26.04.2024 Aufrufe

Weissenhäuser Strand Informationen von A-Z Broschüre

In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.

In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.

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Good to know from A-Z<br />

Internal calls (calling within the Holiday Resort Park): For information and making restaurant<br />

reservations. Simply lift the receiver and dial the extension number. All internal calls are<br />

free of charge.<br />

External calls (calling outside of the Holiday Resort Park): Start by dialling »0«, wait for<br />

the dial tone and then dial the number you want to call. External calls cost € 0.25 per unit.<br />

The fees will be billed to your account, and are payable upon departure.<br />

If you would like to receive a call:<br />

Three-digit <strong>Strand</strong>hotel room numbers:<br />

Three-digit holiday home numbers:<br />

Three-digit penthouse apartment numbers:<br />

Four-digit holiday home numbers:<br />

+49 4361 55 5 + number<br />

+49 4361 55 3 + number<br />

+49 4361 55 1 + number<br />

+49 4361 55 + number<br />

18<br />

The switchboard: Dial “9”<br />

Taxi: Numbers are available via the reception in the information building or the reception<br />

at the ****<strong>Strand</strong>hotel; Telephone: +49 4361 55 40.<br />

Taxi Kähler +49 4361 32 32, Taxi Lens +49 4361 21 66.<br />

Restaurants<br />

Breakfast: Sumptuous breakfast buffet served daily from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00<br />

a.m. for Holiday Park guests in Restaurant Möwenbräu and for hotel guests<br />

from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in Restaurant Sonnenrose. Please book your table<br />

online in advance and present your key wristband to the service staff.<br />

Restaurants: Please visit our website for more information.<br />

Safety and liability<br />

Feeding animals: Please tell your children not to feed the ducks and fish in the ponds located<br />

in the Holiday and Resort Park. Also, please do not feed the seagulls and cats. Food<br />

for our petting zoo can be purchased at the cash desks in Abenteuer Dschungelland, the<br />

Soccer Golf course as well as the Waterpark and bike rental.<br />

Fire: In case of fire, please call the fire brigade at 0-112 immediately. You’ll find fire extinguishers<br />

in marked locations on all floors and in all staircases. In case of fire, use of the

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