07.12.2012 Aufrufe

B.Sc. - Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

B.Sc. - Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

B.Sc. - Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt


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Human Resources Development from the andragogical point of<br />

view<br />

Dialogische Personalentwicklung aus andragogischer Sicht<br />

Course Number | 82-021-AP09-S-SE1-0507<br />

Degree | Bachelor<br />

Semester | winter term<br />

Type of Course | Lecture and Tutorial<br />

Contact Hours | 2 hours per week<br />

Number of Credits | 2,5 cp<br />

Language | German<br />

Chair | Erwachsenenbildung/Außerschulische Jugendbildung<br />

Lecturer | Prof. Dr. phil. Margret M. Fell<br />

Learning outcomes<br />

Students are introduced to basic terms and items of (science in) adult education (andragogy). Thus an overview is<br />

given on the variety of professional profiles of a full-time or side-job educationist. Apart from specialized<br />

knowledge students will acquire practical competence (methodical-didactical), social competences and HR<br />

competences in the fields of:<br />

- teaching and information handling<br />

- advice and assistance as to the introduction of teaching and learning methods<br />

- development of group learning processes<br />

- initiating, drafting and executing measures of personnel and team development<br />

- organization, administration and planning of educational events<br />

- guidance and instruction for self-directed learning and educational processes<br />

- didactical room arrangement in institutes of adult education / non-school related youth<br />

- education<br />

Course Content<br />

1. New demands on leaders and cooperators in learning organisations against the background of changed<br />

working-organisations<br />

2. Human resources development and advanced training: a determination of their proportion<br />

3. The role and self-concept of the adult educationalist in the human resources development<br />

4 The speechlessness in organisations between the generations as challenge for the Human resources<br />

development<br />

5. Teambuilding in companies as a challenge of personnel development<br />

6. Chosen measures of personnel development against an andragogical background<br />

- Dialogical choice of cooperators: job application interviews, assessment center<br />

- The new cooperator: Dialogical alternatives of his inauguration - traineeprogram, support systems<br />

- Dialogical career advancement: agreement on objectives, coaching, performance appraisal<br />

7. Andragogy in the practice of recources development<br />

Teaching Methods<br />

- lecture<br />

- discussions<br />

- presentation<br />

- homeworks etc.<br />

Grading<br />

- presentation (50%)<br />

- handout (20%)<br />

- active attendance/oral cooperation (30%)<br />

Assessment criteria in detail<br />

- presentation: 60 minutes<br />

- detailed handout: 3 sides<br />


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