08.01.2013 Aufrufe

Dokumentation - AlphaZ - alpha-z.de

Dokumentation - AlphaZ - alpha-z.de

Dokumentation - AlphaZ - alpha-z.de


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Hosenfeld, I., Groß Ophoff, J. & Bittins, P. (2006). Vergleichsarbeiten und Schulentwicklung.<br />

Schulmanagement Handbuch, 25 (118).<br />

Koch, U., Groß Ophoff, J., Hosenfeld, I. & Helmke, A. (2006). Das Projekt VERA: Von<br />

<strong>de</strong>r Evaluation zur Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung? (Teil 1). SchulVerwaltung, Ausgabe<br />

Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland, 5.<br />

OECD, Directorate for Education (EDU) and Directorate for Employment, Labour and<br />

Social Affairs (ELSA): Programmme for the International Assessment of Adult Competences<br />

(PIAAC), Draft Strategy Paper, Policy Objectives, Strategic Options and Cost<br />

Implications OECD, Directorate for Education (EDU) and Directorate for Employment,<br />

Labour and Social Affairs (ELSA), Stockholm 2004<br />

Smit, A.A., Bohnenn, E., Hazelzet, A.: Stichting Lezen & Schrijven, Low literate at<br />

work – A qualitative study into reading, writing and arithmetic tasks in the knowledgebased<br />

economy, Den Haag, 2005

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