06.01.2013 Aufrufe

Form, Macht, Differenz - GWDG

Form, Macht, Differenz - GWDG

Form, Macht, Differenz - GWDG


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346 Regina Bendix<br />

Strauss, Sarah (2000) Locating Yoga: Ethnography and Transnational Practice. In:<br />

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Venuti, Lawrence (1995) The Translator’s Invisibility: A History of Translation. London:<br />

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Welz, Gisela (1998) Moving Targets. Feldforschung unter Mobilitätsdruck. Zeitschrift<br />

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Woolard, Kathryn A. (2004) Codeswitching. In: Alessandro Duranti (Hg.): A Companion<br />

to Linguistic Anthropology, S. 73–94. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.

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