26.10.2013 Aufrufe

Frauenstudien/Genderstudies Sommersemster 2001

Frauenstudien/Genderstudies Sommersemster 2001

Frauenstudien/Genderstudies Sommersemster 2001


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Lehrveranstaltungen<br />

Volkswirtschaftliche Fakultät<br />

Prof. Stephan Klasen, Ph.D.<br />

Economic Development of Africa<br />

Vorlesung (mit Übung)<br />

Seminar für<br />

Empirische<br />

Wirtschaftsforschung<br />

Ludwigstr. 28 RG<br />

Tel. 2180-2459<br />

W ann?<br />

Di 9.30-12<br />

Beginn: 24.4.<br />

Wo?<br />

HS 05,<br />

Ludwigstr. 28 VG<br />

Anmeldung<br />

nicht erforderlich<br />

Sprechstunde<br />

Mo 14-15, Raum 19<br />

This lecture course (which will be held in English) will<br />

consider development issues in sub-Saharan Africa. In<br />

particular, the course will seek to explore the factors<br />

accounting for Africa’s high poverty and poor growth<br />

performance. The course will examine these issues<br />

historically, beginning with colonization and<br />

decolonization up to the present-day experiences with<br />

structural adjustment programs and debt relief. In<br />

addition, it will examine the development challenges of<br />

Africa analytically using growth models, empirical growth<br />

regressions, and economic models of missing or<br />

malfunctioning markets. Particular emphasis will also be<br />

placed upon issues of human capital formation as well<br />

as gender differences in access to education, technology,<br />

and other productive inputs.<br />


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