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for theme-based textbooks. Teachers make decisions about the order and timing of parts of units, emphasizing

syllabus continuity and progression in learner’s proficiency; however. Unit planning; in other words, helps

teachers have a general view of what to teach, when, how, and for how long. Long term planning gives the

teacher a privileged position to prepare long in advance any supplementary material, equipment (audio, video…)

or tests needed. It also makes it possible to get learners involved by assigning research activities (or project

work) before dealing with the theme of the unit.

Managing pair work

Part of classroom management is pair work. In pair work, the teacher divides the whole class into pairs. Every

learner works with his or her partner and all the pairs work at the same time. Pair work can be either open or

closed. As a working mode, pair work presents a host of merits as it:

• increases the amount of learners’ practice and, by the same token, reduces teacher’s interventions;

• ensures a high degree of learner involvement;

• allows for cooperative learning;

• increases learners’ interaction;

• enhances motivation.

Pair work is usually conducted following this procedure:

• divide the class into pairs;

• explain the task and model it with one or two learners.

• call on a pair of learners to do the task as a further model if necessary;

• set an appropriate time limit;

• make sure learners practice in pairs;

• move around the class and give help when needed;

• volunteer pairs might be called to do the activity in front of the class.

During a closed pair work session, the teacher should move around the class checking that the learners are on

task and that the activity is running smoothly. In case of oral fluency work, the teacher should take down notes

about the most serious errors to be dealt with immediately after the completion of the task or later in remedial

work sessions .A successful pair work usually requires proceeding from open to closed pair work. Suitable

activities for pair work include information gap activities, role-plays, structural practice, functional practice, peer

editing, etc.

Managing group work

Learners learn best when they are actively involved in the process of learning. Regardless of the content of

teaching, learners who collaborate/ cooperate in a competition-free atmosphere learn a lot from each other; they

also internalize and practise better. Group work refers to instances when the teacher divides the class into small


التوجيهات التربوية وبرامج تدريس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية س ت ث ت 2007

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