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Performance-based assessment: Speaking

The performance-based assessment for speaking skills can be carried out through two approaches: (i) the

observational approach and (ii) the structured approach. Through the observational approach, you will observe

and assess the learner’s behavior unobtrusively. Through the structured approach, on the other hand, you set one

or more specific oral communication tasks for the learner to perform. Here, you evaluate the learner’s

performance on the task. You can administer the task in a one-on-one setting – you, yourself, and one learner--

or in a group or class setting. In either setting, learners should be conscious of their communicating meaningful

content to a real audience. Tasks should be related to topics that all learners are familiar with. In case, you decide

to set tasks that focus on topics they are not familiar with, learners should be allowed the time necessary to

collect information on these topics.

While applying either approach, you can use a variety of rating systems. A holistic rating captures a general

impression of the learner’s performance. A primary trait score assesses the learner’s ability to achieve a specific

communication purpose -- for example, to persuade the listener to endorse a certain viewpoint on a particular

issue. Analytic scales capture the learner’s performance on various aspects of communication, such as delivery,

organization, content, and language. These are implicitly embedded in the holistic rubric below:

0 Unable to sustain conversations.

1 Seems confused by questions and respond inappropriately or illogically.

Unable to clarify questions successfully. S/he responds to questions immediately, but their responses do not


correspond to the task or topic appropriately.

3 Able to ask for clarification of misunderstandings. S/he responds appropriately to most questions.

4 Able to communicate on a variety of topics and respond to questions with clear, appropriate answers.

Performance-based assessment: Listening

Listening tests are typically identical to reading comprehension tests except that the learner listens to a text

instead of reading it. The learner then answers questions or carries out tasks that tap various levels of literal and

inferential comprehension.

The listening text should represent typical spoken language. The text should be representative of the language

that learners might typically be expected to hear in the classroom, in various media, or in conversations/talks.

Because listening performance is strongly influenced by motivation and memory, the text should be appealing

and relatively short. To ensure fairness, topics should be grounded in experience common to all learners. Tasks,

on the other hand, should also be grounded in the exercise typology common to all learners.


التوجيهات التربوية وبرامج تدريس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية س ت ث ت 2007

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