October/2011 - Natural Presence Magazine

October/2011 - Natural Presence Magazine

October/2011 - Natural Presence Magazine


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In addition to having a love based society, naturally once we achieve that, the next step is towards an<br />

ethical or moral society. The deprivation of morals and ethics is far too overstated. We have religions<br />

which confuse everyone into having different ethics and morals. We need unifying morals. We need<br />

cosmic ethics. Ethics that are imbued with the knowledge of fellow star nations and visitors.<br />

Our current ethics are debased from truth entirely. Religions are corrupt and false. Inside of each religion<br />

is a fragment of knowledge which makes up the greater spiritual whole. A true ethical system is a native<br />

one which is in alignment with “Great Spirit”. I wont mince any words on this, morals are derived from<br />

spirituality. Spirituality is the only ethical belief system which actually works, for everyone. Religion<br />

only divides us. Observing the natives and their understanding of the spirit inside of everything tells us<br />

about this natural understanding. There is a spirit inside everything. This means if you draw a picture,<br />

you change the world. If you make a song, you change the world. You are always effecting the Spirit of<br />

everything, which is the Orgone fields which exist in all aspects of life. The nature of existence itself and<br />

the infinity spells it all out for us in an ethical nature:: We are all one being. This alone is an ethical<br />

value that cannot be lost and is invaluable to any person!<br />

Anyone who has seen the film I Huckabees is familiar with “The Blanket”. We all exist inside of<br />

“The Blanket”. There is nothing but the blanket. The “Blanket” is the infinite sea of energy consciousness<br />

that you and I are made up of. There is nothing in between you and I and all there is is more of this.<br />

Infinitely.<br />

From this understanding that there is a spiritual consciousness inside all beings, which must be revered<br />

and respected, we have our holistic moral system back! We must know, that each thing in this universe<br />

is alive and has a consciousness. All things are of the great infinite and very much alive spirit. If we<br />

damage anything we damage the whole and go against ethics altogether. We are highly unethical beings<br />

historically (The known and altered history) – “His” story.<br />

So, the point of this article is that a growing awareness of the unified consciousness of everything is<br />

sweeping our planet. Scientists are beginning to completely dissolve the separateness between things<br />

and this should be encouraged. The idea that anything is separate is just an illusion. We are all one!<br />

As funny as that is it’s just the truth. We are all a very large entity. Universes fractal into the macro<br />

and micro. Everything has a zero point. All is infinitely the one same thing just repeated in different<br />

patterns; thus creating different versions of this one thing.<br />

I hope that this may impart the moral belief that if you hurt another, you hurt yourself. If you harm<br />

something (anything) you harm yourself. You are connected to all that is and there is no way of avoiding<br />

this absolute truth.<br />

In the Light,<br />

Gregory von Haesler, Kingston<br />

"Ethical Purpose.<br />


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