26.04.2024 Aufrufe

Weissenhäuser Strand Informationen von A-Z Broschüre

In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.

In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.

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Good to know from A-Z<br />

Seasonal changes possible; Telephone: +49 4361 55 27 61.<br />

Waterpark: Our wakeboarding and water-skiing facility, Waterpark, offers aquatic activities<br />

for everybody. For information regarding opening hours and prices, please call:<br />

+49 4361 55 27 55.<br />

Children<br />

Babysitter: Please contact the reception a couple of days in advance. We will attempt to<br />

assist you. Please pay the babysitter directly<br />

Children’s entertainment: Our KidzClub for our youngest guests (ages 4 and over) is located<br />

at Dorfplatz. Aside from the free visit, we offer to supervise your children for an hourly<br />

fee of € 2.00 per child.<br />

Hops Club: Registration online or according to availability at the information desk/reception<br />

daily from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.<br />

Playground: Located next to the “Alm” (the Alp cottage) and Adventure Jungleland. It<br />

features auto scooters, slides and lots more.<br />

Church services<br />

Church services: There is a Catholic church in Oldenburg in Holstein and Evangelical<br />

churches in Hohenstein, Hansühn and Oldenburg in Holstein. During the high season, we<br />

arrange services in the meeting and conference centre of the ****<strong>Strand</strong>hotel; for more<br />

information please see the notices posted in the lobby.<br />

Conferences<br />

Meetings and conferences: Whether you are planning a conference, a meeting, or a<br />

seminar -- Holiday and Resort Park <strong>Weissenhäuser</strong> <strong>Strand</strong> provides the best event location<br />

for up to 450 people; Please inquire about the corresponding documents and offers through<br />

our sales department, Telephone: +49 4361 55 27 18.<br />

Health<br />


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