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piece suit nearest the air conditioner indifferent to statues and elusive<br />

beacons because this is the minor league and my own companion anticipates<br />

VISA to Italy and a salary remitted to parents raising grandson her continued<br />

tenure ligation makes possible - My mother is the youngest of eight in the<br />

archipelago there is not lack of barrenness in this business there are no babes<br />

- Gravidity is obsolescence - So we are watching the twin audition their legs<br />

like drumsticks I do not follow drumstick legs the disco ball mutes parody<br />

my rival smokes a thick cigar I can lose a bidding war of what is<br />

impregnable –<br />

and I look at the leg bones, defleshed.<br />

We tacitly agree to our uncanny pairing no economic forecast could<br />

predictonly in Olongapo where remanded to the system daughters not good<br />

for the soil or the laundry - I want the familiarity of her mouth again to<br />

expect her tongue I want to trace her legs as geometrically defined by nylon<br />

but when a guest relations officer is removed from the club she discards<br />

uniform and invisibly armored in designer blue jeans and simple blouse the<br />

transformer outside the hotel erupts in the storm in the blackout because no<br />

money exchanged we hold each other clothed instead I do not want to lose<br />

her again in the darkness I study her face her tattooed brow that draws me in<br />

to study her eyes the alluvial depositions of Zambal volcanic streams the<br />

cousin choosing to kneel beside me in the river? the American returned<br />

from several thousand miles to bury grandfather I was 10 years old meeting<br />

my supposed barkada in the shallows we received the cross on the forehead<br />

saliva of the dead.<br />

Sean Labrador y Manzano lives on the island off the coast of Oakland. He edits the<br />

anthology, Conversations at the Wartime Café. His chapbook, The Gulag<br />

Arkipelago is published by Tinfish. Recent writing appears in Aufgabe, Eleven<br />

Eleven, Generations, Conversations at a Wartime Café<br />

(http://www.mcsweeneys.net/authors/sean-labrador-y-manzano), Fag/Hag, Volt, The<br />

Walrus, Tarpaulin Sky (http://www.tarpaulinsky.com/issue-17/index.html), The<br />

Poetry of Yoga, Poetic Labor Project (http://labday2010.blogspot.com/2011/10/seanlabrador-y-manzano.html)<br />

and else where.<br />


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