03.05.2014 Aufrufe

218 - Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft

218 - Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft

218 - Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft


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time-consuming is the fact that a full search for multivariate problems in integers<br />

consumes exponentially more time with each variable and size of the domain to<br />

be explored.<br />

The first breakthrough at this bottleneck is provided by a generic algorithm – q-<br />

class decomposition – which allows the computation of resonance solutions for<br />

arbitrary irrational dispersion functions. The algorithm is based on number-theoretical<br />

results most important of them being a linear independence of algebraic<br />

numbers from different expansions of the field of rational numbers. Compared to<br />

the brute-force approach, q-class decomposition gives enormous computational<br />

advantages. For instance, all the solutions of the (25) in the computation domain<br />

|m|,|n| ≤ 128 were found within 2.5 sec, while for |m|,|n| ≤ 1000 it takes about<br />

12 minutes [10].<br />

The main idea of the q-class decomposition is to divide an integer lattice {(m,n)}<br />

into a set of sublattices, according to the necessary condition for existence of<br />

the solutions for a Diophantine equation with irrationalities. This condition will,<br />

of course, depend on the form of equation and the form of the irrationalities.<br />

However, the general scheme is the same. To illustrate this, we define below q-<br />

classes and formulate corresponding necessary conditions for the (25).<br />

Definition. Let (m,n) be a node of an integer lattice, m,n ∈ Z, the index q of the<br />

node (m,n) is an integer which is not divisible by the fourth power of any prime,<br />

i.e.<br />

q = p α 1<br />

1 ··· pα s<br />

s , α j ∈ [1,2,3] (27)<br />

with distinct primes p j . The set of all nodes with the same index q is called the<br />

q-class and denoted by Cl q .<br />

Necessary conditions. If four nodes (m i ,n i ), i = 1,...,4 form a solution of the<br />

(25), one of two conditions has to be satisfied:<br />

• ∃q : (m i ,n i ) ∈ Cl q , ∀i = 1,...,4; or<br />

• ∃q 1 ,q 2 : (m 1 ,n 1 ),(m 3 ,n 3 ) ∈ Cl q1 & (m 2 ,n 2 ),(m 4 ,n 4 ) ∈ Cl q2 .<br />

This means that the search for solutions on the integer lattice {(m,n)} is now<br />

reduced to the search for solutions in sublattices generated by only one or two<br />

q-classes; this reduces drastically the computational time. Another substantial<br />

improvement is due to the theorem of Gauss on the decomposition of an integer<br />

into a sum of two squares – some of the q-classes turn out to be empty.<br />

3 Nonlinear resonance analysis<br />

The development of the general method for computing resonances opened up a<br />

variety of new avenues for further theoretical investigations. In the course of the<br />


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