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The First Year Baccalaureate Syllabus

By the end of the first year Baccalaureate course, the students are expected to perform the following:


Engage in conversations effectively, using suitable conversation management skills and appropriate

communication strategies

Express personal feelings and emotions (anger, happiness, doubt etc…)

Respond to direct questions, instructions, suggestions, offers, visual input etc…

Respond to factual, referential and inferential questions

Make predictions about a reading or listening material.

Make a prepared oral presentation about a topic of general and/or personal interest

React to classmates’ talks and/or presentations

Report other people’s talks (or conversations) effectively.


Identify the topic of an aural text

Identify the main ideas

Distinguish the main idea from supporting details

Respond to referential questions based on an aural text

Respond to inferential questions based on an aural text

Distinguish implicit information from explicit information

Deduce the meaning of words from the context of an aural text

Transfer information to complete forms, tables, graphs etc…


Make predictions about a reading text using the title, captions, pictures, first or last sentence of a

paragraph etc…

Identify the main idea of paragraphs or the whole text

Deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words

Scan for specific information

Skim for gist or general impression

Make inferences: informational, explanatory, prepositional and pragmatic

Recognize referents


التوجيهات التربوية وبرامج تدريس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية س ت ث ت 2007

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