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Studentavisen for Agder GRATIS | November 2023<br />


Nominer en du kjenner til<br />

Kompis<br />

prisen<br />

Hvert år i anledning «Verdensdagen for psykisk<br />

helse» vil SiA Helse i samarbeid med STA dele<br />

ut «Kompisprisen». Kjenner du en medstudent<br />

som aktivt bidrar til inkludering og mangfold<br />

så kan du nominere denne studenten til prisen.<br />

SiA Helse, VT og STA inviterer til gratis frokost<br />

og utdeling av «Kompisprisen» 10. oktober,<br />

kl. 08:45-10:00 i kantina på campus<br />

i Kristiansand!<br />

Last ned<br />

Studentliv<br />

appen<br />

Nominasjoner sendes til eli.stalesen@sia.no<br />

.. og få full oversikt over hva som<br />

skjer på- og utenfor campus, samt<br />

flere eksklusive tilbud og fordeler.<br />

Last ned her

LEDER<br />


Mørket trekker innover Sørlandet, både på en bokstavelig og metaforisk<br />

måte. Dagene blir kortere, det blir senere lyst og tidligere kveld, og<br />

mørket som er eksamenskrav, praksis, og eksamensforberedelser er rett<br />

rundt hjørnet. Det er kanskje ikke så enkelt å finne det lille lysglimtet<br />

i hverdagen, i hvert fall ikke med bakteppet i verden av krig, konflikt og<br />

elendighet. Det finnes ingen måte å spinne det på, det er og føles mørkt ut,<br />

om man enten kikker på semesteret, neste året eller lenger inn i fremtiden.<br />

Mulig det å fremsette en dommedagsprofeti ut av nåværende og<br />

kommende hendelser er litt vel ekstremt, noe som dette årsstudiumet<br />

i historie har vist meg at menneskeheten har en begavelse å komme<br />

tilbake fra de verste kriser, som kakerlakker som bare nekter å dø.<br />

Men det betyr ikke at slike onder ikke er frustrerende, spesielt når<br />

man må sitte på sidelinjen og se på det skje. En følelse av maktesløshet<br />

setter seg inn, og det lille håpet man har flimrer i sitt siste lys.<br />

Men det viktigste er å ikke la den flammen dø helt ut, å la mørket være<br />

det eneste som omringer en. Det finnes alltid et lite lysglimt i fortiden,<br />

i nåtiden og i fremtiden, uansett hvor lite det virker. Spesielt i det<br />

som kan virke som et altoppslukende mørke. Men det betyr ikke at<br />

man skal vende et blindt øye mot mørke, leve i en vrangforestilling<br />

hvor alt er lyst. For uten mørket, hvordan vet vi hva lyset ser ut som?<br />


4 Gladnyhet fra VT<br />

6 Short-story: Whistle<br />

8 Autism and Masking<br />

11 Oppskrift: Sjokolade bit Muffins<br />

12 Studenttillitsvalgte spiller en<br />

viktig rolle i UiAs kvalitetsarbeid<br />

13 Album review: ‘the rest’ by boygenuis<br />

14 Review: Palia<br />

16 Culture Calendar<br />

20 Should Norway Join the EU<br />

22 Pit Stop<br />

24 Poems<br />

26 10 på UiA: Hvordan takler du eksamensstress?<br />

28 Five books I hate and why<br />

30 Galleri 250L Interview<br />

33 Unikum Rekrutterer<br />

34 Poduniverset<br />

36 Talent Show Photos<br />

37 Agony Aunt<br />

38 Weird and Wonderful World of Board Games<br />

Tobias Klausen<br />

redaktor@unikumnett.no<br />

4843 1050<br />

UTGITT AV: Studentavisen Unikum, ved Universitetet i Agder<br />

POSTADRESSE: Serviceboks 422, 4604 Kristiansand S<br />

BESØKSADRESSE: Universitetsveien 24, 4630 Kristiansand S<br />

ORG.NR.: 984 544 677<br />

TELEFON: 911 45 962<br />

EPOST: redaktor@unikumnett.no<br />

NETTSIDE: unikumnett.no<br />

TWITTER: twitter.com/unikumnett<br />

FACEBOOK: facebook.com/studentavisenunikum<br />

INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/unikumnett<br />

Publisert November 2023<br />

Utgave nummer 09<br />

Unikum er studentavisen ved Universitetet i Agder og andre<br />

institusjoner tilknyttet Studentsamskipnaden i Agder. Avisen er<br />

politisk og religiøst uavhengig, og blir drevet på frivillig basis.<br />

Unikum følger Vær Varsom-plakaten og redaktørplakaten. Føler<br />

du deg urettferdig behandlet eller på noen måte uriktig fremstilt<br />

av Unikum, ber vi deg kontakte redaksjonen.<br />

Redaksjon:<br />


Tobias Klausen<br />


Nettredaktør<br />

Nyhetsredaktør<br />

Kulturredaktør<br />

Fotoredaktør<br />

Debattansvarlig<br />


Natalia Bogdanova<br />

FORSIDE:<br />

Foto: Vlad-Florin Pop<br />

Avbildet person: Oriane Omnes<br />

Anjali Mariampillai<br />

Natasha Agatha Wangui<br />

Randi Andersdotter<br />

Evgeniia Kadyrova<br />


Adam Zawadzk, Alexander Horpestad, Alice Soleng,<br />

Babet Berning, Evgeniia Kadyrova, Freya Thomson,<br />

Halvor Nyhus Hagen, Henrike Jost, Jay Voltaire, Joachim<br />

Vogt, Mattias Johannessen, Michael Campbell, Natasha<br />

Agatha Wangui, Tobias Klausen, Vilde Hagen Svanberg<br />


Alice Soleng, Jay Voltaire, Mattias Johannessen, Tobias<br />

Klausen, Vlad-Florin Pop<br />

DESKEN:<br />

Àngels Aguilera, Adam Zawadzki, Alexander Horpestad, Alice<br />

Soleng, Aurora Trondsen Flatvoll, Eskil Furøy, Henrike Jost,<br />

Jakub Świerkocki, Julia Artuna, Mattias, Johannessen, Michael<br />

Campbell, Natalia Bogdanova, Sharmaarke Mohamed, Tobias<br />

Klausen<br />


Alice Soleng, Ida Marie Bruun, Jay Voltaire, Martin Hoftun,<br />

Michael Campbell, Ricke-Karia Vikingstad, Silje Gullhav, Tobias<br />

Klausen<br />


Marion Bjørndal Søviknes<br />


Bjorvand & Co<br />

OPPLAG:<br />

400<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 3

NYHET<br />


fra Velferdstinget:<br />

Studentforeningene i Agder får<br />


EKSTRA i 2024<br />

Mattias Johannessen<br />

Skribent<br />

Illustrasjon: AdobeStock // kmit; Foto: Velferdstinget; Unikum // Mattias Johannessen<br />

For linjeforeningene som har<br />

slitt med økonomi og med lite<br />

oppmøte på arrangementer kan<br />

derfor dette som nå kommer<br />

fra Velferdstinget bli en meget<br />

god nyhet. I 2024 økes de<br />

studentsosiale midlene med ikke<br />

mindre enn 2,5millioner kroner,<br />

til totalt 5,15 millioner.<br />

De siste årene har det vært tøffe tider for studentene<br />

på Sørlandet. I 2020 kom Koronapandemien med<br />

alt som den medførte, noe som fikk konsekvenser<br />

for linje- og studentforeninger i Agder. I mai 2022<br />

skrev Unikum om flere linjeforeninger ved UiA,<br />

som slet med lav rekruttering og lite oppmøte på<br />

arrangementer. Siden ble det økonomiske kutt som<br />

kom til å plage student- og linjeforeningene ved alle<br />

de fem studiestedene, noe også Unikum var nær ved<br />

å bli rammet av i sin tid.<br />

Unikum besøker leder for<br />

Velferdstinget, Helene Brevik,<br />

student ved UiA, og politisk<br />

nestleder Vilma Himberg,<br />

student ved Ansgar, for å få mer<br />

informasjon om denne økningen<br />

som kommer. Brevik og Himberg<br />

kan fortelle oss at deres mål er at studenter skal<br />

kunne ha et sosialt liv:<br />

– Dette er viktig for å forebygge psykiske problemer<br />

og ensomhet, blir Unikums skribent fortalt av Brevik<br />

og Himberg.<br />

– Vi ønsker også at studenter ikke skal måtte oppleve<br />

å bli ekskludert på grunn av økonomi, og at de som<br />

føler seg utenfor nå skal få muligheten til å bli med i<br />

de gode fellesskapene som foreningene skaper<br />


Det økte tilskuddet som kommer nå, kommer likevel<br />

med en hake som det er verdt at studenter merker<br />

seg. Og det er at denne økningen ikke er sikkert at<br />

vil kunne vedvare til 2025. Unikum får opplyst at<br />

økningen i de studentsosiale midlene kommer fra<br />

Studentsamskipnadens overskudd.<br />

Leder av VT, Helene Brevik<br />

Politisk nestleder av VT,<br />

Vilma Himberg<br />

Unikum blir fortalt at økningen i studentsosiale<br />

midler er et resultat av lang tids arbeid, og har vært<br />

en omfattende prosess. Det har vært gjennom flere<br />

runder med studentsamskipnaden, og har involvert en<br />

redegjørelse på størrelsen på fondet og de behovene<br />

som stilles til dette. Basert på dette ble det fremmet<br />

ønske om en dobling av de studentsosiale midlene.<br />

Dette har resultert i at midlene for 2024 er blitt doblet:<br />

en økning vi får fortalt at er tidenes største gjort<br />

gjennom Velferdstinget.<br />

– Dette vil kunne gi bedre forutsigbarhet for studentene,<br />

og vil ivareta behov som er oppstått etter Koronaen.<br />

– Vi må fortsette å jobbe for å sikre økt støtte til<br />

samskipnadene, slik at SiA kan fortsette å ta vare på<br />

studentene i Kristiansand og Grimstad. Målet er at<br />

midlene til SSM blir inflasjonsjustert, og at vi kan gi<br />

foreningene den stabiliteten som de trenger.<br />

Brevik og Himberg kan videre fortelle at de ønsker<br />

å snakke om hvordan det statlige påvirker det<br />

lokale, og de oppfordrer studenter til å stemme ved<br />

stortingsvalgene.<br />

– Studenter bør følge med på hvilke partier det er som<br />

prioriterer studenter. Vi er med på å bestemme hvilke<br />

partier som har makta og som vedtar statsbudsjettet.<br />

Hvor mye penger SiA kan gi til SSM starter med oss.<br />

Avslutningsvis håper Brevik og Himberg at studentene<br />

vil få mye glede av de avsatte midlene som nå kommer.<br />

– Vi frykter at om denne økningen<br />

ikke hadde kommet, ville det kunne<br />

medført av foreninger hadde måttet<br />

legge ned. Og det trengs økte midler<br />

for å ivareta studentforeningene;<br />

hadde vi ikke fått denne<br />

økningen kunne det medført at<br />

studentforeninger måtte ha innført<br />

økte kontingenter.<br />

Brevik og Himberg kan videre si at<br />

kutt som har skjedd i samskipnaden,<br />

som har medført redusert<br />

helsetilbud, gjør det nødvendig å<br />

se etter alternative løsninger for å<br />

forebygge utenforskap og psykiske<br />

helseproblemer.<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 5


The Whistle<br />

Photo: Freepik // vecstock<br />

Aurora Trondsen Flatvoll<br />

Writer<br />

The university campus had transformed into a chillingly quiet<br />

place as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows<br />

across the desert pathways. Martin, Caroline, and Daniel, three<br />

close friends and first-year students, had spent the day buried in<br />

lectures and exam preparations. Now they yearned for the comfort<br />

of their warm beds.<br />

The crisp evening air carried a sense of foreboding. It was an<br />

uncanny feeling they couldn’t quite put their finger on, an unease<br />

that settled upon them like a heavy shroud. The trio had traveled<br />

this route countless times, but this November night was different.<br />

Caroline, an astute observer, was the first to sense it. Her pace<br />

quickened, she whispered to the others,<br />

“Do you guys feel like we´re being followed?”<br />

Martin could hear Caroline’s voice tremble slightly, a testament to<br />

her growing anxiety.<br />

“Come on, Caro, it’s just your imagination playing tricks at you.<br />

Besides you got me and the goofball over there”<br />

Martin nodded his head in the direction of Daniel, he was scanning<br />

the dim streets and the sparse trees that lined the sidewalks.<br />

Something about the night felt unsettling, but he couldn´t pinpoint<br />

what. As usual, when Daniel gets nervous, he starts joking.<br />

“Maybe Caroline is right?” he pauses, leaning in closer to Caroline,<br />

“Maybe we are being followed by the boogie man.”<br />

Daniel laughed, still Caroline could hear the uncertainty in his<br />

voice. As they continued their journey, the feeling of being watched<br />

persisted, every echo of their footsteps seemed amplified, and<br />

every rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze appeared suspicious.<br />

Caroline occasionally glanced over her shoulder, only to be met<br />

with the darkness of the desert streets, the anxiety in her voice<br />

grew more pronounced.<br />

“I can’t shake this feeling, guys, I swear it is like I can see someone<br />

lurking behind us.”<br />

Martin sighed, his patience wearing thin. He is the rational in the<br />

group, always thinking logically in every situation.<br />

“You´re letting your imagination run wild. We´re nearly home.<br />

Nothing is going to happen. I swear”<br />

Daniel, however, remained uneasy, convinced that something<br />

wasn´t right. He tried to ease the tension.<br />

“Okay, let’s say we are being followed. What´s the worst that could<br />

happen? We´re three against one! We can take him.”<br />

Their conversation ebbed, but the eerie sensation of being pursued<br />

continued to plague them. The occasional rustle in the bushes or<br />

the distant footsteps getting closer kept sending shivers down their<br />

spines.<br />

As they reached the entrance to a small park, the feeling became<br />

more oppressive. Caroline hesitated, her gaze darting around. Her<br />

eyes stopped on a dark figure behind a big Pinetree a couple of<br />

meters away.<br />

“I swear I saw someone behind that tree” she whispers urgently,<br />

pointing with a shaking finger at the tree she for a second ago saw<br />

a shadow.<br />

Daniel and Martin turned to secure the area, their hearts rising.<br />

The park, usually one of their favorite places, now seemed like a<br />

labyrinth of hidden threats. There was no one in sight.<br />

“I think you´re letting fear get the best of you,” Martin said in a<br />

calm voice, to reassure her.<br />

He gave Caroline a little pat on the shoulder. They continued their<br />

walk. Still unsure if their imagination was merely running wild in<br />

the dark, or if it was something lurking in the darkness, watching,<br />

waiting. Their footsteps echoed loudly as they passed under a<br />

flickering streetlight.<br />

Then they heard it, a sound that made their hearts skip a beat- a<br />

low, eerie whistle that seemed to emanate from the darkened park.<br />

The whistle was haunting melodic, yet sinister, like a siren´s call.<br />

Daniel stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowing.<br />


“Did you hear that`” he asked, his voice was a mixture of fear and<br />

curiosity. Caroline clutched her bag tightly, “it came from the park.”<br />

Martin´s logical mind struggled to rationalize the situation.<br />

“It could be a homeless person or just some kids messing around.”<br />

He suggested although the tremor in his voice betrayed his<br />

unease. They deliberated for a moment, caught between the urge<br />

to investigate and the fear of the unknown. After a tense silence,<br />

Daniel took the lead, stepping cautiously towards the park´s<br />

entrance.<br />

“We should check it out,” he said, his voice determined but still full<br />

of trepidation.<br />

Caroline and Martin looked at each other and carefully followed,<br />

their senses heightened. The park was now a hunting realm, its once<br />

inviting paths obscured in the darkness. They moved stealthily;<br />

the leaves underfoot whispered their presence as they ventured<br />

deeper. The eerie whistle echoed again, more distinct this time,<br />

guiding them further into the shadows. The sense of being pursued<br />

was now undeniable, but by whom or what remained a mystery.<br />

A soft, mocking laughter emanated from the blackness ahead. The<br />

tension in the air grew almost unbearable. Caroline grabbed onto<br />

Daniel´s arm, as they continued, into the dark.<br />

At the heart of the park, they discovered a small, dimly lit clearing<br />

with an old, gnarled tree that the hunting whistle seemed to<br />

originate. The clearing was empty, besides the swaying branches<br />

and the chilly night breeze. As they stood there, disoriented and<br />

frightened, the hunting whistle continued, but there was no one in<br />

sight. The three friends were all alone in the threatening darkness,<br />

listening to the hair-raising tune, with no source to confront.<br />

Daniel, still with Caroline clenching his arm, breaks the lingering<br />

silence.<br />

“What is making that sound?” his voice is barely above a whisper.<br />

The whistle continued. It was starting to get louder and higher in<br />

pitch.<br />

“We should leave,” Martin said, still holding on to the belief in a<br />

logical explanation, starting to feel uneasy, maybe something<br />

wasn´t right after all.<br />

The trio didn’t hasten as they approached the entrenched of the<br />

park. The whistle echoed in the back. A little bit louder, a little bit<br />

closer with every step they took. The sense of being followed still<br />

lingered like a shadow. Their fast footsteps echoed in the silence,<br />

and the dimly lit streets held onto the uncanny stillness.<br />

As they walked, they began to hear faint whispers. Distant voices<br />

that seemed to dance just out of reach. Caroline grabbed a little<br />

tighter around Daniel‘s arm, her voice trembling as she spoke,<br />

“Do you guys hear that? The voices, the whispers….”<br />

The boys exchanged worried glances. They, too, were now hearing<br />

the shilling sounds that seemed to encircle them, taunting them<br />

from the shadows.<br />

The trio quickened their pace, their anxiety mounting as they made<br />

their way home to their apartment. The feeling of being watched<br />

clung to them like an unshakable nightmare.<br />

Finally, they arrived at the apartment, their shared unease lingering<br />

in the corridors. Martin´s hand was shaking as he was fiddling<br />

with the keys to unlock the door. Inside, the atmosphere was thick<br />

with paranoia. The mysterious voices they had heard still seemed<br />

to echo in the corners of their minds... but they were at least home.<br />

They could finally breathe.<br />

Seeking some sense of normality, they decided to order a pizza.<br />

Hoping that a warm meal and a goofy movie could ease their<br />

troubled minds. While waiting for the pizza to arrive, they sat<br />

down on the couch, attempting to ease up the tension with some<br />

laughter. They shared silly jokes and theories about their earlier<br />

encounters. Trying to convince themselves that it was only their<br />

imagination and the darkness combined that played with their<br />

minds. The feeling of being pursued started to feel like a shared<br />

delusion, and their spirits slowly lifted. As the minutes ticked by,<br />

and with the help of the warmth of their home, they relaxed.<br />

The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of their meal.<br />

“Finally!” Daniel said on his way to answer the door, expecting<br />

to meet a friendly pizza delivery on the other side. But when he<br />

opened the door, he was met by an unexpected sight. The pizza<br />

delivery guy, dressed in the standard yellow PB pizza uniform had<br />

a sinister smile on his face. As he handed Daniel the pizza box,<br />

he began to whistle an eerie tune- a melody so familiar, the same<br />

whistle they had heard in the park. The room fell silent once again,<br />

their eyes fixed on the pizza guy. As he continued to whistle, his face<br />

grew more unsettling by the second. The feeling of being pursued<br />

had returned and was no longer a figment of their imagination. The<br />

trio stood frozen as the pizza delivery walked into their apartment.<br />

The sinister, hunting tune filled the corridor, as he closed the door.<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 7


Autism and masking<br />

Michael Campbell<br />

Writer<br />

Illustration: AdobeStock // OneLineStock<br />

The pressure to hide certain things about ourselves, or present<br />

ourselves in a certain way to better fit in is widely felt. It’s something<br />

we will often do unconsciously, as a strategy to connect with those<br />

around us. There are many different reasons we might find this<br />

necessary, and it’s undoubtedly an uncomfortable situation to find<br />

yourself in. For those of us on the spectrum, however, this strategy<br />

can be a lot more involved in our day-to-day lives, and can have a<br />

greater bearing on our overall mental health and wellbeing.<br />

Social interaction poses a variety of unknowns, and while it can<br />

lead to amazing encounters, and is an essential part of life, at the<br />

worst of times it can feel like sitting an exam for a subject you’ve<br />

never studied. For myself, I feel that a lot of my natural responses<br />

and behaviours in conversation, have been suppressed due to<br />

years of “masking.”<br />

What is masking?<br />

When I talk about masking, I am referring to the behaviour used by<br />

people on the autistic spectrum, to hide their natural neurodiverse<br />

characteristics. It means supressing certain things about ourselves,<br />

such as our intense interests, and stimming (more on that later).<br />

Masking can look different for each person, but might include<br />

mimicking neurotypical behaviours (by analysing and copying<br />

facial expressions and actions), or rehearsing conversations and<br />

making the effort to be extra accommodating to others.<br />

This particular aspect of being autistic, can be tricky as it often<br />

works too well in hiding the individual’s neurodivergence, meaning<br />

diagnosis can come years later than you might expect. In my own<br />

experience, the notion of me being neurodiverse, didn’t occur to<br />

anyone - most of all myself - until the age of 14, when a psychologist<br />

suggested I get assessed (being referred for depression, and leaving<br />

with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, had certainly<br />

not been on my bingo card that year). At the time I thought this<br />

information was useless, completely irrelevant to improving my<br />

mental health or life in general. Especially since those in charge of<br />

my support – a notoriously abysmal UK children’s mental health<br />

service (where my fellow depressed UK students at?) – followed<br />

up my diagnosis with a year long waiting list, for some cognitive<br />

behavioural therapy which I can only describe as lacking. 5 years<br />

later I’m only now beginning to understand that the diagnosis is<br />

a way to navigate my unique experiences, and cope with factors<br />

beyond my control.<br />

Why we mask?<br />

Being social can be difficult for many reasons. Personally, I often<br />

struggle to tell if my difficulties at any one time, are occurring<br />

because of my autism, or social anxiety (and I’m sure they<br />

collaborate frequently just to spice things up a bit). It can be<br />

very tiring attempting to dissect whether you are participating<br />

correctly in a conversation, or doing the right thing in a new place.<br />

Questioning whether I’m being too formal, or too informal. Should<br />

I talk now, am I interrupting, should I stop talking, have I said the<br />

wrong thing, have I been impolite, or am I being too polite? Should<br />

I make eye contact, how long have I been maintaining eye contact,<br />

should I tell them I’m autistic?<br />

Each person’s experience is their own, and being autistic is by<br />

no means a social death-sentence. It’s just key to note that social<br />

impairment is a massive challenge for those on the spectrum. The<br />

immense amount of pressure which comes with social spaces, can<br />

make it difficult for autistic people to feel at ease in public, and<br />

masking helps us to navigate the neurotypical public domain.<br />

Through mimicking and rehearsing, we can ensure smooth social<br />

interactions and avoid drawing unwanted attention, to things such<br />

as stimming. Stimming, or self-stimulatory behaviour, is a form of<br />

self-soothing through repetitive movements or sounds. Take, for<br />

example: hand flapping, repeating words or phrases, and excessive<br />

nail biting. These are each sensory stims which can help act as an<br />


anchor for autistic individuals. It’s worth noting that stimming can<br />

look very different depending on the person, and can be considered<br />

inappropriate or odd by public standards, leading to funny looks<br />

and harmful comments.<br />

Anyone can stim - it’s a natural behaviour - but once again it is<br />

something commonly done by autistic people to regulate their<br />

emotions or reduce anxiety. See the issue here? People on the<br />

spectrum stim to reduce anxiety in social interactions, but stimming<br />

is masked to avoid judgement in public, it’s a bit of a vicious cycle.<br />

The toll of masking<br />

Nighttime used to be my time of intense microdissection, obsessively<br />

combing through hours of social interactions, analysing my every<br />

response and action – cursing myself for every mistake and missed<br />

social cue. Autistic individuals are prone to overthinking because<br />

it feels safer inside our own heads. A space only we inhabit, and<br />

can feel some control over. This inevitably leads to overthinking,<br />

an unfortunate coping mechanism, which tends to do more harm<br />

than good. It is only time and a ridiculous amount of self-reflection,<br />

which has allowed me to reduce the obsessiveness with which my<br />

mind goes over a day’s interactions.<br />

We can be left with social fatigue or even full-blown burnout. The<br />

extra work to interact with society, the sensory input of noisy public<br />

spaces, and the high emotional sensitivity of autistic individuals,<br />

can mean complete withdrawal to recover.<br />

I often joke that the cure for autism is alcohol. The anxiety which<br />

comes with social interactions and being in public, disappears<br />

after a few drinks, and the exhaustion of constantly regulating<br />

my behaviour is gone for a moment (I’m fun at parties, I swear).<br />

However, it’s important to be mindful that the easiest, most<br />

immediate coping mechanisms, are often the most harmful in the<br />

long run.<br />

Additional to the physical and mental exhaustion, masking can<br />

cause confusion and distress regarding identity. Autistic people<br />

are often unaware that they have been masking as it becomes so<br />

ingrained into our public behaviour from a young age. This means<br />

that it becomes interwoven with our identity and can make it<br />

difficult to understand who we really are around other people.<br />

It’s hard to know who you are when you’re desperately trying to<br />

be like everyone else (think of a ditto having an identity crisis). As<br />

miserable as that sounds, I’m sure this is something many other<br />

autistic individuals have experienced, especially when children can<br />

be so cruel to what they have been taught to perceive as different.<br />

The aim to be accepted and how we tweak ourselves to achieve that<br />

has, for me at least, meant that I can often become insecure about<br />

what my personality really is.<br />

Since the beginning of high school, I can remember struggling<br />

with the thought that I am a boring person, in fact I recall asking a<br />

rather dismissive teacher what I should do about this at the time,<br />

as it was bothering me so much. Truthfully, I still worry about<br />

this. However, I know that this is another unfortunate effect, of<br />

the continuous management of my own behaviour around other<br />

people, to not draw too much attention, or come across as odd. I<br />

find it difficult to let myself become excited or react instinctively,<br />

due to the thick barrier I have constructed over years of masking<br />

my personality, and reactions to suit others.<br />

To add another layer of confusion, by focusing so hard on the rules<br />

of conversation and coming across pleasantly, autistic individuals<br />

can lose track of what is actually being said to them. There are<br />

so many unspoken rules to conversation, which we have to keep<br />

up with, that the words being spoken can take second priority, in<br />

order to maintain the appearance of acceptable engagement in<br />

the conversation. I often feel like the penguins of Madagascar: Just<br />

smile and wave boys.<br />

On a lighter note<br />

It is important to note that we are not deceiving or attempting to be<br />

untrue to those around us. When we become close to our friends<br />

we can “unmask” and feel much more comfortable, but it should<br />

be remembered that masking is often unconscious, and shouldn’t<br />

be taken personally if someone is doing so. Masking is just a way to<br />

navigate a social world we are unequipped for. We are passionate<br />

and want to connect with those around us as much as the next<br />

person. These are just a particular set of difficulties which people<br />

on the spectrum experience.<br />

So yes, dear reader, it may be shocking, but your charismatic and<br />

devilishly handsome writer does experience social difficulties.<br />

However, I would like to see this as something meant to connect<br />

people, not pull us apart. These differences and unique struggles<br />

allow us to broaden our understanding of one another, and make<br />

the world a little bit more accessible. ly. He was disturbed by the<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 9

KRISTIANSAND–HIRTSHALS | 3 timer og 15 minutter<br />





FRA 0,–<br />

*<br />


KRS-SH23-103<br />


Kyllingbryst<br />

2 kg, frys<br />

Øvrige dager 179 90<br />

KUN<br />

149 90<br />

2 KG<br />

Indrefilet av svin<br />

400-500 g, frys<br />

Øvrige dager 99 90<br />

KUN<br />

79 90<br />

PR KG<br />

KUN<br />

299 90<br />

PR KG<br />

Indrefilet av storfe<br />

900–1200 g, frys<br />

Øvrige dager 349 90<br />

SUPER-<br />

DEAL<br />

649,-<br />

SPAR 250<br />

499,-<br />

FRA<br />

249,-<br />

Rituals adventskalender<br />

Pris i Norge: 899,-. Gjelder alle dager<br />

Björn Borg boxere<br />

5-pk. Tilbud i november. Gjelder alle dager.<br />

Julebuffet med drikke<br />

Øvrige dager 349,-/399,-<br />

colorline.no | 22 94 42 00<br />

Ved bestilling på terminal og telefon tilkommer servicehonorar<br />

på terminal 70,–<br />

Hurtig og komfortabelt til Danmark<br />

Ikke-medlemmer fra 50,- per person. Ta med bil fra 190,-. Tur/retur samme dag. Bestilles tidligst 14 dager før avreise. Spesielle betingelser gjelder.<br />


KULTUR<br />



Sjokolade bit Muffins<br />

Illustrasjon: freepik // freepik<br />

Tobias Klausen<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

Finnes det noe bedre enn muffins? Kanskje, men akkurat denne oppskriften<br />

ligger på topp over muffins jeg har kommet over i min bakekarriere. De<br />

holder seg saftig utrolig lenge, og er lett å ha med å gjøre både i forkant<br />

og etterkant av baksten! Jeg anbefaler selvsagt å ha et muffinsbrett til<br />

denne baksten, men utrolig nok funker det uten også MEN det er nok<br />

litt vanskeligere å holde formene stabile mens du fyller dem med fyldig<br />

deig. Uansett er disse en banger om det er til brettspillkveld, vors eller<br />

bare en liten premie til deg selv for å overleve atter en stresset dag!<br />

Hvor lang tid å lage: 1 time<br />

Vanskelighetsgrad: Enkel<br />

Hvor mye: ca. 20 små muffins<br />

Foto: Unikum // Tobias Klausen<br />

Ingredienser<br />

• 175g smør,<br />

romtemperert<br />

• 200g sukker<br />

• 2 egg<br />

• 350g hvetemel<br />

• 3 ½ teskje bakepulver<br />

• 1 ½ teskje<br />

vaniljesukker<br />

• 1 ¾ dl helmelk<br />

• 125g hakket sjokolade<br />

eller sjokoladedråper<br />

(anbefaler<br />

melkesjokolade)<br />

Fremgangsmåte<br />

1. Forvarm ovnen til 180 grader.<br />

2. Med en håndmikser, bland sammen smør og sukker i ca.<br />

3 minutter til den er kremaktig. Når du er ferdig, sørg for å<br />

skrape kantene slik at du får alt med deg på neste steg.<br />

3. Tilsett 1 egg og bland det sammen. Når det er blandet,<br />

ta det neste egget og gjør det sammen. Skrap igjen<br />

ned fra kanten, man vil ikke miste noe røre!<br />

4. Bland alle de tørre ingrediensene i en egen bolle, og<br />

hell halve melblandingen inn i røren og rør det forsiktig<br />

inn slik at det er så vidt blandet. Deretter hell melken i og<br />

bland like forsiktig. Avslutt med resten av melblandingen<br />

og tilsett sjokoladedråpene/den hakkede sjokoladen.<br />

Nå kan du endelig røre slik at alt blir godt blandet!<br />

5. Sett frem papirformene slik at de er klare, helst i<br />

en muffinsform om du har. Bruk 2 skjeer til å flytte<br />

deigen fra bollen til formene. Fyll en skje nesten helt<br />

opp med deig, og bruk den andre til å skrape det ut fra<br />

første skjeen. Rinse and repeat til alt er fylt opp!<br />

6. Stek muffinsene på nederste rille i ovnen<br />

i 20-22 minutter eller til de er gylne.<br />

7. Ta dem ut av ovnen og legg dem over på en rist for<br />

å la dem avkjøle i ca. 20 minutter, ellers er de så myke<br />

at de faller fra hverandre (men ikke la det stoppe<br />

deg fra å kanskje prøvesmake en litt tidlig

AK TUELT<br />

Studenttillitsvalgte spiller en<br />

viktig rolle i UiAs kvalitetsarbeid<br />

Natasha Agatha Wangui<br />

Nyhetsredaktør<br />

Foto: Unikum // Natasha Kamanzi; Illustrasjon: AdobeStock // sabelskaya<br />

UiA er kjent for sitt fokus på studentmedvirkning og kvalitetsarbeid,<br />

og en viktig del av dette engasjementet kommer fra de tillitsvalgte.<br />

Disse representantene er valgt av sine medstudenter for å stå opp<br />

for deres interesser og sikre at studentstemmen blir hørt i ulike<br />

prosesser ved universitetet.<br />

- Mer enn bare evalueringer<br />

På Bare studenthus i Kristiansand<br />

sentrum har vi møtt Azin Qadiri<br />

(22), en studenttillitsvalgt på<br />

årsstudium i statsvitenskap, og<br />

forteller at det er flere grunner til<br />

hvorfor han ville verve seg.<br />

- For det første så tenker jeg<br />

at det kun er positivt med litt<br />

ledererfaring på CVen. Og for<br />

det andre så har jeg planer om å jobbe og hjelpe mennesker<br />

internasjonalt, påpeker han. Jeg ønsker også bidra til en grei kultur<br />

i klassen, derfor planlegger vi nå en samling for klassen slik at folk<br />

kan bli bedre kjent, sier han.<br />

- Viktig å være imøtekommende<br />

Rollen som studenttillitsvalgt går langt utover å kun delta i<br />

evalueringer og møter, ifølge Qadiri.<br />

Han sier at en av de viktigste oppgavene handler om å være synlig<br />

for klassen sin slik at studenter skal kunne føle seg trygge på å<br />

oppsøke ham.<br />

- Mye av studietiden handler om trivsel. Min oppgave som tillitsvalgt<br />

er å snakke individuelt med studenter. Jeg har hjulpet enkelte med<br />

skolenerver. Jeg opplever det å være imøtekommende veldig viktig.<br />

Også evalueringer er avgjørende for studentene, understreker han.<br />

- Vi tillitsvalgte har en viktig rolle i å sikre at studentenes<br />

perspektiver blir representert. Når det viser seg at enkelte viser<br />

misnøye ved evaluering, så tar vi det opp med ledelsen og finner<br />

en god løsning på problemstillingene, sier han til studentavisen.<br />

God dialog med ledelsen<br />

Ved UiA er evalueringsprosessen en viktig faktor for<br />

kvalitetsarbeidet. De tillitsvalgte er ifølge universitetets nettsider en<br />

del av et kvalitetssystem, som innebærer å gi studentene best mulig<br />

læringsutbytte og personlig utvikling i relevante utdanninger.<br />

Anna Langebråten (21) er også tillitsvalgt<br />

ved statsvitenskap. Hun opplever at det er<br />

god kommunikasjon mellom tillitsvalgte<br />

og studieveiledere, og forteller at det<br />

planlegges et evalueringsmøte med klassen<br />

før juleferien.<br />

- Vi skal få til et evalueringsmøte der vi<br />

får tilbakemelding fra studentene selv<br />

om hva de synes er bra, hva som kan bli<br />

bedre og eventuelt om noe de ikke er<br />

fornøyd vedrørende studieprogrammet<br />

vårt, deretter går vi videre til studieveilederne og gir studentene<br />

oppdatering gjennom prosessen, sier hun.<br />

Viktig rolle i evaluering av emner<br />

Studenttillitsvalgte spiller en viktig rolle i evalueringen av<br />

enkeltfag, og deres deltakelse er avgjørende for å sikre kvalitet i<br />

undervisningen ved UiA.<br />

E-læring- og IKT-rådgiver, Siren<br />

Vegusdal, uttrykker betydningen av<br />

studenttillitsvalgte og deres bidrag i<br />

denne prosessen.<br />

- Studentenes deltakelse i evalueringen<br />

av studieprogrammer og emner er<br />

avgjørende for å sikre at undervisningen<br />

tilfredsstiller studentenes behov og<br />

forventninger. Hver studieretning har<br />

minst en studenttillitsvalgt per studiekull<br />

for både bachelor og masterprogram. I tillegg til dette deltar en<br />

studenttillitsvalgt og minst en ph.d.kandidat i studieprogramråd<br />

for ph.d.program, sier IKT-rådgiveren til Unikum.<br />

Oppmuntrer flere studenter til å delta<br />

For å oppmuntre flere studenter til å delta aktivt i evalueringen av<br />

studieprogrammer og emner, oppfordrer UiA studenttillitsvalgte<br />

til å ta en ledende rolle i å inspirere og oppfordre medstudenter til<br />

deltakelse.<br />

Ifølge Vegusdal sender UiA ut automatiske påminnelser og<br />

oppfordringer til deltakelse via mail og Canvas når det gjelder<br />

digital evaluering.<br />

- I enkelte emner blir det satt av tid til seminarer eller andre møter<br />

for å gi studentene muligheten til å delta i evalueringen, noe som<br />

ofte fører til et høyere svarprosent. Universitetet ønsker at så<br />

mange studenter som mulig benytter muligheten til å gi verdifulle<br />

tilbakemeldinger, da dette gir UiA verdifull innsikt som bidrar til<br />

å heve kvaliteten på deres studietilbud, forklarer hun videre til<br />

studentavisen.<br />

Foto: Privat Foto: UiA<br />


Album Review:<br />

REVIEW<br />

Photo: boygenius<br />

Does ‘the rest’ by boygenius<br />

live up to the sad girl hype?<br />

Freya Thomson<br />

Writer<br />

boygenius is a band consisting of three talented artists: Phoebe<br />

Bridgers, Julien Baker, and Lucy Dacus. Their music is typical of<br />

the indie or folk-rock genres, and it’s often described by its fans<br />

as ‘sad girl music’. For all of us sad girl music genre lovers, the<br />

announcement of this EP was highly exciting. After the masterpiece<br />

that was ‘the record’, this EP had a lot of high expectations to live<br />

up to. Especially, as it only consists of four songs. However, I do<br />

personally believe ‘the rest’ lives up to the<br />

sad girl hype. It feels very intimate, and<br />

captures a lot of emotions and feelings<br />

we all experience, but commonly fail to<br />

discuss or speak of them.<br />

Track 1 – ‘Black Hole’<br />

On this track, Baker begins with a soft<br />

and fragile tone in verse one, and in<br />

verse two Dacus and Bridgers take over<br />

gracefully. Verse two is everything. It<br />

has a slightly different feeling to the<br />

beginning of the song, following the<br />

instrumental. It feels slightly messier,<br />

despite the lyrics having a pattern. The<br />

final lyrics in the song “My thoughts, all<br />

noise, fake smile, decoys / Sometimes, I<br />

need to hear your voice” stand out to me.<br />

It describes the grounding I need, when<br />

everything in my life feels out of control, and out of order. I act<br />

in an out-of- body positive manner, when I am with others, until<br />

I speak to my partner, and suddenly that comfort brings me back<br />

together as a whole.<br />

Track 2 – ‘Afraid of Heights’<br />

This is the track where Dacus takes the lead. I believe this song<br />

resonates with many of us. The lyrics “I wanna live a vibrant life /<br />

But I wanna die a boring death” make me feel heard. I want to travel<br />

and try new things. I want to live, but I don’t want to take too many<br />

risks, and I want security. The song focuses on two individuals, one<br />

who has a lot of fear, and one who fears nothing, and the lyric sort<br />

of plays on the desire to have both. Following this, Dacus states<br />

“Not everyone gets the chance to live / A life that isn’t dangerous”,<br />

reflecting on her privilege to not have to live in fear all the time,<br />

and the peacefulness and contentment that comes from security.<br />

Track 3 – ‘Voyager’<br />

This is the track in which Bridgers leads. It refers to a dying<br />

relationship with many issues. I think the change in lyrics is what<br />

highlights the tragedy of this relationship. Bridgers sings “But I used<br />

to believe no one could love you like I do (Mmm) / And I‘m startin‘ to<br />

think that it might be impossible not to (Mmm)”, which highlights<br />

the love she felt for this person, but then<br />

hints to the realisation of falling out of<br />

love. Then later in the song she sings<br />

“You thought I‘d never leave and I let you<br />

believe you were right”, which illustrates<br />

the downturn in the relationship, and<br />

how they were holding something back<br />

from this partner. It is a melancholic and<br />

echoey track, that deserves a listen on a<br />

down day.<br />

Track 4 – ‘Powers’<br />

This is my personal favourite from the<br />

EP. Julien Baker takes the lead on this<br />

song. I am in love with her voice, because<br />

it feels so delicate and raw. Yet, Baker is<br />

describing their so- called villain origin<br />

story, using classic comic book tropes<br />

and descriptions. The lyrics: “The tail of<br />

a comet burned up in an instant, the destruction of matter / There’s<br />

no object to be seen in the supercollider / Just a light in the tunnel<br />

and whatever gets scattered” are just so beautiful to me. Because<br />

I feel we all experience that feeling of falling apart, of destruction<br />

in life, and being pulled into different parts, and not feeling fully<br />

there. Baker’s description of disarray and change in oneself, is so<br />

visual in this piece, it deserves a listen.<br />

If you haven’t already put this album on. It is perfectly suited for<br />

the dreary days in autumn, or the long darkness we face during<br />

winter. This EP made me buy a t-shirt from their website. I think<br />

that says a lot. I became a fan after the release of ‘the record’, but<br />

‘the rest’ solidified my love for boygenius. Play into your ‘sad girl’<br />

desires and listen to this.<br />

I give it 5 stars.<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 13

REVIEW<br />

Palia review<br />

Another cozy game or something more?<br />

Warning: I am not a pro gamer!<br />

Photo: Epic Games<br />

Evgeniia Kadyrova<br />

Photo Editor<br />

The cozy game era is around the corner. Who does not like to relax<br />

after a long day in a different reality where you can create your<br />

own world? The place where you can garden and decorate your<br />

house. If you are one of those people, I have good news for you.<br />

Palia is the perfect game for relaxation. In the world of Palia, you<br />

get a plot of land on which you can create your own house, a garden<br />

and various crafting machines, such as a seed-making equipment.<br />

However, Palia is more than a cozy game with the gameplay where<br />

you grow something, sell it and decorate your house. The game has<br />

a main storyline which is about solving a big mystery. I will tell<br />

you a little bit about it, but just do not tell anyone. Why do people<br />

reappear out of nowhere on this land that has been unmanned for<br />

a long time and is filled only with magical creatures?<br />

The game is filled only with magical in-game characters, but you,<br />

as well as other people on the server, are humans, since the game<br />

is an open multiplayer world (MMO). Thus, Palia is a cozy game<br />

with repetitive relaxing action sequences, but is also kind of an<br />

adventure and solving riddles type of game. Moreover, it means<br />

that you can play together with your friends on the same server.<br />

Isn’t that cool? I know the answer - it is!<br />

In-game characters are the inhabitants of the world and are<br />

quite diverse, meaning that each one has its own backstory and<br />

individual personality. By building and improving relationships<br />

you get access to individual quests that help you get to know<br />

the inhabitants better. Some of them are trying to improve the<br />

relationship with their teenage daughter; some are rebellious<br />

and want to follow their own path not chosen by their parents. I<br />

can say that the game is not just a cozy game that is sharpened<br />

on the performance of monotonous tasks, as it helps the brain to<br />

rest. Indeed, the mysteries of the past of this world is not the only<br />

mysteries that awaits you in the game. When you are in the mood<br />

for relaxation you can fish, collect materials, decorate your house,<br />


garden and much more. When you<br />

are in an adventurous mood, the<br />

game also allows you to explore<br />

ruins with various riddles.<br />

The game was released recently<br />

and is in beta development, thus<br />

the developers spend a lot of time<br />

on player feedback, adding stuff to<br />

the gameplay and creating events.<br />

In other words, the game is alive.<br />

At the moment, the whole town in<br />

the game is filled with Halloween<br />

decorations, which also creates an<br />

autumn atmosphere in the game.<br />

Most importantly, this game is a<br />

safe space with a nice community<br />

that is non-toxic and has an LGBTQ+<br />

friendly atmosphere. The romantic<br />

relationships in the game, yes this<br />

is also a part of the it, can develop regardless of the gender of the<br />

in-game character. Moreover, nowadays, there are not many MMO<br />

games that create a safe non-toxic environment for players, thus a<br />

nice community is a really great advantage of this game.<br />

Despite all the pros, Palia like most games has its cons, but they are<br />

mostly related to the bugs of the game as the game is still in beta<br />

development, so this is pretty much expected.<br />

Palia will definitely be boring for fans of a twisted plot and<br />

constant action adventures. However, if your goal is to relax in a<br />

cozy town with a nice community and in a safe cyber atmosphere<br />

with elements of adventure and mystery, this game is definitely for<br />

you. At first glance Palia may seem as another cozy game, but if you<br />

look closely, it‘s full of mystery and secrets that are waiting you to<br />

be uncovered. What is more suitable for autumn-evenings than a<br />

cozy plus kind of an adventure game with elements of mystery and<br />

riddles?<br />

And lastly, one more little secret from me, but do not tell anyone,<br />

promise? I heard something about a secret market that is only open<br />

at night. Shh, the town mayor doesn‘t know about this…<br />

Photo: Palia.com Photo: Palia.com<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 15


culture doesn‘t have to<br />

cost an arm and a leg!<br />

Adam Zawadzki<br />

Writer<br />

Vilde Hagen Svanberg<br />

Writer<br />

Illustration: AdobeStock // Katsiaryna<br />

Photos: Kilden; Kristiansand Kommune<br />

Whether the theatre, cinema or concert hall, a night on the town is a night to remember!<br />

Winter may be approaching, but, then again, so are you. Go forth and enjoy.<br />

16<br />


What: Fiesta De La Noche (Party of the<br />

Night)<br />

Where: Teateret<br />

When: Saturday 11. November, 21:30 –<br />

Sunday 12 November, 01:30<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: house@teateret (House at the<br />

Theatre)<br />

Where: Teateret<br />

When: Saturday 18. November, 21:00 –<br />

Sunday 19 November, 01:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Riksteatret: Drømmen Om En Hvit<br />

Jul (The Dream Of A White Christmas)<br />

Where: Kilden<br />

When: Tuesday 21. November, 19:00<br />

Price: 185 – 455<br />

What: Juleminner – Herborg Kråkevik<br />

Og Kåre Conradi (Christmas Memories –<br />

Herborg Kråkevik and Kåre Conradi)<br />

Where: Kilden<br />

When: Saturday 2. December, 18:00<br />

Price: 525<br />

MUSIC<br />

What: Atmospheric And Catchy Soul<br />

(The Source Culture)<br />

Where: Kilden<br />

When: Friday 10. November, 19:00<br />

Price: 100 – 200<br />

What: „Breath of Life“ Concert with Kve<br />

(The Source Vocal Ensemble)<br />

Where: Grim Church<br />

When: Friday 10. November, 19:30<br />

Price: 150 – 300<br />


YOU!<br />

Where: BARE studenthus<br />

When: Saturday 11. November, 21:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Classical Lunch Concert<br />

Where: Campus Kristiansand – Hall 1,<br />

Sigurd Køhns hus, UiA<br />

When: Wednesday 15. November, 13:15<br />

– 14:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: LULI<br />

Where: BARE studenthus<br />

When: Wednesday 15. November, 20:00<br />

Price: 100 – 175<br />

What: JEJUNE<br />

Where: BARE studenthus<br />

When: Friday 17. November, 20:00<br />

Price: 150 – 200<br />

What: GUTTA speller NORSK ROCK (The<br />

Boys Are Playing Norwegian Rock)<br />

Where: BARE studenthus<br />

When: Saturday 18. November, 20:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Mezzo-Soprano Meets Mahler<br />

(Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra)<br />

Where: Kilden<br />

When: Thursday 23. November, 19:30<br />

Price: 150 – 425 (150 for U30s)<br />

What: Michelle Ullestad<br />

Where: BARE studenthus<br />

When: Friday 24. November, 20:00<br />

Price: 250 – 350<br />

CINEMA<br />

What: Werkmeister Harmonies<br />

Where: Cinemateket<br />

When: Thursday 9. November, 20:00<br />

Price: 80<br />

Hungarian and Slovak speech, English<br />

subtitles.<br />

What: X: The Life and Times of Malcolm<br />

X (The Metropolitan Opera)<br />

Where: Kino<br />

When: Saturday 18. November<br />

Price: TBC<br />

What: From Russia with Love – 50th<br />

Anniversary<br />

Where: Kino

Culture calendar for students<br />

09.11 - 06.12<br />

When: Tuesday 28. November<br />

Price: TBC<br />

What: The Magic Flute (The Metropolitan<br />

Opera)<br />

Where: Kino<br />

When: Saturday 2. December<br />

Price: TBC<br />


What: Course in APA7<br />

Where: Campus Kristiansand, room TBC<br />

When: Monday 13. November,<br />

13:15 – 14:00 + Monday 27.<br />

November, 10:15 – 11:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Filosofipub: Våre liv på skjerm –<br />

hva gjør det med oss? (Philosophy pub:<br />

Our lives on the screen – what does it do<br />

to us?)<br />

Where: Håndverkeren<br />

When: Monday 13. November, 17:30<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Eksamensboost – digital<br />

(Exam boost – digital)<br />

Where: Digital<br />

When: Monday 13. November,<br />

18:30 – 19:15<br />

Price: Free<br />

NB: The link will be sent after signing up.<br />

What: Eksamensboost (Exam boost)<br />

Where: SiA studentsenter<br />

When: Wednesday 15. November, 16:45<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Course in IEEE<br />

Where: Campus Grimstad, A2021<br />

When: Thursday 16.<br />

November, 12:00 – 13:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 17

What: Samskaping for fremtidens<br />

samfunn: Kunst, mennesker og<br />

relasjoner (Co-creation for the society of<br />

the future: Art, people and relationships)<br />

Where: BARE studenthus<br />

When: Monday 20. November,<br />

09:00 – 11:30<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Kurs I Zotero: Hold orden<br />

i referansene (Course in Zotero:<br />

Keep track of your references)<br />

Where: Campus Kristiansand, D3006<br />

When: Wednesday 29.<br />

November, 09:30 – 11:30<br />

Price: Free<br />

ART<br />

What: Utstillingsåpning<br />

Kunst ER! Kunstnergruppen<br />

Lambretta (Opening of<br />

the exhibition Art IS! The<br />

artist group Lambretta)<br />

Where: Kristiansand<br />

kunsthall<br />

When: Saturday 11.<br />

November, 14:00 (lasts<br />

till 14 January 2024)<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: White Balls On<br />

Walls (documentary about<br />

the Stedelijk Museum in<br />

Amsterdam who works<br />

to change their White<br />

and Western focus)<br />

Where: Cinemateket<br />

When: Thursday 30.<br />

November, 17:30 – 22:00<br />

Price: 80<br />

OTHER<br />

What: Thursday Quiz at BARE<br />

Where: BARE studenthus<br />

When: Every Thursday<br />

Price: 30<br />

What: Velkommen til åpen lesegruppe!<br />

(Welcome to the open reading group!)<br />

Where: Kristiansand<br />

Folkebibliotek (Library)<br />

When: Monday 6, 13, 20, 27 November<br />

and 4 December, 17:30 – 19:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Nybegynnerkurs med<br />

Egdehirden (Beginner course with<br />

Egdehirden, historical weapons)<br />

Where: Gimlehallen<br />

When: Friday 10. November,<br />

18:00 – 20:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Jul på Fiskebrygga<br />

(Christmas at Fiskebrygga)<br />

Where: Fiskebrygga<br />

When: Saturday 11. November, 13:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Eksamens Stretch (Exam Stretch)<br />

Where: Spicheren treningssenter<br />

When: Thursday 16, 23 and 30.<br />

November, 11:30 – 12:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Move and Eat<br />

Where: Spicheren treningssenter<br />

+ SiA studentsenter<br />

When: Friday 17. and 24. November<br />

+ Friday 1., Monday 4. and Monday<br />

11. December, 12:45 – 15:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Posebytorgets julemarked<br />

(Christmas market at Posebytorget)<br />

Where: Ekserserplassen,<br />

Tordenskjoldsgate 64<br />

When: Saturday 25.<br />

November, 12:00 – 16:00<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Klubb Skamløs (Club Shameless)<br />

Where: Teateret<br />

When: Saturday 25. November,<br />

21:30 – Sunday 26 November, 01:30<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Jul på Gimle Gård<br />

(Christmas at Gimle Gård)<br />

Where: Gimle Gård<br />

When: Sunday 26. November, 12:00<br />

Price: 55 – 110<br />

What: BE HEARD! Storytelling Night<br />

Where: ARKIVET freds- og<br />

menneskerettighetssenter, Vesterveien 4<br />

(ARKIVET Peace and Human<br />

Rights Center, Vesterveien 4)<br />

When: Tuesday 28. November,<br />

19:00 (Doors open 18:30)<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Nøtteknekkeren (The<br />

Nutcracker)<br />

Where: Teateret<br />

When: Friday 1. December,<br />

19:00<br />

Price: 550<br />

What: Nattbad på<br />

Aquarama (Night<br />

swimming at Aquarama)<br />

Where: Aquarama<br />

When: Friday 1.<br />

December, 21:00<br />

Price: 225<br />

What: Førjulsmarked<br />

på Søgne gamle<br />

prestegård (Christmas market<br />

at Søgne gamle prestegård)<br />

Where: Søgne gamle prestegård<br />

When: Friday 1. – Sunday 3. December<br />

Price: Free<br />

What: Julemarked på Kristiansand<br />

museum (Christmas market<br />

at Kristiansand museum)<br />

Where: Kristiansand museum<br />

When: Sunday 3. December, 12:00<br />

Price: 110<br />


Tips from Vilde<br />

Christmas is approaching! That means plenty<br />

of Christmas markets, and Christmas plays<br />

to attend to. Probably many more than<br />

what we’ve been able to fit in this calendar.<br />

Christmas in Kristiansand really is something<br />

special, and I especially recommend visiting<br />

Gimle Gård, and to go ice skating when the ice<br />

rink is back up, in front of the cathedral in the<br />

city centre.<br />

Tips from Adam<br />

As a student of the Faculty of Fine Arts, I’ve had the great privilege<br />

of attending a couple of concerts by the Kristiansand Symphony<br />

Orchestra, at Kilden, alongside other students here for their full<br />

degree, or on an international exchange, like me. Watching and<br />

listening to musicians at the height of their creative prowess, are<br />

experiences I’ll savour for a very long time. In fact, I enjoyed myself<br />

so much that I’ve booked myself in to witness them in action for<br />

the rest of the semester. Yes, they come that highly recommended.<br />

‘Isn’t that rather expensive?’ you may be wondering. If so, then<br />

you needn’t worry. If you’re under 30 years of age, Kilden offers<br />

discounted tickets, and if you’re also lucky enough to be studying<br />

within the Faculty of Fine Arts here at UiA, you can attend selected<br />

concerts for free.<br />

More tips from Vilde<br />

Before Christmas, we unfortunately have to<br />

get through exams. I would really recommend<br />

attending some of SiA’s and UiA’s events, to help<br />

prepare for a stressful exam period. That said, I<br />

also recommend attending the exams of music<br />

and art students! Most have not been announced<br />

yet, but keep an eye out for your hard working<br />

fellow students, and help support them while you<br />

get to experience amazing music and art for free!<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 19

DEBATE<br />

Henrike Jost<br />

Writer<br />

Illustration: Freepik // freepik<br />

Should NORWAY<br />

join the EU?<br />

Norway remains one of the few Nordic countries not to have<br />

joined the European Union, despite having tried four times in 31<br />

years. The first two attempts, in 1963 and in 1967, were blocked by<br />

a French veto (Geelmuyden Rød, 2022). In the third attempt, the<br />

French did not veto, allowing the membership process to move to<br />

its final stage. This gave Norwegians the opportunity to vote on<br />

whether their country should join the EU in a referendum. On the<br />

25th of September 1972, 53.5% of Norwegians voted against joining<br />

the Union, resulting in Norway remaining outside it. Norway made<br />

another attempt about 20 years later: In 1994, Norwegians again<br />

voted by a small majority to remain outside the EU (Neumann, 2002).<br />

Since then, there has been no meaningful debate on the question.<br />

With crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the Russian invasion<br />

of Ukraine, as well as the upcoming elections in 2025, the question<br />

of Norway’s relationship with the EU reignited. The debate was<br />

formally reopened by Erna Solberg (Høyre) at Høyre’s annual party<br />

conference this year (Berglund, 2023). Currently, Høyre is the only<br />

one out of the ten parties represented in the Storting to advocate<br />

Norwegian EU membership (Europabevegelsen, 2017). A survey<br />

conducted by Sentio shows an increase in the number of positive<br />

voices across Norway from 27% to 33% in favor of EU accession<br />

(NRK, 2023). Among young people, this percentage is even higher<br />

at 56% (Berge & Heldahl, 2022). The share of EU opponents remains<br />

more or less stable at 56% (NRK, 2023). It is therefore time to<br />

revisit the debate and look at the pros and cons of Norwegian EU<br />

membership.<br />

One of the overarching arguments used by EU opponents is the<br />

preservation of Norwegian sovereignty. They are afraid of ceding<br />

decision-making power to the EU level and having decisions<br />

imposed on them by Brussels (Neumann, 2002). Instead, they<br />

argue that decision-making should be kept at the Norwegian level<br />

so that the best solutions for Norway can be found. Furthermore,<br />

it is argued that Norway is more flexible in how it manages issues<br />

as it does not have to negotiate a common position with the other<br />

Member States (Neubacher et al., 2016). This struggle is often visible<br />

in the media, especially in regard to migration, where member<br />

states seem unable to find common ground. However, it is also<br />

true that we live in a time of crisis, be it the climate crisis or the socalled<br />

refugee crisis. Such cross-border issues demand collective<br />

policies and solutions that can tackle the problems more effectively<br />

through pooled knowledge and resources. Together with the other<br />

27 Member States, Norway could tackle these issues more effectively<br />

and efficiently. This also holds true for inflicting change around the<br />

world and making Norway’s voice heard. Together with the other<br />

Member States and through the economic and normative power of<br />

the EU, Norway would be more powerful in fighting for the norms<br />

and principles on which it prides itself, such as the rule of law and<br />

human rights (Neumann, 2002). Especially in times when the US<br />

is no longer a dependable ally with another Trump presidency<br />

looming on the horizon, the need for strong allies besides the US<br />

increases. Not only regarding shared values and norms, but also as<br />

a security guarantor. With Trump being potentially the president<br />

of the US again NATO’s fate is up in the clouds. A membership<br />

within the EU could then be a more safe option to ensure security<br />

(Berglund, 2023). Thus, through its geographical closeness as<br />

well as the shared values the EU seems to be a suitable partner.<br />

Norway already is closely tied to the EU through EFTA (European<br />

Free Trade Association) and the European Economic Area, which<br />

allows it to have access to the European Single Market (European<br />

Parliament, 2023), which is crucial for Norway as it is economically<br />

dependent on the EU. 80% of Norway’s Exports are going to the<br />

EU (Sinram & Kindermann, 2016). However, access to the Single<br />

Market does not come without strings attached. Norway has to<br />

transpose the rules that regulate the Single Market into national<br />

law and comply with it without having the opportunity to voice its<br />

opinion during the policy-making process (Sinram & Kindermann,<br />

2016). These include policies regarding research and technical<br />

development. as well as social policies, consumer protections,<br />

and environmental policies. If Norway infringes any of these<br />

policies the EU can invoke sanctions (Sinram & Kindermann,<br />

2016). It is thus questionable whether the current relationship is<br />

not infringing Norway’s sovereignty and democratic legitimacy<br />

more than a Norwegian membership would. In that case, Norway<br />

would have a say in the legislative and executive organs of the EU<br />

such as the Council of the European Union, the European Council,<br />

and the European Commission. Another argument that could<br />

appease the EU opponents could be the subsidiarity principle that<br />

is anchored in the EU treaties. This principle argues that policies<br />

should always be made as closely to the people as possible so that<br />

the EU only becomes active when issues cannot be more effectively<br />

resolved on the regional or national level. Additionally, the EU has<br />

policy instruments such as Directives at its disposal, which allows<br />

countries a degree of flexibility when it comes to how a policy<br />

objective is achieved.<br />

Another argument that EU opponents might bring forward is that<br />

it will be costly for Norway to join the EU. It is true that Norway<br />

would have to contribute to the EU budget and adapt to certain EU<br />

processes and procedures, which comes with its costs. However, as<br />

Norway already fulfills many of the EU membership requirements<br />

(the so-called Copenhagen Criteria), the process of adapting to<br />

the EU will not be as expensive as it would be for other countries<br />

(Neubacher et al., 2016). Moreover, Norway is already paying<br />


about 388 million euros a year to the EU due to its membership in<br />

the European Economic Area. Broken down this comes to 76€ per<br />

Norwegian annually which is almost as much as Great Britain paid<br />

when they were still an EU member with 89€ per citizen (Sinram &<br />

Kindermann, 2016). This does not make an EU membership appear<br />

so costly anymore. Furthermore, the membership could benefit<br />

the Norwegian economy through easier trade negotiations that are<br />

facilitated through the collective economic power of the EU and full<br />

access to the single market (Berglund, 2023). The collective power<br />

will also make it easier for Norway to regulate big tech companies<br />

such as Facebook and Google (Løkke, 2022).<br />

Lastly, one of the overarching arguments opposing Norwegian EU<br />

membership is Norway’s fishing industry and agrarian industry.<br />

The Norwegian fishing industry is not only important economically<br />

to the country, but also culturally. People are concerned that<br />

Norway‘s fish sector will be harmed by other EU countries accessing<br />

Norwegian waters to fish (Neubacher et al., 2016). A Norwegian EU<br />

membership could also hurt Norwegian farmers as their products<br />

can not compete with the cheaper agricultural goods from other<br />

European countries driving Norwegian farmers into insolvency<br />

(Neubacher et al., 2016). Thus, both of these sectors could potentially<br />

be impaired by Norwegian EU membership. However, only a<br />

small share of Norwegians are working in these two sectors which<br />

means that not as many people would get hurt by a Norwegian<br />

accession to the Union (Neumann, 2002). Furthermore, through<br />

the membership Norway would have complete access to the Single<br />

Market which does not only mean new potential opportunities for<br />

Norwegian businesses and economic growth, but it would also<br />

offer Norway the possibility to sell its fish more easily in the other<br />

Member States (Löffler, 2003).<br />

As outlined, there are arguments both for Norwegian EU<br />

membership and for maintaining the status quo. Depending on<br />

one’s own priorities, one may prioritize the arguments differently<br />

and will arrive at a different answer to the question: should Norway<br />

join the EU? Norway and the EU must continue to work together,<br />

be it through the continuation of EFTA, Norwegian accession to the<br />

Union, or some third way. Whatever direction the debate regarding<br />

Norwegian EU membership takes, the most important thing is to<br />

answer this question through a democratic process.<br />

Sources:<br />

Berge, J., & Heldahl, H. (2022, August 16). EU-sjokk på ny måling: De unge vil melde Norge inn.<br />

Berglund, N. (2023, April 5). Erna fires up Norway’s EU debate.<br />

Europabevegelsen. (2017, September 8). Vurdering av partienes europapolitikk.<br />

European Parliament. (2023). Der Europäische Wirtschaftsraum (EWR), die Schweiz und der Norden.<br />

Geelmuyden Rød, E. (2022, July 14). Should Norway Join the EU? Research on Democracy and Peace Suggests So.<br />

Löffler, R. (2003). Norwegen ante portas? Die wieder auflebende Debatte über einen möglichen EU-Beitritt schafft<br />

neue Allianzen (pp. 79–91)<br />

Løkke, E. (2022, April 5). Derfor bør Norge bli medlem av EU.<br />

Neubacher, C., Silva, J., & Thil, P.-J. (2016, October). Norwegian Exceptionalism: How the European Union can use<br />

Norway to further European Integration.<br />

Neumann, I. B. (2002). This little piggy stayed at home: why Norway is not a member of the EU. In L. Hansen & O.<br />

Wæver (Eds.)<br />

NRK. (2023, April 26). Flere sier ja til EU-medlemskap.<br />

Sinram, J., & Kindermann, K. (2016, June 28). Norwegen und die EU - “Norwegen übernimmt viele Regeln, die in<br />

Brüssel beschlossen werden.”<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 21


PIT STOP<br />

Illustrasjon: freepik<br />

Down<br />

1. Japanese food<br />

2. Dr. who enemy<br />

4. object falling from space to earth<br />

5. equipment in ice hockey<br />

8. the world’s coldest village<br />

10. weapon<br />

12. solid water<br />

13. oldest instrument<br />

Across<br />

3. Plant that has the narcotic drug opium in it<br />

6. the building blocks of everything<br />

7. voice amplifyer<br />

9. the rules that structure a sentence<br />

11. Artificial intelligence<br />

14. animal with stripes<br />

15. strongest muscle<br />

16. awareness of men’s health issues<br />

17. Chinese term meaning opposites<br />

that together form a whole<br />


<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 23<br />

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POEM<br />

Babet Berning<br />

Writer<br />

Illustration: Freepik // pikisuperstar<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again.<br />

Sweaters on,<br />

Dresses off.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again.<br />

Days shorten,<br />

Sunlight decreases.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again.<br />

Thunderclouds forming,<br />

The canals freezing over.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again.<br />

Sleeping more,<br />

Sleeping late.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again,<br />

Spend it all,<br />

For temporary joy.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again.<br />

Skipping class,<br />

And social events.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again.<br />

Everything for a high,<br />

Or nothing at all.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again.<br />

The thoughts start,<br />

Drifting into the clouds.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

every year again.<br />

Why eat,<br />

When you want to feel.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again,<br />

Becoming hollow,<br />

Filled with dirty water.<br />

Winter is coming,<br />

Every year again.<br />

The same thing,<br />

Every year again.<br />


Joachim Vogt<br />

Writer<br />

Photo: Freepik // montypeter<br />

Leaves never fall<br />

You sturdy old oak,<br />

you who stand there so still,<br />

will you soak up these tears of ours<br />

that’s falling to the moss of your soil?<br />

Oh, and I see,<br />

the fiery warmth you contain within.<br />

Does it witness the toil of our hearts<br />

as we stand by you, alone,<br />

cold and forgotten in this freezing wind?<br />

Now, in the harvest of the orange moon,<br />

did our pleas of reassurance<br />

come to you too soon?<br />

Did your fire see the raging needed<br />

for our leaves of sorrow to fall?<br />

Onto our branches there is no wind,<br />

no wind to graze them at all.<br />

You mighty old tree<br />

we are naked where we stand.<br />

Your greatness stretches towards the sky<br />

while we walk right passed you<br />

paying you no mind, no mind at all.<br />

We are here, like you;<br />

no leaves to shield our bark,<br />

you say nothing to comfort our hearts.<br />

“Then let my silence show onto your spirit<br />

a life giving spark, of truth, and that’s the matter.<br />

Let it relay to your lies in the dark<br />

that eventually, you will break free of the tar<br />

placed upon you. And not to burn,<br />

but so that you will forgo the spurn<br />

of the shining light that you have been given,<br />

to carry within, to take the path<br />

of illuminating away your worry<br />

so that you will return<br />

to who you have always been.”<br />

You who stand underneath a mighty old tree<br />

give time and beautiful patience,<br />

look at the branches in the dark puddle’s reflection<br />

and you’ll see that leaves grow,<br />

they truly never fall.<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 25

Det går bra. Jeg har en del erfaring fra tidligere eksamener og fra idrett egentlig. Jeg presterer best<br />

under press.<br />

AK TUELT<br />

10 på UiA: Hvordan takler<br />

du EKSAMENSstress?<br />

Foto: Freepik // wayhomestudio<br />

Foto: Unikum // Alice Soleng<br />

Vilde Hagen Svanberg<br />

Skribent<br />

Tobias Klausen<br />

Ansvarlig Redaktør<br />

Eline, pedagogikk<br />

Jeg har egentlig ikke hatt eksamen før! Sist var på ungdomsskolen. Jeg sitter og øver nå, så jeg føler<br />

det går bra egentlig. Vi får god veiledning.<br />

August, musikk<br />

Akkurat nå går det veldig greit. Jeg har ikke eksamener til jul, så jeg gleder meg veldig til juleferie.<br />

Det blir nok verre til våren når eksamenene har hopet seg opp. Så spør meg igjen i april!<br />

Håkon, rettsvitenskap<br />

Pia, grunnskolelærer 5-10<br />

Jeg er egentlig veldig lite stressa, enn så lenge tar jeg det lugnt. Noen ganger er det bra å koble av<br />

og tenke på noe annet enn skole, så jeg tar veldig fri når jeg har fri.<br />


Angelo, global development<br />

I do sports and try to be active. I also like to spend some quality time with myself, like reading my<br />

Bible and doing different activities.<br />

Svala, barnevern integrert master<br />

Jeg pleier å være grei med meg selv når det kommer til mat, jeg bruker litt ekstra penger på det, det<br />

er viktig å kose seg litt. Jeg prøver også å få til å trene og studere sammen med andre.<br />

Elin, samfunnsrettet ernæringsarbeid<br />

Det takler jeg veldig dårlig! Jeg er veldig stressa, blir desorientert og vet ikke hvordan jeg vil<br />

strukturere arbeidet mitt.<br />

Max, IT årsstudium<br />

Jeg er koronakull, så jeg har aldri hatt eksamen før. Jeg vet ikke hvordan jeg takler det.<br />

Aurora, samtidsteater<br />

Jeg har ikke tenkt noe på det. Det ligger litt under overflaten, men det har ikke boblet opp enda.<br />

Isabel, teaching<br />

Bad. I try to relax in the evenings and go to bed early.<br />

SEPTEMBER <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 97 27


Five books I hate and why<br />

I take pride in almost always finishing a book. My thumb rule is to always read at least 150<br />

pages before judging, because you never know when things will take a turn for the better (I’m<br />

looking at you The Secret History). Sadly, this also means that I have endured quite a few<br />

books that were boring, abrasive, and despicable. Here are five books I hate and why.<br />

Photo: GoodReads<br />

Alice Soleng<br />

Skribent<br />

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon<br />

Nicola Yoon’s bestseller book received positive reviews, and it was adapted into a film in 2019. So,<br />

if you’re a hopeless romantic, this one might be for you. For me, however, this was one of the first<br />

books I gave a one-star review on Goodreads. Yoon’s book is about pragmatic Natasha and dreaming<br />

Daniel, who meet and fall in love in one day. After Daniel rescues Natasha from being hit by a car,<br />

they go get lunch, where Natasha reveals that she believes love is purely scientifical. Daniel responds<br />

with challenging her to go through the famous New York Times article, 36 questions to fall in love. My<br />

problem with this book is not necessarily the writing, because Yoon’s style is actually something that<br />

I enjoy. It’s fast paced, easy to read, and she keeps it interesting. However, I find the whole concept<br />

unbelievable and superficial. The idea of someone falling in love with someone, less than 24 hours<br />

after meeting them, is for me completely unrealistic. That’s a crush, not love. There are also some major<br />

character flaws in our two protagonists, which I can’t go into without spoiling. Let’s just say that it’s<br />

cheesy and cynical, and the entire book reeks of desperation.<br />

Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James<br />

This one, some of you might be a bit more familiar with, because the movie adaption is worldwide<br />

known. My lovely friends gifted me this book for my 18th birthday, because they knew I would never<br />

invest in this myself. One day Anastasia is sent to interview billionaire Christian Grey, as a replacement<br />

for her friend who is sick. The interview is humiliating, but Christian Grey still manages to find his way<br />

into the exact hardware shop Ana works at, (creepy) and asks her out on a date. After leaving their date,<br />

Ana is almost run over by a rogue cyclist, but “luckily”, Mr. Grey is there to save her (this seems to be a<br />

trope). They share a moment, and Christian Grey tells her that he is not the man for her, even though<br />

they were not even together, and it was him who asked her out. There is much to hate about this book.<br />

The author is constantly trying to convince us that we should forget the fact that Christian Grey is an<br />

arrogant creepy asshole, because he is extremely handsome, sexy, and rich. Yeah, that seems about<br />

right. Ana is also a rip off Bella Swan (very likely since the book started out as Twilight fanfiction), who’s<br />

clumsy, shy, gorgeous, and extremely awkward. She’s not quirky, she’s just annoying. Furthermore,<br />

what annoys me the most about the book is the extreme lack of plot. Some will not believe me, but there<br />

comes a point during reading when you ask yourself: Really? Another sex scene?<br />


World War Z by Max Brooks<br />

This book is one of the many I have suffered through because of my 150-page rule. The book is 342 pages<br />

long, and after reading 150, I figured why not read the rest? Please don’t do this. You will be bored for an<br />

infinite amount of time. Brooks’ book is an oral retelling of a fictional zombie war, and we follow people<br />

from all around the world. The concept of a zombie war is interesting, and the book had great potential<br />

with its division of events in the war. Many books before and after it, has had success with the interview<br />

story format, and that is also not what kills this book for me. It’s the fact that even though it’s a dystopian<br />

tale of a fictional war, that doesn’t keep it from being the most boring book I have ever read. Firstly, we<br />

do not follow one character throughout the book. In fact, the moment one of the chapters are interesting<br />

enough that you would want to know more, they change the perspective to someone who is dull and<br />

sleep inducing. Most of the characters have no connections between them, and those who do, are written<br />

so far apart in the book, that you barely catch the reference. If I were you, I would save your money on<br />

this one, or maybe try watching the film instead. Who knows, maybe it’s less boring? Brad Pitt is in it.<br />

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover<br />

I do believe in love, I promise. However, I also think that romance is a genre that could easily go wrong,<br />

since we all have different perceptions of how love should be given and received. Ugly love is about<br />

Tate who moves in with her older brother. After finding a guy absolutely wasted on her doorstep, she<br />

learns that this is Miles, her brother’s best friend. The attraction is immediate, and they quickly embark<br />

on a friends with benefits situation, where Miles gives her two rules: to not ask questions about the<br />

past, and never expect a future. There are two main problems with this book. Firstly, half of the book<br />

is spent on telling Miles’ love story with another woman, never showing us why we should care about<br />

his “relationship” with Tate. Second, Tate’s attraction and refusal to stay away from Miles, stems from<br />

a clear lack of self-respect. Our protagonist admits several times during the book that it is stupid to<br />

stay with him, when she knows he cannot give her what she wants. Someone is clearly suffering from<br />

Einstein’s definition of insanity. Colleen Hoover is among the world’s most famous and controversial<br />

authors, and this one is not worth your money. Unless you like wanting to throw your books at the wall<br />

when you’re reading, then it’s a sure page-turner.<br />

A monster calls by Patrick Ness<br />

Burning rage fills me when I look back on my stupid self, who decided to bring this book to my grandfather’s<br />

house, devour it in two hours, and not have anything else to read, for the rest of the weekend. There is a<br />

special place in hell, for books that keep you up late at night, ends brutally, and leaves you with tears in<br />

your eyes. A monster calls is a book based on an idea by Siobhan Dowd, who sadly was never able to see<br />

it come to life. Together with illustrator Jim Kay, Ness tells the story of a boy who is visited by a monster<br />

in his dreams. The monster tells the boy stories, and forces him to face his true feelings. A monster calls<br />

is a short book, with many excellent illustrations, and my problem with this book isn’t like the other<br />

ones on this list. Most of the previous books have been one-star reads. Five stars isn’t enough to explain<br />

how gut wrenching, heart twisting and brilliant this book is. While expressing emotions is a good thing,<br />

I would rather not sob my heart out at 1 am, whilst trying to not wake up sleeping family members, who<br />

would fear for my sanity. If complete emotional heart break is your thing, go for it, but I will never pick<br />

up this book again. I don’t think my heart could take it.<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 29


How much<br />

space does<br />

art need?<br />

According to<br />

Galleri 250L:<br />

NOT A LOT!<br />

Jay Voltaire<br />

Writer<br />

Photo: Unikum // Jay Voltaire<br />

Utilizing whatever is available is in the name at 250L,<br />

a student art gallery consisting not of a room or<br />

building, but a glass case. The gallery has the volume<br />

of a 250-liter tank, as they aim to think outside the box<br />

from within the box with their project.<br />

Marie and assistant, Paulina, are the creators of the<br />

gallery, and started the project earlier this year. Both<br />

are enrolled in the Bachelor i Visuell kunst og formidling<br />

(Bachelor of Visual Art and Communication) at Campus<br />

Kristiansand and they saw a need among their peers for<br />

somewhere to display their work.<br />

Photo: 250L<br />

30<br />

“The art students at<br />

the Department of<br />

Visual Arts and<br />

Drama at the Faculty<br />

of Fine Arts have<br />

not previously had a<br />

permanent student-run<br />

art gallery.” explains their<br />

brochure. Making the most of<br />

their creative spirit and can-do<br />

attitude they seized the opportunity<br />

to do something themselves.<br />

When you hear ‚gallery‘ you might think of the<br />

wide, white walls of a massive empty room, strict<br />

guidelines, maybe an equally picky curator to match.<br />

Galleri 250L is not that. The team states that: “the display was

gifted to us by SKMU (now called Kunstsilo). We have<br />

the tank to symbolize a gallery space. It connects to<br />

our concept of not needing a huge space to display art<br />

and communicate.” In line with the students‘ mission,<br />

Marie and Paulina say they want to make a place<br />

where all art is welcome. If you can think of a way to<br />

put it in, you can bring it in!<br />

Recent projects have been solo sculptures by their<br />

classmates and a physical collage piece made of<br />

works produced at a recent workshop, and they have<br />

big plans for the future. One upcoming project is in<br />

a similar vein, this time a collaborative workshop of<br />

the masters kunstfag students, and in the future, they<br />

hope to bring in established Norwegian artists from<br />

the Agder region.<br />

Being small has its perks, the gallery has been able<br />

to be located on two separate premises so far. Most<br />

recently it was on display at the student culture house<br />

BARE, and before this, it was present in the atrium on<br />

Kristiansand campus. This perk is also its downside,<br />

artists‘ work will have size restrictions, but obstacles<br />

can be overcome with creative thinking, and the team<br />

are open to all ideas.<br />

Through this, they aim to build a reputation for their<br />

gallery and give the contributors something solid for<br />

their resume and a taste of the gallery experience.<br />

Artists can be as involved or as hands-off with<br />

advertising and gallery processes as they desire.<br />

Have you seen the posters around? This<br />

distinctive style is all a part of the<br />

250L template and is produced by<br />

a process called Riso printing.<br />

It‘s not just a stylistic<br />

choice, Marie and Paulina<br />

wanted to choose an<br />

environmentally<br />

friendly option<br />

that was close to<br />

home. Riso has<br />

better efficiency,<br />

can be done<br />

on campus, is<br />

cost-effective,<br />

and as a bonus<br />

has a stand-out<br />

traditional print<br />

style.<br />

Photo: instagram<br />

For more information, you can find<br />

Galleri 250L on Instagram: @galleri250l<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 31


Studentavisen Unikum søker:<br />


Stillingen er honorert med 3500 kroner i måneden. Arbeidets start vil være 1. januar<br />

2024 med noe opplæring i desember.<br />

Med kontor ved UiA i Kristiansand og et redusert arbeidsomfang (beregnet 25%<br />

stilling) er dette en jobb som passer seg svært bra ved siden av studiene!<br />

Som nettredaktør i Unikum har du en sentral rolle i avisens drift. Du har ansvar for<br />

å påse at nettavisen og Unikums sosiale medier drives forsvarlig. Du tar selvstendige<br />

avgjørelser rundt publisering og utvikling av digitalt innhold, og følger opp og<br />

oppmuntrer frivillige som ønsker å bistå med innholdsproduksjon.<br />

Nettredaktørs kontrakt varer i 12 måneder og kan kun bli fornyet ett år av gangen.<br />

Kontrakten varer fra 1. januar 2024 til 31. desember 2024.<br />

Denne stillingen gjør deg attraktiv i forhold til fremtidige karrieremuligheter. Mange<br />

av våre ansatte har fått jobber som følge av erfaring hos Unikum.<br />

Vi overlapper ved ansettelse slik at ny nettredaktør får nødvendig opplæring og<br />

oppfølging. Noen dager med overlapp i desember må derfor regnes med.<br />

Arbeidsoppgaver:<br />

• Ansvaret for at avisen overholder PFUs presseetiske regler: https://presse.no/pfu/<br />

etiske-regler/<br />

• Jevnlig oppdatere og produsere innhold til vår nettside, dette innebærer planlegging<br />

av innlegg på Facebook, Instagram og nettsiden.<br />

• Produsere innhold til sosiale medier sammen med et team, og kunne delegere<br />

oppgaver til de frivillige.<br />

• Skrive nyhetssaker og annet kommentarstoff til avisen.<br />

• Engasjere og rekruttere nye studenter til å bidra i avisen.<br />

• Ha tett kontakt med ansvarlig redaktør, grafisk ansvarlig og ikke minst avisens<br />

frivillige.<br />

• Holde kontoret ryddig, og ta vare på våre kamera, mac maskiner og annet.<br />

• Delta på stands og andre arrangementer for Studentavisen Unikum.<br />

• Følge med på nettredaktør sin e-mail og opplyse om pressemeldinger og andre<br />

interessante saker dersom mulig.<br />

Kvalifikasjoner:<br />

• Du må være student i Agder.<br />

• Bakgrunn i kommunikasjon og mediefag er en fordel, men ikke et krav.<br />

• Kjennskap til adobe creative cloud program, spesielt InDesign og Photoshop er en<br />

fordel, men ikke et krav. Kjennskap til andre redigeringsverktøy på mobil slik som<br />

Canva kan være fordel, men ikke et krav.<br />

• Kjennskap til bruk av speilreflekskamera er en fordel, men ikke et krav.<br />

Personlige egenskaper:<br />

• Kan engasjere frivillige skribenter og annet til avisen.<br />

• Gode skriveferdigheter og god formidlingsevne.<br />

• Har nyhetsteft og interesse for aktualiteter.<br />

• Kunne ta på seg ansvar og samtidig være flink til å delegere oppgaver.<br />

• Å kunne strukturere og planlegge jobben etter hverdagen.<br />

Vi tilbyr:<br />

• Månedlig honorar på 3500,-<br />

• Verdifull ledererfaring<br />

• Utvidet nettverk i studentmiljøet<br />

• Kontorlokaler ved UiA<br />

• Referanser til CV<br />

Søker ny nettredaktør!<br />

• Sosialt og givende arbeidsmiljø med mange nye bekjentskap<br />

Stillingen er honorert med 6000 kroner i måneden. Arbeidets start vil være 1. januar<br />

2024 med noe opplæring i desember.<br />

Med kontor ved UiA i Kristiansand og et redusert arbeidsomfang (beregnet 25%<br />

stilling) er dette en jobb som passer seg svært bra ved siden av studiene!<br />

Som ansvarlig redaktør i Unikum får du muligheten til å sette ditt helt eget preg på<br />

avisen. Du vil være øverste leder og ha ansvaret for å engasjere frivillige studenter til<br />

å bidra både journalistisk, med design, fotografi, samt andre oppgaver.<br />

Ansvarlig redaktørs kontrakt varer i 12 måneder og kan kun bli fornyet ett år av<br />

gangen. Kontrakten går fra 1. januar 2024 til 31. desember 2024.<br />

Denne stillingen gjør deg attraktiv i forhold til fremtidige karrieremuligheter. Mange<br />

av våre ansatte har fått jobber som følge av erfaring hos Unikum.<br />

Vi overlapper ved ansettelse slik at ny ansvarlig redaktør får nødvendig opplæring og<br />

oppfølging. Noen dager med overlapp i desember må derfor regnes med.<br />

Arbeidsoppgaver:<br />

• Ansvaret for at avisen overholder PFUs presseetiske regler: https://presse.no/pfu/<br />

etiske-regler/<br />

• Produsere papiravis for studentene i Agder i løpet av deres to semester (10 utgaver<br />

fordelt på 10 måneder: aug, sep, okt, nov, des, jan, feb, mars, april, mai).<br />

• Avholde et ukentlig redaksjonelt møte der saker og annet diskuteres for kommende<br />

avis.<br />

• Delta på en designhelg en gang i måneden i lag med grafisk ansvarlig og andre, der<br />

kommende utgave settes sammen i Indesign.<br />

• Distribuere papiravisen etter hver ny utgivelse i lag med andre medlemmer.<br />

• Engasjere og rekruttere nye studenter til å bidra i avisen.<br />

• Lage innhold for vår nettside og til sosiale medier.<br />

• Skrive nyhetssaker og annet kommentarstoff til avisen.<br />

• Være kontaktpunkt for styreleder, nettredaktør, grafisk ansvarlig, podcastansvarlig,<br />

økonomiansvarlig, og ikke minst avisens frivillige.<br />

• Følge med på ansvarlig redaktørs mail, og sjekke postkassen jevnlig på vårt kontor.<br />

• Holde kontoret ryddig, og ta vare på våre kamera, mac maskiner og annet.<br />

• Delta på stands og andre arrangementer for Studentavisen Unikum.<br />

Kvalifikasjoner:<br />

• Du må være student i Agder.<br />

• Bakgrunn i kommunikasjon og mediefag er en fordel, men ikke et krav.<br />

• Kjennskap til adobe creative cloud program, spesielt InDesign og Photoshop er en<br />

fordel, men ikke et krav.<br />

• Kjennskap til bruk av speilreflekskamera er en fordel, men ikke et krav.<br />

Personlige egenskaper:<br />

• Kan engasjere frivillige skribenter og annet til avisen.<br />

• Er god til å skrive og har en god formidlingsevne.<br />

• Har nyhetsteft.<br />

• Håndterer personalansvar på en god måte.<br />

Vi tilbyr:<br />

• Månedlig honorar på 6000,-<br />

• Ledererfaring<br />

• Nettverk i studentmiljøet<br />

• Kontor ved UiA<br />

• Referanser til CV<br />

Søker ny Ansvarlig redaktør!<br />

• Sosialt arbeid med mange nye bekjentskap<br />

Legg ved CV og søknadsbrev på e-post til dagligleder@unikumnett.no.<br />

Eventuelle spørsmål om vervet rettes til daglig<br />

leder i Unikum. Tlf: 92207113<br />

Legg ved CV og søknadsbrev på e-post til dagligleder@unikumnett.no.<br />

Eventuelle spørsmål om vervet rettes til daglig leder i Unikum. Tlf: 92207113<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 33

KULTUR<br />


Vilde Hagen Svanberg<br />

Skribent<br />

Foto: AdobeStock // robob3ar; Vastram<br />

Høstmørket er her, og det kan bety mye rart. Men for en stjernehimmel-fantast som meg, betyr det at nordlys, stjerner<br />

og planeter begynner å bli ekstra synlige igjen! Jeg anbefaler en litt annerledes pause i eksamenslesingen, der du går<br />

en måneskinnstur med et par gode venner, på en av de mange stjerneklare kveldene vi har fremfor oss. Finn deg et<br />

sted uten for mye kunstig lys, på med stillongsen, og hell kakao i termosen. Det er på tide å telle stjerneskudd!<br />


Romkapsel er en ukentlig podcast om romforskning,<br />

som ledes av Eirik Newth og Nils Johan Halvorsen.<br />

Eirik er utdannet astrofysiker, og har snakket om<br />

verdensrommet i 30 år. Nils Johan, mangeårig<br />

journalist og radioprogramleder, ble flasket opp på<br />

Star Wars, og er en uhelbredelig romnerd. Sammen<br />

har de denne spennende podcasten, om hva som<br />

beveger seg rundt i verdensrommet. Visste du for<br />

eksempel at det foregår seriøs leting etter gjenstander<br />

som romvesener kan ha etterlatt seg for lenge siden?<br />

Hva skjer om det blir urinlekkasje på romstasjonen, og<br />

går det an å produsere solenergi i rommet, og sende<br />

dem til bakken med laser? Og hva skjer egentlig hvis<br />

du har et syltetøyglass, og fanger noe av “ingentinget”<br />

i verdensrommet, og tar det med tilbake til jorda? Hva<br />

vil det være i det glasset her hjemme? Vil det være<br />

tomt?<br />


Lurer du på hva som skjedde med jenta med det rosa<br />

håret, etter hun var ferdig med å reise jorda rundt og<br />

date på TV? Hun lager podcast om verdensrommet<br />

og aliens, vel. I denne podden tar Line Elvsåshagen<br />

deg med ut i universet på jakt etter utenomjordisk<br />

liv. Hva er myter og hva er sant om ufoer, aliens og<br />

verdensrommet? For hva viser egentlig Pentagon sine<br />

hemmelige ufo-videoer, som ble lekket i 2017? Har folk<br />

sett ufoer fra Norge? Truer de Jordas sikkerhet, og var<br />

det egentlig aliens som bygde pyramidene i Egypt? Og<br />

sist, men ikke minst, er det egentlig liv der ute, og hva<br />

skjer hvis de kommer hit?<br />





Doktor Moiya McTier er den første i historien til å<br />

uteksamineres fra Harvard, med en dobbel grad<br />

i astrofysikk og folkloristikk/mytologi. Senere har<br />

hun tatt en doktorgrad i astronomi, og jobber som<br />

foredragsholder, forfatter, show-vert og filmkonsulent.<br />

Hun kan med andre ord ganske mye om universet og<br />

hvordan vi mennesker har prøvd å finne forklaringer<br />

på ting som skjer med oss. Men er vår verden den beste?<br />

Denne kunnskapen velger hun i podcasten «Explore»,<br />

å bruke til å forestille og utforske nye verdener, ved<br />

hjelp av fakta og vitenskap. Ville du f.eks. svømt i et<br />

hav styrt av matriarkalsk blekksprut, eller fly over en<br />

planet mens den roterer med en sverm av migrerende<br />

veps? I hver episode inviterer hun eksperter for å<br />

hjelpe til med å bygge opp nye verdener fra scratch, og<br />

deretter snakker hun med en fiksjon-fan, og dypdykker<br />

ned i deres favorittverdener.<br />


Det er fort gjort å få litt eksistensiell krise av alle<br />

disse spørsmålene om universet. For hva er egentlig<br />

meningen med det hele? I denne mer lettbeinte<br />

podcasten, møter du de kjente vertene Live Nelvik<br />

og Ronny Brede Aase. De lurer selv på hva meningen<br />

med livet er, eller rettere sagt, hva gir livet mening?<br />

Hva gjør deg lykkelig? Dette er en koselig reise inn i<br />

det hverdagslige, der det settes spørsmålstegn ved alt<br />

fra ekteskap og David Beckham, til lus og kaker. Bli<br />

minnet på hvor mange fine og spennende ting som<br />

skjer rundt deg hver eneste dag, og bli bevisst på egen<br />

hverdagslykke! En podcast til ettertanke, som definitivt<br />

gir et lite pust i bakken.<br />

SEPTEMBER <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 97 35

Unikums<br />


Pictures by Vlad-Florin Pop<br />


TIPS<br />

Jay Voltaire<br />

Writer<br />

Illustration: AdobeStock // matiasdelcarmine<br />

Agony Aunt<br />

Q: How do I avoid getting recruited by the illuminati?<br />

A: Oh honey, life throws struggles at us that we could never prepare for, but avoidance simply is not the answer.<br />

When we feel tempted to avoid something we should take a step back and look inside ourselves. Think about<br />

why you are so afraid of the Illuminati? Many times we find that really, it was a fear about our own adequacy.<br />

Q: My friend wants me to start tap dancing, should I join her?<br />

A: DO NOT JOIN HER. There are many reasons why tap dancing with a friend is a bad move. For starters,<br />

it‘s tradition in many cultures to only tap dance with strangers, and depending on where you live, doing<br />

otherwise can be a serious taboo. Secondly, „tap dancing together“ may not truly be what you think it is,<br />

I would check her closet just to be sure. I believe the only proper way to go from here is to fake an illness<br />

whenever the subject is brought up, and promptly exit the conversation until she stops asking.<br />

Q: I think my cat is whispering poems into my ears when I<br />

sleep, disturbing it. How can I make her stop?<br />

A: If there’s one thing we all hate, it’s disturbing poetry. Have you thought about how she feels? Your cat simply is<br />

doing what she knows. It’s up to you to educate her on the finer things in life and introduce her to something more<br />

soothing. I’m sure with some (insert good poem here) you will be lulled into the sweet release of sleep in no time.<br />

Q: My roommate actually believes that she‘s Voldemort, and keeps sleepwalking<br />

and barging into my room screaming „Avada Kedavra“, what do I do?<br />

A: You know what they say: you can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick<br />

your friends’ noses. In this case maybe you can! If your roommate has fully committed to the look, she’s<br />

going to need to blend into society sometimes. This is where you come in, give the gift of a set of prosthetic<br />

noses this Christmas and she’ll be back on your side in no time. Good luck with cohabitation bliss!<br />

Q: Dad keeps insisting I join him in the fish tank. Do I?<br />

A: Not everyone still has a fish tank in their lives, and it sounds like your father is just making the most of the<br />

time he has left. A little time in the tank is good for everyone now and then, as long as we keep our wits about<br />

us. Look how good it was for Darth Vader‘s health! So don your snorkels and white undies and jump in.<br />

If you have any<br />

burning questions<br />

you’d like Agony<br />

Aunt to answer, send<br />

them in by using the<br />

QR-code right here!<br />

Q: I keep finding my bathroom sink filled with Mystery Gloop. It<br />

looks disgusting but smells delicious. Should I have a taste?<br />

A: Once in a person‘s lifetime we are presented with a life altering decision, a call to<br />

action. Just as many were drawn to eat the coffin cheese, this is yours. Seize the day!<br />

Q: I feel like everyone in my life is either lazy or procrastinating. What should I do?<br />

A: Oh look it‘s 5 o’clock. Ask again later.<br />

<strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 9 37


The Weird, Wonderful (and Expensive)<br />

World of Board Games<br />

Tobias Klausen<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

Photo: Unikum // Tobias Klausen<br />

Step 1: What Games Do You Like?<br />

When looking for board games it’s easier to filter out and decide<br />

where to start based on what you like. Do you want a social<br />

deduction game like Secret Hitler? Do you want a dice game, where<br />

the gameplay mainly revolves around the combination of physics<br />

and cursed white squares? Do you want to build the ultimate card<br />

deck to crush your opponents’ hopes and dreams? Do you want to<br />

experience the epic highs and lows of a story-driven adventure? A<br />

good way to figure this out, and just in general, go to YouTube and<br />

watch videoes of some of the most-talked about board games within<br />

the community (Terraforming Mars, Wingspan, Root, Carcassonne,<br />

Mansion of Madness, 7 Wonders etc.) Taking a gander in a store<br />

and looking for board games that has an art style that appeals to<br />

you is also a perfectly appropriate way to determine if this may be<br />

something for you. But before you pull out your credit card and do<br />

the final tap of doom, let’s head to step 2.<br />

Just from reading the title, I bet you have conjured up the imagine<br />

of a sweaty nerd, sitting at his desktop with a freshly popped<br />

Mountain Dew and a bag of Doritos. Well, joke’s on you, I got a<br />

chocolate milk and bag of Sørlandschips staring at me from behind<br />

the screen so I’m at least 65% less sweaty. Regardless of my cardinal<br />

sins of mixing chocolate milk and chips with my palette, I am here<br />

to explore, showcase and perhaps even convince you that there is<br />

a vast, wonderful world out there filled with board games that go<br />

beyond the scope of Monopoly, Catan and Ludo. Especially now that<br />

it’s too cold to be outside and it’s socially acceptable to be inside<br />

95% of the time. Much like video games, board games have broken<br />

out of their niche appeal of being predominantly for the grandest<br />

of grand nerds, with board/card games like Card Against Humanity,<br />

Exploding Kittens, Secret Hitler and more, they’ve proven that they<br />

have a place in the mainstream.<br />

However, with such a broad and vast catalogue, where do you<br />

start? And more importantly, how sweaty do you want to be?<br />

And even more importantly, how susceptible are your friends<br />

to being lured into what could possibly be a 3-hour experience,<br />

where everyone feels too exhausted to continue, but persists as to<br />

not let the past 180 minutes go to waste? Hopefully by the end of<br />

this article, you’ll have the answers to these questions, and maybe<br />

we may have a new board game addict among us, ready to wreak<br />

havoc on Outland or forcing your group of friends to play obscene<br />

board games with you.<br />

Step 2: Do Your Research!<br />

Take it from a veteran who’s just bought whatever seems even<br />

slightly appealing, do some form of research before deciding<br />

on a purchase. Board games are a costly affair, they can range<br />

from 400kr all the way up to 2500kr (yes, I have spent that on a<br />

single board game, no I do not want to talk about it). Some board<br />

games may seem obscenely good from their production value (art,<br />

components, dices etc.), but as soon as you lift the lid, you realize<br />

that the budget went to the marketing and the box and not towards<br />

playtesting and the actual “fun” factor of the board game. So, before<br />

you even consider violating your credit card, sleuth around on the<br />

internet, watch reviews, see what kind of game it is and potentially<br />

what it excels at and where it falls flat. A fantastic website for this<br />

is BoardGameGeek, where you can read other people’s reviews<br />

(people on the internet are usually bashfully honest) and it even<br />

rates how complex a board game’s mechanics and gameplay is.<br />

Also, do check the different pricing! It can vary greatly depending<br />

on the website. I often use Prisjakt.no to gauge the prize on board<br />

games. Outland may have most of the popular ones, but in my<br />

experience, they’re also the most expensive. Gamezone on the<br />

other hand is usually more reasonable, and their headquarters<br />

are in Kristiansand meaning that when you order online, it doesn’t<br />

take forever to get here. Proshop I’ve had a god experience with,<br />

and if you want something more exclusive that they haven’t gotten<br />

to Norway yet, Zatu Games works too (UK based)!<br />


Step ???: Protect your Babies<br />

I am a sinner in this category. A good investment for the longevity<br />

of your board games is to sleeve the cards. This means stuffing<br />

them into protective plastic that ensures your cards won’t get worn<br />

out. Personally, I haven’t felt the need to do so yet, but I do think<br />

it’s a great investment if you have one specific game you play a lot<br />

and love.<br />

Step 5: The Intoxication Starts<br />

Step 3: Learning the Board Game<br />

You might be used to the easy life of Monopoly that has an<br />

instructional booklet with a maximum of 5 pages. Well, for some<br />

of the more advanced board games, you might be looking at the<br />

entire chronicles of Narnia, cause these booklets can be T H I C<br />

C. One of the largest I’ve seen thus far is 30 pages. And we all got<br />

enough studying to (not) do at university, so it might not be too<br />

tempting sitting at home and reading for hours, almost taking notes.<br />

I learned this the hard way, instead, look up YouTube tutorials. It’s<br />

much easier to get the grasp of the basics when someone explains<br />

and shows it, and then consult the booklet when you encounter<br />

specific problems during your first play session.<br />

And make sure you do this before you play it for the first time with<br />

your friends. If you’ve already been able to lure a susceptible and<br />

gullible group of friends to join you in this tantalizing activity,<br />

make sure not to waste their time, or you guys try to learn the game<br />

together. It’s quicker and more fun if one person already knows the<br />

basics or at least, knows where to find the answer in the booklet.<br />

Step 4: Luring in the Friends<br />

You don’t have friends? Make some. On a more serious note, board<br />

games aren’t for everyone. You might have friends who aren’t<br />

too into it, then you might have to find some on Facebook groups,<br />

Discord servers or maybe meet a group at Outland. But, if you’re<br />

like me and have some nerds in close proximity, they can be an<br />

easy target. Make sure to be upfront about what you want to play, if<br />

your group isn’t prepared for a 3-hour board game session, then it<br />

will drag on and some won’t feel too inclined to participate during<br />

the session and definitely won’t be lured again.<br />

Once you start loving board games you never go back. But take it<br />

from a recovering addict, make sure that before you buy a new<br />

board game, that you know it will make it to the table. If you have<br />

a group that despises social deduction games, maybe not buy the<br />

new one that just dropped to raving reviews that you think looks<br />

cool. Or don’t buy 5 new board games in a month, and only play 2<br />

while the rest gathers dust in the corner. It’s like you’re hit with a<br />

little rush of dopamine when you receive a new one, but make sure<br />

to combat the urge with rationale, otherwise you’ll end up with an<br />

empty bank account and a crippled wallet.<br />

Step 6: Have Fun!<br />

There’s nothing more to this step, welcome to the wonderful world<br />

of board games and I hope I haven’t (completely) ruined your life.<br />

If you’re a bit unsure still on what to start with, here are a few of<br />

the board games in my collection that I absolutely adore!<br />

Everdell<br />

Flamecraft<br />

Smallworld<br />

Stardew Vallet: The Board Game<br />

Bloodborne: The Board Game<br />

Betrayal at House on the Hill<br />

Blood on the Clocktower<br />

Try to make more out of the night as well! We usually start by<br />

cooking and eating dinner together while talking about whatever.<br />

Place the board game that you’ve planned for the evening on the<br />

table so they can have a look, peek inside the box or flip through<br />

its booklet. Board games are even better with some snacks and<br />

soda, make this day your cheat day. Even alcohol can be quite fun,<br />

just avoid getting hammered, it would be a travesty for one little<br />

spillage to ruin an entire game worth about 1500kr.<br />

SEPTEMBER <strong>NOVEMBER</strong> 2023 <strong>UNIKUM</strong> NR 97 39

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