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and achieve the objectives set for project work, help learners identify relevant issues and assist them to define

the step by step procedure that will enable them to complete their project and achieve their goals. The teacher’s

intervention may go along the following lines:

• To help learners select a topic and define a method of execution

• To help learners structure their work, assign tasks and set deadlines

• To supervise the project by providing guidance and support throughout its stages

• To give learners formative feedback on both process and product

• To equip learners with the necessary language tools to achieve the project tasks.

• To encourage learners to develop their own ideas, and to be creative.

• To foster engagement and positive attitude through encouragement and empathy.

• To ensure that learners meet deadlines.

• To deal with unforeseen difficulties.

• To discourage plagiarism and challenge learners to accept responsibility for their work.

Project assessment criteria

These criteria may be adopted and or adapted by the teacher to assess learners’ achievement.

• Planning and development: does the project have a clear focus? Does the learner follow a coherent

outline? Has the learner given each stage of the project due attention?

• Collection of information/ resources: has the learner demonstrated the ability to collect relevant data

from a variety of sources? Has he used the appropriate tools? Has he selected sufficient information to

substantiate his arguments or to support his ideas?

• Analysis/ creativity: Does the learner demonstrate depth of reflection? Does he have a clear vision or

does he bring a personal response to the issues being considered?

• Message: how comprehensive, clear and effective is the message? How appropriate are the

information to the task?


Carmona et al,( 1991). Developing Project Work in the English Classroom. Forum, vol29, nb3, pp.45-47.

Fried-Booth, D, L.( 1986). Project Work. (Ed) Alan Maley. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

M.E.N. (1996). Recommendations pédagogiques et programmes de l’anglais dans l’enseignement secondaire.

M.E.N. (2004 and 2005). Recommendations pédagogiques et programmes de l’anglais dans l’enseignement

Papandreou, A, P. (1994). An Application of the Project Approach to EFL. Forum, vol32, nb3, pp.41-45

Ribé. R and N Vidal. (1993). Project Work Step by Step. Macmillan Heinemann.

Rowlands, S.( 2002). Personal Project. International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme.

Sheppard, K. and F. L. Stoller. (1995). Guidelines for the Integration of Learner Projects into ESP

Classrooms. Forum, vol. 33, nb4, pp. 10-15.


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