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Seasons Greetings from Unikum‘s Editorial Team!<br />
Studentavisen for Agder GRATIS | Desember 2023<br />
Last ned SiA<br />
Studentliv appen<br />
Last ned her<br />
.. og få full oversikt over hva som<br />
skjer på- og utenfor campus, samt<br />
flere eksklusive tilbud og fordeler.
LEDER<br />
The year is coming to an end, and<br />
maybe some of you are filled with<br />
dread for another year ending without<br />
having fulfilled your New Year’s<br />
Resolution, or others are relieved that<br />
with the new year (and semester),<br />
you can finally leave the exam stress<br />
behind you and enjoy a little break.<br />
For me, all of this is coming to an<br />
end, but also, my reign as editorin-chief.<br />
It’s been a wonderful and<br />
fantastic journey filled with wonder,<br />
glee, frustration, stress, defeats, and<br />
victories. It’s almost melancholic<br />
that it’s coming to an end, it feels like<br />
yesterday when I felt the excitement<br />
of holding the January edition in my<br />
hands, my very first issue. Alas, all<br />
good things must come to an end.<br />
Now, this is the season of gratitude,<br />
for everything we have and have had.<br />
With my final leader, I would like to<br />
extend my complete appreciation to<br />
my fantastic editorial team, to those<br />
who have joined me on this adventure<br />
during the spring semester and those<br />
who joined during the fall semester.<br />
Without you all, this job would not be<br />
as fun and rewarding as it has been,<br />
it would not be worth it. Together,<br />
we have made many great editions,<br />
with terrific articles, had so many fun<br />
meetings, and of course, all the social<br />
events which you guys have made<br />
into entertaining affairs. Thank you<br />
all, for coming along, encouraging me,<br />
challenging me, and most of all, made<br />
such a brilliant newspaper with me.<br />
But it doesn’t end there. I want to<br />
thank you, dear readers of Unikum,<br />
for your continued support. You may<br />
not think too much of this, but you<br />
guys don’t see the sheer elation when<br />
I tell the editorial team that we had to<br />
refill our magazine stand in Vrimle,<br />
the utter delight when I tell one of our<br />
writers that their article is one of the<br />
most clicked articles this week/month.<br />
When you pick up a magazine, when<br />
you read it, comment on it, talk with<br />
your friends about it, it brings us so<br />
much joy. And now, more than ever,<br />
we have more of you guys reading our<br />
magazine. Thank you all, for being here<br />
with us, supporting us, reading us, and<br />
most of all, enjoying our newspaper.<br />
And finally, thank you Unikum, for<br />
being a place for me. For being a<br />
place, I could develop myself as a<br />
writer, a place where I could meet<br />
some of the greatest and most<br />
pleasant people I ever talked to and<br />
for being a place where I feel at home.<br />
Thank you :)<br />
4 Battle of the Christmas Sodas<br />
6 UiA mister millioner i statsstøtte<br />
7 Christmas Gifts On a Budget<br />
9 Oppskrift: Doble havreflarn med sjokolade<br />
10 Short-story: Twisted Glow<br />
11 Stirred not shaken! A look at the stirred up<br />
debate about alcohol regulation in Norway<br />
14 10 at UiA: What is your favorite<br />
thing about the Holidays?<br />
15 How to Celebrate Christmas Alone<br />
16 Culture Calendar<br />
20 Edinburgh: a love letter<br />
25 Pit Stop<br />
26 Vintersykling 101 for nybegynnere<br />
28 Passive Aggressive Christmas Presents<br />
32 Poduniverset<br />
34 Poems<br />
35 Hunger Games: The Ballad of<br />
Songbirds and Snakes Review<br />
36 YATA Kristiansand Utforsker<br />
Luftforsvarets Skolesenter Kjevik<br />
38 Review: Super Mario RPG (2023)<br />
Tobias Klausen<br /><br />
4843 1050<br />
UTGITT AV: Studentavisen Unikum, ved Universitetet i Agder<br />
POSTADRESSE: Serviceboks 422, 4604 Kristiansand S<br />
BESØKSADRESSE: Universitetsveien 24, 4630 Kristiansand S<br />
ORG.NR.: 984 544 677<br />
TELEFON: 911 45 962<br />
EPOST:<br />
TWITTER:<br />
Publisert November 2023<br />
Utgave nummer 10<br />
Unikum er studentavisen ved Universitetet i Agder og andre<br />
institusjoner tilknyttet Studentsamskipnaden i Agder. Avisen er<br />
politisk og religiøst uavhengig, og blir drevet på frivillig basis.<br />
Unikum følger Vær Varsom-plakaten og redaktørplakaten. Føler<br />
du deg urettferdig behandlet eller på noen måte uriktig fremstilt<br />
av Unikum, ber vi deg kontakte redaksjonen.<br />
Redaksjon:<br />
Tobias Klausen<br />
Nettredaktør<br />
Nyhetsredaktør<br />
Kulturredaktør<br />
Fotoredaktør<br />
Debattansvarlig<br />
Natalia Bogdanova<br />
FORSIDE:<br />
Foto: Anja Kathrine Laland Gyberg<br />
Anjali Mariampillai<br />
Natasha Agatha Wangui<br />
Randi Andersdotter<br />
Adam Zawadzk, Alexander Horpestad, Ángels Aguilera,<br />
Anjali Mariampillai, Aurora Trondsen Flatvoll, Halvor<br />
Nyhus Hagen, Henrike Jost, Mattias Johannessen,<br />
Michael Campbell, Natasha Agatha Wangui, Randi<br />
Andersdotter, Tobias Klausen, Vilde Hagen Svanberg<br />
Alice Soleng, Alexander Horpestad, Anjali Mariampillai,<br />
Natasha Agatha Wangui<br />
DESKEN:<br />
Àngels Aguilera, Adam Zawadzki, Alexander Horpestad, Alice<br />
Soleng, Anjali Mariampillai, Henrike Jost, Jakub Świerkocki,<br />
Michael Campbell, Natalia Bogdanova, Pål Øymoen, Tobias<br />
Klausen, Vilde Hagen Svanberg<br />
Adam Zawadzki, Alice Soleng, Ida Marie Bruun, Martin Hoftun,<br />
Michael Campbell, Silje Gullhav, Tobias Klausen, Vilde Hagen<br />
Svanberg, Åshild Magnesen<br />
Marion Bjørndal Søviknes<br />
Bjorvand & Co<br />
OPPLAG:<br />
300<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 3
Battle of the Christmas Sodas<br />
Alice Soleng<br />
Writer<br />
Photo Unikum // Alice Soleng; AdobeStock // Fotokvadrat<br />
With the holidays right around the corner, Unikum wanted to share one of its favourite things about the<br />
Norwegian Christmas, with some of our excellent exchange students. There are countless types of Christmas<br />
soda, with some special to specific locations in the country. Whether you enjoy red or brown Christmas soda the<br />
best, is up to personal taste. Three brave international students agreed to try five different kinds, rating them<br />
between 0 and 10. With 0 meaning “I threw up” and 10 being “I wanna have this every single day for the rest of<br />
my life”. On a cold November night, they were all gathered in the STA-building, and they were scarred for life.<br />
Test subjects:<br />
- Àngels Aguilera, education major, from Spain.<br />
- Michael Campbell, fine arts major, from England.<br />
- Wafa’a Selby, education, special needs major, from England.<br />
Foto:<br />
Grans Julebrus<br />
Ángels: It’s like liquid candy. I don’t<br />
really like sweet things, so this was not<br />
my favourite, and it tasted like medicine<br />
to me. 4/10<br />
Michael: It’s not as sweet as I had<br />
thought it would be, considering the<br />
smell. I thought that it smelled better<br />
than it tasted, and I was expecting a lot<br />
of flavour, but that wasn’t there. But I did<br />
like it. 6/10<br />
Wafa’a: I actually kind of liked this one.<br />
It smelt like this British treat we have in<br />
the UK, and it tasted a bit like candy cane.<br />
6,5/10<br />
Average: 5,5/10<br />
Ringenes Julebrus:<br />
Ángels: Oh no, absolutely not. This one<br />
is not for me. I think the vibe here was<br />
melted lollipop, so still too sweet for me.<br />
3/10.<br />
Michael: I felt like I was drinking<br />
medicine, and that’s not normally very<br />
pleasant. 4/10.<br />
Wafa’a: It’s giving strawberry. I wasn’t<br />
very fond of the aftertaste, it’s a bit too<br />
strong, and very carbonated. 4/10.<br />
Average: 3,6/10<br />
Sørlands Julebrus<br />
Ángels: It smells different. I feel like this<br />
tastes like what my grandma smells like.<br />
I can’t say zero since I didn’t throw up.<br />
1/10.<br />
Michael: This looks like apple juice or<br />
something. It tastes like a nursing home.<br />
This is from southern Norway? Oh, in that<br />
case we love it. 3/10.<br />
Wafa’a: Oh God, no. That was horrific.<br />
3/10.<br />
Average: 2,3/10<br />
Hamar Lillehammer Julebrus<br />
Ángels: This was fizzier, which took<br />
away from the taste, which I appreciated.<br />
4/10.<br />
Michael: It’s a fizzier version of the other<br />
one, more bearable. A full body reaction<br />
to it. The experience was enhanced by the<br />
fizziness. 5/10.<br />
Wafa’a: It was quite strong, and more<br />
fizzier. 4,5/10.<br />
Average: 4,5/10<br />
CB Julebrus<br />
Ángels: Completely different smell to all<br />
of them. I’m not completely sure what’s<br />
going on. What is this? This one was a<br />
whole experience in itself. Christmas soda<br />
is not for me, and neither is this one. 3/10.<br />
Michael: It smells like soap. This one was<br />
a bit like a five-course meal, with all the<br />
different flavours going on. But the cook<br />
doesn’t really know how to cook. 3/10.<br />
Wafa’a: It’s definitely unique, there’s<br />
kind of like a taste of seasonings in there.<br />
Maybe cardamom. It’s different from the<br />
other, doesn’t mean I like it though. This is<br />
not enjoyable for me. 2,5/10.<br />
Average: 2,8/10<br />
And the winner is…….<br />
Grans julebrus!<br />
It’s clear that our exchange students weren’t the biggest fans of Christmas soda, at<br />
least not the ones we tried. Two of my favourites (Hansa & Lerum) were sadly not<br />
available at the nearest store. So, if your favourite was not included, don’t worry. You<br />
can still force some exchange students to try it out, but maybe not these three. And if<br />
your favourite was included, but rated badly? You know where our office is…….<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 5
AK TUELT<br />
UiA mister millioner i statsstøtte<br />
Natasha Agatha Wangui<br />
Nyhetsredaktør<br />
Foto: Unikum // Natasha Kamanzi<br />
6. oktober 2023 la Regjeringen fram forslag<br />
til statsbudsjettet for 2024. Den foreslår<br />
at UiA vil få 10 nye studieplasser i IKT<br />
og en tildeling på 1,8 milliarder kroner<br />
i rammebevilgning. Men likevel mister<br />
universitetet hele 20 millioner kroner. Dette<br />
skriver kommunikasjonsdirektør ved UiA,<br />
Øivind Dagsvik Eskedal, på universitetets<br />
hjemmeside.<br />
Flere nye studentboliger<br />
Unikum har møtt den nye ordføreren i<br />
Høyre og tidligere student ved UiA, Mathias<br />
Bernander. Til studentavisen forteller<br />
han om hva slags planer han har tenkt å<br />
gjennomføre for å styrke universitetet de to<br />
neste årene.<br />
- Universitetet i Agder og de 10.500<br />
studentene som studerer i Kristiansand<br />
er utrolig viktig for byen. Studentmassen<br />
utgjør ca. ni prosent av alle som bor her.<br />
Kristiansand skal være en attraktiv by å være<br />
student i og Universitetsby Samarbeidet<br />
er viktig for å styrke dette arbeidet. Jeg er<br />
glad for at flere studentboliger er under<br />
bygging og vil bidra til å tilrettelegge og<br />
tilgjengeliggjøre byen for studentene i<br />
enda større grad. Jeg hadde gleden av å<br />
være med på åpningen av studenthuset,<br />
og jeg gleder meg til å følge utviklingen<br />
av Kraftverket/BARE studenthus, sier den<br />
ferske ordføreren til studentavisen.<br />
6<br />
Viktig samarbeid mellom Kommune og<br />
Universitet<br />
Bernander er realistisk når det gjelder<br />
budsjett utfordringene i årene som<br />
kommer, spesielt innenfor UH-sektoren.<br />
Han forklarer at strammere rammer krever<br />
tøffe prioriteringer og er fast bestemt på<br />
å opprettholde et nært samarbeid med<br />
UiA for å sikre nødvendige ressurser og<br />
praksisplasser.<br />
- Det er strammere rammer i alle sektorer<br />
i årene som kommer, også i UH-sektoren.<br />
Det betyr overalt at det kreves tøffere<br />
prioriteringer. Agder er avhengige av<br />
kompetansen UiA leverer til regionen. Og<br />
som kommune ønsker vi å fortsette å spille<br />
på lag slik at universitetet får praksisplasser<br />
og det samarbeidet de trenger for å levere<br />
gode utdanninger, forteller han.<br />
Støtte til UiA-satsinger<br />
Videre understreker ordføreren viktigheten<br />
av å støtte UiA i sine nasjonale prioriteringer.<br />
Han fremhever spesielt satsingen på<br />
etableringen av profesjonsstudiet i<br />
psykologi som en betydningsfull investering<br />
i regionens psykiske helsetjenester.<br />
- Det er viktig for meg å støtte opp om UiA<br />
sine satsinger og prioriteringer inn mot<br />
nasjonale myndigheter. Akkurat nå er<br />
satsingen på å etablere profesjonsstudiet<br />
i psykologi en slik satsing. Dette er en<br />
tung satsing UiA har forsøkt å etablere<br />
gjennom mange år. Og det er en satsing<br />
som ved etablering vil heve kompetansen<br />
og kvaliteten i de psykiske helsetjenester i<br />
regionen, forklarer han.<br />
Kvalitetsforbedring på Campus<br />
Når det gjelder å forbedre kvaliteten<br />
på høyere utdanning i Agder, forteller<br />
Bernander at det er universitetet og deres<br />
ansatte som har hovedansvaret.<br />
Han ser imidlertid på kommunens rolle<br />
som å sikre en attraktiv by der folk ønsker<br />
å bosette seg.<br />
- Det er universitetet selv og deres ansatte<br />
som er de beste til å sikre høy kvalitet i<br />
utdanningene de leverer. Vår jobb som<br />
vertskommune for universitetet er å sikre<br />
en attraktiv by der folk ønsker å bosette seg.<br />
Dette er både viktig for at universitetet skal<br />
evne å tiltrekke seg folkene og kompetansen<br />
de trenger for å levere forskning og<br />
utdanning av høy kvalitet. Og det er viktig<br />
for at flest mulig studenter ønsker å bli igjen<br />
i regionen etter endt utdanning. Det er flott<br />
at rundt halvparten av studentene ved UiA<br />
kommer fra regionen og halvparten utenfra<br />
Agder. Så skal vi bidra til å løfte frem det<br />
spennende arbeids- og næringslivet som er<br />
her som sikrer at flest mulig etablerer seg i<br />
regionen etter studiene.
Christmas Gifts On a Budget<br />
TIPS<br />
Illustration: freepik // freepik<br />
Randi Andersdotter<br />
Culture Editor<br />
Christmas is soon right around the corner, and a lot of students fear that they won’t have enough time or money for Christmas presents.<br />
But fret not, dear reader, Christmas gifts do not need to be overly expensive! Here are some of the ideas that we collected for cheap and<br />
affordable gifts for you and your broke student friends!<br />
Write a personal coupon! It could be anything from doing an act of service for a loved one, or a small experience together!<br />
Acts of service gift ideas:<br />
• Babysitting.<br />
• Do weekly groceries.<br />
• Help cleaning the kitchen/living room/car.<br />
• Build Ikea furniture.<br />
• Shovel snow.<br />
Activities to do together:<br />
• Have a baking day.<br />
• Go on a hike with a bonfire.<br />
• A trip to a cabin.<br />
• Go ice skating in the city.<br />
• Movie night at home, with popcorn included ;)<br />
If you are into arts, crafts or perhaps baking, why<br />
not make something creative for this Christmas!<br />
Something homemade:<br />
• Christmas cards.<br />
• A drawing or painting.<br />
• A knitted or crocheted scarf.<br />
• A box with baked goods! Christmas cookies like<br />
gingerbread is always appreciated!<br />
• Homemade scrub recipe for hands & lip in a jar.<br />
• Taco seasoning, already mixed in a jar.<br />
• Chocolate chip cake/mug cake.<br />
And then we have the<br />
practical/useful gifts:<br />
• Candles.<br />
• Tea/coffee.<br />
• Soap.<br />
• Socks.<br />
• Umbrella.<br />
• Notebooks/stationaries/art supplies.<br />
• Extra batteries. You never know<br />
when you need them!<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 7
KRISTIANSAND–HIRTSHALS | 3 timer og 15 minutter<br />
FRA 0,–<br />
*<br />
KRS-SH23-103<br />
Kyllingbryst<br />
2 kg, frys<br />
Øvrige dager 179 90<br />
KUN<br />
149 90<br />
2 KG<br />
Indrefilet av svin<br />
400-500 g, frys<br />
Øvrige dager 99 90<br />
KUN<br />
79 90<br />
PR KG<br />
KUN<br />
299 90<br />
PR KG<br />
Indrefilet av storfe<br />
900–1200 g, frys<br />
Øvrige dager 349 90<br />
KUN<br />
89 90<br />
PR KG<br />
Bacon<br />
900 g, kjøl<br />
Øvrige dager 99 90<br />
Andeconfit<br />
1240 g<br />
899,– | Spar 369,-<br />
269 90<br />
PR STK<br />
Julebuffet med drikke<br />
Øvrige dager 349,-/399,-<br />
FRA<br />
249,-<br /> | 22 94 42 00<br />
Ved bestilling på terminal og telefon tilkommer servicehonorar<br />
på terminal 70,–<br />
Hurtig og komfortabelt til Danmark<br />
Ikke-medlemmer fra 50,- per person. Ta med bil fra 190,-. Tur/retur samme dag. Bestilles tidligst 14 dager før avreise. Spesielle betingelser gjelder.<br />
KULTUR<br />
Doble havreflarn<br />
med sjokolade<br />
Illustrasjon: freepik // freepik<br />
Alexander Horpestad<br />
Skribent<br />
Endelig er juletiden her. Som student er alt dyrt, og dermed<br />
er også julekaker dyrt. Havreflarn med sjokolade er enkle og<br />
billige julekaker å lage, i tillegg smaker de himmelsk. For å si<br />
det slik, tok ikke lang tid før de jeg lagde ble spist opp. Det er<br />
så lett, at til og med den mest klumsete klarer å lage dette ;)<br />
Foto: Unikum // Alexander Horpestad<br />
Ingredienser<br />
• 2 små eller ett stort egg<br />
• 125 g sukker (kan økes<br />
eller senkes litt om du vil<br />
justere søtheten :p)<br />
• 1 ts bakepulver<br />
• 1 ss hvetemel<br />
• 75g smør<br />
•100g lettkokte havregryn<br />
(kan mengde justeres<br />
litt uten å endre hele<br />
oppskriften) vaniljesukker<br />
• Sjokolade: 200g mørk<br />
kokesjokolade (eller<br />
sjokolade av ditt valg)<br />
Fremgangsmåte<br />
1. Sett ovnen på 190 grader celsius<br />
2. Pisk eggene, og bland litt og litt sukker inn<br />
når du pisker for å lage eggedosis.<br />
3. Tilsett bakepulver og mel, deretter smelt smøret og tilsett<br />
det, før du tilsetter havregrynene (må spesifisere havregryn og<br />
ikke havremel, for vet noen av dere der ute ikke kan bake)<br />
4. Bruk teskjeer for å lage klatter på bakepapir, som ligger på<br />
ett stekebrett. Ha 5-6 på hvert brett, for de flyter utover.<br />
5. Sett kakene i ovnen, hvor du venter ca. 7-8 min<br />
til de er brune langs kantene, og lyse i midten. Ikke<br />
la dem være for lyse, men heller ikke svidd!<br />
6.Ta dem ut av ovnen, og la dem kjøle seg ned på stekeplaten.<br />
7. Smelt sjokoladen, og smør den mellom to og to havreflarn.<br />
Så dypp kanten av havreflarnene i sjokoladen.<br />
8.Sett dem i kjøleskapet til sjokoladen er stiv. Voila, da har<br />
du sjokoladeflarn, og kan begynne å feite deg opp til jul.<br />
GOD JUL :-) !!!<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> NOVEMBER 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR NR 109 9
Twisted Glow<br />
Photo: Freepik //<br />
Aurora Trondsen Flatvoll<br />
Writer<br />
A big bang and an earth-shaking crash came from the<br />
kitchen. Nick, clinging to a half-unraveled string of twinkling<br />
lights, raised an eyebrow, “Guess we have a poltergeist who<br />
doesn´t like our taste in ornaments, huh?” April laughed as<br />
she approached the kitchen, convinced that the sound was<br />
the cat from next door sneaking in again.<br />
The night had begun innocently enough, surrounded by old<br />
decorations and tangled in tinsel; four friends could be found<br />
laughing. The air was thick with the scent of gingerbread and<br />
hot chocolate. In the middle of the hanging of ornaments,<br />
April took up the role of the unofficial leader, directing<br />
the hanging of mistletoe and the strategic placements of<br />
stockings. Elsa, the resident‘s jokester, couldn´t resist the<br />
opportunity to turn every decoration into a punchline. While<br />
Nick and Caiti, ever the sensible duo, diligently wrapped<br />
garlands and kept the holiday chaos in check.<br />
In the kitchen, however, there was no cat to be seen. Only<br />
shards of broken plates and overturned chairs scattered<br />
around the floor. “Guys, you need to see this,” The others<br />
joined April by the kitchen entrance, and the four girls<br />
looked confused at the mess in front of them. The silence<br />
hung in the air, except for the distant ticking of the old clock<br />
over the fireplace. The girls looked at each other, wondering<br />
if it was the neighbor‘s cat or something else. “I think the cat<br />
is having a bad day,” Elsa muttered as they ventured into the<br />
corridor. The sound of glass breaking and hitting the floor,<br />
lured them in the direction of Elsa and April‘s bedroom.<br />
The room was crimson red. Bloodstains painted the walls,<br />
forming patterns of a macabre dance. Without a word, the<br />
girls slowly backed out of the room. Fear clung to them, and<br />
their laughter, now just a distant memory, could be heard<br />
echoing through the desolated halls. Caiti rushed to the front<br />
door, only to find it locked. Despite her repeated attempts to<br />
unlock it, the door remained sealed, like every window and<br />
back entrance in the house.<br />
Their safe home had turned into a prison, where the walls<br />
conspired against their escape. The friends huddled together,<br />
convinced that an intruder had broken into their home. Nick<br />
clutched a makeshift weapon, a sparkly nutcracker. She gave<br />
it some practice swings “This may be handy,” she said while<br />
they steeled themselves to confront the banging noises that<br />
echoed through the corridor.<br />
They approached Nick and Caiti´s bedroom. The once<br />
familiar room was also like the other one, drenched in blood.<br />
Their adrenaline pumped, and anger and panic flushed over<br />
them. They decided to split into pairs to cover more of the<br />
house faster. Elsa and Caiti investigated the bathroom and<br />
washroom, only to find more broken glass and furniture<br />
scattered around. Searching through the basement didn´t<br />
solve anything either.<br />
Elsa and Caiti started to believe that someone was pranking<br />
them. “There´s no one here,” Nick said. She and April came<br />
around the corner from the basement. The lights started<br />
flickering. Paralyzed, they watched the darkness swallow the<br />
house, leaving only the colored lights from the living room.<br />
The Christmas decorations looked uncanny in the dark,<br />
Casting long shadows in the faded light. Nick, holding on to<br />
the Nutcracker, led the other girls as they began navigating<br />
their way toward the light. The corridor was suddenly longer,<br />
and the floor felt like a treadmill. After what felt like hours,<br />
they reached the living room door. The air had gone cold,<br />
and the house was quiet. The only sound was the continued<br />
ticking of the old clock. The colorful Christmas lights made<br />
every piece of furniture distorted and faded. The lights were<br />
twisted and tangled around something big in the middle of<br />
the room. As they approached, the vivid lights revealed four<br />
lifeless bodies. The old clock started to ring, and a collective<br />
panic struck the girls as they looked closer at the bodies,<br />
realizing the truth. The dead bodies, tangled in the colorful<br />
lights, were their own.<br />
A big bang and an earth-shaking crash came from the<br />
kitchen. Nick, clinging to a half-unraveled string of twinkling<br />
lights, raised an eyebrow, “Guess we have a poltergeist who<br />
doesn´t like our taste in ornaments, huh?” April laughed as<br />
she approached the kitchen, convinced that the sound was<br />
the cat from next door sneaking in again.<br />
DEBATE<br />
Stirred not shaken!<br />
A look at the STIRRED UP debate<br />
about ALCOHOL regulation in Norway<br />
Henrike Jost<br />
Writer<br />
Illustration: AdobeStock // Jeff<br />
For those of us who celebrate, the holidays are right around the<br />
corner, which means endless Christmas and New Year parties with<br />
an even more endless flow of alcohol. While these parties can mean<br />
lots of fun, for others they mean a heightened risk of sexual assault.<br />
These cases are not isolated incidents. One tenth of the Norwegian<br />
workforce have either been sexually assaulted themselves or know<br />
someone who has been subject to such inappropriate behavior at<br />
their company’s Christmas party (Bjørnson Hagen, 2022). To blame<br />
is often the large flow of alcohol that are served and consumed at<br />
the festivities. Alcohol is not only deeply ingrained in Norwegian<br />
and other Nordic countries’ Christmas traditions, but it is said to be<br />
generally interwoven with their cultures for centuries.<br />
The dangers of the widespread heavy drinking patterns across<br />
populations in the North have been used to justify strict regulations<br />
on alcohol production, selling, and consumption that Norway and<br />
its fellow Nordic countries are well known for today. The question<br />
is: Are these stringent rules justified and effective in what they are<br />
trying to achieve? The most recent SHoT study (Studentenes Helseog<br />
Trivselsundersøkelse) has, for example, shown that more than<br />
half of the male university students and 4 in 10 female students<br />
exhibit risky drinking patterns (Heradstveit et al., 2022) and, as<br />
such render the regulatory approach to appear ineffective. So let’s<br />
take a look at the Norwegian approach to regulating alcohol, its<br />
history, and its pros and cons to see whether it actually works and<br />
prevents societal harm or if it is unnecessarily harsh.<br />
A shot of history<br />
The strict regulations on alcohol consumption date back to heavy<br />
alcohol use in the 19th century, reaching its peak in the 1830s with<br />
13 liters of alcohol per person (Hauge, 1996). The general public<br />
saw it necessary to reduce the harm caused by alcohol and started<br />
to call for stricter regulations (WHO, 2023; Karlsson & Österberg,<br />
2003).<br />
In 1919, the Alcohol Prohibition Act was introduced, which<br />
prohibited the consumption and production of the majority of<br />
spirits. However, trade quarrels with wine-exporting countries,<br />
like France and Spain, caused its demise 8 years later (Johansen,<br />
2013).<br />
The Alcohol Act that is in force today was implemented in 1990s<br />
(Karlsson & Österberg, 2003). Its main objective remains to be the<br />
same as the initial approach to alcohol regulation: to reduce health<br />
and societal harm caused by alcohol. The new act tries to reconcile<br />
this goal while also allowing citizens to choose whether they want<br />
to consume liquor (Götestam & Röstum, 1983).<br />
Today’s offer: the legal cocktail<br />
It is widely held that the way regulating alcohol is approached<br />
has significant impact upon how much harm is caused by liquor<br />
(Götestam & Röstum, 1983). Therefore, the government opted for a<br />
rather strict approach to prevent societal and health related harms<br />
such as accidents caused by drunk driving, as well as alcoholism,<br />
and over 200 other diseases and conditions like cancer (WHO,<br />
2023).<br />
To reduce consumption, only alcoholic beverages below a 4.7%<br />
alcohol concentration can be sold in normal stores. Beverages<br />
above that percentage can only be bought at Vinmonopolet, a store<br />
owned by the state. Through these shops and through the state<br />
monopoly on alcohol, the government can control the access to<br />
purchasing alcohol, its price, as well as which kind of alcohol is<br />
sold (WHO, 2023). The beverages are also highly taxed to further<br />
disincentivize alcohol consumption (Karlsson & Österberg, 2003). A<br />
prohibition of advertising alcohol also falls under the tight alcohol<br />
regulation in Norway (Götestam & Röstum, 1983). In addition,<br />
a license is needed to sell alcohol. Its issuance is decided by the<br />
municipalities (Karlsson & Österberg, 2003).<br />
There are not only restrictions to where alcohol can be bought, but<br />
also for when. Low-percentage alcohol can only be sold between<br />
08:00-20:00 on weekdays, and 08:00-18:00 on Saturdays and the day<br />
before public holidays. Vinmonopolet is only open between 10:00-<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 11
18:00 during the week and from 10:00-16:00 on Saturdays and<br />
the day prior to national holidays. No alcohol of any kind can be<br />
purchased on Sundays in either grocery stores or at Vinmonopolet<br />
(Act on the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, Etc. (Alcohol Act), 1990).<br />
As most other countries, Norway also has a legal drinking age.<br />
Buying alcohol is legal from the age of 18 onwards in regard to<br />
alcohol with a lower alcohol percentage than 22%. In order to<br />
purchase alcohol with a higher alcohol percentage one needs to be<br />
older than 20 (Act on the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, Etc. (Alcohol<br />
Act), 1990).<br />
Drinking out in public, such as in public squares or in parks is also<br />
prohibited by law, though it is rarely enforced (Act on the Sale of<br />
Alcoholic Beverages, Etc. (Alcohol Act), 1990).<br />
Norway has one of the strictest blood alcohol limits in regard to<br />
driving to prevent accidents and reduce possible harm. In order<br />
for driving under the influence to be considered and punishable,<br />
the blood alcohol threshold is set at 0.02% (Karlsson & Österberg,<br />
2003).<br />
Lastly, education plays a crucial role in showing the harms and<br />
effects of unsafe alcohol consumption. Educational programs<br />
about these issues are implemented in Norwegian public schools<br />
to enlighten young people on the effects of alcohol and discourage<br />
them from engaging in unsafe and risky consumption patterns<br />
(Karlsson & Österberg, 2003). It is important to note, that young<br />
people are among the heaviest drinkers, hence the need for early<br />
interventions (Karlsson & Österberg, 2003).<br />
Despite all of these measures, highly intoxicated people are not a<br />
rare sight at parties or concerts, with many Norwegians stocking up<br />
on alcohol at airport and ferry duty-free shops, and participating in<br />
traditions such as russefeiring or julebord that are known for their<br />
large flow of alcohol. Therefore, the question needs to be asked:<br />
Are these stringent regulations actually effective? Let us look at the<br />
pros and cons.<br />
To prohibit or not to prohibit<br />
To start of with a strong pro argument, it should be noted that<br />
Norway has one of the lowest alcohol consumption rates among<br />
adults in Europe, with an average of 7.4 liters per person (OECD,<br />
n.d.). By comparison, Latvia’s rates are among the highest in<br />
Europe with adults consuming almost double the amount of<br />
alcohol at 12.1 liters per person (OECD, n.d.). Generally, it can be<br />
said that countries with rather strict approaches, such as Sweden<br />
and Iceland, for example, have a lower alcohol consumption than<br />
countries with looser regulations, like Latvia or Germany (OECD,<br />
n.d.). Thus, the statistics seem to suggest that a stricter approach,<br />
such as Norway’s, to regulating alcohol is indeed effective in<br />
reducing alcohol consumption among adults.<br />
Yet, 5-8% of Norwegian citizens are reported to be alcoholics or<br />
consume alcohol in a harmful way (Skjelbred & Thoresen Lønnes,<br />
2023). Moreover, as mentioned above, in the student population,<br />
these numbers are even higher (Karlsson & Österberg, 2003). In<br />
Germany, the number of alcoholics and individuals consuming<br />
alcohol in a harmful manner is around 11% (Federal Ministry<br />
of Health, 2023). While the share of alcoholics is indeed bigger<br />
in Germany than it is in Norway, the difference is not that great.<br />
Nevertheless, is it not worth it to prevent even just a single person<br />
more from getting cancer or to save a single individual from a fatal<br />
drunk driving accident?<br />
Through the state monopoly, the government is able to link the<br />
production and sale of alcohol with health services, rather than<br />
leaving it to corporations that prioritize generating high profits<br />
without regard for the societal and health harms caused by their<br />
products (Karlsson & Österberg, 2003). However, this of course<br />
reduces the necessity for companies to come up with innovative<br />
products since there is no pressure to have an economic edge<br />
over the other competitors. Furthermore, small businesses might<br />
struggle under the limited market access which could potentially<br />
lead to a strengthened economy in particular areas and generate<br />
new jobs.<br />
We know that alcohol is causing both societal harm and health<br />
related harm. Is it then not fitting that selling alcohol is monopolized<br />
by the state to maintain control about how much alcohol is on the<br />
market, and that the revenue from selling alcohol is put back into<br />
healthcare and education to provide better social services and<br />
tackle the societal and health issues that are caused by alcohol<br />
consumption (WHO, 2023)?<br />
The revenue can then be used to offer programs and services<br />
focused on tackling the root causes of harmful alcohol consumption<br />
and alcoholism, such as mental health issues. Furthermore, the<br />
high taxation of alcohol is more likely to be supported by the public<br />
if the generated income is used to fund projects with the intention<br />
of facilitating the welfare of all citizens.<br />
However, the high taxes on alcohol can also lead to unwanted side<br />
effects such as a flourishing black market on which smuggled or<br />
home-produced alcohol is sold. These kinds of alcohol may cause<br />
health implications and can cause harm to consumers beyond the<br />
usual side effects of alcohol. Additionally, high taxation will mostly<br />
affect individuals with lower incomes so that they will be the ones<br />
who are more likely to produce alcohol themselves or buy it on the<br />
black market, thereby endangering themselves to potential harm.<br />
Through the state monopoly the high quality of products can be<br />
ensured which is crucial, but if the high prices and the controlled<br />
availability is leading to a flourishing black market with low quality<br />
products, those efforts might be ultimately jeopardized.<br />
Lastly, some may argue that the regulations go a little too far and<br />
limit the citizens’ freedom of choice. These critics argue that it is<br />
not the government’s responsibility to coddle its citizens and tell<br />
them what to or what to not consume. Instead, it should be left to<br />
the people to decide whether and how much alcohol they want to<br />
drink.<br />
My final shot<br />
To sum up, Norway has traditionally opted for strict alcohol regulations and even prohibited most beverages during the early 1910s<br />
and 1920s. According to the statistics, Norway does indeed manage to discourage drinking, as is reflected in one of the lowest alcohol<br />
consumption rates among European countries. However, the SHoT study has shown that a large number of the Norwegian student<br />
population are struggling with responsible alcohol consumption despite the strict regulatory approach.<br />
While linking the revenue of selling alcohol to the welfare system is in my opinion a good approach that should be implemented more<br />
widely across countries, I am not entirely convinced that the harsh regulations, especially regarding opening hours and the prohibition<br />
of consuming alcohol in public places, are the best solutions. Such measures may actually increase the alcohol consumption from<br />
black markets and incentivize the production of homemade alcohol which can be detrimental to health and contradict the goals of the<br />
Alcohol Act. Don’t get me wrong, alcohol can have negative side effects and these should not be dismissed, and awareness campaigns<br />
are important in this regard, but I do believe that the more you restrict something, the more interesting it becomes and as long as people<br />
want to drink alcohol they will find a way to do so and will not be disincentivized by harsh regulations.<br />
References<br />
Act on the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, etc. (Alcohol Act), (1990).<br />
Bjørnson Hagen, H. (2022, December 6). Flere blir seksuelt trakassert på julebord. Dette gjør du hvis det skjer. Dagsavisen.<br />
Federal Ministry of Health. (2023, September 11). Alkohol. Federal Ministry of Health.<br />
Götestam, K. G., & Röstum, O. (1983). Alcohol Control Policy in the Nordic Countries (Denmark, Finland,<br />
Norway, Sweden, Iceland). In P. M. Miller & T. D. Nirenberg (Eds.), Prevention of Alcohol Abuse.<br />
Hauge, R. (1996). Alkohol i norsk historie. Norsk Epidemiologi, 6(1), 13–21.<br />
Hauge, R., & Lohiniva, R. J. B. L. (2001). Bevillingssystemet som alkoholpolitisk virkemiddel: en<br />
evaluering av endringene i alkoholloven i 1997. Statens institutt for rusmiddelforskning.<br />
Heradstveit, O., Sivertsen, B., Lønning, K.-J., & Skogen, J. C. (2022). The Extent of Alcohol-Related Problems Among College<br />
and University Students in Norway Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Public Health, 10.<br />
Johansen, P. O. (2013). The Norwegian Alcohol Prohibition; A Failure. Journal of<br />
Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 14(S1).<br />
Johansen, T. O. M. (2023, November 22). Nordiske råd sier null alkohol – vurderer endringer i Norge. NRK.<br />
Karlsson, T., & Österberg, E. (2003). Norway. In E. Österberg & T. Karlsson (Eds.), Alcohol<br />
Policies in EU Member States and Norway: A Collection of Country Reports.<br />
OECD. (n.d.). Alcohol consumption among adults. OECDiLibrary.<br />
Skjelbred, G. E., & Thoresen Lønnes, S. (2023, November 16). Mener flere bør vurdere alkoholfrie julebord: – Redd for å bli trigga. NRK.<br />
WHO. (2023, June 30). Reducing alcohol consumption, the Nordic way: alcohol monopolies, marketing bans and higher taxation. WHO.<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 13
10 at UiA: What is your<br />
FAVORITE thing about the Holidays?<br />
Àngels Aguilera<br />
Writer<br />
Illustration: Freepik // Freepik, brgfx,<br />
Photo: Unikum // Àngels Aguilera, private<br />
Nicoletta Perugino (Marketing)<br />
I love spending time with family and eating<br />
good food, but I also love to sing karaoke<br />
during the Holidays! Of course, we‘re not<br />
good singers, but it‘s really fun. I also enjoy<br />
decorating the Christmas tree with my mom.<br />
Julia Wenz (Teacher Education)<br />
My favorite thing about the Holidays is<br />
skiing! It‘s the only time I‘m free to do it.<br />
Petra Mitenberga (English Bachelor)<br />
The Holidays are an excuse to stay home<br />
with a hot cup of cocoa and watch Love<br />
Actually while it‘s snowing outside.<br />
Megan Smith (Global Development)<br />
The food! Especially mulled wine, which<br />
is a kind of wine with spices like orange<br />
and cinnamon, and it‘s really good!<br />
Johanna Hauzinger (Secondary Education)<br />
The pretty lights on the streets<br />
and the Christmas cookies!<br />
Aleksandra Nowak<br />
(Music business and management)<br />
When I think about the Christmas<br />
holidays, I think about the spirit! The<br />
lighting and decorations are so nice, and<br />
you can really feel the spirit. Also being<br />
with friends and family, of course!<br />
Signe Lefdal Hove (Sociology)<br />
To be honest, I just go home and do nothing,<br />
but I guess it‘s nice to be able to see my<br />
friends and family from back home.<br />
Jacqueline Tauninger<br />
(Teacher trainee secundary school -<br />
English & Philosophy and Psychology)<br />
Sharing and eating food with family!<br />
Rufo Garcia (Teacher Education)<br />
What I love about the Holidays is opening<br />
gifts that my family bought for me that I<br />
specifically asked for and acting surprised.<br />
Pernille Tønder (Political science)<br />
I like giving and receiving gifts. Also the<br />
food, of course, but my favorite thing<br />
are the stockings because my mom<br />
always fills them up with candy!<br />
How to Celebrate<br />
Christmas Alone<br />
TIPS<br />
Randi Andersdotter<br />
Culture Editor<br />
Illustration: AdobeStock // New Africa<br />
Christmas is one of the most magical times of the year where we get to spend<br />
time with our closest friends and family members. Unfortunately, this is not<br />
the case for everyone, especially for students that live far away from home.<br />
If this sounds like you, fret not, my dear! I have collected my little tips and<br />
tricks that hopefully will make this Christmas a bit better for you.<br />
Focus on planning things ahead, it’s only for a few weeks! When you are prepared<br />
mentally and emotionally, you will not feel as overwhelmed or stressed with<br />
everything going on around you when the Christmas spirit fully kicks in.<br />
Watch your favorite Christmas movies! They are a good distraction from the<br />
stressful holiday, but also just a cozy Christmas activity, preferably enjoyed<br />
snuggled up in a warm blanket with a cup of hot chocolate. I would recommend<br />
“The nightmare before Christmas”, “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the<br />
Witch and the Wardrobe”, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “The Muppet’s<br />
Christmas Carol” and “The Lord of the Rings” series, just because ;).<br />
Check out what your city has to offer! Facebook is a good place for keeping up with<br />
what is happening near your area. Christmas markets, ice skating and concerts are<br />
some examples of free social activities. It is also worth checking out your local libraries<br />
and museums. They often have different types of social activities, like book and<br />
language cafes, workshops, and meet and greet with authors from far and wide.<br />
Create a diary! Writing about your feelings is a good emotional outlet and is a<br />
very accessible and affordable hobby. You can write down all your thoughts and<br />
feelings on a napkin, for all I care, whatever works for you! What is important<br />
is the writing and reflection that you do for yourself to clear your mind.<br />
Baking and cooking! It is a fun and relaxing activity! Goods like gingerbread<br />
cookies, Norwegian Christmas porridge, rice puffs, marzipan figurines,<br />
coconut macaroons, eggnog and mulled wine are highly recommended<br />
by the world’s health organization! (your mental health
culture doesn‘t have to<br />
cost an arm and a leg!<br />
Adam Zawadzki<br />
Writer<br />
Vilde Hagen Svanberg<br />
Writer<br />
Illustration: AdobeStock // Katsiaryna<br />
Photos: Kilden<br />
For those of you that don’t like the festive season, the last month of the calendar year is always somewhat<br />
of a challenge. While the thought of the impending avalanche of commercialisation (bordering on the<br />
fetishisation) of unnecessary materiality makes me pray for house binding diarrhoea almost as much as<br />
world peace, we should, at least for a moment, attempt to place these feelings of humbuggery in context.<br />
Consider this Christmas, therefore, an opportunity to purchase the experience itself rather than the paraphernalia<br />
that represents it. Surround yourself with all the music, lights and good food that Kristiansand has to offer, at the<br />
cinema, concert hall or ice rink in the town square, perhaps. For me, this is what Christmas is about: a magnificent<br />
communion. After four months of hard work, gift yourself the present and share it with the new friends that you’ve<br />
made here. Try to enjoy the moment with the people that made it, as that, I believe, is infinitely more valuable.<br />
Culture calendar for students<br />
07.12 - 18.01<br />
What: Improtorsdag<br />
Where: Teateret<br />
When: Thursday 14 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
MUSIC<br />
What: Christmas concert with<br />
Studinekoret Lady Klukk & Mannskoret<br />
Quantum<br />
Where: Oddernes church<br />
When: Friday 8 December, kl 19:00<br />
Price: Free<br />
What: Oslo Gospel Choir – En Stjerne<br />
Skinner I Natt (A Star Shines in the Night)<br />
Where: Concert Hall, Kilden<br />
When: Friday 8 December, 18:00<br />
Price: 495<br />
What: Symfonica<br />
Where: Multi-Hall, Kilden<br />
When: Friday 8 December, 18:30 and<br />
21:00<br />
Price: 420<br />
What: Natten Er Lang – Julekonsert Med<br />
Mannskoret Gaasehud Og Gjester<br />
(The Night Is Long – Christmas Concert<br />
with The Male Choir Gaasehud And<br />
Guests)<br />
Where: Concert Hall, Kilden<br />
When: Saturday 9 December, 18:00<br />
Price: 420<br />
What: Julekonsert med Alejandro<br />
Fuentes, Chris Medina & Eirik Næss<br />
When: Monday 11 December<br />
Where: Kristiansand Domkirke<br />
Price: 275/555<br />
What: Christmas with Nordic Tenors<br />
Where: Concert Hall, Kilden<br />
When: Thursday 14 December, 18:00<br />
Price: 575<br />
What: Julekonsert Med Kilden<br />
Vokalensemble<br />
(Christmas Concert with Kilden<br />
Vokalensemble)<br />
Where: Domkirken (Cathedral)<br />
When: Thursday 14 December, 19:00<br />
Price: 150 – 300<br />
What: Julekonsert Secret Garden<br />
(Christmas Concert Secret Garden)<br />
Where: Concert Hall, Kilden<br />
When: Friday 15 December, 18:00 and<br />
20:30<br />
Price: 595<br />
What: Swingende Jul Med Christianssand<br />
Storband Og Solholmen Skoles Barnekor<br />
(Swinging Christmas with Christianssand<br />
Big Band And Solholmen School<br />
Children‘s Choir)<br />
Where: Multi-hall, Kilden<br />
When: Friday 15 December, 19:00<br />
Price: 150 – 250<br />
What: DJ Friendly<br />
Where: Vaktbua<br />
When: Saturday 30 December<br />
Price: 100<br />
What: Nyttårskonserten 2024 (New<br />
Year’s Concert 2024)<br />
Kristiansand<br />
Symfoniorkester<br />
(Symphony Orchestra)<br />
Where: Concert Hall, Kilden<br />
When: Thursday 4 and Friday 5 January,<br />
19:30<br />
Price: 150 – 525<br />
What: Midnight Machine<br />
Where: Vaktbua<br />
When: Friday 12 January<br />
Price: 170/220<br />
CINEMA<br />
What: Maestro<br />
Where: Kristiansand kino<br />
When: Friday 8 December<br />
Price: TBC<br />
What: Ønske (Wish)<br />
Where: Kristiansand kino<br />
When: Friday 8 December<br />
Price: TBC<br />
What: Wonka<br />
Where: Kristiansand kino<br />
When Friday 8 December<br />
Price: TBC<br />
What: Florencia en el Amazonas (Florence<br />
in the Amazon) The Metropolitan Opera<br />
Where: Kristiansand kino<br />
When: Saturday 9 December<br />
Price: TBC<br />
What: Carol<br />
Where: Cinemateket<br />
When: Tuesday 12 December<br />
Price: 80<br />
Where: Cinemateket<br />
When: Wednesday 13 December<br />
Price: 80<br />
What: MOULIN ROUGE!<br />
Where: Cinemateket<br />
When: Thursday 14 December<br />
Price: 80<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 17
What: Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom<br />
Where: Kristiansand kino<br />
When: Wednesday 20 December<br />
Price: TBC<br />
What: Anyone But You<br />
Where: Kristiansand kino<br />
When: Monday 25 December<br />
Price: TBC<br />
What: Vertshuset The Old Oak<br />
Where: Kristiansand kino<br />
When: Monday 25 December<br />
Price: TBC<br />
What: Nabucco The Metropolitan Opera<br />
Where: Kristiansand kino<br />
When: Saturday 6 January<br />
Price: TBC<br />
What: Lørdagsuniversitetet - Disaster<br />
diplomacy in the Arctic – Evidence from<br />
Svalbard<br />
Where: Teateret<br />
When: Saturday 9 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
Language: English<br />
What: Hvordan lykkes med<br />
implementering? (How to succeed with<br />
implementing?)<br />
Where: Teams<br />
When: Thursday 14 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
OTHER<br />
What: Julegada (Christmas street)<br />
Where: Vennesla<br />
When: 9 – 16 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
What: Jul på Prestegården<br />
Where: Søgne gamle prestegård<br />
When: Sunday 10 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
What: Grimsvollen julemarked<br />
(Grimsvollen Christmas market)<br />
Where: Grimsvollen<br />
When: Sunday 10 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
What: 3D lightshow in Julebyen<br />
Where: Kristiansand Domkirke<br />
When: 11 – 23 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
What: Lattergalla IKAROS Jonna Støme<br />
Where: PM5 i Hunsfos<br />
Næringspark, Vennesla<br />
When: Friday 15 December<br />
Price: 330<br />
What: Klubb Skamløs (Club Shameless)<br />
Where: Teateret<br />
When: Saturday 30 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
What: Salsa Night<br />
Where: Håndverkeren<br />
When: Saturday 6 January<br />
Price: 150/200<br />
What: Folk Dance Course<br />
Where: Bul Kristiansand<br />
When: Mondays starting 15 January<br />
Price: free under 26 y.o.<br />
ART<br />
What: In Search of Memories -<br />
Vinterutstilling 2023-2024<br />
Where: Art Gallery Linn,<br />
Festningsgata 34<br />
When: 4 November – 3 February<br />
Price: Free<br />
What: Utstillingsåpning og Art Night –<br />
Hommage a Kjell Mardon Gunvaldsen<br />
Where: Søgne gamle prestegård<br />
When: Friday 8 December<br />
Price: Free<br />
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<strong>DESEMBER</strong> NOVEMBER 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR NR 10 9 19
Edinburgh:<br />
a love letter<br />
Anjali Mariampillai<br />
Web Editor<br />
Photo: Unikum// Anjali Mariampillai<br />
When I told the editor in chief that I would<br />
write an article about my solo trip, I didn’t<br />
expect that I would come back with so many<br />
mixed feelings to write about. I thought it<br />
would be a simple rundown of my trip and<br />
what I did, but at the Edinburgh airport I<br />
realized that my life had changed just a<br />
little. If you haven’t done a solo trip yet, this<br />
is your sign. Let’s dive in, shall we?<br />
Why did I do it?<br />
This year has been a rough one to say the<br />
least. I have had many good moments,<br />
wins and memories, but it has been an<br />
exhausting year, mentally and physically.<br />
I was tired and run down and I felt really<br />
out of control. Nothing felt in my control,<br />
and it just felt like life was passing me by.<br />
In shorter terms, I was having a bit of an<br />
existential crisis. Some people cut their<br />
bangs, some people start stress-knitting,<br />
some people talk it out with a friend. Me, on<br />
the other hand, I decided to spontaneously<br />
book a solo trip. Any sane person would do<br />
that right? Yeah? No. I just had a strong urge<br />
to run away from everyone and everything,<br />
so that’s exactly what I did. On the 1st of<br />
October, I booked the plane tickets and an<br />
Airbnb in what became one of my favourite<br />
places, Edinburgh.<br />
I had heard a lot about Edinburgh from my<br />
older sister who had been there in early<br />
September, and she came home and said,<br />
“this is literally the place for you, you’d<br />
love it!”. I trust my sister’s judgement far<br />
more than my own, so I took her word for<br />
it and booked the tickets. In the following<br />
month after I booked the trip, I saved<br />
countless of TikToks and posts, I saved<br />
recommendations on what to see and do in<br />
the city.<br />
I did have another motive for going to<br />
Edinburgh too, which was the chance of<br />
meeting my lovely pen pal, Aisha, who’s<br />
from the UK, for the first time ever. Aisha<br />
is a long-time internet friend of mine, and<br />
we have sent each other a lot of letters over<br />
the last year. Sometime in September, she<br />
sent me a brochure about Edinburgh in<br />
the mail with a note saying, “I do hope you<br />
visit sometime”. She had been there a lot of<br />
times and always told me about how lovely<br />
it was. And you better believe I wasn’t going<br />
to let her down. I told her that I booked the<br />
tickets, and quickly after she told me that<br />
she was coming to Edinburgh too. We were<br />
finally going to meet!<br />
A step out of the comfort zone<br />
There are a few things you should know<br />
about me before I tell you the rest. Before<br />
Edinburgh, I had<br />
never travelled<br />
alone, let alone been<br />
in an airport alone.<br />
I had never had<br />
dinner alone at a<br />
restaurant, and my<br />
navigational skills<br />
were nowhere to<br />
be found. I almost<br />
failed orienteering<br />
in high school, so<br />
this trip would<br />
really test me. But<br />
surprisingly, it<br />
went as smooth as I<br />
could have possibly<br />
imagined. I got through the airport in Oslo<br />
with the help of my mom, and I got on the<br />
plane. Inhale, exhale. For the first time in a<br />
while, I was completely alone. I was ready<br />
to take on the challenges of a solo trip.<br />
I had planned to stay 5 nights in the city,<br />
so I arrived there on the 31st of October,<br />
on a sunny Tuesday (which is not normal<br />
for Edinburgh at this time of the year, I’ve<br />
learned). The transportation possibilities<br />
were really easy to get to, and I quickly<br />
managed to find my way out of the airport<br />
and into a tram (which is similar to what a<br />
trikk would be in Norway). Within the first<br />
ten minutes of the tram ride, I had already<br />
fallen a little bit in love with the city. Every<br />
building we drove by was gorgeous! I<br />
kept staring out the window, and after<br />
about 40 minutes, I had arrived in Leith,<br />
a little district about 10 minutes outside of<br />
Edinburgh. After a short walk I had arrived<br />
to this really cute Airbnb where I was<br />
going to stay with the young couple that<br />
owned the place. They were really great<br />
and welcoming, and I had a nice chat with<br />
them; and their cute cat while I unloaded<br />
my baggage in my room. They gave me a<br />
lot of recommendations for activities in the<br />
city, and I was ready to explore around on<br />
my first day in Edinburgh.<br />
The goals for the first day were simple.<br />
Explore around town, visit the St. Giles<br />
Cathedral, maybe the Central Library, and<br />
find a place to eat (preferably a ramen<br />
place since I was really craving it). And<br />
during the 6 hours or so that I had stayed<br />
out, I managed to visit the Scott Monument<br />
and the New College, walked through, and<br />
explored Victoria Street, peeked into the<br />
Central Library, and found a place to eat.<br />
Edinburgh is a really great city to walk<br />
through because every main attraction was<br />
within walking distance from each other. I<br />
got to see a lot just on the first day.<br />
And now came the big challenge – to dine<br />
alone at a restaurant. I actually found this<br />
really cute ramen place called Maki &<br />
Ramen, and it was a tiny little restaurant but<br />
still packed with people. My anxiety started<br />
to get to me when I walked in that door, but<br />
I was quickly seated at a table for one by<br />
the very sweet staff. I had brought with me<br />
an emotional support book with me in case<br />
I wanted to look a bit busy, but surprisingly,<br />
I didn’t feel as bad once I had sat down. I<br />
placed my order and waited a few minutes.<br />
It was interesting to look around at the<br />
people in this restaurant. I wasn’t the only<br />
one there alone, and in some way, it felt<br />
really comforting. I got my huge bowl of<br />
ramen, and it was absolutely magnificent.<br />
The warm soup and noodles also added<br />
to this comfort. I tried to stay away from<br />
looking at my phone for the whole dinner<br />
to really stay in the moment, and it was<br />
actually quite nice. I felt in control again.<br />
I had my dinner in the bustling restaurant,<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 21
thanked the staff and was ready to walk<br />
home. The walk home from the city was<br />
about 20 minutes, and it was very calming<br />
to walk in the brisk air and through the<br />
beautiful streets of Edinburgh.<br />
One thing about this trip is that I didn’t wear<br />
my headphones at all after I got out of the<br />
airport, which is very weird for someone<br />
like me who gets very consumed in my<br />
music. I didn’t really feel like it? I wanted to<br />
22<br />
pay attention to the streets and the people,<br />
the sounds of the city, and music felt like an<br />
escape from all of that. However, I didn’t<br />
want to escape. I walked home quietly and<br />
found myself stopping at this incredibly<br />
cute bookshop on my way. It’s called<br />
Typewrongers, and it quickly became a<br />
place I stopped by almost every day for the<br />
whole trip. I bought a book and got a folded<br />
origami dragon with it and made my way<br />
home to Leith. It’s fascinating how a place<br />
can feel like home in such a short time.<br />
The second day alone consisted of a trip<br />
to the Edinburgh Castle. It was raining a<br />
lot that day, but lucky for me, I had come<br />
prepared with my full rainsuit packed. The<br />
castle was beautiful, and my inner history<br />
geek had a blast. After that, I stopped by the<br />
Greyfriar’s Kirkyard to satisfy the Harry<br />
Potter fangirl in me, and then I had lunch<br />
at this cute little bistro that my sister had<br />
recommended. I was often surprised by<br />
the fact that I didn’t feel lonely through all<br />
of this. I genuinely had a great time with<br />
myself, and I didn’t let the overthinking<br />
part of me take over any part of this trip.<br />
After lunch, I stopped by the National<br />
Portrait Gallery, before I went home to take<br />
a much-needed nap. I had dinner by myself<br />
in the city in the evening at a restaurant<br />
called Mowgli, and it was fantastic. My walk<br />
home was quite peaceful, and I stopped by<br />
the bookshop again and actually met and<br />
talked to the owner, who is also a writer!<br />
The pen pal and the places<br />
The following day was finally the day I was<br />
going to meet her, Aisha. I remember how<br />
nervous I was right before it. I had never<br />
met this person before, and I was kind of<br />
scared? What if this doesn’t work out? But<br />
to no surprise, it worked as well as I could<br />
have ever imagined. She came with a friend<br />
and scared the shit out of me by hugging<br />
me by the Scott Monument when we first<br />
met. I was surprised by how tiny she was<br />
compared to what I had imagined in my<br />
head. I’m not that used to people being<br />
shorter than me. But the vibe was absolutely<br />
amazing with both her and her friend, and<br />
everything felt so natural and calming. We<br />
checked into their Airbnb and chilled out<br />
for a while before we set out to explore<br />
some more. The following days I got to see a<br />
lot of places before they left. I wasn’t really<br />
alone anymore, not that it bothered me,<br />
but it was nice to have someone to explore<br />
with. We saw the Camera Obscura Museum,<br />
Calton Hill, Dean Village, The Writer’s<br />
Museum and some cute streets and cafés.<br />
We also spent two of the evenings watching<br />
romcoms at the Airbnb. Let’s just say that<br />
I fell in love with Hugh Grant. We spent so<br />
much time laughing and getting to know<br />
each other and I treasure the time I spent<br />
with these girls so much. I can’t even begin<br />
to explain the impact they left on me.<br />
I would go into detail, but I could literally<br />
write a book about this whole trip. We spent<br />
two and a half days together before they left,<br />
which meant that I had one more evening<br />
all alone. I spent the rest of the evening at<br />
the National Gallery, and then I went back<br />
to the ramen place for dinner and stopped<br />
by the bookshop again on the way home.<br />
The day actually got pretty emotional after<br />
having left my friends at the train station,<br />
but thankfully, I met a lot of kind strangers<br />
on the last day, whom I had some lovely<br />
conversations with. In Scotland people<br />
actually aren’t afraid to talk to strangers,<br />
like we are here in Norway so that was a<br />
nice surprise.
Final thoughts<br />
I could go on forever, but I’ll try to end this<br />
with a reflection. I actually really loved<br />
being alone for a while, just in my own<br />
world and doing whatever I wanted. I didn’t<br />
have to follow anyone’s schedule, and I got<br />
to see all the places I wanted to see. I got to<br />
write poetry in the Central Library like the<br />
main character I think I am. I got to talk to<br />
an old lady at the gallery who did art and<br />
told me that it was lovely meeting me. I got<br />
to fall in love with my friend, watching her<br />
interact with people, and being her true<br />
wonderful self. I got to have a cigarette<br />
in the park with a stranger and I talked<br />
to a lovely couple during dinner who told<br />
me to enjoy life while I was still young. I<br />
met so many kind strangers and I had so<br />
many moments where I thought “Wow,<br />
this feels like a movie”. I loved every bit of<br />
this trip. I have always been so scared of<br />
being too much alone with my thoughts,<br />
but it all worked out somehow. It made<br />
me want to spend even more time with<br />
myself. I journaled multiple times a day<br />
during this trip, maybe that helped with<br />
my usual overthinking. But I truly had the<br />
most amazing time. I learned that being<br />
alone isn’t all that bad, and maybe that’s<br />
exactly what I need in life right now. I have<br />
fallen on my face so many times trying to<br />
chase people and feelings, and for once, I<br />
didn’t feel like I needed anyone else. I was<br />
perfectly content with myself, and I have<br />
never felt so at peace as I did in Edinburgh.<br />
I came home with a heavy feeling in my<br />
chest of having left a piece of my heart in<br />
that city. It felt unfinished. I learnt a lot<br />
about my identity on this trip too, but that’s<br />
for another time. But all I can say is that I’m<br />
so proud that I did this for myself, and there<br />
isn’t really anything like that feeling. And if<br />
you’re considering a solo trip, DO IT. I mean<br />
it, book the tickets right now. It has changed<br />
my life.<br />
Believe me or not, I have already booked<br />
my tickets back to Edinburgh. See you in<br />
February!<br />
Favourite places:<br />
Typewrongers bookshop – met the nicest<br />
strangers there and this bookshop is just so<br />
cute! They also have a bunch of typewriters<br />
there and actually one functional one you<br />
could use.<br />
Edinburgh Central Library – my dark<br />
academia dreams were realized.<br />
The National Gallery - I spent 4 hours<br />
crying here after having left Aisha at the<br />
train station and met a lovely old lady who<br />
told me so much about her life. This gallery<br />
holds a special place in my heart.<br />
Dean Village – The dream is to move here,<br />
such a lovely little village.<br />
Calton Hill – the sunset from up there was<br />
so gorgeous.<br />
St. Mary’s Cathedral – I was feeling a bit<br />
emotional at the time, and an old man told<br />
me “Peace be with you” when I was lighting<br />
a candle and it made me cry a little.<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 23
24<br />
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PIT STOP<br />
Across<br />
5. 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen<br />
6. animal in „Life of Pi“<br />
7. world’s most sold album<br />
8. Capital of finland<br />
10. St. Lucy’s Day<br />
11. Spicheren training center<br />
12. where does st. nicolas came from<br />
14. Sitcome set in a hospital<br />
15. biblical city destroyed by god<br />
Down<br />
1. maker of space invade<br />
2. Played zack in zack and cody<br />
3. Last name of a norwegian sprinter<br />
4. King charles first wife<br />
9. name of the devil<br />
13. norwegian christams food<br />
14. falling ice crystals<br />
Illustrasjon: freepik<br />
25<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> NOVEMBER 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR NR 10 9 25
TIPS<br />
Vintersykling 101 for nybegynnere<br />
Mattias Johannessen<br />
Skribent<br />
Foto: AdobeStock // Mikel Allica<br />
Så var det nok en vinter som var kommet over oss. Den årstiden<br />
hvor temperaturen synker, landskapet dekkes av et mykt, hvitt<br />
teppe av snø, og hvor dagene blir kortere. For mange studenter er<br />
sykkel et transportmiddel. Det være seg elektrisk eller helmanuell.<br />
Sykkel er et billig og enkelt transportmiddel som får en fra A til B.<br />
Men en kan jo ikke sykle om vinteren!<br />
Eller kan en? Her er fem tips til hvordan en på best mulig måte<br />
kan sykle om vinteren. Tipsene er basert på egen erfaring fra over<br />
35.000 km syklet med to elsykler, og 3vintre på sykkelsetet.<br />
#1 – ØVELSE!<br />
Kanskje det aller viktigste av det hele; ta deg god tid til å øve deg på<br />
å sykle om vinteren. Vinteren byr på andre utfordringer enn det<br />
en møter om sommeren. Glatt føre, snø, og sludd, er alle ting en<br />
må ta med i regnestykket. Om en ikke stiller forberedt, er det fort<br />
gjort å bli tatt på senga av dette. Men det finnes heldigvis måter<br />
en kan forberede seg på. Begynn tidlig med å øve deg på å sykle<br />
til vinteren. Glatt føre får en ikke gjort så mye med før det faktisk<br />
er kommet. Men å øve seg på å sykle i snø, kan en øve seg på i god<br />
tid i forveien. Det beste her er å finne et sted hvor det er litt løs<br />
sand. Eksempler på dette kan være langs med elvebredder, langs<br />
med løse skogsstier, eller på gamle grusveier. Strender langs med<br />
sjøen kan virke fristende, men det frarådes å øve her; saltet vil tære<br />
vesentlig på sykkelen. Sand oppfører seg selvsagt annerledes enn<br />
det snø vil gjøre, men en må bruke mye av de samme teknikkene<br />
for å holde balansen på sykkelen, og for å holde styring. Om sanden<br />
i tillegg er litt våt, gjerne litt gjørmete, så får en enda bedre effekt.<br />
Et par timers trening og øving på løs sand gjør at teknikkene en<br />
trenger for å sykle i tykke snølag setter seg godt. Husk likevel; bruk<br />
rolige bevegelser, og vær forsiktig med giret bak. For harde tråkk<br />
vil gjøre at bakhjulet glir ut. Prøv deg frem, finn en fremgangsmåte<br />
som fungerer for deg. Glatt føre må en nok vente med til det blir<br />
kaldt ute, og den første frosten kommer. Finn en parkeringsplass<br />
eller annen åpen plass, og prøv deg frem med hvordan det er å<br />
sykle på glatt føre. Husk; du må fort avvenne deg med å lene deg<br />
på sykkelen for å svinge. Svinging bør på glatt føre gjøres mest<br />
mulig med styret, mens en holder seg så mye som mulig rett opp<br />
og i midten av tyngdepunktet. Lening gjør at en fort kan miste<br />
grepet på bakhjulet, og da vil en falle. Begynn i lav fart, og jobb<br />
deg gradvis opp etter hva du føler deg komfortabel med. De som<br />
har tatt førerkort på motorsykkel eller moped har en fordel her,<br />
da de nok vil kjenne igjen disse teknikkene fra krypkjøringen på<br />
øvelsesbanen. Det er det samme prinsippet med sykkelen; en vil<br />
styre sykkelen med styret, ikke kroppen.<br />
#2 – Klær<br />
Det første en tenker når en tenker på vintersykling, er nok hvordan<br />
en kan unngå å fryse. Å fryse når en sykler er ikke gøy, og kan<br />
fort gjøre en ellers trivelig sykkeltur svært utrivelig og kjedelig.<br />
Men det finnes heldigvis råd for dette, og det er overraskende<br />
enkelt. Alt en trenger er en god jakke, en god vindtett bukse, et par<br />
vinterhansker, og en lue om en føler at en fryser på hodet. Og det er<br />
egentlig alt en trenger. Det trengs ikke noen fasjonable jakker eller<br />
bukser laget for vinteren, eller noe spesialisert utstyr. For de som<br />
er bekymret for å fryse likevel, kan en også kjøpe en god kjeledress.<br />
Disse kan en få med sertifisering for arbeid i fryseskap ned mot -25<br />
grader. En kan med andre ord trygt sykle i de temperaturene Agder<br />
har å by på, uten å måtte bekymre seg for å fryse. At en sykler<br />
hjelper godt på; en blir varm i løpet av turen.<br />
Den største utfordringen en kan møte på om vinteren når det<br />
kommer til å fryse, er faktisk regn. Her er det nok et godt sett med<br />
regntøy som må til for å få løst problemet.<br />
#3 - Utstyr sykkelen skikkelig<br />
Gode piggdekk og en stødig hånd er helt nødvendig for en vellykket<br />
og trygg vinter. Frem til den første frosten kommer kan en fint<br />
sykle på sommerdekkene, men straks det er frost og det begynner å<br />
bli is ute, er tiden inne for å ha vinterdekkene på. En kan få piggfrie<br />
vinterdekk om en vil det, men disse er ikke til å anbefale. Er det<br />
glatt trenger en alt det grepet en kan få, og da er piggdekk utstyret<br />
som gjelder. Husk også gode lykter fremme og bak, for synlighet<br />
når du er ute og sykler i skumringen og når det er mørkt. En<br />
refleksvest er også tilrådelig, men ikke noe en absolutt må bruke.<br />
Selv bruker denne skribenten en refleksvest fra Nullvisjonen Agder<br />
med glidelås, som absolutt kan anbefales.<br />
#4 - Ta det med ro<br />
Å sykle med piggdekk er betydelig tyngre enn å sykle med<br />
sommerdekk. Ikke stress, og ta det i et rolig tempo. En bør ikke trå<br />
så mye at en svetter seg gjennomvåt, men samtidig er det en fordel<br />
å holde et jevnt tempo. Og husk; tyngre gir kan gjøre det lettere å<br />
få sleng på bakhjulet. Så ta ting med ro, og finn et tempo som er<br />
forsvarlig for føret du sykler på.<br />
Dette er et tips som retter seg spesifikt til de som bruker elsykkel.<br />
Dette kan være en god eller en dårlig nyhet, avhengig av hva slags<br />
elsykkel en har. Men en kan gjøre det kort; bakhjulsdrevne elsykler<br />
er ikke egnet på vinterføre, og det frarådes på det sterkeste å sykle<br />
med disse når det er snø eller is ute. Problemet med bakhjulsdrevne<br />
elsykler, er at en har liten kontroll på bakhjulet og motoren, og det<br />
er alt for lett å få sleng på elsykkelen. Dette kan enkelt og fort ende<br />
med et stygt fall.<br />
Det beste drivverket på en elsykkel er å ha motoren i kranken. Det<br />
vil si at motoren er å finne ved sykkelens pedaler, integrert inn i<br />
rammen, og gir kraft sammen med pedalene når en trår. Gir i navet<br />
bak, navgir som det heter, går helt fint å ha, og er mindre utsatt<br />
for slitasje enn en elsykkel med kassett bak. Men motoren bør en<br />
unngå å ha bak på hjulet. Motor i kranken gir god kontroll over<br />
bakhjulet, og gjør det mulig å kutte ut assistansen umiddelbart<br />
om en får sleng bak, ved å slutte å trå. Fremhjulsdrevne elsykler,<br />
elsykler som har motoren i hjulet fremme, kan fint sykles med,<br />
men krever tilvenning og øvelse. Fremhjulet har en tendens til å<br />
dra ganske godt når en svinger, så det krever litt tilvenning for å<br />
bli vant til dette.<br />
Husk også at elsykler kan oppnå høyere fart enn en manuell<br />
sykkel, så vær forsiktig den første tiden frem til du er blitt vant<br />
med hvordan den oppfører seg på glatta.<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 27
SATIRE<br />
Merry F<br />
king Christmas<br />
A celebration of passive aggressiveness.<br />
Alice Soleng<br />
Writer<br />
Adam Zawadzki<br />
Writer<br />
Illustration: Freepik // freepik<br />
For those of you that love throwing shade, as much as standing in it looking creepy, the festive season is the<br />
perfect time to unleash your inner Scrooge! Not only was he a sexy icon of frugality (those varicose veins, yum)<br />
trying as hard as he might to avoid spending any time with anyone, even he succumbed to the clutches of a<br />
family dinner by the end of the film. Have no fear, however, for Adam and Alice (the bitch reporters) are here to<br />
make sure that you won’t have to suffer the same unholy fate. With the winter holidays once again threatening<br />
constant happiness, what better way to show your friends and family how much you “appreciate” them, than by<br />
gifting them a present they will never forget, no matter how much they may want to. No, please, don’t thank us.<br />
Warning, they get progressively more offensive (or effective).<br />
Number 1: You (not the Netflix series)<br />
Isn’t your presence a gift enough? Why bother<br />
spending lots of money for something that will<br />
be used once, when the amazing person that<br />
you are is a blessing already. Besides, this gift<br />
works for almost anyone. Can’t be bothered to<br />
go to the store? Just put on some fancy clothes,<br />
your fakest smile, and have a go at everyone.<br />
It’s a classic.<br />
Repeat after us: “What better way to enjoy the<br />
present, when the present is me!”<br />
Number 2: Tins (food, non-perishable:<br />
unlike your relationship)<br />
The process is thus: walk into your nearest<br />
department store and loudly command “show me<br />
the beans.” At this point, Sharon, the customer<br />
service advisor, will highlight the relevant aisle<br />
if there isn’t a beam of light emanating from it<br />
already, much like the star that helped guide the<br />
three wise men. A task that took three men two<br />
thousand years ago, however, only takes one today,<br />
since there is now a woman to help. Thanks Sharon.<br />
Isn’t she great?! Advance!<br />
Repeat after us: “Now you can go out alone at night<br />
again as tins aren’t registered weapons. Yet.”<br />
Number 3: A mirror (which present<br />
is the fairest of them all?)<br />
When the opportunity presents itself for<br />
somebody to take something the wrong way,<br />
always go for it. Is your chosen recipient in love<br />
with their own face almost as much as yours?<br />
Check. Should they consider it a philosophical<br />
message surrounding selfie culture, which<br />
offers copious amounts of academic research to<br />
keep them quiet (since you’ve read all of them<br />
already, of course)? Check. Besides, if the mirror<br />
arrives cracked, they’ll have to deal with all the<br />
bad luck. As it should be. Check.<br />
Line: “I don’t need this anymore as there was<br />
nothing to improve. Sorry not sorry.”<br />
Number 4: A total make-over (so you<br />
can look them in the face without crying)<br />
If their personality can’t be saved, maybe their<br />
looks can? Gifting someone a total make-over is a<br />
great way to save your eyes from going blind, and<br />
save them from looking like the ugly-duckling next<br />
to you. It can easily be shrugged off as a spa-day,<br />
or allows them to fix the insecurities they should<br />
be worried about. Maybe if you’re extra lucky,<br />
someone else might become interested in them,<br />
and take them off your hands!<br />
Line: “Beauty isn’t everything, but when you have<br />
no personality it certainly helps.”<br />
Number 5: Nasal hair remover<br />
(they’ll even get to keep them)<br />
Imagine the face of your enemy when they<br />
open this magnificent present. We’re now<br />
entering the territory of gifts that might make<br />
them get the memo. However, you can easily<br />
play this one off as a helpful suggestion. You’re<br />
their friend, and you “obviously” have good<br />
intentions. Although you’re not creative enough<br />
to come up with your own gift ideas. Negative<br />
effects: it might make it easier for them to<br />
breathe.<br />
“There’s no need to beat around the bush!”<br />
Number 6: Axe body spray (in lieu of<br />
an actual axe)<br />
If you’ve ever been to a high school, you’ll know<br />
the scent of this menace to society. One would<br />
think you’d get rid of it when you graduate, but<br />
our lovely editor in chief had other plans. If<br />
you’ve already fought the desire to get an actual<br />
axe, this is a great replacement. The receiver<br />
will feel invincible, whilst failing at gaining<br />
attention from the opposite sex (like normal).<br />
However, the same sex may be attracted which<br />
will definitely prove for a more interesting night<br />
out. I can guarantee you this scent will not draw<br />
in the right people. Perfect for your mischievous<br />
plans.<br />
“Ugh, you’re gross. Spray that body!”<br />
Number 7: Self-help books (because,<br />
obviously, you don’t need them)<br />
If you’ve not been able to chase away your<br />
present receiver already, you might need to<br />
take the matter into your own hands (but not<br />
like that, yet). Gifting them a self-help book, to<br />
at least partially improve their presence in your<br />
life, could be beneficial. Or it will give them some<br />
qualities that are a replica of a decent personality.<br />
Our suggestions include (but are not limited to):<br />
- ‘Girl, Wash Your Face’ by Rachel Hollis<br />
- ‘The Courage to Be Disliked’ by Ichiro Kishimi<br />
- ‘Maybe You Should Talk to Someone’ by Lori<br />
Gottlieb<br />
“Be thankful it wasn’t Mein Kampf.”<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 29
Number 9: A map (to help that special<br />
someone find their way out of your life)<br />
Number 8: A gift card for therapy<br />
Gift cards are everywhere, even though they shouldn’t<br />
be. While I’m sure they’d love a Paramount+ subscription,<br />
there’s only so many times you can watch ‘Top Gun:<br />
Maverick’ without wanting to do something maverick<br />
yourself. Like staging an intervention, perhaps, on a<br />
much more psychological level. If you can’t find the<br />
time to pray for them at the Church of Scientology, then<br />
maybe a more radical approach is required to peel away<br />
the layers of that onion you call Gran. God knows she<br />
loves an audience, mainly because she won’t give him a<br />
minute’s bloody peace. Even he took the seventh day to<br />
rest and so should she. Learning is life-long which means<br />
it’s never too late to start. Zimmer frames sold separately.<br />
#yolo<br />
“I ran out of witch’s totems. Sorry.”<br />
Number 11: A coffin<br />
Want to give your friends and family the ultimate student<br />
accommodation experience? SiA Bolig loves dark humour<br />
almost as much as we do, so why not go all in with the<br />
winter range, that’s kitted out with the latest accessories?<br />
Touchscreen? Yes. Surround sound speakers. Duh! You can<br />
decorate them with stickers, graffiti and the axe body spray<br />
you gave them earlier. They even come with windows now,<br />
although you’ll have to buy your own bed linen and pillows.<br />
It’s a comfy fit but, then again, the money you’ll save on<br />
heating will more than make up for it. Help that special<br />
someone feel at home, and take the time to appreciate<br />
that you had the last laugh. Literally. Suggested Christmas<br />
classics for (your new) home entertainment:<br />
- ‘Room’<br />
- ‘Panic Room’<br />
- ‘Bram Stoker’s Dracula’<br />
“Watch your step. It might be your last.”<br />
If telling someone to choose love doesn’t work,<br />
then a map might help them go into the wilderness,<br />
and never be found again. Just mark a spot, tell<br />
them there’s a pot at the end of the rainbow, and<br />
maybe hire an assassin to get the job done (they<br />
have student discounts now, such is the demand).<br />
Who doesn’t love a scavenger hunt? Especially the<br />
police! You’re gifting them a more interesting day<br />
on the job, and yourself some inner peace. Karma is<br />
a bitch, but then again, so are we. If you can’t afford<br />
to hire an assassin, pray the wind blows the map out<br />
of their cold hands.<br />
Remember: “After all, Xmas marks the spot.”<br />
Number 10: One way ticket out of the country<br />
Who doesn’t love a vacation? Forever. While Guantanamo<br />
Bay is always fully booked, unfortunately, there are a myriad<br />
of other global destinations hostile to freedom, humanity and<br />
a trend-setting fashion sense that will give your recipient<br />
the once-in-a-lifetime chance to work on their personal<br />
development without the distraction of your awesomeness.<br />
While there’s usually plenty of room in Chernobyl, Alcatraz<br />
is surrounded by water which will make it more difficult to<br />
escape from (although not impossible, as Adam and Alice<br />
can attest). If your loved ones don’t appreciate the brutalist<br />
architecture of a Category A maximum security prison now,<br />
they will, of course, with time.<br />
Always remember: “Every angel needs a devil, and that’s<br />
where I come in. Sleigh!”<br />
Number 12: Your autograph<br />
Congratulations! If you’ve made it this far, you’ve<br />
joined the elite to become the world-famous celebrity<br />
you always knew you could be, because you put yourself<br />
first before anyone else! It wasn’t easy but, then again,<br />
blinding success never is. Adam and Alice are ready to<br />
welcome you to our annual awards dinner on the balcony<br />
of the Radisson Blu hotel overlooking the fireworks<br />
display on New Year’s Eve with a glass of champagne<br />
in one hand and a Golden Globe nomination in the<br />
other, because you, dear reader, are a present worth<br />
celebrating. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a<br />
Happy New Year! We genuinely mean that. Or do we?<br />
“And the winner is… you, as expected. Skål (and<br />
crossbones).”<br />
Registrer deg<br />
— og —<br />
vinn<br />
Registrer deg gratis i UiAs<br />
alumninettverk før nyttår.<br />
Vi trekker ti vinnere som<br />
får kinobilletter eller<br />
kantinegavekort.<br />
Både nåværende og<br />
tidligere studenter har<br />
mulighet til å registrere<br />
seg i nettverket.<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 31
KULTUR<br />
Vilde Hagen Svanberg<br />
Skribent<br />
Illustrasjon: Freepik // freepik, brgfx, svstudioart<br />
Desember er her, og forhåpentligvis også julestemningen. Hvis ikke, har du nå et arsenal av podcaster<br />
du kan prøve deg på, mens du baker pepperkaker, pakker inn julegaver, eller noe helt annet du selv<br />
forbinder med jul. Jeg håper du finner julestemningen, og at du får en fantastisk høytid!<br />
Live og Ronny er tilbake i år igjen, med en ny episode<br />
hver dag i desember! Live Nelvik sliter med å finne<br />
julestemningen, mens makker Ronny Brede Aase er<br />
over snittet glad i jul. Sammen utforsker de begreper<br />
som «novent» (advent i november), diskuterer<br />
pakkekalendere, juletrehogging, gløgg, julebord og<br />
rampenisser. Forventer dagens unge opp til flere<br />
julekalendere samtidig? Hva er best av vanlig gran,<br />
edelgran og plast-tre? De analyserer også julesanger,<br />
og prøver å oppklare hva vanskelig tekster betyr. Hva<br />
er egentlig «paradis grønt»? Er det hasj? Med hvert sitt<br />
forhold til jul gir de deg en deilig og underholdende<br />
pause, i en (for noen) stressende tid. Dette er rett og<br />
slett en skikkelig koselig julepod!<br />
For en som har vokst opp med The Julekalender, er<br />
dette en podkast jeg gleder meg til! Den har dessverre<br />
ikke kommet ut i skrivende stund, men har premiere 1.<br />
desember. Julekalenderen «The Julekalender Podkast»<br />
er podkastjulekalenderen som tar for seg den populære<br />
og tidløse julekalenderen «The julekalender». Henrik<br />
Overaa Bjørnson og Joachim Joachimsen, åpner en<br />
luke hver dag, hvor de tar for seg dagens episode,<br />
funfacts, intervjuer og andre hendelser som har med<br />
den sagnomsuste og populære julekalenderen å gjøre.<br />
The Julekalender Podkast – Alt du visste, ikke visste og<br />
ikke var klar over at du ønsket å vite, om Norges mest<br />
kjente julekalender.<br />
Julepodcast er i vinden som aldri før, så her har vi nok<br />
en nykommer i år. For mange blir det ikke ordentlig<br />
jul uten de faste julefilmene, og Grinchen er definitivt<br />
en av klassikerne. Får du ikke nok av fyren som hater<br />
jul, så frykt ikke – i denne podcasten møter vi Grinchen<br />
(med stemmen til James Austin Johnson fra Saturday<br />
Night Live) som talkshow-vert! Sammen med hunden<br />
Max, sender han direkte inne fra Who-Ville, mens han<br />
snakker om sitt hat for julen, og roaster diverse gjester.<br />
Gjør klart pledd, kakao og julekaker, mens du koser<br />
deg med julens anti-helt.<br />
Du har kanskje hørt om konseptet Hallmark-filmer?<br />
Skikkelig klisjé historier, som alltid får en lykkelig<br />
slutt. Noen elsker dem og synes de er både morsomme<br />
og koselige. Andre hater dem, og skjønner ikke poenget<br />
med filmer der du allerede vet hvordan det ender,<br />
før du i det hele tatt har satt filmen på. Denne evige<br />
debatten får du høre mer om i Deck the Hallmark!<br />
Her får du over TUSEN episoder om filmene, som er<br />
så diskutabelt dårlige at de blir sluppet rett på TV. Ikke<br />
alle av disse handler om julen, men likevel ganske så<br />
mange, spesielt nå i førjulstiden. Hva med å se filmene<br />
i forkant av episodene der vertene Bran (elsker<br />
filmene), Dan (hater filmene) og Panda (synes filmene<br />
er ok) får diverse venner over for å diskutere?<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 33
POEM<br />
Anjali Mariampillai<br />
Web Editor<br />
Photo: AdobeStock // Vshyukova<br />
my pockets are full of candy wrappers.<br />
to write is to feel. i unwrap the strawberry candy of my<br />
words and let it slowly melt on my tongue, the plastic<br />
wrapper crinkles in my fist. i cannot steal butterflies,<br />
so i grow them, nourish them and feed them with my<br />
words, so that they will flutter in my stomach. i dig,<br />
claw first, in my misery in hopes of finding a heart<br />
shaped locket with your name in it. i write about<br />
whatever it was, is, and was meant to be. my lifelong,<br />
big, cinematic pink romance are the words that caress<br />
my face and pumps blood through my veins.<br />
i would have left you my entire heart if i could.<br />
i wanted to leave my brown beaded bracelet around your wrist, but i<br />
forgot. however, i put three small packets of the prawn cocktail crisps<br />
you like in your backpack when you were not looking. i hope that‘s okay.<br />
i keep wishing you left one of your silver rings on the table at Laila‘s. i‘d<br />
put it in my pocket so that you‘d have a reason to come back. i‘ll keep the<br />
polaroid in my phone, so that comes with me on every journey. and when<br />
the worn down phone case finally caves in, i get to tell them about my<br />
soulmate. and how you scared the hell out of me by the Scott Monument.<br />
i‘ll tell them about the crystals we picked out for each other and the exact<br />
number of Smints you put in the palm of my hand (the spearmint ones, not<br />
strawberry). i left you with my sweater vest, the one that fits you so much<br />
better than me. you left me with your poetry book, it fits me perfectly.<br />
my love is mine, all mine.<br />
i carry her with stars in my eyes. she is in<br />
the curls and soft coils of my hair, and in the<br />
words that i speak. i carry her in every tear<br />
and in every stroke of pen to paper. i carry her<br />
on my lips in a black honey hue and show her<br />
off with a bright smile. i carry her smudged<br />
mascara and yawns on sleepless nights. i carry<br />
love with me to bed and let her rest soundly<br />
in the walls of my heart and i protect her.<br />
nothing in the world belongs to me, but my love.<br />
her<br />
it was when i was left hollow at a train<br />
station i realized that i had been loved in<br />
the way i love. poetically, beautifully and<br />
with a hint of melancholy somewhere<br />
in between. she puts orange slices in my<br />
hands and says „here, have my heart“,<br />
and suddenly i‘m overflowing to the point<br />
of spilling drunken „i love you“ texts after<br />
midnight - to the right person this time.<br />
Photo: IMDb<br />
Alice Soleng<br />
Writer<br />
REVIEW<br />
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the Hunger Games, and may<br />
the odds be ever in your favour. Not only have the high-grossing<br />
film franchise returned, but it is back with new blood, and a<br />
storyline that will leave lovers of the Hunger Games universe with<br />
both glee and frustration. Suzanne Collins returns as a producer,<br />
together with director Francis Lawrence. Is this the best film in the<br />
franchise?<br />
The prequel of the beloved series is set 64 years before the Hunger<br />
Games, and we follow Coriolanus Snow (Tom Blyth) as he is set to<br />
be a mentor in the 10th annual Hunger Games. The film starts in<br />
the dark years, the time where the districts<br />
rebelled, and the Capitol’s children were<br />
starving in the streets. The Snow family<br />
lost their fortune but refuse to give up their<br />
status in Panem. After bombing District<br />
13, the Capitol ends the war, creating the<br />
Hunger Games to punish the districts for<br />
their rebellion. However, only ten years<br />
into the future, nobody is watching the<br />
games, and the mentors are introduced<br />
to attract viewers. 24 promising academy<br />
students are chosen for the task, with a<br />
scholarship award on the line for the best<br />
mentor. Coriolanus Snow, desperate to win<br />
the award to secure his future, is given the<br />
worst of the pack. The girl from District 12,<br />
Lucy Gray Baird (Rachel Zegler). The odds<br />
are not in their favour, and Coriolanus<br />
must find a way for his songbird to survive.<br />
But at what cost?<br />
So, what did the film do right?<br />
A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes remains<br />
true to the book, with a few minor changes.<br />
The film paints the story of Snow’s rise<br />
from hungry schoolboy to dangerous<br />
unrepentant president. Fans of the books<br />
will smile to themselves when they catch references to the<br />
trilogy, and the screenwriters should receive a pat on the back for<br />
successfully adapting the book to screenplay. Another thing the<br />
film does right is the soundtrack. Lucy Gray’s songs were a huge<br />
part of the book, and James Newton Howard (The Dark Knight) was<br />
hired to bring the songs to life. Having so many songs could easily<br />
have made the film feel like a musical, but it never crosses that line.<br />
Rachel Zegler’s voice is powerful, yet comforting, and her delivery<br />
of Lucy Gray’s determination is compelling. Her performance of<br />
the song The old Therebefore is nothing short of breathtaking, and<br />
it leaves the viewer stunned.<br />
Additionally, I would also like to highlight some of the acting<br />
performances in the film. As mentioned, Rachel Zegler does an<br />
excellent job at portraying Lucy Gray’s charming wit, but the<br />
best acting performance goes to Josh Andrés Rivera, who played<br />
Sejanus Plinth. The desperation, plotting and empathy shown by<br />
the character, is as it was taken straight from the book. Altogether,<br />
the plot, the casting, the costumes, and the music makes for a great<br />
film, but I have a few nagging points.<br />
Firstly, the character of Coriolanus Snow<br />
(Tom Blyth). While Blyth is a great actor,<br />
as a book reader, it was easy to catch on to<br />
the fact that his portrayal of the character<br />
lacks complexity. Blyth is excellent at<br />
portraying the decisiveness and the allure<br />
of Coriolanus, but he fails at conveying the<br />
doubt and insecurity Snow feels throughout<br />
the plot. Certain scenes leave me longing for<br />
more depth, and it feels like his backstory<br />
was left behind.<br />
Secondly, the pacing of the film is off. As<br />
one could expect the highlight of the film<br />
is the actual Hunger Games, which takes<br />
place during the second part of the film,<br />
The Prize. My attention was kept during<br />
the first two parts of the film, but during<br />
the third, The Peacekeeper, some scenes<br />
felt unnecessary dragged out. Of course,<br />
the ending picks up the pace again, and I<br />
can’t say the third part lacks interesting<br />
events. Yet, I feel the film could have been<br />
shortened a bit, to match the other films in<br />
the franchise.<br />
So, is it the best film in the franchise? No, I would not say so.<br />
It’s a great addition to an already amazing series, and I would<br />
recommend going to the cinema and watch it. It shows us a tale<br />
of hope, desperation, and love. Most of all, it teaches us one thing<br />
about Coriolanus Snow and society.<br />
“We all do things we’re not proud of to live”.<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 35
AK TUELT<br />
Natasha Agatha Wangui<br />
Nyhetsredaktør<br />
Foto: Unikum // Natasha Kamanzi, Emma Horgen Frivold; Foto: Freepik // wirestock<br />
Samarbeidet mellom YATA Kristiansand<br />
og Luftforsvarets skolesenter er et<br />
levende eksempel på hvordan samarbeid<br />
mellom ungdomsorganisasjoner og<br />
forsvarssektoren kan gi verdifull innsikt<br />
og inspirasjon til unge som ønsker å<br />
forstå og påvirke sikkerhetspolitikken.<br />
Omvisningen har ifølge studentene<br />
gitt en økende interesse for hvordan<br />
Luftforsvaret fungerer.<br />
Anjelica Larsen studerer statsvitenskap<br />
ved Universitetet i Agder og er<br />
medlemsansvarlig i YATA Kristiansands<br />
styre. Til Unikum deler hun høydepunkter<br />
fra omvisningen på Luftforsvarets<br />
skolesenter på Kjevik.<br />
I et samarbeid mellom Luftforsvarets skolesenter Kjevik og<br />
Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Kristiansand (YATA) fikk<br />
medlemmene i YATA en eksklusiv mulighet til å utforske Norges<br />
forsvarshemmeligheter.<br />
YATA Kristiansand er en nettverksorganisasjon for unge med<br />
interesse for utenriks-, forsvars- og sikkerhetspolitikk. YATA Norge<br />
og YATA International har som mål å gi medlemmene kunnskap,<br />
nettverk, og muligheter for å utvikle interesse, studier, og karriere<br />
innenfor disse feltene. Dette samarbeidet med Luftforsvarets<br />
skolesenter er bare ett av mange initiativ for å oppnå dette målet.<br />
Unik Innsikt i Forsvaret<br />
Under omvisningen fikk studentene fra YATA Kristiansand en<br />
grundig innføring i Luftforsvarets skolesenter som har base på<br />
Kjevik. Hangarene, hvor F-16-flyene stod, og briefen om den<br />
sikkerhetspolitiske situasjonen i Norge og internasjonalt, stod som<br />
høydepunkter for flere av deltakerne.<br />
- For meg så var omvisningen i hangar<br />
hvor F-16 flyene stod og briefen<br />
vi fikk om den sikkerhetspolitiske<br />
situasjonen i Norge, og i verden, to klare<br />
høydepunkter. Personalet på Kjevik<br />
er dyktige og kunnskapsrike om både<br />
utenriks- og innenrikspolitikk. De er virkelig på pulsen av dagens<br />
sikkerhetspolitiske situasjon både i et globalt og lokalt perspektiv.<br />
Kanskje spesielt spennende var det å høre om trusselnivået i Norge<br />
i dag, og om hvordan finsk og svensk NATO-medlemskap kan ha<br />
ringvirkninger som for det blotte øyet kanskje ikke er umiddelbart<br />
synlige. I tillegg var også maten i kantina god, legger hun til.<br />
Videre peker hun spesielt på innsikten i den operative delen av<br />
flyene, hvor deltakerne fikk nærkontakt med F-16-flyene og en<br />
grundig gjennomgang av den avanserte teknologien ombord.<br />
- F-16 er jo kjent for sin avanserte elektronikk, så det var veldig<br />
innsiktsfullt og interessant å se hvordan flyene er designet og<br />
utstyrt. Samtidig så var det også tankevekkende fordi lignende<br />
fly brukes aktivt i konflikter i dag. Vi fikk også se våpnene som<br />
festes på jagerflyene og det gir inntrykk, samtidig som det er veldig<br />
spennende. Man sitter kanskje igjen med en litt dypere forståelse<br />
av krigens realitet – flere av disse flyene er jo massive, understreker<br />
hun.<br />
Interessant å se det større bildet<br />
Nina Johnsen studerer også statsvitenskap ved UiA<br />
og er arrangementsansvarlig i YATA Kristiansand.<br />
Til studentavisen deler hun Larsens begeistring<br />
og påpeker at omvisningen hadde en betydelig<br />
innvirkning på hennes interesse for luftfart, forsvar<br />
og sikkerhetspolitikk.<br />
- Det mest interessante var både sikkerhetsbriefen og<br />
omvisningen inne i hangaren med jagerflyene. Det<br />
var overraskende å høre at høyreekstremisme har økt<br />
såpass den siste tiden i Norge og verden at det faktisk<br />
nå blir sett på som reelle muligheter for at et angrep<br />
kan skje. For min del så øker interessen betydelig. Jeg<br />
lærer mye gjennom studiet mitt på statsvitenskap,<br />
men det er noe med å få info rett fra de som har jobbet<br />
med dette i flere tiår og kan vise og fortelle oss de<br />
praktiske tingene, som f. eks. F-16 som vi kun har lest<br />
om tidligere. Jeg synes også det er interessant å se det<br />
større bildet og måten alt henger sammen på, forteller<br />
Johnsen til Unikum.<br />
Kunnskapsdyrkende<br />
Nina Johnsen, som også sitter i YATA<br />
Kristiansands styre, forklarer at de ulike<br />
arrangementene i YATA Kristiansand<br />
er en måte å formidle kunnskap og<br />
skape en plattform for unge mennesker<br />
interessert i utenriks-, forsvars- og<br />
sikkerhetspolitikk. Hun oppgir at hun<br />
har flere roller innenfor denne politiske<br />
organisasjonen.<br />
- Jeg foreslår, planlegger, koordinerer og<br />
utfører arrangement med hjelp fra de<br />
andre medlemmene i styret. Det er veldig<br />
gøy og jeg får møte mange kjekke folk og<br />
har hatt gode diskusjoner, samt at jeg får<br />
flere gode kontakter som muliggjør blant<br />
annet slike arrangement som denne<br />
omvisningen, sier Johnsen.<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 37
REVIEW<br />
Super Mario RPG<br />
(2023) – REVIEW<br />
Tobias Klausen<br />
Editor in Chief<br />
Photo: IGN; RPGamer; Game Informer<br />
Mario has proved time and time again, there’s<br />
nothing he can’t do. From racing in karts,<br />
playing various sports and even turning<br />
into paper, he’s done it all. But 27 years ago,<br />
the library of Mario spin-offs was nothing<br />
but a twinkle in the sky, the occasional<br />
karting being his only venture. But then<br />
Nintendo teamed up with SquareSoft (now<br />
known as the industry giant Square Enix),<br />
to bring the plumber to an entirely new<br />
genre: RPGs. The game was a huge success<br />
and even now is fondly remembered by its<br />
fans. So, imagine the shock when Nintendo<br />
revealed in a presentation earlier this year<br />
that they would be remaking the game,<br />
with a complete graphical overhaul and<br />
additional gameplay features? But can the<br />
remake capture the magic of the original,<br />
or should this classic have stayed in the<br />
nostalgic past?<br />
Super Mario RPG tells a tale as old as time,<br />
Bowser has once more kidnapped Princess<br />
Peach and it’s up to Mario to rescue her,<br />
however, strangely enough, this occurs<br />
within the first 10 minutes of the game. Just<br />
as Mario reunites with Peach, a massive<br />
sword comes crashing down from the<br />
38<br />
heavens, sending Mario, Peach and even<br />
Bowser flying out of the castle. Mario<br />
luckily lands in his house, but the confusion<br />
of what just happened lingers. What was<br />
that giant sword? Where is Princess Peach?<br />
What were those strange stars which fell<br />
from the sky as well? But<br />
with no hesitation, as<br />
there never is with our<br />
titular hero, he embarks<br />
on an adventure to find<br />
Princess Peach, with the<br />
help of some (unusual)<br />
allies along the way!<br />
The story is as simplistic<br />
as you would imagine for<br />
a Mario game. It never<br />
reaches any epic highs<br />
like that of Final Fantasy,<br />
but it doesn’t try to either,<br />
because what you get<br />
is exactly what you would want. Instead,<br />
Super Mario RPG focuses on humor, this is<br />
a funny game. It got quite a few chuckles<br />
out of me, and I had a smile on my face<br />
when reading some of the obtuse and crazy<br />
lines (why does Toad have a bazooka at<br />
home!?). Even mere in-game cutscenes<br />
featuring the shenanigans of the characters<br />
are enough to warrant a smile or a giggle.<br />
The game is overflowing with charm, and<br />
that doesn’t just apply to the writing but<br />
also the designs.<br />
You’ll recognize some familiar enemies<br />
like the iconic Goomba, Koopa Troopa and<br />
Shy Guy, but Super Mario RPG is brimming<br />
with plenty of enemy variety, and it never<br />
seems to stop. With every new world<br />
there is always something which brings a<br />
new color to the palette of the Mushroom<br />
Kingdom. And speaking of appearances,<br />
the game is absolutely gorgeous. Somehow,<br />
the developers have been able to translate<br />
the art style of the original flawlessly<br />
into the realm of modern graphics, and<br />
every world, enemy and even object are<br />
overflowing with life and there are tons of<br />
new animations to enjoy. There’s even been<br />
added cutscenes which are a blast to watch<br />
and add so much character to an adventure<br />
already overflowing with personality.<br />
But graphics aren’t the only thing to<br />
enjoy. Super Mario RPG has traditional<br />
turn-based combat segments in-between<br />
Mario jumping all around the Mushroom
Kingdom on his quests. Here, Mario and<br />
his allies, the toad(??), Mallow, and the<br />
doll brought to life, Geno, will duke it<br />
out against foes who stand in your way.<br />
A staple of Mario RPGs has been button<br />
inputs to enhance your attack to bring<br />
some more damage to enemies and player<br />
agency to the turn-based combat system.<br />
It originated in Super Mario RPG and with<br />
the remake it’s more satisfying than ever.<br />
Every character requires different timing,<br />
which can also change depending on the<br />
equipped weapon, and even magic attacks<br />
have button inputs which can add to the<br />
damage or healing. You can also time your<br />
defense, and potentially negate all damage.<br />
However, the remake goes an additional<br />
mile and if you time your attack perfectly<br />
not only will the primary target take<br />
damage, but also all the other enemies,<br />
albeit the others will receive only a<br />
fraction of the original damage. This<br />
makes battles go quicker and you never<br />
feel battles drawing out or that they’re a<br />
tedious annoyance in your quest to grow<br />
ever stronger. Another addition to the<br />
remake’s battle system is the action gauge<br />
which is filled based on correctly timed<br />
button-inputs for either defense or attack.<br />
When filled, you can use a powerful Triple<br />
Move! Depending on the characters in your<br />
current party the cutscene and effect will<br />
differ They feel right at home and gives the<br />
game additional charm and encourages you<br />
to experiment with party set-up. It should<br />
be noted that the remake seems like it<br />
didn’t quite balance around these additions<br />
as some battles feel a bit too easy, especially<br />
boss battles where their main gimmick is<br />
summoning tiny swarms of enemies to aid<br />
them or uses powerful effects to mess with<br />
your party. The game has a “breezy” mode<br />
which is good for those that just want to<br />
chill while playing, but it is a bit puzzling<br />
that the developers didn’t add a “hard”<br />
mode too.<br />
Something that goes hard is 100% the<br />
soundtrack. Every track from the original<br />
has been remastered by the original<br />
composer, Yoko Shimomura (best known<br />
for Kingdom Hearts) and it’s utterly jaw<br />
dropping how she modernizes the music<br />
while retaining the magic of the originals.<br />
There’s not a single dud here, and it speaks<br />
volumes to her talent and skill. And even if<br />
you prefer the originals, the game allows<br />
you to swap back and forth between the<br />
original renditions and the remade ones.<br />
Another aspect that<br />
serves as a doubleedged<br />
sword is the<br />
length of the game. It<br />
is very short by RPG<br />
standard, clocking in<br />
between 10-15 hours<br />
depending on whether<br />
you try to find all the<br />
secrets and easters<br />
eggs or complete every<br />
sidequest there is. It<br />
is a relatively short<br />
adventure, but on<br />
the bright side, the<br />
pacing of the game<br />
is incredible. The experience may not be<br />
long, but it’s tight pacing makes sure that<br />
it never feels like you’re experiencing any<br />
padding or that you level up too slowly<br />
simply to extend your game time. There’s<br />
not much post-game content either, the<br />
remake adds some boss rematches, but<br />
that’s about it, however, since it’s a short<br />
and enjoyable experience, I’m much more<br />
inclined to replay something like this than<br />
the behemoth Xenoblade Chronicles for<br />
example (which can be between 60-100<br />
hours).<br />
Verdict<br />
Everything about Super Mario RPG screams<br />
“baby’s first RPG” from the combat to the<br />
story. Luckily, the game is fully aware<br />
of what it is, and never tries to be more<br />
grandiose in its storytelling or deep in its<br />
gameplay mechanics, instead refining the<br />
elements it has to a brilliant shine. The story<br />
is silly and goofy, laying the foundation<br />
for that brilliant Mario RPG humor that<br />
its spiritual successors would use after<br />
it. With a masterful graphical overhaul<br />
and an excellent soundtrack to boot, the<br />
remake invites you into its sprawling and<br />
wonderful world. The gameplay is a finely<br />
tuned clockwork that, even though it’s a<br />
bit on the easier side, is engrossing to play<br />
and master. Albeit it’s a shorter adventure<br />
than most RPGs, every second is a delightful<br />
marvel. Old fans will find this a worthy<br />
remake of one of their favorite games, and<br />
new players will definitely fall in love with<br />
it. Super Mario RPG is an incredible blast<br />
from the past, and still proves that it stands<br />
as one of Nintendo’s and Square’s most<br />
successful and brilliant ventures in the<br />
library of Mario spin-offs.<br />
<strong>DESEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 10 39
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