18.10.2022 Aufrufe


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COME TRUE.<br />

Family Suite<br />

Lots of space and comfort for up to five persons.<br />

60 m², air conditioned, Nespresso coffee machine, spacious sitting area,<br />

2 optically separated bedrooms, bathtub, separate WC, small terrace<br />

Maisonette Suite<br />

Two floors providing a maximum in comfort for up to four persons.<br />

50 – 55 m², air conditioned, Nespresso coffee machine, 2 floors,<br />

spacious living area, bedroom with walk-in closet, jacuzzi bath, bidet,<br />

separate WC, balcony<br />

Executive Suite<br />

Lots of space and state-of-the-art comfort for up to five persons.<br />

80 m², air conditioned, Nespresso coffee machine, 2 bedrooms,<br />

spacious living area with dinette and modern couch landscape,<br />

bathtub and shower, separate WC<br />

Family Suite<br />

Maisonette Suite – Living area<br />

Maisonette Suite – Sleeping area<br />

Executive Suite

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