键 打 ⽅ 式 在 认 知 过 程 和 记 忆 上 更 有 优 势 。 她 的 实 证 研 究 数 据 表 明 , 拼 ⾳<br />

键 打 为 主 的 电 写 训 练 收 效 显 著 , 有 效 地 促 进 了 学 ⽣ 的 词 汇 学 习 、 汉 字 认 读 以 及 电 写 技 能 的 发<br />

展 。 <br />

⾼ 正 远 (George Washington U) 重 点 讨 论 了 从 中 级 开 始 的 汉 字 教 学 及 其 课 程 设 置 , 提 出 了<br />

汉 字 教 学 不 可 简 单 地 与 “ 写 字 ” 教 学 混 为 ⼀ 谈 ,⽽ 应 在 电 写 为 主 的 汉 字 教 学 模 式 中 进 ⾏ 系 统 性<br />

的 教 学 设 计 , 伴 随 学 ⽣ 整 体 性 汉 字 习 得 起 到 提 ⾼ 汉 字 能 ⼒(Hanzi Proficiency) 和 学 习 动 ⼒ 的 关<br />

键 作 ⽤。 他 提 出 ⼀ 套 汉 字 部 件 知 识 的 系 统 教 学 ⽅ 案 , 使 学 ⽣ 能 举 ⼀ 反 三 , 从 ⽽ 在 其 知 识 体 系<br />

中 有 效 地 建 ⽴ 起 与 汉 字 相 关 的 知 识 ⽹ 络 。<br />

3. 学 习 者 访 谈 (Learner Perceptions and Experiences)<br />

⾼ 正 远 (GWU) 主 持 了 两 组 学 习 者 访 谈 。 ⼀ 组 是 GWU 不 同 年 级 中 ⽂ 班 的 五 个 学 ⽣, 他<br />

们 分 享 了 各 ⾃ 的 汉 字 学 习 体 验 和 收 获 , 介 绍 ⾃⼰ 如 何 在 没 有 ⼿ 写 要 求 的 情 况 下 获 得 汉 字 学 习<br />

的 快 速 进 步 与 汉 字 知 识 。 另 ⼀ 组 是 包 括 ⾼⽼ 师 ⾃⼰ 在 内 的 三 位 以 英 语 为 母 语 的 美 国 中 ⽂ 教<br />

师 。 他 们 回 顾 了 ⾃⼰ 以 往 的 ⼿ 写 汉 字 历 程 , 以 “ 过 来 ⼈” 的 身 份 谈 论 了 ⼿ 写 的 利 弊 , 并 从 本 ⼟<br />

中 ⽂ 教 师 的 角 度 具 体 说 明 了 “ 电 写 为 主 ” 对 于 学 习 者 的 益 处 和 必 要 性 。 访 谈 之 中 , 无 论 是 正 在<br />

学 习 中 还 是 已 经 学 有 所 成 的 学 习 者 , 都 通 过 ⾃ 身 中 ⽂ 能 ⼒ 的 实 际 提 升 和 学 习 动 ⼒ 的 加 强 这 两<br />

个 指 标 来 现 身 说 法 ,⾼ 度 认 可 并 坚 定 ⽀ 持 电 写 为 主 的 ⼆ 语 汉 字 教 学 转 向 。<br />

4. 圆 桌 讨 论 (Challenges and Opportunities for Programs, Pedagogy, and Curricula)<br />

储 诚 志 (UC Davis) 主 持 了 这 场 讨 论 , 美 国 和 加 拿 ⼤ 四 所 ⼤ 学 ⼀ 所 ⾼ 中 六 位 ⼀ 线 教 师 和<br />

课 程 负 责 ⼈ 依 次 报 告 , 之 后 进 ⾏ 互 动 问 答 。 这 个 长 达 2.5⼩ 时 的 圆 桌 讨 论 ⽣ 动 具 体 地 展 现 了<br />

部 分 美 加 ⼤ 学 和 中 学 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 的 汉 字 电 写 教 学 的 探 索 历 程 和 可 喜 成 就 。⽼ 师 们 分 别 介 绍 了 各<br />

⾃ 在 课 程 设 置 和 教 学 中 的 改 ⾰ 尝 试 、 遇 到 的 各 种 挑 战 与 应 对 措 施 、 教 学 成 效 、 以 及 超 出 预 期<br />

的 学 习 成 效 和 ⼤ 幅 提 升 的 课 程 注 册 率 。 这 些 教 学 实 践 对 探 索 电 写 在 各 层 级 课 堂 的 具 体 实 施 提<br />

供 了 非 常 有 价 值 的 参 考 。<br />

研 习 班 概 要 <br />

1. 张 霓 (Phyllis Zhang, GWU)《L2 中 ⽂ 初 级 班 的 电 写 训 练 与 测 评 ⽅ 式 》 <br />

汉 字 教 学 中 为 什 么 电 写 优 于 ⼿ 写 ? 如 何 从 ⼿ 写 向 电 写 转 型 ? 如 何 构 建 ⼀ 套 合 理 可 ⾏、 并 有<br />

可 持 续 性 的 电 写 训 练 程 序 ? 张 ⽼ 师 重 点 讨 论 了 拼 ⾳ 键 打 ⽅ 式 在 CFL 汉 字 教 学 中 的 合 理 性 和 可<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 42

⾏ 性 , 并 以 GWU 初 级 班 为 例 , 探 讨 了 L2 汉 字 教 学 的 重 新 定 位 和 新 ⽬ 标 , 电 写 训 练 策 略 、 程<br />

序 、 针 对 性 的 练 习 设 计 、 以 及 各 类 汉 字 读 写 技 能 测 评 策 略 。 <br />

2. ⾼ 正 远 (Matt Coss, GWU)《 不 写 汉 字 怎 么 学 汉 字 ? 电 写 时 代 的 L2 汉 字 教 与 学 》 <br />

⾼⽼ 师 重 点 介 绍 了 如 何 在 电 写 为 主 的 汉 字 教 学 课 程 设 置 中 为 各 级 L2 中 ⽂ 学 习 者 构 建 并 实 施<br />

灵 活 有 趣 、⾏ 之 有 效 的 汉 字 教 学 。 他 以 ⾃ 编 的 多 个 主 题 单 元 的 配 套 教 学 材 料 为 例 , 介 绍 了 不<br />

动 笔 写 汉 字 的 教 学 模 式 , 包 括 汉 字 知 识 、 规 律 、 辨 识 , 测 试 范 例 , 以 及 学 ⽣ 习 作 。 教 学 实 例<br />

说 明 , 全 ⾯ 且 系 统 性 学 习 汉 字 知 识 并 非 依 赖 于 ⼿ 写 汉 字 。 通 过 电 写 既 能 提 ⾼ 学 ⽣ 的 中 ⽂ 沟 通<br />

能 ⼒ 和 学 习 动 ⼒, 也 能 帮 助 学 ⽣ 储 备 有 关 汉 字 的 ⽂ 化 知 识 ,⽽ 且 效 果 更 好 。<br />

L2 汉 字 教 学 新 篇 章 <br />

⼯ 具 的 换 代 带 来 操 作 ⽅ 式 的 改 变 、 教 学 观 念 的 更 新 和 训 练 程 序 的 重 构 。 与 会 者 们 认 识 到 ⼿ 写<br />

为 主 的 汉 字 教 学 不 仅 与 现 今 数 字 化 主 导 的 书 写 的 新 常 态 相 脱 节 ,⽽ 且 在 相 当 程 度 上 还 降 低 学<br />

习 效 率 、 阻 碍 学 习 者 语 ⾔ 技 能 的 进 步 与 发 挥 。 因 此 , 键 打 ⽅ 式 不 应 只 作 为 书 写 教 学 的 辅 助 内<br />

容 ,⽽ 应 当 代 替 传 统 的 ⼿ 写 成 为 主 要 的 技 能 训 练 ⽬ 标 , 系 统 地 纳 入 各 年 级 的 ⼆ 语 中 ⽂ 教 程 之<br />

中 。 与 会 者 们 ⾼ 度 赞 扬 会 议 多 ⽅ 位 的 探 讨 分 享 , 希 望 更 多 的 L2 中 ⽂ 学 界 同 仁 以 开 放 的 ⼼ 态 认<br />

识 和 思 考 “ 电 写 为 主 ” 的 ⼆ 语 汉 字 教 学 新 ⽅ 向 、 积 极 探 索 尝 试 , 推 动 新 时 代 的 汉 字 教 学 的 改 ⾰<br />

和 转 型 。<br />

<br />

更 多 信 息 及 会 议 分 享 材 料 : <br />

• Presentation abstracts /PPTs:https://eall.columbian.gwu.edu/actiongwu-<strong>2022</strong>-program<br />

• Phyllis Zhang's workshop presentations: 初 级 班 电 写 训 练 与 测 评 ⽅ 式 ( 分 段 ) <br />

• Matt Coss’s workshop presentation: 不 写 汉 字 怎 么 学 汉 字 ...( 完 整 )<br />

相 关 ⽂ 献 参 考 :<br />

• Jiang, N., Hou, F., & Jiang, X. (2020). Analytic versus holistic recognition of Chinese words<br />

among L2 learners. Modern Language Journal, 104 (3). pp. 1-14. http//:doi.org/10.1111/<br />

modl.12662<br />

• Lu, X., Ostrow, K. S., & Heffernan, N. T. (2019). Save your strokes: Chinese handwriting<br />

practice makes for ineffective use of instructional time in second language classrooms.<br />

AERA Open. https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858419890326<br />

• Zhang, P. N. (2021). Typing to Replace Handwriting: Effectiveness of the Typing-Primary<br />

Approach for L2 Chinese Beginners. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language<br />

Teaching, 12 (2), Dec. 2021, pp1-28. http://www.tclt.us/journal/2021v12n2/zhangn.pdf<br />

• 张 新 颖 (<strong>2022</strong>). 微 征 ⽂“ 汉 字 ⼿ 书 电 打 之 我 见 ” 活 动 ⼩ 结 . Chinese Language Teachers<br />

Association-- K-12 Journal (5), April <strong>2022</strong>, pp. 51-56. <br />

( 供 稿 :Phyllis Zhang/ 张 霓 , Matt Coss/⾼ 正 远 )<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Conference<br />

“ 电 写 为 主 ” 汉 字 教 学 的 可 喜 探 索 <br />

<strong>2022</strong> 年 GWU “ 电 写 时 代 的 L2 汉 字 教 与 学 研 讨 会 之 教 师 圆 桌 论 坛 ” 简 报 <br />

(Chengzhi Chu/ 储 诚 志 供 稿 ) <br />

虽 然 现 实 ⽣ 活 中 的 中 ⽂ 书 ⾯ 交 际 早 就 是 “ 电 写 为 主 ”, 已 经 很 少 ⼿ 写 , 但 ⽬ 前 国 际 上 的 中 ⽂ 教 学 课 堂 中<br />

仍 然 还 在 强 调 ⼿ 写 , 要 求 学 ⽣ 每 个 字 都 ⼀ 笔 ⼀ 画 地 练 习 , 这 与 当 今 社 会 的 书 ⾯ 交 际 现 实 和 ⽂ 字 书 写<br />

的 发 展 趋 势 不 相 ⼀ 致 。 但 同 时 , 也 有 ⼀ 些 中 ⽂ 教 师 充 分 认 识 到 汉 字 教 学 与 时 俱 进 的 必 要 , 在 各 ⾃ 学<br />

校 进 ⾏ 了 “ 电 写 为 主 ”( 如 拼 ⾳ 键 打 ) 的 教 学 探 索 , 取 得 了 宝 贵 的 经 验 和 可 喜 的 成 绩 。 乔 治 华 盛 顿 ⼤ 学<br />

<strong>2022</strong> 年 7⽉ 举 办 的 以 “ 电 写 时 代 的 L2 汉 字 教 与 学 ” 为 主 题 的 中 ⽂ 教 学 研 讨 会 , 特 意 组 织 了 ⼀ 个 汉 字 电 写<br />

教 学 的 教 师 圆 桌 论 坛 , 由 加 州 ⼤ 学 戴 维 斯 分 校 的 储 诚 志 主 持 , 美 国 和 加 拿 ⼤ 的 四 所 ⼤ 学 和 美 国 ⼀ 所<br />

⾼ 中 的 六 位 ⼀ 线 中 ⽂ 教 师 和 项 ⽬/ 年 级 主 管 作 具 体 分 享 。 从 数 年 到 ⼗ 数 年 , 这 些 学 校 的 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 在<br />

“ 电 写 为 主 ” 汉 字 教 学 转 型 之 路 上 都 进 ⾏ 了 卓 有 成 效 的 探 索 , 并 且 在 探 索 中 见 证 了 学 ⽣ 整 体 中 ⽂⽔ 平 和<br />

汉 语 书 ⾯ 交 际 能 ⼒ 的 明 显 提 升 和 学 习 兴 趣 的 保 持 加 强 , 中 ⽂ 课 程 的 注 册 ⼈ 数 也 都 有 明 显 增 加 。 六 位<br />

⽼ 师 在 论 坛 上 报 告 了 各 ⾃ 的 探 索 历 程 、 实 际 作 法 、 具 体 成 就 、 经 验 思 考 、 和 需 要 注 意 的 问 题 。 论 坛<br />

吸 引 了 美 、 加 和 世 界 多 国 近 300 名 ⼤ 中 ⼩ 学 中 ⽂ 教 师 和 研 究 ⽣ 在 线 积 极 参 与 , 论 坛 最 后 还 进 ⾏ 较 长 时<br />

间 的 互 动 讨 论 , 反 响 ⼗ 分 热 烈 。 下 ⾯ 是 这 六 位 ⽼ 师 各 ⾃ 撰 写 的 报 告 概 要 。 <br />

梁 宁 辉 (Yale University) : 耶 鲁 ⼤ 学 ⾮ 华 裔 初 、 中 级 中 ⽂ 课 ⾃2019 年 开 始 调 整 教 学 ⽬ 标 , 实 ⾏“ 电 写 为<br />

主 、⼿ 写 为 辅 ” 的 汉 字 教 学 改 ⾰。⼀ 年 级 中 ⽂ 课 取 消 了 ⼿ 写 汉 字 的 作 业 , 每 学 期 增 加 了 ⼗ 多 次 编 写 对<br />

话 和 ⼩ 短 ⽂ 写 作 的 练 习 。 学 ⽣ 们 ⼏ 天 后 即 可 与 ⽼ 师 或 TA 进 ⾏ 书 ⾯ 问 候 和 中 英 ⽂ 参 杂 的 交 流 , 很 快 即<br />

可 ⼩ 段 表 达 , 到 期 末 已 可 写 作 五 六 百 字 作 ⽂。 学 ⽣ 学 习 效 率 ⼤ 幅 提 ⾼, 更 增 强 了 对 汉 字 学 习 的 ⾃ 信<br />

⼼ 和 成 就 感 。⼆ 年 级 中 ⽂ 课 则 完 全 取 消 了 汉 字 ⼿ 写 考 试 , 采 ⽤ 电 脑 测 评 。 作 业 增 加 了 ⼤ 量 真 实 材 料<br />

的 泛 读 练 习 和 快 速 电 写 作 ⽂ 的 训 练 , 如 使 ⽤Google Docs 互 助 写 作 , 使 ⽤Perusall 阅 读 并 书 ⾯ 讨 论 等 。<br />

学 ⽣ 的 写 作 能 ⼒ 明 显 增 强 , 写 作 速 度 加 快 , 内 容 更 丰 富 , 表 达 更 深 ⼊。 近 两 年 的 期 末 问 卷 调 查 显<br />

⽰, 汉 字 教 学 改 ⾰ 受 到 学 ⽣ 普 遍 欢 迎 , 电 写 汉 字 使 中 ⽂ 学 习 轻 松 愉 快 、⾼ 效 快 捷 !<br />

陆 熙 雯 (Brandeis University): 布 兰 戴 斯 ⼤ 学 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 2007 年 起 试 ⾏ 电 写 改 ⾰,2010 年 全 ⾯⽤ 电 写 取 代<br />

⼿ 写 。 电 写 基 本 原 则 是 : 听 、 说 、 读 、 打 并 重 , 强 调 认 读 汉 字 ⽽⾮ 拼 ⾳。 初 学 阶 段 要 求 打 字 从 第 ⼀<br />

天 学 起 , 采 ⽤ 整 词 、 整 句 输 ⼊ 法 , 强 化 语 ⾳、 字 形 、 意 义 ⼀ 体 化 练 习 。 中 低 年 级 不 要 求 ⼿ 写 汉 字 ,<br />

通 过 阅 读 理 解 练 习 提 ⾼ 学 ⽣ 认 读 ⽔ 平 。⾼ 年 级 可 ⾃⾏ 选 择 是 否 ⼿ 写 。 电 写 改 ⾰ 的 主 要 挑 战 包 括 如 何<br />

帮 助 学 ⽣ 记 忆 单 词 , 如 何 减 少 打 错 字 、 错 词 , 以 及 ⽹ 络 词 典 的 使 ⽤ 规 范 等 , 探 索 出 ⼀ 套 应 对 挑 战 的<br />

教 学 ⽅ 法 。 改 ⾰ 以 来 中 ⽂ 学 习 ⼈ 数 由 2007 年 的 186⼈ 增 ⾄2019 年 的 420⼈。 学 ⽣ 成 就 感 提 ⾼, 学 习 效 果<br />

提 升 , 语 ⾔ 能 ⼒ 得 到 快 速 发 展 : 学 习 ⼀ 学 期 即 可 闭 卷 写 作 300-500 字 , 电 写 三 学 期 后 抽 样 测 试 OPI 结 果<br />

显 ⽰,2/3 学 ⽣ 达 到 中 级 中 等 ⽔ 平 (Intermediate Mid)。<br />

钱 之 莹 (Florida State University): 佛 罗 ⾥ 达 州 ⽴⼤ 学 的 电 写 教 学 成 效 表 明 注 重 汉 字 认 读 和 电 写 策 略 对 中<br />

⽂ 项 ⽬ 学 ⽣⼈ 数 有 显 著 的 提 升 作 ⽤。 具 体 措 施 如 下 :1) 所 有 考 试 ⼀ 律 不 考 ⼿ 写 汉 字 ;2) 课 堂 听 写 从 ⼿<br />

写 汉 字 改 为 认 读 汉 字 ;3) 作 业 从 写 字 改 为 打 字 。 电 写 汉 字 的 语 ⾔ 学 原 理 是 建 ⽴ 起 语 ⾳ 与 ⽂ 字 之 间 的 链<br />

接 , 从 ⽽ 降 低 汉 语 学 习 的 难 度 。 这 些 认 读 和 电 写 为 主 的 措 施 实 施 后 学 ⽣⼈ 数 迅 速 提 ⾼。2018 年 秋 季<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 44

三 个 零 起 点 班 的 注 册 ⼈ 数 仅 为 34⼈, 经 过 ⼀ 个 学 期 的 电 写 为 主 的 尝 试 ,2019 年 春 季 和 秋 季 的 五 个 零 起<br />

点 班 全 部 注 册 满 , 总 ⼈ 数 达 到 104⼈。 以 项 ⽬ 总 体 ⽽⾔, 改 ⾰ 前 的 2014-2018 年 中 ⽂ 课 总 学 ⽣⼈ 数 不 断<br />

下 降 , 五 年 内 下 降 了 30%。 改 ⾰ 后 ⼈ 数 逐 年 上 升 ,2021 年 的 学 ⽣⼈ 数 ⽐2018 年 上 升 了 46%, 创 了 有 记<br />

录 以 来 的 新 ⾼。 <br />

王 蒨 (University of British Columbia): 加 拿 ⼤ 不 列 颠 哥 伦 ⽐ 亚 ⼤ 学 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬⾃2015 年 开 始 试 ⾏ 以 电 打<br />

为 主 的 综 合 教 学 ⽅ 法 。 教 学 改 ⾰ 将 重 点 放 在 减 少 重 复 性 ⼿ 写 训 练 , 设 计 少 ⽽ 精 的 针 对 性 ⼿ 写 练 习 以<br />

帮 助 学 ⽣⾼ 效 记 忆 汉 字 形 态 。 具 体 措 施 为 : 电 打 为 主 , 涵 盖 ⽣ 字 、 语 法 、 阅 读 、 听 ⼒、 写 作 等 练<br />

习 。⼿ 写 电 打 互 补 的 设 计 有 助 于 减 少 学 习 起 点 不 同 的 学 ⽣ 之 间 的 差 异 , 促 使 所 有 学 ⽣ 在 同 等 学 习 时<br />

间 内 有 效 地 增 加 与 ⽬ 标 语 的 接 触 、 增 ⼤ 语 ⾔ 产 出 。 实 践 过 程 中 ,⼗⼏ 位 对 电 打 接 受 程 度 不 同 的 ⽼ 师<br />

逐 渐 观 察 到 电 打 的 优 势 , 从 怀 疑 和 被 动 接 受 过 渡 到 欢 迎 和 主 动 尝 试 运 ⽤。 这 些 努 ⼒⽴ 竿 见 影 , 使 我<br />

们 在 全 球 中 ⽂ 学 习 ⼈ 数 降 低 ⼤ 潮 中 学 ⽣⼈ 数 不 降 反 升 : 从 2013 年 的 2,500⼈ 迅 速 上 升 并 稳 定 在 3,500 的<br />

年 注 册 ⼈ 数 的 新 ⾼ 度 , 其 中 ⼀ 年 级 注 册 ⼈ 数 稳 定 在 550⼈ 的 范 围 。⽽ 更 令 ⼈ 欣 喜 的 变 化 是 从 ⼀ 年 级 升<br />

⼊⼆ 年 级 、 三 年 级 的 ⼈ 数 也 稳 步 上 升 。 这 些 变 化 说 明 以 电 打 为 基 础 的 教 学 设 计 提 ⾼ 了 汉 语 教 学 的 公<br />

平 性 , 使 得 不 同 汉 字 ⼿ 写 背 景 的 学 ⽣ 可 以 不 畏 惧 汉 字 并 且 有 同 等 获 得 成 功 的 可 能 性 , 从 ⽽ 也 激 发 他<br />

们 继 续 学 习 的 动 ⼒。<br />

王 祥 宁 (University of British Columbia): 相 较 于 ⾮ 华 裔 学 ⽣, 加 拿 ⼤ 不 列 颠 哥 伦 ⽐ 亚 ⼤ 学 中 ⽂ 项 ⽬ 华<br />

裔 ⼀ 年 级 学 ⽣ 的 起 点 差 异 性 更 ⼤, 对 于 学 习 简 繁 体 的 需 求 也 各 不 相 同 , 因 此 电 打 的 ⽅ 式 更 能 体 现 出<br />

包 容 性 与 公 平 性 。 华 裔 班 也 着 重 调 动 华 裔 学 ⽣ 的 学 习 能 动 性 , 让 学 ⽣ 尝 试 ⾃⼰ 选 择 重 要 ⽣ 词 ,⽽⾮<br />

指 定 性 、 重 复 性 的 ⼿ 写 练 习 。 在 课 上 练 习 阅 读 与 缮 打 短 ⽂, 并 相 互 纠 错 的 ⽣⽣ 协 作 ⽅ 式 , 也 提 ⾼ 了<br />

华 裔 学 ⽣ 的 认 字 、 注 意 错 别 字 与 交 流 的 能 ⼒。 通 过 电 打 , 学 ⽣ 社 群 也 能 有 更 多 分 享 作 品 、 交 流 意 见<br />

的 机 会 , 扩 ⼤ 了 词 汇 量 ; 同 时 也 让 华 裔 学 ⽣ 能 与 家 ⼈ 在 微 信 、LINE 上 有 更 多 “ 说 不 出 ⼜” 的 情 感 交<br />

流 , 并 与 更 ⼤ 的 中 ⽂ 社 群 进 ⾏ 互 动 , 例 如 在 ⼩ 红 书 等 社 交 平 台 上 的 分 享 。 这 些 学 ⽤ 结 合 的 活 动 提 ⾼<br />

了 华 裔 学 ⽣ 真 实 语 料 的 阅 读 输 ⼊ 量 、⽂ 化 理 解 的 能 ⼒ 以 及 对 中 ⽂ 社 群 的 认 同 与 连 结 , 更 进 ⽽ 强 化 了<br />

他 们 继 续 学 习 中 ⽂ 的 兴 趣 与 动 机 。<br />

张 新 颖 (Holland Hall Upper School): 荷 兰 霍 尔 ⾼ 中 中 ⽂⾼ 级 班 ,AP 和 Honor 课 程 中 100% 运 ⽤ 电 打 教<br />

学 。 这 些 ⾼ 级 班 学 ⽣ 有 很 坚 实 的 拼 ⾳ 及 汉 字 基 础 , 电 写 让 他 们 如 虎 添 翼 , 在 国 际 写 作 中 屡 次 获 奖 ,<br />

并 出 版 了 作 品 。 初 级 班 也 采 取 100% 电 打 教 学 , 包 括 让 学 ⽣ 打 课 ⽂ 要 求 的 词 组 、 课 ⽂ 以 及 语 法 例 句 ,<br />

以 此 提 ⾼ 学 ⽣ 的 识 字 、 打 字 和 写 作 能 ⼒。 但 在 电 写 教 学 的 同 时 , 中 学 ⽼ 师 也 会 遇 到 来 ⾃ 家 长 及 学 校<br />

的 挑 战 。 华 裔 家 长 们 常 会 把 电 打 ⽅ 式 视 为 ⽼ 师 不 够 负 责 , 孩 ⼦ 没 有 学 到 知 识 。 有 些 学 校 的 教 研 组 长<br />

和 校 长 不 清 楚 汉 字 书 写 的 繁 琐 程 度 及 所 需 要 的 时 间 , 因 此 考 试 的 时 候 要 求 学 ⽣⼿ 写 答 卷 , 造 成 了 考<br />

试 与 教 学 的 形 式 不 同 ,⽆ 法 兼 容 , 也 ⽆ 法 测 出 学 ⽣ 的 真 实 ⽔ 平 。 这 就 需 要 让 家 长 和 校 ⽅ 对 电 打 教 学<br />

⽅ 式 有 更 多 的 了 解 , 同 时 仍 需 要 中 ⼩ 学 教 师 们 不 断 探 索 努 ⼒, 及 时 应 变 , 寻 求 最 可 ⾏ 的 解 决 办 法 。 <br />

了 解 更 多 信 息 :<br />

• PPT 分 享 :https://eall.columbian.gwu.edu/actiongwu-<strong>2022</strong>-program<br />

• 观 看 圆 桌 讨 论 视 频 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Fluency Link<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 46

CMU<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/modlang/academics/online-languageprograms/instructors.html<br />

https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/modlang/<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 48


2023 Virginia STARTALK Chinese Teacher Academy at the University<br />

of Virginia—Hometown of the 3 rd US president, Thomas Jefferson<br />

<br />

The 2023 Virginia STARTALK Chinese TEACHER Academy celebrates its 14th<br />

anniversary and marks its 6th year in leading national pioneering work on online teaching in<br />

Mandarin Chinese. With proven excellence and glowing testimonials from teacher<br />

participants since 2008, the program at the University of Virginia (UVA) has established an<br />

excellent reputation for academic rigor and quality training and continues to inspire Chinese<br />

language educators. Through UVA STARTALK’s innovative training model, participants<br />

develop strong global leadership for teaching in Mandarin Chinese through face-to-face,<br />

hybrid, and online instructional modes. <br />

<br />

The 2023 program aims to recruit 12 passionate teachers nationwide. The recruited<br />

teachers will actively engage in synchronous and asynchronous interactive platforms and<br />

onsite training. The three-week online teacher program begins with one week of ONLINE<br />

asynchronous training (June 26–30), followed by two weeks of IN-PERSON training (July 3–<br />

14) at the Academic Village of the University of Virginia. Intensive summer training is<br />

followed and strengthened by post-program coaching activities in the fall. <br />

<br />

The teacher training program offers a graduate-level course for three to five credits in<br />

teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Teachers teaching at secondary and post-secondary<br />

settings are welcome to apply. The program is free to all. Lodging, food, and travel expenses<br />

will be paid through the grant. Please visit the UVA STARTALK program website and<br />

complete online application (https://startalkuva.as.virginia.edu). Scholarship will be granted<br />

to teacher participants on a rolling basis. Send further inquiries to the VSCTA program<br />

director, Professor Miao-fen Tseng ( 曾 妙 芬 ) at mt3z@virginia.edu or the assistant director,<br />

Dr. Pei-Ying Gosselin, ( 林 佩 颖 ) at uva-startalk@virginia.edu. We look forward to working<br />

with you soon. <br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 50

Holy Cross<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3


Chinese School website<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 52

DD 中 ⽂<br />

https://dd-la.com/access<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 54

JOBS<br />

Jobs<br />


Assistant Teaching Professor of Chinese<br />

Language (Location: Buffalo, NY)<br />

Position Title: Assistant Teaching Professor of<br />

Chinese Language (at University at Buffalo, SUNY)<br />

Department: Linguistics<br />

Posting Number: F220165<br />

Posting Link: https://www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/<br />

postings/37566<br />

<br />

The Department of Linguistics [https://artssciences.buffalo.edu/linguistics.html]<br />

at the<br />

University at Buffalo is seeking a full-time,<br />

Assistant Teaching Professor of Chinese, for a 10-<br />

month (academic-year commitment), non-tenure<br />

track position with an initial three-year appointment<br />

with possible renewal, contingent on performance,<br />

department need, and availability of funding.<br />

<br />

The successful candidate’s responsibilities include<br />

teaching three courses per semester, possibly<br />

including a content course (e.g., in Chinese<br />

linguistics or culture), and providing administrative<br />

direction to the Chinese Language Program,<br />

including tasks such as hiring additional<br />

instructional faculty, training and supervising<br />

graduate and undergraduate student teaching<br />

assistants and other instructors, conducting<br />

placement tests, and curriculum development. There<br />

is no research obligation for this position, and there<br />

is potential for promotion to associate teaching<br />

professor. The position offers competitive faculty<br />

salary and state employee benefits.<br />

<br />

The successful candidate must be able to regularly<br />

teach in-person classes on the University at Buffalo.<br />

The start date can either be in the Spring semester of<br />

2023 or the Fall of 2023 depending on candidate<br />

availability.<br />

<br />

Review of applications will begin on October 17,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, and continue until the position is filled.<br />

Interviews will be conducted via Zoom.<br />

<br />

Outstanding Benefits Package<br />

Working at UB comes with benefits that exceed<br />

salary alone. There are personal rewards including<br />

comprehensive health and retirement plan options.<br />

We also focus on creating and sustaining a healthy<br />

mix of work, personal and academic pursuit – all in<br />

an effort to support your work-life effectiveness.<br />

Visit our benefits website to learn about our benefit<br />

packages [https://www.buffalo.edu/administrativeservices/for-faculty-staff/benefits/state/uup.html].<br />

<br />

About The University at Buffalo<br />

The University at Buffalo (UB) is one of America’s<br />

leading public research universities and a flagship of<br />

the State University of New York system,<br />

recognized for our excellence and our impact. UB is<br />

a premier, research-intensive public university<br />

dedicated to academic excellence. Our research,<br />

creative activity and people positively impact the<br />

world. Like the city we call home, UB is<br />

distinguished by a culture of resilient optimism,<br />

resourceful thinking and pragmatic dreaming that<br />

enables us to reach others every day. Visit our<br />

website to learn more about the University at<br />

Buffalo [https://www.buffalo.edu/].<br />

University at Buffalo is an affirmative action/equal<br />

opportunity employer and, in keeping with our<br />

commitment, welcomes all to apply including<br />

veterans and individuals with disabilities.<br />

<br />

Minimum Qualifications:<br />

• Ph.D. in Chinese linguistics, applied linguistics,<br />

language pedagogy, literature, culture, or a related<br />

field<br />

• Native or near-native proficiency in Chinese and<br />

English<br />

• Demonstrated excellence in teaching Chinese<br />

language at multiple levels<br />

<br />

Preferred Qualifications:<br />

• Ability to teach an introductory course in Chinese<br />

linguistics is strongly desired .<br />

• At least three years of experience teaching Chinese<br />

at the university level is preferred.<br />

• Demonstrated excellence teaching Chinese content<br />

courses to English-speaking students at the<br />

university level is desired.<br />

• Familiarity with contemporary second language<br />

teaching methodologies, instructional technologies<br />

and curriculum development is desired.<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 56

Application Process:<br />

All application materials should be submitted via<br />

UB Jobs at https://www.ubjobs.buffalo.edu/<br />

postings/37566. Application materials submitted<br />

directly to the posting contact will not be<br />

acknowledged and cannot be considered.<br />

<br />

Applicants Must Submit:<br />

• A letter of interest<br />

• Curriculum vitae<br />

• Teaching portfolio (including a list of courses<br />

taught, three sample syllabi for two different levels<br />

of Chinese language courses and, if available, a<br />

Chinese content course)<br />

• Teaching evaluations<br />

• A link to a teaching demonstration video for a<br />

Chinese language course, which may be an online<br />

class<br />

Teaching portfolio materials are required for a<br />

complete application. The portfolio materials must<br />

be attached via the UB Jobs automated system.<br />

<br />

Review of applications will begin October 17, <strong>2022</strong>,<br />

and continue until the position is filled. Interviews<br />

will be conducted via Zoom. The start date can<br />

either be in the Spring semester of 2023 or the Fall<br />

of 2023 depending on candidate availability.<br />

<br />

For questions, please contact Dr. Jeff Good,<br />

Professor and Chair of Linguistics,<br />

at jcgood@buffalo.edu.<br />

<br />

Pursuant to Executive Order 161, no State entity, as<br />

defined by the Executive Order, is permitted to ask,<br />

or mandate, in any form, that an applicant for<br />

employment provide his or her current<br />

compensation, or any prior compensation history,<br />

until such time as the applicant is extended a<br />

c o n d i t i o n a l o ff e r o f e m p l o y m e n t w i t h<br />

compensation. If such information has been<br />

requested from you before such time, please contact<br />

the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations at<br />

(518) 474-6988 or via email at info@goer.ny.gov.<br />

One-Year Leave Replacement In Chinese<br />

Language (Location: Williamstown, MA)<br />

<br />

WILLIAMS COLLEGE, Williamstown MA 01267.<br />

Applications are invited for a leave replacement<br />

position in Chinese language for the 2023-24<br />

academic year, with teaching to begin in <strong>September</strong><br />

2023. Depending on the candidate’s qualifications,<br />

the appointment will be made at the level of either<br />

visiting lecturer or visiting assistant professor. The<br />

teaching load will consist of two courses in Fall<br />

2023 and two courses in Spring 2024. Depending on<br />

staffing, one of those four courses might include a<br />

disciplinary course in the visitor’s area of<br />

specialization. This is a full-time position.<br />

Compensation includes salary and insurance<br />

benefits.<br />

<br />

The successful candidate will join colleagues in a<br />

vibrant Department of Asian Languages, Literatures,<br />

and Cultures that offers three major tracks: Chinese,<br />

Japanese, and East Asian Languages and Cultures.<br />

They will receive mentoring and opportunities for<br />

professional development both from the department<br />

and the college. The Chinese major requires four<br />

years of language study and the East Asan<br />

Languages and Cultures major requires three years<br />

of language study. The department also offers a dual<br />

language option under the East Asian Languages<br />

and Cultures major track. More information about<br />

the department can be found at https://<br />

www.williams.edu/dallc/. Review of applications<br />

will begin January 2, 2023 and continue until the<br />

position is filled. All offers of employment are<br />

contingent upon the completion of a background<br />

check. Further information is available here:<br />

http://dean-faculty.williams.edu/prospective-faculty/<br />

background-check-policy/.<br />

<br />

Qualifications<br />

Minimum requirements include M.A. in Chinese<br />

language pedagogy, linguistics, literature or a<br />

related field (Ph.D. or ABD preferable). Candidates<br />

should have native or near-native proficiency in<br />

Mandarin, strong teaching experience at the college<br />

level, ability to teach all levels of language courses<br />

either independently or collaboratively, and ability<br />

to work with a diverse student body with various<br />

learning backgrounds. Experience in team-teaching<br />

and teacher training preferred.<br />

<br />

Application Instructions<br />

Applications should include cover letter (please<br />

include a statement on how your teaching will serve<br />

a diverse student population), CV, names and<br />

contact information of three references, two lesson<br />

plans (one at the first- or second-year level, and the<br />

other at the third- or fourth-year level), a fourminute<br />

audio recording of your teaching philosophy<br />

(two minutes in Chinese and two minutes in<br />

English) and if available, a 15-minute unedited,<br />

high-resolution video recording of the applicant<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

teaching an actual language class, accompanied by a<br />

detailed lesson plan. Please indicate the links to the<br />

audio and video recordings in a word document and<br />

upload all application materials to Interfolio (http://<br />

apply.interfolio.com/113508). Questions about this<br />

position can be addressed to Professor Li Yu, Chair<br />

of the Department of Asian Languages, Literatures,<br />

and Cultures (Li.Yu@williams.edu).<br />

<br />

Application Process<br />

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search<br />

to conduct this search. Applicants to this position<br />

receive a free Dossier account and can send all<br />

application materials, including confidential letters<br />

of recommendation, free of charge.<br />

<br />

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement<br />

Williams College is a liberal arts institution located<br />

in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts.<br />

The college has built its reputation on outstanding<br />

teaching and scholarship and on the academic<br />

excellence of its approximately 2,000 students.<br />

Please visit the Williams College website (http://<br />

www.williams.edu).<br />

Beyond meeting fully its legal obligations for nondiscrimination,<br />

Williams College is committed to<br />

building a diverse and inclusive community where<br />

members from all backgrounds can live, learn, and<br />

thrive.<br />

<br />

Preceptor in Chinese (Location: Cambridge,<br />

MA)<br />

The Department of East Asian Languages and<br />

Civilizations at Harvard University invites<br />

applications for one or more full-time, multi-year<br />

Preceptors in Chinese expected to begin July 1,<br />

2023. The Preceptor will be responsible for teaching<br />

2-3 Chinese courses per year, meeting with students<br />

for regular office hours, and coordinating a teaching<br />

team for their level’s discussion sections. This is a<br />

term appointment of three years, renewable for a<br />

term of up to five years (eight years in total),<br />

contingent on performance, enrollments, curricular<br />

need, position availability, and divisional dean<br />

authorization<br />

<br />

The successful applicant should be well versed in<br />

the issues of teaching Chinese as a foreign<br />

language, have experience in teaching all levels of<br />

Chinese, must have exemplary ability in<br />

comprehension and active use of standard Chinese<br />

and English, written and spoken, at native or nearnative<br />

proficiency and must be able to teach<br />

multiple levels of modern Chinese, both in person<br />

and remotely.<br />

<br />

Several years of experience teaching modern<br />

Chinese at the college level in the United States and<br />

specialization in Chinese pedagogy and second<br />

language acquisition is highly desirable. An M.A.<br />

degree or higher in Chinese Linguistics, Foreign<br />

Language Education, or a closely related field is<br />

preferred; experience in technology-enhanced<br />

language teaching is a plus.<br />

<br />

Interested candidates should submit to https://<br />

academicpositions.harvard.edu/postings/11556:<br />

1. Cover letter, including a description of teaching/<br />

advising experience and philosophy and comments<br />

on any efforts to encourage diversity, inclusion, and<br />

belonging.<br />

2. Curriculum Vitae<br />

3. Names and contact information of three to five<br />

referees, who will be asked by a system-generated<br />

email to upload a letter of recommendation once the<br />

candidate’s application has been submitted. Three<br />

letters of recommendation are required, and the<br />

application is considered complete only when at<br />

least three letters have been received.<br />

<br />

Candidates should also send a 15-20-minute<br />

teaching demo by URL through the ARIeS portal, or<br />

send a USB of the applicant teaching to:<br />

Chair, Preceptor Search Committee<br />

Chinese Language Program<br />

East Asian Languages and Civilizations Department<br />

Harvard University<br />

5 Bryant Street<br />

Cambridge, MA 02138<br />

<br />

All application materials should be submitted no<br />

later than <strong>September</strong> 25, <strong>2022</strong>. Please note that<br />

references will only be invited to upload letters of<br />

recommendation after a complete application has<br />

been submitted online. Reference letters should be<br />

submitted by <strong>September</strong> 28, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Assistant Professor in Chinese Linguistics<br />

(Urbana, IL)<br />

The Department of East Asian Languages and<br />

Cultures at the University of Illinois at Urbana-<br />

Champaign invites applications for an assistant<br />

professor tenure-track position in Chinese<br />

Linguistics. The successful candidate is expected to<br />

have an active research agenda, to direct or co-direct<br />

the Chinese language program, and to teach a range<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 58<br />

返 回 ⽬ 录

of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels,<br />

examples may include Introduction to Chinese<br />

Linguistics, Seminar in East Asian Language<br />

Pedagogy/Second Language Learning, Special<br />

Topics in Chinese Linguistics, or courses developed<br />

from the candidate’s research field. Candidates<br />

should have a completed Ph.D. in linguistics or<br />

related fields and evidence of teaching effectiveness<br />

in a Chinese language program. Candidates whose<br />

PhD may be delayed but will complete all the Ph.D.<br />

requirements within the first appointment year may<br />

be appointed at the rank of Instructor. After the<br />

Ph.D. requirement is met, the appointment will be<br />

changed to Assistant Professor.<br />

We welcome applicants in any discipline of<br />

linguistics who integrates their research with the<br />

learning and teaching of Mandarin Chinese. We<br />

seek a promising scholar and teacher who will<br />

actively contribute to the intellectual mission of our<br />

department through teaching, research, and building<br />

our Chinese linguistics and language program.<br />

Candidates with a documented commitment to<br />

working with students from groups historically<br />

marginalized or underrepresented in the field<br />

through teaching and mentoring are especially<br />

encouraged to apply. Target start date is August 16,<br />

2023. Salary is commensurate with experience.<br />

The Illinois College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is<br />

a world leader in research, teaching, and public<br />

engagement. Faculty in the College create<br />

knowledge, address critical societal needs through<br />

the transfer and application of knowledge, and<br />

prepare students for lives of impact in the state,<br />

nation, and globally. To meet these objectives, the<br />

College embraces and values diversity and<br />

difference through hiring faculty candidates who<br />

can contribute through their research, teaching, and/<br />

or service to the diversity and excellence of the<br />

Illinois community.<br />

To apply, create your candidate profile<br />

through https://jobs.illinois.edu, directly apply to<br />

our position and submit application materials by<br />

November 15, <strong>2022</strong>. Applicants must submit: (i) a<br />

letter of application (i.e., cover letter); ii) curriculum<br />

vitae; iii) a statement of research interests; iv) a<br />

statement of teaching interests; v) a diversity<br />

statement; and vi) a sample of writing (such as a<br />

research paper or a chapter of the dissertation). An<br />

email request for contact information for three<br />

professional references will be sent to you 1-2<br />

business days after your application is submitted.<br />

Once the contact information for the references is<br />

uploaded into the system, their letters will be<br />

invited. Only applications submitted through the<br />

University of Illinois Job Board will be considered.<br />

Questions about the position or application<br />

procedures may be directed to Laura Czys at<br />

czys@illinois.edu.<br />

Assistant Professor – Chinese in Multilingual<br />

and Global Settings (Stony Brook, NY)<br />

Assistant Professor – Chinese in Multilingual and<br />

Global Settings<br />

Location: Stony Brook, NY<br />

Open Date: Sep 02, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Deadline: Oct 15, <strong>2022</strong> at 11:59 PM Eastern Time<br />

Description<br />

The Department of Asian and Asian American<br />

Studies at Stony Brook University invites<br />

applications for a tenure-track assistant professor<br />

position in Chinese, with a focus on acquisition of<br />

Chinese as an additional language, Chinese in<br />

global and multilingual contexts, and linguistic<br />

justice, beginning in Fall 2023. Applicants must<br />

have native or near-native fluency in Mandarin<br />

Chinese and English, demonstrated excellence in<br />

teaching, and Ph.D. in East Asian Studies, Applied<br />

Linguistics, Chinese Linguistics, or a relevant field.<br />

Must demonstrate evidence of commitment to<br />

diversity and inclusion.<br />

The successful applicant will be expected to pursue<br />

an active research agenda to complement the<br />

department’s existing research strength in<br />

intercultural communication, multilingualism and<br />

globalization, and translation studies, maintain a 2/2<br />

teaching load in Chinese language and culture, and<br />

Chinese applied linguistics in the global contexts at<br />

both undergraduate and graduate levels, contribute<br />

to cross-linguistic and interdisciplinary research and<br />

instruction. Additional duties will include advising<br />

undergraduate students enrolled in Chinese<br />

language teaching certification program,<br />

undergraduate and graduate students focusing on<br />

China Studies, as well as taking an active role in the<br />

department’s master’s programs and study abroad<br />

programs.<br />

Preference will be given to candidates with<br />

demonstrated research records and teaching<br />

excellence, demonstrated ability to develop and lead<br />

study abroad programs, experience in intensive<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

language programs, and experience in mentoring<br />

undergraduate and graduate students.<br />

Qualifications<br />

Required qualifications:<br />

• Ph.D. in East Asian Studies, Applied Linguistics,<br />

Chinese Linguistics, or a relevant field is necessary<br />

for research and teaching at the rank of Assistant<br />

Professor in this area. Evidence to diversity and<br />

inclusion.<br />

• Research in the areas of acquisition of Chinese as<br />

an additional language, Chinese in global and<br />

multilingual contexts, and linguistic justice<br />

complements and strengthens our existing expertise<br />

in the department.<br />

• Teaching excellence is crucial for the success of<br />

our undergraduate and graduate programs.<br />

• Commitment to diversity and inclusion is critical<br />

in today’s scholarship and teaching as we draw on<br />

our expertise to promote social justice.<br />

• Competence in Chinese and English is a must for<br />

research and teaching in this area.<br />

Preferred qualifications:<br />

• Experience in developing and leading study<br />

abroad programs and Experience in intensive<br />

language programs will help us address immediate<br />

needs of the China Studies Program which has been<br />

short staffed, especially during summer.<br />

• Experience in mentoring undergraduate and<br />

graduate students will help us strengthen our<br />

existing undergraduate program in China Studies as<br />

well as graduate program in Contemporary Asian<br />

and Asian American Studies.<br />

Application Instructions<br />

To apply, visit https://apptrkr.com/3421049.<br />

To apply for this position, please submit the<br />

following:<br />

* a letter of application<br />

* a CV<br />

* a sample of scholarly work<br />

* three letters of recommendation<br />

* DEI Statement: a separate, one-page statement<br />

that addresses how your teaching and scholarship<br />

demonstrates evidence of commitment to<br />

diversity and inclusion.<br />





In response to the New York State Department of<br />

Health (DOH) regulation requiring Hospital and<br />

Nursing Home personnel to be fully vaccinated<br />

against COVID-19, candidates selected for patient<br />

care positions or positions that may come in contact<br />

with patients or patient care employees, if not<br />

already vaccinated, must be fully vaccinated or<br />

obtain the first dose of the vaccine within three (3)<br />

calendar days of acceptance of conditional job offer<br />

and must obtain any subsequent doses in accordance<br />

with the DOH vaccine protocol. Candidates who are<br />

partially vaccinated, but not yet fully vaccinated,<br />

must complete their vaccination series within three<br />

(3) calendar days of job offer or in accordance with<br />

vaccine manufacture protocol, whichever comes<br />

later. The regulation also allows for limited<br />

exemptions with reasonable accommodations,<br />

consistent with applicable law.<br />

The selected candidate must successfully clear a<br />

background investigation.<br />

In accordance with the Title II Crime Awareness and<br />

Security Act, a copy of our crime statistics is<br />

available upon request . It can also be viewed online<br />

at the University Police website at http://<br />

www.stonybrook.edu/police.<br />

Stony Brook University is committed to excellence<br />

in diversity and the creation of an inclusive<br />

learning, and working environment. All qualified<br />

applicants will receive consideration for<br />

employment without regard to race, color, national<br />

origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, familial status,<br />

sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,<br />

age, disability, genetic information,veteran status<br />

and all other protected classes under federal or state<br />

laws.<br />

Copyright ©<strong>2022</strong> Jobelephant.com Inc. All rights<br />

reserved.<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 60

Lecturer, Academic General Faculty –<br />

Department of East Asian Languages,<br />

Literatures and Cultures (Charlottesville,<br />

VA)<br />

The Department of East Asian Languages,<br />

Literatures and Cultures at the University of<br />

Virginia invites applications for a three-year fulltime<br />

Lecturer position on the general faculty in<br />

Chinese language with an anticipated start date of<br />

August 23, 2023. This position has the possibility of<br />

renewal contingent on job performance, continuing<br />

need, and budget. This is a tenure-ineligible<br />

appointment.<br />

Candidates must have native or near-native fluency<br />

in Chinese and English and at least a master’s level<br />

degree in a relevant field. Experience in Chinese<br />

language teaching at beginning, intermediate, and<br />

advanced levels is preferred. Knowledge of current<br />

trends in language teaching methodologies and<br />

familiarity with effective uses of technologies in<br />

language instruction are expected, as is a<br />

commitment to department service. Responsibilities<br />

include (but are not limited to) teaching three<br />

courses per semester, contributing to the<br />

development of the Chinese language program, and<br />

active involvement in departmental service.<br />

This position will remain open till filled and review<br />

of applications will begin on <strong>September</strong> 30, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

The University will perform background checks on<br />

all new hires prior to employment. A completed preemployment<br />

health screen is required for this<br />

position prior to employment.<br />

To Apply:<br />

Please apply through Workday, and search for<br />

R0039799. Complete an application online with the<br />

following documents:<br />

1. Cover letter that includes:<br />

-a brief statement of your credentials<br />

-relevant past experience<br />

-reason for applying<br />

-demonstrated past experience working on issues of<br />

diversity, equity, and inclusion, and/or working with<br />

diverse populations<br />

2. Current CV with a link to a 15-minute unedited<br />

video of classroom language teaching and contact<br />

information for three professional references<br />

3. Statement of teaching philosophy<br />

4. Sample syllabi for two different levels of<br />

language instruction<br />

5. A complete set of teaching evaluations for three<br />

courses in the past three years<br />

Upload all materials into the resume submission<br />

field, multiple documents can be submitted into this<br />

one field. Alternatively, merge all documents into<br />

one PDF for submission. Applications that do not<br />

contain all required documents will not receive full<br />

consideration. Internal applicants must apply<br />

through their UVA Workday profile by searching<br />

‘Find Jobs’.<br />

Questions about this position should be directed to<br />

Ran Zhao, Search Committee Chair, at<br />

rz4e@virginia.edu.<br />

For questions about the application process, please<br />

contact Melanie Sponaugle, Academic Recruiter, at<br />

unw5dq@virginia.edu.<br />

UVA is located in beautiful Charlottesville with easy<br />

access to the Blue Ridge Mountains, the eastern<br />

shore and the nation’s Capital. Charlottesville is one<br />

of the best places to live; outdoors, vibrant town<br />

with culture, music, restaurants, excellent schools,<br />

etc. Opportunities for excellent clinical, and<br />

laboratory-based research and teaching pursuits<br />

working within the collegial work environment are<br />

available.<br />

UVA assists faculty spouses and partners seeking<br />

employment in the Charlottesville area. To learn<br />

more please visit https://dualcareer.virginia.edu/<br />

For more information about UVA and the<br />

Charlottesville community please see http://<br />

www.virginia.edu/life/charlottesville and https://<br />

embarkcva.com/.<br />

For more information on the benefits available to<br />

faculty at UVA, visit https://provost.virginia.edu/<br />

subsite/faculty-development and hr.virginia.edu/<br />

benefits.<br />

This is primarily a sedentary job involving<br />

extensive use of desktop computers. The job does<br />

occasionally require traveling some distance to<br />

attend meetings, and programs.<br />

COVID Vaccination Requirement and Guidelines<br />

Please visit the UVA COVID-19 Job Requirements<br />

and Guidelines webpage prior to applying for<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

current information regarding vaccination<br />

requirements and guidelines for employment at<br />

UVA.<br />

The University of Virginia, including the UVA<br />

Health System which represents the UVA Medical<br />

Center, Schools of Medicine and Nursing, UVA<br />

Physician’s Group and the Claude Moore Health<br />

Sciences Library, are fundamentally committed to<br />

the diversity of our faculty and staff. We believe<br />

diversity is excellence expressing itself through<br />

every person’s perspectives and lived experiences.<br />

We are equal opportunity and affirmative action<br />

employers. All qualified applicants will receive<br />

consideration for employment without regard to<br />

age, color, disability, gender identity or expression,<br />

marital status, national or ethnic origin, political<br />

affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy),<br />

sexual orientation, veteran status, and family<br />

medical or genetic information.<br />

Associate Director of the Language and<br />

Culture Center (LCC) (Suzhou, China)<br />

<br />

Duke Kunshan University (DKU) invites<br />

applications for the Associate Director of the<br />

Language and Culture Center (LCC). The Language<br />

and Culture Center is responsible for offering<br />

language courses for undergraduate and graduate<br />

DKU programs, including courses in English for<br />

academic purposes, Chinese as a second language,<br />

written and oral communication, and additional<br />

languages. The LCC supports intercultural<br />

communication among students and faculty at<br />

DKU, helping facilitate the achievement of key<br />

institution-wide goals that include the development<br />

of students who can communicate lucidly and<br />

navigate successfully diverse cultures and<br />

languages. The Associate Director of the LCC will<br />

assist the LCC Director in managing the LCC<br />

faculty team and the courses offered by the LCC,<br />

and also teach in the LCC. The position begins July<br />

1, 2023. This is a tenure-track position.<br />

Responsibilities and Duties: The duties of the<br />

Associate Director will include the following:<br />

• Teach 1.5 courses per semester within the LCC.<br />

This teaching assignment will normally consist<br />

of teaching one 4-credit or two 2-credit courses<br />

per semester, in areas of the candidate’s<br />

expertise, and one .5 coaching assignment in the<br />

Writing and Language Studio.<br />

• Assist the LCC Director with LCC<br />

administrative duties, such as the following:<br />

• Reviewing and improving curriculum and<br />

courses.<br />

• Helping plan course offerings, new courses, and<br />

teaching assignments.<br />

• Assisting with LCC faculty and staff searches.<br />

Serving on reappointment and tenure review<br />

committees.<br />

• Reviewing annual faculty reports.<br />

• Reviewing course evaluations.<br />

• Mentoring LCC faculty in their teaching and<br />

scholarship.<br />

• Planning and delivering faculty orientation and<br />

planning workshops.<br />

• Planning and managing the LCC budget and<br />

approving expenditures.<br />

• Establishing new programs (e.g. summer<br />

programs, community-facing programs).<br />

<br />

Qualifications.<br />

Required:<br />

• Terminal degree/Ph.D. in a field related to<br />

language education.<br />

• Significant university-level teaching experience,<br />

especially in languages or related fields.<br />

• Administrative experience in higher education.<br />

• Solid record of scholarship.<br />

• Strong command of English.<br />

Preferred<br />

• Administrative experience in language teaching<br />

programs.<br />

• Already attained associate or full professor<br />

academic rank.<br />

• University working experience in East Asia.<br />

• Strong command of Chinese and/or other<br />

languages.<br />

Applicants should provide a cover letter, a<br />

curriculum vitae, and a teaching/research statement,<br />

and should arrange to have three letters of reference<br />

submitted. All materials should be submitted<br />

through Academic Jobs Online: https://<br />

academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22568. Questions<br />

about the position may be sent to lccsearch@dukekunshan.edu.cn<br />

using “Associate<br />

Director for LCC” as the subject line. Priority will<br />

be given to applications received by November 1,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>; applications will be accepted until the<br />

position is filled.<br />

DKU is a collaborative partnership of Duke<br />

University, Wuhan University and the Municipality<br />

of Kunshan, China (https://dukekunshan.edu.cn/).<br />

Our campus provides an innovative and robustly<br />

interdisciplinary undergraduate liberal arts<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 62

experience to a student body that will number 2000<br />

students and 150+ faculty, with an acceptance rate<br />


your experience teaching adult students at the<br />

intermediate-high to advanced levels. You will be<br />

prompted to enter the email addresses of at least two<br />

people able to speak to your ability to perform the<br />

essential functions of the position. Recommenders<br />

will be automatically contacted by email and<br />

prompted to upload a letter upon your submission of<br />

the application. Compensation depends on<br />

qualification with a minimum pay of $1,400/week<br />

for 100% appointment plus room and board as well<br />

as airline travel or reimbursement of mileage<br />

expenses to and from the training site in Bemidji,<br />

Minnesota.<br />

Concordia College (including Concordia Language<br />

Villages) is an equal opportunity employer, in<br />

compliance with all applicable federal and state<br />

laws, for all individuals without regard to race,<br />

color, national origin, religion, disability, age,<br />

sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status or<br />

status with regard to public assistance. Further<br />

inquiries may be addressed to Sara Nimis, Associate<br />

Director for Program, at snimis@cord.edu.<br />

Lecturer in Chinese (Northfield, MN)<br />

The Department of Asian Languages and Literatures<br />

at Carleton College invites applications for a nontenure-track<br />

continuing lectureship in Chinese, to<br />

begin <strong>September</strong> 1, 2023. This is a full-time<br />

appointment with an initial two-year term and the<br />

possibility of renewal for an additional two-year<br />

term as a lecturer, typically followed by six-year<br />

renewable appointments and possible promotion to<br />

senior lecturer, contingent on successful reviews.<br />

We seek candidates who can teach Chineselanguage<br />

courses at all levels, and are passionate<br />

about teaching in a liberal arts setting. The position<br />

will involve teaching in the Chinese language<br />

sequence and linguistics or literature courses in their<br />

area of specialization, as well as coordination of the<br />

language program. Native or near-native fluency in<br />

both Chinese and English is required.<br />

The candidate will have a Ph.D. completed or<br />

substantially completed in Chinese linguistics or<br />

literature at the time of application, and must have<br />

had experience in teaching Chinese language at the<br />

college level. Field of specialization is open, but the<br />

successful candidate will bring expertise in a second<br />

field that will expand interdisciplinary offerings at<br />

the college and attract students from outside<br />

Chinese Studies. The successful candidate will also<br />

demonstrate a willingness to participate actively in<br />

the life of the department and to contribute to extracurricular<br />

activities. Teaching load is five or six<br />

courses per year (11 courses every two years). The<br />

Carleton calendar includes three 10-week terms.<br />

Lecturers at Carleton are continuing members of the<br />

faculty and central to the life of their respective<br />

departments and of the College as a whole.<br />

Compensation includes full faculty benefits,<br />

including professional development support. For<br />

more detailed information on benefits,<br />

consult: https://apps.carleton.edu/handbook/<br />

employment/?a=faculty<br />

We are particularly interested in candidates<br />

committed to teaching a diverse student body.<br />

Carleton is committed to developing its faculty to<br />

better reflect the diversity of our student body and<br />

American society. Women and members of<br />

underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to<br />

apply. Carleton College does not discriminate on the<br />

basis of race, color, creed, ethnicity, religion, sex,<br />

national origin, marital status, veteran status, actual<br />

or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity and<br />

expression, status with regard to public assistance,<br />

disability, or age in providing employment or access<br />

to its educational facilities and activities.<br />

Carleton is a highly selective liberal arts college<br />

with a student body of approximately 2,000, located<br />

in the historic and thriving town of Northfield,<br />

Minnesota. We are within commuting distance of<br />

the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, whose<br />

greater metro area has a diverse population of three<br />

million people and a rich variety of cultural<br />

resources.<br />

For more information about our Chinese program<br />

and offerings, and about Carleton’s interdisciplinary<br />

Asian Studies program, please visit the Chinese<br />

program website at https://www.carleton.edu/asianlanguages/chinese/<br />

and the Asian Studies website<br />

at https://apps.carleton.edu/curricular/asst/.<br />

To apply, please visit careers.carleton.edu to submit<br />

application materials, including a letter of<br />

application; curriculum vitae; a statement about<br />

teaching students from diverse backgrounds in an<br />

undergraduate, residential liberal arts environment;<br />

names and contact information of three references.<br />

Upon receipt of the candidate’s online application,<br />

letter writers will be contacted via email with<br />

instructions on letter submission. Applicants may<br />

also upload a teaching portfolio or other relevant<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 64

teaching materials; teaching videos are encouraged.<br />

The deadline for receipt of applications is December<br />

1, <strong>2022</strong>. Review of complete applications will begin<br />

in December and continue until the position is<br />

filled. For further inquiries, please contact Prof.<br />

Shaohua Guo at: sguo@carleton.edu<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese Literature,<br />

Fall 2023 (Knoxville, TN)<br />

Position Description<br />

The Department of Modern Foreign Languages and<br />

Literatures at the University of Tennessee,<br />

Knoxville, invites applications for a tenure-track<br />

position at the rank of assistant professor in Chinese<br />

literature with concentration in any time period, to<br />

begin in the fall of 2023.<br />

Qualifications<br />

Candidates must be able to demonstrate excellence<br />

in scholarly research in their fields of specialization,<br />

and must also have experience and preferably<br />

demonstrate success in teaching language and<br />

content courses at the university level. Candidates<br />

with language program development experience are<br />

strongly encouraged to apply. Teaching<br />

responsibilities are two courses per semester,<br />

typically including upper-level language courses<br />

and content courses in the candidate’s area of<br />

specialization. Native or near-native proficiency in<br />

Mandarin and English is essential. A Ph.D. in<br />

Chinese literature or a related field is required by<br />

the time of appointment.<br />

Application Instructions<br />

Review of applications will begin on November 1,<br />

<strong>2022</strong> and will continue until the position is filled.<br />

The University of Tennessee is seeking candidates<br />

with the ability to contribute in meaningful ways to<br />

the diversity and intercultural goals of the<br />

University. Please upload a cover letter, a CV, and<br />

three letters of reference to apply.interfolio.com/<br />

112047. Additional materials may be requested from<br />

finalists.<br />

For inquiries, please contact the chair of the search<br />

committee, Yen-Chen Hao (yhao6@utk.edu).<br />

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement<br />

All qualified applicants will receive equal<br />

consideration for employment and admission<br />

without regard to race, color, national origin,<br />

religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual<br />

orientation, gender identity, age, physical or mental<br />

disability, genetic information, veteran status, and<br />

parental status, or any other characteristic protected<br />

by federal or state law. In accordance with the<br />

requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of<br />

1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of<br />

1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,<br />

and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the<br />

University of Tennessee affirmatively states that it<br />

does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, or<br />

disability in its education programs and activities,<br />

and this policy extends to employment by the<br />

university. Inquiries and charges of violation of Title<br />

VI (race, color, and national origin), Title IX (sex),<br />

Section 504 (disability), the ADA (disability), the<br />

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (age),<br />

sexual orientation, or veteran status should be<br />

directed to the Office of Equity and Diversity, 1840<br />

Melrose Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37996-3560,<br />

t e l e p h o n e 8 6 5 - 9 7 4 - 2 4 9 8 . R e q u e s t s f o r<br />

accommodation of a disability should be directed to<br />

the ADA Coordinator at the Office of Equity and<br />

Diversity.<br />

Director of the Chinese Language Program<br />

at the rank of Senior Lecturer (Princeton,<br />

NJ)<br />

The Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton<br />

University invites applications for a full-time<br />

position as Director of the Chinese Language<br />

Program at the rank of Senior Lecturer, to begin on<br />

<strong>September</strong> 1, 2023, for an initial three-year term,<br />

renewable on a five-year basis. Highly experienced<br />

candidates may be considered for the rank of<br />

University Lecturer.<br />

Applicants must have native fluency in Chinese and<br />

an excellent command of English. Candidates<br />

should have a minimum of six years of experience<br />

teaching Chinese to English-speaking students at the<br />

college level; experience directing a language<br />

program is preferred (particularly one in which five<br />

or six levels of Chinese are offered). The director<br />

will be in charge of the Chinese Language program.<br />

Ph.D. or Ed.D. required.<br />

We seek candidates who will create a climate that<br />

embraces excellence and diversity, with a strong<br />

commitment to teaching and mentoring that will<br />

enhance the work of the department, with the aim to<br />

attract and retain a diverse student body and<br />

academic community.<br />

Candidates should apply electronically at https://<br />

www.princeton.edu/acad-positions/position/<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

27061 and include a letter of application, curriculum<br />

vitae, statement of teaching interest, teaching<br />

portfolio (list of courses taught and teaching<br />

evaluations), and the names of three references<br />

(with email addresses and office telephone) by<br />

October 15, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

This position is subject to the University’s<br />

background check policy.<br />

Chinese Language Lecturer in the East Asian<br />

Languages and Cultural Studies Department<br />

(Santa Barbara, CA)<br />

Chinese Language Lecturer in the East Asian<br />

Languages and Cultural Studies Department<br />

Job #JPF02247<br />

East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies /<br />

College of Letters & Science – Humanities and Fine<br />

Arts / UC Santa Barbara<br />


Position title: Lecturer<br />

Salary range: Salary is based on UC salary scales<br />

and depends on qualifications.<br />

Percent time: 100<br />

Anticipated start: October 1, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Position duration: Appointment for AY <strong>2022</strong>-23.<br />


Open date: August 15th, <strong>2022</strong><br />

Next review date: Monday, Aug 29, <strong>2022</strong> at<br />

11:59pm (Pacific Time)<br />

Apply by this date to ensure full consideration by<br />

the committee.<br />

Final date: Thursday, Sep 15, <strong>2022</strong> at 11:59pm<br />

(Pacific Time)<br />

Applications will continue to be accepted until this<br />

date, but those received after the review date will<br />

only be considered if the position has not yet been<br />

filled.<br />


The Department of East Asian Languages and<br />

Cultural Studies at the University of California,<br />

Santa Barbara, invites applications for the position<br />

of lecturer in the Chinese language.<br />

We seek applicants with expertise and experience in<br />

teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language. The<br />

candidate(s) will be expected to teach the<br />

intermediate-level Chinese language courses in nonheritage<br />

and heritage Mandarin language courses for<br />

Fall <strong>2022</strong> (2 courses and 3 sections), Winter 2023 (2<br />

courses and 3 sections), and any other teaching<br />

needs that may arise. This workload includes<br />

supervising a teaching assistant for Friday drills.<br />

Salary is based on UC salary scales and depends on<br />

qualifications. Candidates must be legally<br />

authorized to work in the United States without the<br />

need for employer sponsorship.<br />

The Department is especially interested in<br />

candidates who can contribute to the diversity and<br />

excellence of the academic community through<br />

research, teaching, and service as appropriate to the<br />

position. Inquiries may be directed to our<br />

department’s Academic Personnel Coordinator,<br />

Rebeca Adam through the help contact.<br />

Help: https://www.eastasian.ucsb.edu/<br />


Basic qualifications (required at time of application)<br />

MA in Chinese language pedagogy, applied<br />

linguistics, or a related field, at time of application.<br />

Additional qualifications (required at time of start)<br />

• Two years of experience in higher education,<br />

preferably in the United States, teaching Chinese<br />

language courses (elementary through advanced<br />

levels), and evidence of effective teaching.<br />

• Native or near-native fluency in both Mandarin<br />

Chinese and English.<br />

Preferred qualifications<br />

• Preference for candidates who have experience in<br />

teaching the intermediate level Chinese language<br />

courses in both heritage and non-heritage streams in<br />

North America;<br />

• Preference for candidates who have experience<br />

mentoring and training TAs.<br />


<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 66

Document requirements<br />

• Curriculum Vitae – Your most recently updated<br />

C.V.<br />

• Cover Letter<br />

• Statement of Teaching<br />

Reference requirements<br />

• 3 letters of reference required<br />

Please arrange to have 3 letters of recommendation<br />

submitted via UC Recruit.<br />

Apply link: https://apptrkr.com/3339783<br />

Help contact: radam@hfa.ucsb.edu<br />


The University of California is an Equal<br />

Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All<br />

qualified applicants will receive consideration for<br />

employment without regard to race, color, religion,<br />

sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national<br />

origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or<br />

any other characteristic protected by law.<br />

As a condition of employment, you will be required<br />

to comply with the University of California SARS-<br />

CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program<br />

Policy: https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/SARS-<br />

CoV-2_Covid-19. All Covered Individuals under the<br />

policy must provide proof of Full Vaccination or, if<br />

applicable, submit a request for Exception (based on<br />

Medical Exemption, Disability, and/or Religious<br />

Objection) or Deferral (based on pregnancy) no later<br />

than the applicable deadline. Please refer to<br />

Appendix F, Section II.C. of the policy for the<br />

deadlines applicable to new University of California<br />

employees. (Capitalized terms in this paragraph are<br />

defined in the policy.) Federal, state, or local public<br />

health directives may impose additional<br />

requirements.<br />


Santa Barbara, CA<br />

Copyright ©<strong>2022</strong> Jobelephant.com Inc. All rights<br />

reserved.<br />

Assistant Professor in Language Sciences<br />

(Hong Kong, China)<br />



The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a<br />

government-funded tertiary institution in Hong<br />

Kong. It offers programmes at various levels<br />

including Doctorate, Master’s and Bachelor’s<br />

degrees. It has a full-time academic staff strength of<br />

around 1,200. The total annual consolidated<br />

expenditure budget of the University is in excess of<br />

HK$7.6 billion.<br />



Assistant Professor in Language Sciences (Ref.<br />

220808020)<br />

The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies<br />

(CBS) is one of the constituent departments of the<br />

Faculty of Humanities. One of the core missions of<br />

CBS is to promote and develop studies of Chinese,<br />

multilingualism, and language science in Chinese<br />

contexts. With around 50 full-time academic and<br />

teaching staff members, CBS is a vibrant centre for<br />

research in the areas of Chinese linguistics, corpus<br />

linguistics, speech and communication disorders,<br />

cognitive neuroscience, bilingual communication,<br />

Chinese language education, Chinese language<br />

testing, language technology, and translation and<br />

interpreting. The Department is also devoted to<br />

offering high-quality education programmes at<br />

different levels (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral)<br />

in Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Language<br />

Education, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign<br />

Language, Speech Therapy, Translating and<br />

Interpreting, Bilingual Corporate Communication,<br />

as well as Korean/Japanese language and culture<br />

courses at bachelor’s level. Within the Department,<br />

there is a PolyU-PKU Research Centre on Chinese<br />

Linguistics, a Speech Therapy Unit, a Research<br />

Centre for Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience,<br />

and a Centre for Translation Studies. CBS<br />

colleagues also conduct highly interdisciplinary<br />

research using advanced technologies (e.g., MRI,<br />

EEG/ERP, VR, AI/NLP) and facilities (e.g.,<br />

University Research Facility in Behavioural and<br />

Systems Neuroscience). The medium of instruction<br />

and administration is English. More information<br />

about the Department may be found at http://<br />

www.cbs.polyu.edu.hk/.<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

The appointee will be required to (a) engage in<br />

teaching and related learning activities at both<br />

undergraduate and postgraduate levels; (b) assume<br />

an important role in curriculum design and<br />

development; (c) undertake academic research in<br />

his/her area of expertise, including but not limited to<br />

actively pursuing applications for external research<br />

grants; (d) provide administrative support for<br />

academic development and departmental objectives,<br />

and play an active role in programme management;<br />

(e) render professional service to the discipline and/<br />

or the community at large; and (f) perform any other<br />

duties as assigned by the Head of Department or<br />

his/her delegates.<br />

Applicants should have (a) a PhD degree in<br />

Language Sciences and related areas; (b) relevant<br />

post-qualification teaching and research experience<br />

and a proven record of relevant academic and/or<br />

professional achievements; (c) a high level of<br />

fluency in English; and (d) a strong commitment to<br />

excellence in teaching, scholarly activities and<br />

professional service.<br />

Preference will be given to those who are fluent in<br />

Cantonese or Putonghua and literate in written<br />

Chinese.<br />

Conditions of Service<br />

A highly competitive remuneration package will be<br />

offered. Initial appointment will be on a fixed-term<br />

gratuity-bearing contract. Re-engagement thereafter<br />

is subject to mutual agreement. For general<br />

information on terms and conditions for<br />

appointment of academic staff in the University,<br />

please visit the website at <br />

https://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/docdrive/careers/doc/<br />

Prof.pdf.<br />

Application<br />

Please submit an application through PolyU’s career<br />

website (https://jobs.polyu.edu.hk/academic).<br />

Consideration of applications will commence on 30<br />

August <strong>2022</strong> until the position is filled. The<br />

University’s Personal Information Collection<br />

Statement for recruitment can be found at https://<br />

www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/careers/<br />

pics_for_recruitment/.<br />

PolyU is an equal opportunity employer committed<br />

to diversity and inclusivity. All qualified applicants<br />

will receive consideration for employment without<br />

regard to gender, ethnicity, nationality,<br />

family status or physical or mental<br />

disabilities.<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese The<br />

Department of Asian Languages and<br />

Literatures (ALL) (Claremont, CA)<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese The Department of<br />

Asian Languages and Literatures (ALL) at Pomona<br />

College, which consists of a Chinese and Japanese<br />

Program, invites applications for a tenure-track<br />

position in either modern and contemporary Chinese<br />

literature and culture or Chinese linguistics to begin<br />

July 2023. Applicants must have native or nearnative<br />

fluency in Mandarin Chinese and English,<br />

demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching,<br />

and Ph.D. in hand at time of appointment. This<br />

position carries a 2/2 teaching load, including three<br />

language courses and a course taught in English in<br />

the candidate’s area of specialization. Please upload<br />

the following application materials to https://<br />

academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/22188<br />

(a) letter of application describing research and<br />

teaching interests, (b) curriculum vitae, (c) graduate<br />

transcript(s), (d) three brief statements – one<br />

addressing teaching philosophy and experience, one<br />

addressing scholarship including your future<br />

directions, and one addressing demonstrated ability<br />

to mentor a diverse student body, (e) teaching<br />

evaluations, and(f) three letters of recommendation.<br />

Please address queries other than applications to the<br />

s e a r c h c o m m i t t e e c h a i r , F e n g X i a o<br />

(feng.xiao@pomona.edu). Priority will be given to<br />

applications received by October 2, <strong>2022</strong> (PST), at<br />

which time review of applicant files will begin;<br />

applications may be accepted until the position is<br />

filled. Pomona College is a highly selective liberal<br />

arts college with an enrollment of approximately<br />

1700 students, all undergraduates. We seek to<br />

attract, develop, and retain the highest quality<br />

faculty and are committed to building a culturally<br />

diverse workplace. We value candidates who have<br />

experience working with students from varying<br />

backgrounds and who are able to demonstrate a<br />

commitment to improving higher education for<br />

underrepresented students through their teaching,<br />

scholarship, and service. Pomona College, located<br />

35 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, is the<br />

founding member of the Claremont Colleges, which<br />

also include Claremont McKenna, Scripps, Pitzer,<br />

Harvey Mudd, Claremont Graduate University, and<br />

Keck Graduate Institute. Collectively, the Claremont<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 68

Colleges constitute an academic community of<br />

approximately 9,000 students. As a result, Pomona<br />

students enjoy both the personalized instruction and<br />

close faculty-student interactions afforded by a<br />

small liberal arts college as well as the intellectual<br />

and extracurricular resources typically found at<br />

much larger universities. In collaboration with the<br />

Claremont Colleges Consortium, Pomona College<br />

offers a variety of professional development,<br />

mentorship, and networking opportunities for<br />

faculty including the opportunity for entering<br />

assistant professors to apply for a fully funded leave<br />

in their fourth year at the College.<br />

Assistant Professor in Chinese (Carlisle, PA)<br />

The Department of East Asian Studies at Dickinson<br />

College invites applications for a tenure-track<br />

position at the rank of assistant professor in Chinese<br />

media, film, or literature studies. The teaching load<br />

is five courses a year. Applicants should be prepared<br />

to teach Chinese at all levels and topical courses in<br />

their discipline, and first-year seminars. We are<br />

particularly interested in candidates who apply a<br />

transnational perspective in their research and<br />

teaching, and who will demonstrate leadership and<br />

initiative working both within the department<br />

(including extra-curricular activities) and with our<br />

partner programs in Beijing and Taipei. The ability<br />

to create inclusive learning environments for an<br />

increasingly diverse student body will be an<br />

important characteristic of the successful candidate.<br />

Native or near-native fluency in Chinese and<br />

English is required. A Ph.D. must be in hand by<br />

August 2023.<br />

Interested candidates should apply for this position<br />

electronically via QUEST (online application<br />

system) at https://jobs.dickinson.edu.<br />

Please include a letter of application, a curriculum<br />

vitae, and the names of three references. Candidates<br />

may be asked to submit supplementary materials<br />

following an initial screening.<br />

Review of applications will begin on October 14th<br />

and will continue until the position has been filled.<br />

Please direct all questions about the position to: Nan<br />

M a , S e a r c h C o m m i t t e e C h a i r , a t<br />

mana@dickinson.edu<br />

Dickinson College is a highly selective four-year,<br />

independent liberal arts college with 2300 students.<br />

Dickinson prides itself on having dynamic faculty<br />

who combine excellent teaching and research. The<br />

College is located in Carlisle, PA. Carlisle is 20<br />

minutes west of Harrisburg and a two-hour drive<br />

from Baltimore, Washington DC, and Philadelphia.<br />

Dickinson College is committed to building a<br />

representative and diverse faculty, administrative<br />

staff, and student body. We encourage applications<br />

from all qualified persons.<br />

Teaching Fellow for Chinese Studies<br />

(Clinton, NY)<br />

The East Asian Languages and Literatures<br />

Department at Hamilton College invites<br />

applications for one year Teaching Fellow position<br />

in Chinese, beginning on August 15, <strong>2022</strong>. The<br />

positioncan be renewed for one additional year,<br />

contingent on funding renewal and performance<br />

review. A B.A. or M.A. in Chinese language<br />

pedagogy or related areas and experience teaching<br />

Chinese as a second language are required. The<br />

Teaching Fellow will assist full-time faculty<br />

members in teaching two Chinese language courses<br />

while enrolled in classes at Hamilton. We are<br />

seeking candidates who can demonstrate their<br />

experience in teaching or working with diverse<br />

populations. The cover letter should address ways in<br />

which you incorporate diversity and inclusion in<br />

your teaching. Primary work responsibilities will<br />

include individual sessions and grading. The<br />

teaching fellow will receive a monthly stipend,<br />

room, board, health insurance, round-trip<br />

transportation to and from Hamilton College, and<br />

tuition benefits.<br />

To apply, submit a letter of application, C.V.,<br />

transcript, and arrange for submission of<br />

two confidential letters of recommendation via<br />

Interfolio at http://apply.interfolio.com/109719.<br />

Please also upload a teaching demonstration video<br />

to any video sharing website and indicate the<br />

download/view link in the letter of application.<br />

Questions may be addressed to Professor Masaaki<br />

Kamiya (mkamiya@hamilton.edu). Review of<br />

applications will begin on July 20, <strong>2022</strong> and<br />

continue until the position is filled. Candidates with<br />

complete application materials will be considered<br />

first.<br />

Hamilton (www.hamilton.edu) is a residential<br />

liberal arts college located in upstate New York.<br />

Applicants with dual-career considerations can find<br />

other Hamilton and nearby academic job listings at<br />

www.upstatenyherc.org, as well as additional<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

information at<br />

https://www.hamilton.edu/dof/faculty-development/<br />

resources-for-prospective-or-new-faculty/<br />

opportunities-for-spouses-or-partners <br />

(Opportunities for Spouses or Partners). Hamilton<br />

College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity<br />

employer and is committed to diversity in all<br />

areas of the campus community. Hamilton provides<br />

domestic partner benefits. Candidates from<br />

underrepresented groups in higher education are<br />

especially encouraged to apply.<br />

Assistant Professor in Linguistics (Ref.<br />

220607001) (Hong Kong)<br />



The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a<br />

government-funded tertiary institution in Hong<br />

Kong. It offers programmes at various levels<br />

including Doctorate, Master’s and Bachelor’s<br />

degrees. It has a full-time academic staff strength of<br />

around 1,200. The total annual consolidated<br />

expenditure budget of the University is in excess of<br />

HK$7.6 billion.<br />



Assistant Professor in Linguistics (Ref. 220607001)<br />

The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies<br />

(CBS) is one of the constituent departments of the<br />

Faculty of Humanities. One of the core missions of<br />

CBS is to promote and develop studies of Chinese,<br />

multilingualism, and language science in Chinese<br />

contexts. With around 50 full-time academic and<br />

teaching staff members, CBS is a vibrant centre for<br />

research in the areas of Chinese linguistics, corpus<br />

linguistics, speech and communication disorders,<br />

cognitive neuroscience, bilingual communication,<br />

Chinese language education, Chinese language<br />

testing, language technology, and translation and<br />

interpreting. The Department is also devoted to<br />

offering high-quality education programmes at<br />

different levels (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral)<br />

in Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Language<br />

Education, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign<br />

Language, Speech Therapy, Translating and<br />

Interpreting, Bilingual Corporate Communication,<br />

as well as Korean/Japanese language and culture<br />

courses at bachelor’s level. Within the Department,<br />

there is a PolyU-PKU Research Centre on Chinese<br />

Linguistics, a Speech Therapy Unit, a Research<br />

Centre for Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience,<br />

and a Centre for Translation Studies. CBS<br />

colleagues also conduct highly interdisciplinary<br />

research using advanced technologies (e.g., MRI,<br />

EEG/ERP, VR, AI/NLP) and facilities (e.g.,<br />

University Research Facility in Behavioural and<br />

Systems Neuroscience). The medium of instruction<br />

and administration is English. More information<br />

about the Department may be found at http://<br />

www.cbs.polyu.edu.hk/.<br />

The appointee will be required to (a) engage in<br />

teaching and related learning activities at both<br />

undergraduate and postgraduate levels; (b) assume<br />

an important role in curriculum design and<br />

development; (c) undertake academic research in<br />

the Linguistics, preferably with the specialism in<br />

Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Experimental<br />

Phonetics, Quantitative Linguistic Methods,<br />

including but not limited to actively pursuing for<br />

external research grants; (d) provide support for<br />

academic development and departmental objectives,<br />

and play an active role in programme management;<br />

(e) render professional service to the discipline and/<br />

or the community at large; and (f) perform any other<br />

duties as assigned by the Head of Department or<br />

his/her delegates.<br />

Applicants should have (a) a PhD degree in<br />

Linguistics, preferably with the specialism in<br />

Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics, Experimental<br />

Phonetics, Quantitative Linguistic Methods; (b)<br />

relevant post-qualification teaching and research<br />

experience and a proven record of relevant<br />

academic and/or professional achievements; (c) a<br />

high level of fluency in both English and Chinese;<br />

and (d) a strong commitment to excellence in<br />

teaching, scholarly activities and professional<br />

service.<br />

Applicants who have responded to the previous<br />

advertisements need not re-apply.<br />

Conditions of Service<br />

A highly competitive remuneration package will be<br />

offered. Appointment will only be on a fixed-term<br />

gratuity-bearing contract.<br />

Application<br />

Please submit an application through PolyU’s career<br />

website (https://jobs.polyu.edu.hk/academic).<br />

Consideration of applications will commence on 27<br />

July <strong>2022</strong> until the position is filled. The<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 70

University’s Personal Information Collection<br />

Statement for recruitment can be found at https://<br />

www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/careers/<br />

pics_for_recruitment/.<br />

PolyU is an equal opportunity employer committed<br />

to diversity and inclusivity. All qualified applicants<br />

will receive consideration for employment without<br />

regard to gender, ethnicity, nationality, family status<br />

or physical or mental disabilities.<br />

Adjunct Chinese Lecturer (Fort Worth,<br />

Texas)<br />

The Department of Modern Language Studies at<br />

Texas Christian University invites applications for<br />

an adjunct in Chinese. The successful applicant will<br />

teach two Chinese courses in the fall of <strong>2022</strong>. This<br />

is a one-semester temporary position with possible,<br />

but no guaranteed, renewal.<br />

Qualifications:<br />

Master’s degree or higher in Chinese language,<br />

Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, linguistics<br />

or related fields; native or near-native fluency in<br />

both Chinese and English.<br />

Applications include the following items: a cover<br />

letter and a curriculum vitae. We may request letters<br />

of recommendation later.<br />

Required Application Materials:<br />

If you are interested, please apply here: <br />

https://jobs.tcu.edu/mob/en-us/job/497354/modernlanguages-faculty-adjunct-pool-chinese<br />

If you have any questions, please contact Guangyan<br />

Chen (g.chen@tcu.edu) or Muriel Cormican<br />

(Muriel.cormican@tcu.edu)<br />

Review of applications will begin July 1, <strong>2022</strong>, and<br />

will continue until the position is filled.<br />

Head of Department of Chinese and<br />

Bilingual Studies (Ref. 22060909) (Hong<br />

Kong)<br />



The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is a<br />

government-funded tertiary institution in Hong<br />

Kong. It offers programmes at various levels<br />

including Doctorate, Master’s and Bachelor’s<br />

degrees. It has a full-time staff strength of around<br />

5,000 including 1,200 academic staff. The total<br />

annual consolidated expenditure budget of the<br />

University is in excess of HK$7.6 billion.<br />

Committed to academic excellence, PolyU aspires<br />

to become a leading university that excels in<br />

professional education, world-class research and<br />

partnership for the betterment of Hong Kong, the<br />

Nation and the world. For further details about the<br />

University, please visit PolyU’s website at http://<br />

www.polyu.edu.hk.<br />



Head of Department of Chinese and Bilingual<br />

Studies (Ref. 22060909)<br />

The Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies<br />

(CBS) is one of the constituent departments of the<br />

Faculty of Humanities. One of the core missions of<br />

CBS is to promote and develop studies of Chinese,<br />

multilingualism, and language science in Chinese<br />

contexts. With over 50 full-time academic and<br />

teaching staff members, CBS is a vibrant centre for<br />

research in the areas of Chinese linguistics, corpus<br />

linguistics, speech and communication disorders,<br />

cognitive neuroscience, bilingual communication,<br />

Chinese language education, Chinese language<br />

testing, language technology, and translation and<br />

interpreting. The Department is also devoted to<br />

offering high-quality education programmes at<br />

different levels (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral)<br />

in Chinese Linguistics, Chinese Language<br />

Education, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign<br />

Language, Speech Therapy, Translating and<br />

Interpreting, Bilingual Corporate Communication,<br />

as well as Korean / Japanese language and culture<br />

courses at bachelor’s level. Within the Department,<br />

there is a PolyU-PKU Research Centre on Chinese<br />

Linguistics, a Speech Therapy Unit, a Research<br />

Centre for Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience,<br />

and a Centre for Translation Studies. CBS<br />

colleagues also conduct highly interdisciplinary<br />

research using advanced technologies (e.g., MRI,<br />

EEG/ERP, VR, AI/NLP) and facilities (e.g.,<br />

University Research Facility in Behavioural and<br />

Systems Neuroscience). The medium of instruction<br />

and administration is English. More information<br />

about the Department may be found at http://<br />

www.cbs.polyu.edu.hk/.<br />

The University is now inviting applications and<br />

nominations for the post of Head of Department of<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Chinese and Bilingual Studies. The successful<br />

candidate will be appointed as Chair Professor/<br />

Professor normally on regular terms of appointment<br />

( e q u i v a l e n t t o t e n u r e d p r o f e s s o r s h i p ) ,<br />

commensurate with his/her qualifications and<br />

experience, and will hold a concurrent headship<br />

appointment. The concurrent headship appointment<br />

is normally for an aggregate period of six years in<br />

two three-year terms of office. Other suitable<br />

candidate(s) from the search, if deemed appropriate<br />

by the University, may be appointed as Chair<br />

Professor/Professor if not as Head of Department.<br />

The position calls for a visionary academic leader<br />

with responsibilities of ensuring the smooth and<br />

successful operation and sustainable development of<br />

the Department. Reporting directly to the Dean of<br />

Faculty of Humanities, the appointee will be<br />

required to (a) provide effective leadership in the<br />

development of long-term strategies and plans of<br />

the Department in alignment with the University’s<br />

Strategic Plan, and coach and empower staff<br />

members so that they can accomplish planned<br />

objectives with world-class standards and in an<br />

effective and efficient manner; (b) ensure highquality<br />

teaching as well as holistic development of<br />

the students, and align the Department’s<br />

programmes with the needs of the community; (c)<br />

facilitate the conduct of innovative and original<br />

research of high quality and impact, and promote<br />

and develop genuine cross-disciplinary research<br />

with the optimal use of research funds, within and<br />

beyond the Department; (d) provide leadership in<br />

technology development, commercialisation and<br />

entrepreneurship initiatives to extend the impact of<br />

research outcomes of the University to the<br />

community; (e) provide leadership in developing a<br />

strong network of partnership with leading<br />

institutions for opportunities and collaboration in<br />

education, research and knowledge transfer<br />

activities; (f) enhance the local and international<br />

networks of partnerships and linkages with the<br />

community, particularly the professional, public and<br />

business sectors, so as to gain their support for the<br />

major strategic initiatives of the University; (g)<br />

ensure effective internal communication that leads<br />

to a transparent decision-making process and<br />

promote the Department’s strengths and other<br />

services to all relevant stakeholders; (h) ensure<br />

optimal deployment of human, financial and other<br />

resources in the Department; (i) implement an<br />

effective mechanism to acquire donations and other<br />

forms of sponsorship to support the University’s<br />

pursuits and long-term development; and (j)<br />

undertake other duties as assigned by the Dean of<br />

Faculty or the Central Management Team of the<br />

University from time to time.<br />

Applicants should have (a) academic qualifications<br />

at the doctoral level in a relevant discipline,<br />

evidence of eminent scholarship, substantial<br />

relevant experience in a senior academic position,<br />

and relevant professional qualifications where<br />

appropriate; (b) attainment of an academic rank of<br />

full professor or above at an internationally<br />

recognised university; (c) a distinguished<br />

international reputation in research and scholarship,<br />

and demonstrated international leadership in one or<br />

more domains of the Department’s research<br />

strengths; (d) a strong record in attracting<br />

competitive research funding; (e) a demonstrated<br />

commitment to excellence in teaching; (f) a global<br />

perspective, proven qualities of academic leadership<br />

and substantial administration / management<br />

experience, as well as demonstrated ability of<br />

building up a strong team of faculty members with<br />

different research and cultural backgrounds; (g)<br />

effective interpersonal communication and<br />

resources management skills, and excellent<br />

adaptability to changes and challenges; (h) good<br />

knowledge of the higher educational environment in<br />

the local and global context; and (i) high standard of<br />

personal integrity.<br />

Conditions of Service<br />

Terms of appointment and remuneration package<br />

are negotiable and highly competitive. For general<br />

information on terms and conditions for<br />

appointment of academic staff in the University,<br />

please visit the website at https://<br />

www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/docdrive/careers/doc/<br />

Prof.pdf.<br />

Application and Nomination<br />

The University invites applications and nominations<br />

for this appointment. Please submit an application<br />

through PolyU’s career website (https://<br />

jobs.polyu.edu.hk/deans_heads). Candidature may<br />

also be obtained by nominations via email to the<br />

Chairman of the Search Committee for recruitment<br />

of Head of Department of Chinese and Bilingual<br />

Studies at hrsccbs@polyu.edu.hk. Consideration of<br />

applications and nominations will commence on 1<br />

August <strong>2022</strong> until the position is filled. General<br />

information about the University is available<br />

at http://www.polyu.edu.hk or from the Human<br />

Resources Office [Tel: (852) 2766 5634]. The<br />

University’s Personal Information Collection<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 72

Statement for recruitment can be found at <br />

https://www.polyu.edu.hk/hro/careers/<br />

guidelines_and_forms/pics_for_recruitment.<br />

PolyU is an equal opportunity employer committed<br />

to diversity and inclusivity. All qualified applicants<br />

will receive consideration for employment without<br />

regard to gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, family<br />

status or physical or mental disabilities.<br />

Visiting Assistant Professor in Chinese<br />

Language (Carlisle, PA)<br />

The Department of East Asian Studies at Dickinson<br />

College invites applications for a visiting assistant<br />

professor position in Chinese language. This is a<br />

one year position for the academic year of<br />

<strong>2022</strong>-2023, with expectations to be on board in<br />

August <strong>2022</strong>. The teaching load is six courses a<br />

year. Applicants should be prepared to teach<br />

Chinese at all levels. Prior experience in Chinese<br />

instruction at the university level is preferred, as is<br />

training in proficiency-oriented, task-based, and<br />

project-based teaching. The ability to create<br />

inclusive learning environments for an increasingly<br />

diverse student body will be an important<br />

characteristic of the successful candidate. Native or<br />

near-native fluency in Chinese and English is<br />

required.<br />

Interested candidates should apply for this position<br />

electronically via QUEST (online application<br />

system) at https://jobs.dickinson.edu.<br />

Please include a letter of application, a curriculum<br />

vitae, and the names of three references.<br />

Review of applications will begin immediately and<br />

continue until the position has been filled. Priority<br />

will be given to applications received by June 24,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Please direct any questions to: Nan Ma, Search<br />

Committee Chair, at mana@dickinson.edu.<br />

Dickinson College is a highly selective four-year,<br />

independent liberal arts college with 2300 students.<br />

Dickinson prides itself on having dynamic faculty<br />

who combine excellent teaching and research. The<br />

College is located in Carlisle, PA. Carlisle is 20<br />

minutes west of Harrisburg and a two-hour drive<br />

from Baltimore, Washington DC, and Philadelphia.<br />

Dickinson College is committed to building a<br />

representative and diverse faculty, administrative<br />

staff, and student body. We encourage applications<br />

from all qualified persons.<br />

Assistant Professor of Chinese Language,<br />

Literature, and Culture, Middlebury College<br />

(Middlebury, Vermont)<br />

The Middlebury College Greenberg-Starr<br />

Department of Chinese invites applicants for a<br />

tenure-track position in Chinese language, literature,<br />

and culture to begin in fall 2023. Candidates may be<br />

specialists in any historical era and any genre of<br />

Chinese literature or other form of Chinese cultural<br />

production, but priority will be given to candidates<br />

who can teach courses on 20th- and 21st-century<br />

Chinese literature and culture, including film,<br />

documentary film, digital media culture, Sinophone<br />

culture, and non-Han minority culture, as well as<br />

topical courses not confined to a single historical<br />

period. Candidates with experience and<br />

demonstrated success in teaching Chinese language,<br />

literature, and culture to undergraduate students are<br />

especially encouraged to apply. Applicants must<br />

have the Ph.D. in hand or expected by <strong>September</strong><br />

2023. Appointment is expected to be at the rank of<br />

Assistant Professor, with the possibility of an<br />

accelerated tenure clock commensurate with<br />

previous experience. Exceptionally qualified<br />

candidates may be considered for appointment at the<br />

rank of Associate Professor. Candidates must be<br />

committed to high quality undergraduate education,<br />

including Mandarin language education, and the<br />

mentoring of a diverse student population.<br />

Candidates must be willing to dedicate themselves<br />

to participation in a department with a tradition of<br />

teamwork and team teaching. Candidates must have<br />

native or near-native proficiency in Mandarin and<br />

English and be eager to teach both Chinese<br />

language courses and courses in English and in<br />

Chinese on Chinese literature and culture. The<br />

typical teaching load will be 2 fall semester courses<br />

and 2 spring semester courses plus 1 Winter Term<br />

course in every other year, with Winter Term off in<br />

the alternate year. When teaching in Winter Term,<br />

the new colleague will join the three- to fourinstructor<br />

team that teaches our four-week intensive<br />

continuation of beginning Mandarin Chinese. In<br />

each fall and spring semester the new colleague will<br />

typically teach 1 Mandarin language course, most<br />

likely at the 3rd- or 4th-year level, and 1 course in<br />

English on Chinese literature and culture. In some<br />

semesters the new colleague may also be asked to<br />

teach a 1st- or 2nd-year Chinese Drill. The new<br />

colleague will have the opportunity to contribute to<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

the college-wide curriculum, including the first-year<br />

seminar program and the programs in Comparative<br />

Literature and Literary Studies, and will have the<br />

opportunity to propose courses to be cross-listed<br />

with other departments and programs, including, for<br />

example, Film & Media Culture, and Gender,<br />

Sexuality & Feminist Studies. The Greenberg-Starr<br />

Department of Chinese has an endowed enrichment<br />

budget that provides each member of its faculty<br />

with a yearly professional development stipend.<br />

This budget also provides support for cocurricular<br />

activities and program-building initiatives.<br />

Candidates should provide evidence of commitment<br />

to excellent teaching, potential for excellence in<br />

scholarship, and the ability to innovate in the design<br />

and teaching of courses both in English and in<br />

Chinese.<br />

November 1, <strong>2022</strong>, but review of completed<br />

applications will begin on August 15, <strong>2022</strong>, and<br />

priority will be given to applications received by<br />

October 1, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Offers of employment are contingent on completion<br />

of a background check. Information on our<br />

background check policy can be found here: http://<br />

go.middlebury.edu/backgroundchecks<br />

Middlebury College is a top-tier liberal arts college<br />

with a demonstrated commitment to excellence in<br />

faculty teaching and research. An Equal Opportunity<br />

Employer, the College is committed to hiring a<br />

diverse faculty as we work to foster innovation in<br />

our curriculum and to provide a rich and varied<br />

educational experience to our increasingly diverse<br />

student body. Women, people of color, veterans,<br />

people with disabilities, and members of the<br />

LGBTQ+ community are especially encouraged to<br />

apply. At Middlebury, we strive to make our campus<br />

a respectful, engaged community that embraces<br />

difference, with all the complexity and individuality<br />

each person brings.<br />

Middlebury College uses Interfolio to collect all<br />

faculty job applications electronically. Email and<br />

paper applications will not be accepted. Through<br />

Interfolio (https://apply.interfolio.com/107834)<br />

submit: a letter of application; a CV; graduate<br />

transcripts; a statement of teaching and research<br />

interests that speaks to how your experiences,<br />

interests, and ambitions will complement and<br />

improve our existing curriculum; a sample of<br />

scholarly work; three current letters of<br />

recommendation, at least two of which must speak<br />

to teaching ability; and a separate, one-page<br />

statement on inclusion that addresses how your<br />

teaching, scholarship, mentorship, and/or<br />

community service demonstrate a commitment to<br />

and/or evidence of engaging with issues of diversity<br />

and inclusion. You may also submit additional<br />

materials that attest to your teaching experience and<br />

success (e.g., student evaluations and/or teaching<br />

videos). Questions may be sent to Chinese<br />

Department Chair Thomas (Tom) Moran at<br />

moran@middlebury.edu. The application deadline is<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 74<br />

返 回 ⽬ 录

ICLE<br />

国 际 中 ⽂ 教 育 <strong>2022</strong> 年 第 2 期<br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

International Chinese Language Education<br />

Volume 7, <strong>2022</strong> (No. 2)<br />

<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 76

世 界 汉 语 教 学 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

返 回 ⽬ 录<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 78

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 80

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 82

<strong>CLTA</strong> K12 Selected Works > <br />

(June <strong>2022</strong> is published)<br />

The <strong>CLTA</strong> K-12 Committee's annual issue of Selection of American K-12<br />

Outstanding Chinese Works ( 美 国 中 ⼩ 学 ⽣ 中 ⽂ 优 秀 作 品 精 选 ) -- <strong>CLTA</strong> K-12 > is now published and available online. Please see the link below to read the June<br />

<strong>2022</strong> issue. Congratulations to the students whose work was selected for inclusion!<br />

This year's publication received more than double the submissions from our<br />

previous issues. We hope teachers find the final publication a helpful reference of<br />

K-12 students' high-quality written work at all levels from novice to advanced, and<br />

we hope students find inspiration from the writing pieces!<br />

Thank you to all teachers who submitted work and promoted the publication. A<br />

special thank you to the K-12 representatives from our Regional Associations who<br />

worked together on the process of selecting the final works for inclusion, writing<br />

commentary on each piece, and designing the final product.<br />

Link to the <strong>CLTA</strong> K12 2> publication (June <strong>2022</strong> Issue)<br />

<br />

https://www.yumpu.com/xx/document/view/67027673/selection-of-americank-12-outstanding-chinese-works-june-<strong>2022</strong><br />

Please also visit the <strong>CLTA</strong> publications K-12 > for students’ works.<br />

https://clta-us.org/publications/<br />

<strong>2022</strong>-2023 <strong>CLTA</strong> K-12 Committee:<br />

Zoe Jiang 江 凌 欧 (Chair)<br />

Bonnie Wang 王 春 梦 <br />

Ting Gao 郜 婷 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong>, Volume 46, No. 3

Dear Colleagues,<br />

<br />

We are pleased to announce the publication of the June <strong>2022</strong> issue of the Journal of<br />

Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, freely accessible at http://www.tclt.us/<br />

journal/. Its table of contents is included below for your reference.<br />

<br />

Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, <br />

Volume 13 Number 1, June <strong>2022</strong>, ⼆ 〇 ⼆⼆ 年 六 ⽉ 第 ⼗ 三 卷 第 ⼀ 期 <br />

<br />

Articles<br />

Motivating Online Language Learners: From Theory to Design Strategies<br />

( 提 ⾼ 在 线 语 ⾔ 学 习 动 机 : 从 理 论 到 策 略 )<br />

Jiang, Zilu ( 江 ⼦ 鹭 ), The Ohio State University ( 俄 亥 俄 州 ⽴⼤ 学 )<br />

Xie, Kui ( 谢 魁 ), The Ohio State University ( 俄 亥 俄 州 ⽴⼤ 学 )<br />

<br />

Intermediate-Level Language Learners’ Use of Online Accessible Resources to Supplement<br />

Learning: An Exploratory Study<br />

( 中 級 外 語 學 習 者 利 ⽤ 開 放 網 絡 資 源 輔 助 學 習 ——⼀ 項 探 索 性 研 究 )<br />

Zhang, Shenglan ( 張 勝 蘭 ), Iowa State University ( 愛 荷 華 州 ⽴⼤ 學 )<br />

<br />

Exploring the Affordances and Effectiveness of a Digital Game in the Chinese Dual<br />

Language Immersion Classroom<br />

( 探 索 电 ⼦ 游 戏 在 中 ⽂ 沉 浸 式 课 堂 中 的 可 ⽤ 功 能 和 有 效 性 )<br />

Poole, Frederick, Michigan State University ( 密 西 根 州 ⽴⼤ 学 ) Clarke-Midura, Jody, Utah<br />

State University ( 犹 他 州 ⽴⼤ 学 ) Ji, Siyu ( 纪 斯 ⾬), Utah State University ( 犹 他 州 ⽴⼤ 学 )<br />

<br />

Columns<br />

<br />

STARTALK eTower: ⼀ 个 有 效 提 ⾼ 学 习 者 能 ⼒ 以 及 学 习 ⾃ 主 性 的 开 放 式 教 育 资 源 <br />

(STARTALK eTower: An Effective OER to Promote Chinese Language Proficiency and<br />

Learner Autonomy)<br />

谭 ⼤⽴ (Tan, Dali), 北 弗 吉 尼 亚 社 区 学 院 (Northern Virginia Community College)<br />

吴 雷 (Wu, Lei), 佛 罗 ⾥ 达 国 际 ⼤ 学 (Florida International University)<br />

黄 瑞 (Huang, Rui), 斯 坦 福 ⼤ 学 (Stanford University)<br />

王 真 (Wang, Zhen), 布 兰 迪 斯 ⼤ 学 (Brandeis University)<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 84


Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA<br />

美 國 中 ⽂ 教 師 學 會 <br />

<strong>CLTA</strong> Headquarters<br />

<br />

c/o Department of Modern Language, Carnegie Mellon University<br />

5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213<br />

Tel: 412-268-5949, Fax: 412-268-1328 <br />

E-mail: clta@andrew.cmu.edu; <br />

Website: https://clta-us.org <br />


UPDATE<br />

Join <strong>CLTA</strong>, renew your membership, or edit your member profile at<br />

https://clta-us.org/join-us<br />

<br />

<strong>September</strong>. <strong>2022</strong>. 86

《 继 往 开 来 - 回 顾 <strong>CLTA</strong> 成 ⽴60 周 年 》<br />

https://youtu.be/7hLMFWNbSjE<br />

<br />

<br />

邓 守 信 老 师 回 顾 从 助 教 到<br />

语 ⾔ 学 博 ⼠ 的 经 历<br />

<br />

淩 志 韫 老 师 谈 <strong>CLTA</strong> 建 立 的 意 义<br />

苏 张 之 丙 回 顾 五 ⼗ 年 中 ⽂ 教 学

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