Weissenhäuser Strand Informationen von A-Z Broschüre
In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.
In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.
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Good to know from A-Z<br />
Included services:<br />
check Access to your holiday home or holiday house<br />
check Topping up credit for cashless payment in all <strong>Weissenhäuser</strong> <strong>Strand</strong> facilities<br />
Services you can book as an option:<br />
check Admission to Abenteuer Dschungelland<br />
check Admission to Subtropisches Badeparadies (Please note: At the cash desk you will<br />
receive a second wristband for using the lockers.)<br />
check Admission to soccer golf, adventure golf, aqua park and bungee trampoline<br />
(when booking the ULTRA-Tropenticket or ULTRA-Tropenticket Plus)<br />
check The unused early booking discount on your key wristband expires automatically<br />
after your stay.<br />
check Admission to the Dünenbad in the ****<strong>Strand</strong>hotel<br />
(when booking the “Time for well-being” offer)<br />
Topping up credit. This is how it works:<br />
• You can top up your credit at the information/reception desk each day from 8:00 a.m.<br />
to 7:00 p.m. or around the clock at the ****<strong>Strand</strong>hotel reception.<br />
• Minimum amount: €10.00. Maximum amount: €500.00.<br />
• The credit can be used by all persons included in your booking as it is linked to your<br />
reservation profile.<br />
• The remaining credit cannot be paid out. Validity: 3 years from the last top up<br />
Upon departure:<br />
• Dispose of all your waste in the rubbish containers.<br />
• Empty and clean the refrigerator.<br />
• Leave the garden/outdoor furniture neatly stacked.<br />
• Wash all dishes<br />
The Holiday and Resort Park <strong>Weissenhäuser</strong> <strong>Strand</strong> cannot take responsibility for<br />
the safekeeping or forwarding ofa personal items left behind. If we ship any personal<br />
items found, we will charge a fee of € 10.00 for domestic delivery and €<br />
20.00 for international delivery; any other extra costs will be charged separately!<br />