13.01.2013 Aufrufe

Zusammenfassungen der Arbeitskreisbeiträge - Die DPG

Zusammenfassungen der Arbeitskreisbeiträge - Die DPG

Zusammenfassungen der Arbeitskreisbeiträge - Die DPG


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Observations, field trials and analysis of a special population<br />

of mayweed (Matricaria recutita) with resistance against<br />

ALS-inhibitors in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany)<br />

C. Schleich-Saidfar 1, H.G. Drobny 2, J. Perez 2, M. Feierler,<br />

F.G. Felsenstein 3, J.-R. Gertz 1 & N. Balgheim 4<br />

1 Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein,<br />

Am Kamp 15–17, 24768 Rendsburg;<br />

2 Du Pont Deutschland, Neu Isenburg;<br />

3 Epilogic GmbH, Freising;<br />

4 Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Phytomedizin<br />

On a cereal field (winter wheat) near Husum (Schleswig-Holstein,<br />

Northern Germany) the control of mayweed by sulfonylureas<br />

became insufficient in 2005. For that reason field trials<br />

were installed from 2006 – 2010 at this place. The trials<br />

showed that the mayweed plants at this site could not be controlled<br />

any longer by sulfonylureas. These herbicides – several<br />

different sulfonylureas were tested – had no more effect at all<br />

on this mayweed, all of them. Seed samples of mayweed from<br />

these trials in 2006 were characterised in different bio-tests.<br />

Dose response curves were obtained with ALS-inhibitors,<br />

done by Epilogic GmbH, at Freising, Germany, initiated by Dr.<br />

H. G. Drobny, Du Pont. The results suggested a specific target-site<br />

resistance against ALS-inhibitors. Further analysis,<br />

done by N. Balgheim, of tissue samples in 2007 with respective<br />

molecular primers confirmed a known mutation at the<br />

ALS. This was the first confirmed case of an ALS-target-site<br />

resistance in mayweed in Germany. The mayweed from the<br />

test-site was resistant especially against sulfonylureas, but not<br />

against triazolo-pyrimidins. The trials showed that the mayweed<br />

from the test site could still be controlled by pyrazolo-pyrimidins<br />

(Florasulam – Primus). At this field sufonylureas<br />

had been used for many years in or<strong>der</strong> to control mayweed,<br />

so an extreme selection pressure had taken place.<br />

Management strategies were <strong>der</strong>ived from the field trials:<br />

The control of mayweed should be done best by the use of<br />

pre-emergence herbicides respectively by these herbicides,<br />

placed just after the emergence of the weed (flufenacet +<br />

diflufenican – Herold or flufenacet + flutamone + diflufenican<br />

– Bacara Forte or – on undrained sites – with IPU-,<br />

CTU-herbicides + diflufenican). In cereals, sown late in autumn,<br />

the control of resistant mayweed should be done by<br />

the application of IPU or CTU (+ diflufenican) in early spring<br />

(March). In Germany the use of CTU is allowed on undrained<br />

fields only. Mayweed remaining from the autumn or mayweed<br />

coming up in spring can also be controlled in spring<br />

(April) by herbicides, containing florasulam (Primus, Starane<br />

XL. Ariane C) or by herbicides containing bentazon (Basagran<br />

DP) respectively by herbicides containing clopyralid<br />

(Ariane C, Duanti) at this site. However, the possibility of<br />

cross resistance against florasulam cannot be quite excluded,<br />

when using it too often. Crop rotation implying the application<br />

of herbicides with different modes of action should be<br />

practiced at any case.<br />

Herbicide resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides and<br />

Apera spica-venti<br />

Dirk Wolber<br />

Landwirtschaftskammer Nie<strong>der</strong>sachsen, Pflanzenschutzamt<br />

Hannover<br />

In Lower Saxony biotests for herbicide resistance with the main<br />

grass weeds Alopecurus myosuroides and Apera spica-venti are<br />

done in greenhouse trials. Samples are taken from regional<br />

plant protection services and sent to the lab in Hannover.<br />

Results from recent years showed that resistance to both grasses<br />

is widespread. Multiple resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides to<br />

J.Plant Dis.Protect. 2/2011<br />

�<br />

: 87<br />

ureas, ACCase, and ALS-inhibitors is quite common. Control<br />

of these biotypes is very hard for the cereal farmers.<br />

Actual status of occurrence of herbicide resistant grass<br />

weeds in Germany<br />

Jan Petersen 1 & Hans Raffel 2<br />

1 University of Applied Sciences Bingen,<br />

2 Syngenta Agro Maintal<br />

Occurrence of herbicide resistance in grass weeds in Germany<br />

is not a new phenomenon, however in recent years spread of<br />

resistance and characters of resistance increased significantly.<br />

In a resistance monitoring program of Syngenta and the<br />

University of Applied Sciences Bingen seed samples of different<br />

winter cereal fields in Germany were tested for resistance<br />

to different leaf active herbicides. Alopecurus myosuroides<br />

(ALOMY), Apera spica-venti (APESV), Lolium sp. (LOLSS) and<br />

Avena fatua (AVEFA) were grown in a greenhouse and sprayed<br />

in the 1 to 2-leaf stage with relevant herbicides.<br />

77% of suspicious ALOMY samples (n = 135) showed a<br />

resistance to cereal selective ACCase-inhibitors. But only 17%<br />

out of these samples showed a cycloxydim resistance (indicating<br />

an ACCase target-site-resistance). Resistance to mesosulfuron<br />

occurs, but also on a lower level (18%). One sample<br />

presented a combination of ALS- and ACCase-target-site resistance<br />

in the ALOMY population. Most of the samples indicated<br />

a cross-resistance or a multiple resistance on the basis of a<br />

non-target-site resistance.<br />

The monitoring on APESV (n = 213) was based on a mixture<br />

of random and sampling on fields with resistance suspicion<br />

(n = 213). Consequently, less biotypes showed a strong<br />

herbicide resistance (29%). Mainly resistance was obvious to<br />

sulfonylureas. 50% of the samples showed a reduced efficacy<br />

and 22% a strong resistance to ALS-inhibitors. IPU-resistance<br />

was detected in 15% of the sites. However, in 61% of the biotypes<br />

a reduced efficacy to IPU was observed. Resistance to<br />

pinoxaden was found in 4% of the samples. In cases of pinoxaden<br />

resistance all biotypes showed a multiple resistance<br />

to sulfonylureas and in some cases also to IPU. Only a few biotypes<br />

(12%, based on 162 samples) expressed a resistance to<br />

pyroxsulam with a cross-resistance to sulfonylureas. In these<br />

cases often an ALS target-site resistance could be detected.<br />

One APESV population showed a combination of an ACCase<br />

and ALS-target-site mutation.<br />

Some samples of AVEFA (n = 6) with control problems in<br />

the fields were tested in the greenhouse with treatments of<br />

ALS-inhibitors and with pinoxaden. No resistance was detected.<br />

For LOLSS 4 samples were analysed. Three out of five samples<br />

showed a resistance to pinoxaden. One sample showed a multiple-resistance<br />

to flufenacet and another biotype showed a<br />

multiple resistance also to ALS-inhibititors.<br />

Glyphosate hormesis – an herbicide shows depth effects<br />

Regina G. Belz<br />

University of Hohenheim, Department of Agroecology (380b),<br />

70593 Stuttgart, regina.belz@uni-hohenheim.de<br />

Glyphosate is currently the most important active ingredient for<br />

controlling weeds. However, glyphosate shows useful effects in<br />

addition to killing weeds at high doses. The patenting of<br />

glyphosate as an herbicide in 1970 was followed by several applications<br />

in the non-lethal, low dose range such as in 1974 a<br />

patent for plant growth-regulation by sub-lethal glyphosate<br />

doses. In the hormetic dose range, where glyphosate has a<br />

stimulating effect on plants, the usage of glyphosate to increase<br />

the carbohydrate content of plants was patented in

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