Unikum mai 2021

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Tobias Klausen


…a somber quietness befell the ward, as if it had been

a radio blasting tragedies, and now it was dialed back

to blissful tranquility. The echoes of screeches from

wheels faded, the agonized cries of pain and torment

having died out, the monotonic sound of heavy equipment

buzzed down.

It was simply…peaceful.

Emma strolled down the corridors, wheeling along the

cart containing the many pills for the many diseases.

How strange it was, that these tiny capsules of medicine,

these tiny rays of hope, could save lives. She knew

their chemical compounds, yet that did not unravel the

mysterious power they held. Somehow, if she knew,

this magical illusion would be gone. If we unmasked

everything, revealing its true nature, what wonder

would there be left? Once we see the face of truth, no

matter how ugly or decrepit, we can no longer reject it.

We would be forced to accept it. Thus, we nestle in our

delusion, taking comfort in its obscurity.

At least, that’s what Emma thought as she strolled

along. Until the sudden, loud clank of a metallic tray

interrupted her train of thought.

“M-Miss Asc! W-What are you doing up and about!?”

The widened eyes of Nurse Ratched met Emma’s as she

turned around. The woman looked shocked, frightened

even. But as her eyes connected with Emma’s,

they softened, and the fear evaporated.

“Oh, Emma…it’s just you dear. You looked so much like

one of my coma patients, I was quite positively spooked.

She’s been in a coma for so long she shouldn’t be

up and about if she woke up from it. How tragic, at

such a young age even, not her fault at all I’ve heard.

Life can be so cruel can’t it? Oh, I’m prattling on, aren’t

I? You finish your round dearie, I’ll handle the west

wing tonight, alright? Someone needs to watch the

west wing. You got this wing covered, Emma. You’re

such a diligent, young worker Emma, I’m amazed at

your endurance…”

The weary eyes of Nurse Ratched drifted from Emma

as her worn-out body floated into the corridors, her

figure practically merging with the stiff whiteness surrounding

her. She looked like a ghost; a fading light

dimmed by the many years of watching human suffering.

Emma hoped her spark wouldn’t be extinguished,

that it would live on and ignite the ones around

her with the passion for life. Human life was too valuable

to be snuffed out. Too valuable not to be cherished.

Emma greeted each and every patient with a smile,

all she received in return were empty glares and

mute expressions. The night always seemingly draped

the ward in a constant gloom, as if a witch had cast a

spell, one which broke only at dawn’s radiance. However,

Emma was determined not to let it deter her. If

she could not break it, she would cure it, regardless of

what the remedy was.

Only a few hours into her shift she felt out of breath, as

if the bleak mood was depriving her lungs of oxygen.

She allowed herself a few moments to catch her breath

in one of the chairs residing in a patient’s room.

Across her, the reflection of her own face returned a

tired glare. The heavy bags beneath her eyes revealed

how the many extra hours were taking their toll. As

she brushed a lock of brown hair out of her eyes, the

most peculiar hallucination transpired before her very

eyes. The reflection did not replicate her movement,

it just watched her, expressionless. Yet, it was as if the

reflection’s eyes called for help. Startled, Emma quickly

rose, the reflection still staring dead straight. She

quickly scurried out the room, her heart a locomotive

fueled by the coals of fear.

“Must be seeing things, working too hard. Yes, yes,

that had to be it. Don’t be silly now, can’t dawdle any

further, more people need my help. More people need


The hours dragged on, and bit by bit, Emma felt the

same gloom creep upon her. As if to smother her consciousness

into the same indifference affecting the patients,

to cast its curse upon her. Despite the determination

of her mind, the flesh was unwilling. From her

medicine trolley, she snuck out a tiny capsule from the

vial marked “Modafinil”. Thievery appalled her, yet

she considered this no act of theft, but an exchange. A

single remedy for her continued efficiency in helping

others. Some leeway must be allowed on this exhausting

road she has taken. She needed her own ray of


“Miss Lepius! Miss Lepius!”

Startled, Emma lost the capsule and it scurried across

the polished tiles and hid beneath a desk.

“Wh-what is it?” she replied, hiding her guilt in a fit of



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