13.09.2016 Aufrufe


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(61) - Cinema 4D Rendering; - this is a preview of the “Iso Grifo” exhibition stand that you can find at the Geneva Motor Show in march 2016<br />

(62) - Cinema 4D Rendering and Photography; - I took a photo of the “Iso Grifo” App/Homepage I designed for the iPhone/iPad; I used my Cinema Renderings also for the App/Homepage<br />

(63) - Cinema 4D Rendering and Photoshop; - here is a preview of the “Iso Grifo” App for the iPhone I made in Photoshop with my Cinema Renderings<br />

(64) - Cinema 4D Rendering and Photoshop; - this is a Mock-up of the “Iso Grifo” Homepage for all devices I designed with Photoshop<br />

(65) - Cinema 4D Rendering and Photography; - this is a photo I took of the “Iso Grifo” app on the iPhone 6<br />

(66) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - here is a preview that people find in magazines that communicates the coming of the new “Iso Grifo”<br />

(67) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - this is an example of an advertorial people find in magazines and on their homepages/apps<br />

(68) - Cinema 4D and photography; - this is a photo of the first motive of the “Iso Grifo” campaign launched in special magazines<br />

(69) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - here is the whole first site of the “Iso Grifo” campaign people will find in magazines<br />

(70) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - this is a preview of the “Iso Grifo” booklet people will find for example in the “Iso Grifo” showrooms<br />

(71) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - here are some example sites from the “Iso Grifo” booklet<br />

(72) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - this is a rendering of the “Iso Grifo” at the “Berlinale” in Berlin bringing the stars to the red carpet<br />

(73) - Cinema 4D; - this is an advertation of the “Iso Grifo” in corporation with “Rolex”<br />

(74) - Cinema 4D; - rendering of the “Rolex” watch in the inside of the “Iso Grifo”<br />

(75) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - preview of the tickets people can buy at the opera in Düsseldorf<br />

(76) - photography by my own; - I took this picture of the opera in Düsseldorf<br />

(77) - Cinema 4D; - this is a rendering that shows the “Iso Grifo” standing next to the “America’s Cup” trophy<br />

(78) - Cinema 4D; people will find the “Iso Grifo” at the harbor where the “America’s Cup” will take place<br />

(79) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - here is the whole second site of the “Iso Grifo” campaign people will find in magazines<br />

(80) - Cinema 4D; - this is a preview of the “Iso Grifo” exhibition stand that you can find at the IAA in September 2016<br />

(81) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - at this point the test reports will be released by magazines and shows to promote the “Iso Grifo”<br />

(82) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - “Top-Gear” for example will make a show about the “Iso Grifo”<br />

(83) - Cinema 4D; - this is a rendering of the “Iso Grifo Armani” version; the “Armani” logo is located on the outside next to the window<br />

(84) - Cinema 4D; - a rendering of the “Iso Grifo Armani” version<br />

(85) - Cinema 4D; - this is an “Armani” logo located in the inside of the “Iso Grifo”<br />

(86) - Photography by my own; - I took this photo of the “Armani” Stor in Düsseldorf<br />

(87) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - here is the whole third site of the “Iso Grifo” campaign people will find in magazines<br />

(88) - Cinema 4D and Photoshop; - here are all three sites of the “Iso Grifo” campaign people will find in magazines; at the end they will apear all together in the magazines and on their homepages<br />

(89) - photography and Cinema 4D; - this is a photo I took of a campaign site inside of a magazine<br />

(90) - photography and Cinema 4D; - this is a photo I took of a campaign site inside of a magazine

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