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even when they graduate. The areas above describe implicitly the overall content of teaching/learning at the

four levels. Aligned with these areas are the following types of standards:

Content standards – are statements about what learners should know and be able to do with English.

Performance standards –show us how the learners have achieved the standards targeted. They refer

to how learners are meeting a standard and show the learner’s progress towards meeting a


Proficiency standards – these standards tell us how well learners should perform.

The necessity for having clear, straightforward and well-articulated standards is self-evident. They provide

learners with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and strategies for better English

language learning. An effective attainment of these standards requires that teachers should help learners to:

- develop the ability to think through

• Problem-solving;

• informed decision-making;

• systems thinking 3 (focussing on the whole, not the parts, of a particular issue or system);

• critical, creative, and analytical thinking; 4

• imagining places, times, and situations different from their own;

• developing and testing hypotheses;

• transferring their English language learning competencies to other learning situations.

- develop communication skills

• constructing and defending an argument;

• working effectively in duos/-groups;

• communicating plans and processes for reaching goals;

• receiving and acting on instructions, plans, and models;

• communicating purposefully using the skills acquired.

- be tuned to quality work

• acquiring and making effective use of information;

• coming up with quality performances (e.g. well-executed presentations / projects in class);

• revising their performances for later presentations;

• Drawing up and pursuing positive and rewarding goals.

- foster their connections with their community

• being recognizant of their responsibilities and rights as citizens and acting accordingly;

• being willing to work hard and being long-life learners;

• contributing to the aesthetic and cultural life of their community in any way they can;

3 Systems thinking is a way of understanding reality that emphasizes the relationships among the system’s parts, rather

than the parts themselves.

4 This is a strategy that fosters the learner’s ability to think methodically. Learners should be encouraged to think both

critically and analytically.


التوجيهات التربوية وبرامج تدريس مادة اللغة الإنجليزية س ت ث ت 2007

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