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On the crust of Otis, Cliff-Web watched the cargo ship pull away from the top of the Space Fountain.<br />

Once it was clear, he flicked his eye-stubs at an engineer who was waiting at the controls. The engineer<br />

made an adjustment, and the high-pitched whine coming through the crust started to drop in tone. Slowly<br />

the tower grew shorter and shorter. Soon the tower was reduced to a pile of metal rings and a stack of<br />

platforms. It might have been simpler to turn off the stream of rings and let the tower fall, but Cliff-Web<br />

didn't want any stray projectiles orbiting around Otis and dropping on Eagle.<br />

Their next task was to charge up the flow tubes on Eagle.<br />

"Attach the power cables to the pumps on Tube Array 1," said Cliff-Web. Large masts rose from holes<br />

in the crust and coupled to two dozen pumps spaced around the periphery of Eagle. The pumps hummed<br />

to life, and the ultra-dense black-hole dust circulated faster and faster in the array of tubes. The hull of<br />

Eagle creaked as the fluid reached relativistic velocities; still the pumps pushed. The fluid became heavier<br />

instead of moving faster, and the gravity potentials inside the torus became so intense that they could no<br />

longer be described by the old Einstein theory. The rate of change of flow rate had been slow, however,<br />

so the gravity repulsion forces generated in the hole of the torus had been negligible.<br />

Cliff-Web felt the whining of the pumps reach a peak and level off. Eagle now had one of its two<br />

multi-tube arrays charged with energy in the form of high speed ultra-dense mass. It was time for them to<br />

leave.<br />

"Switch to internal power," he said. There was a hesitation in the sound as the pumps were switched<br />

from the outside power connectors to internal stored power. The stored power to compensate for<br />

friction and gravitational radiation losses would only last a few milliseconds, so they had to be on their<br />

way. He watched as the huge power conductors that had energized Eagle were retracted from their<br />

connectors on the hull and lowered down into holes in the crust. Eagle, perched on its launching pad, was<br />

now free to fly.<br />

Cliff-Web, his engineer's part done, stopped the normal wave motion of four of his eye-stubs and stared<br />

at Otis-Elevator.<br />

"Eagle ready for launch, Captain," said Cliff-Web.<br />

Otis-Elevator waited as the motion of Otis took the dot on the tread screen beneath him along its plotted<br />

path. The orbit would take Otis within 100 meters of the surface of Egg, where it would pass over the<br />

surface at one-third the speed of light. There were rumblings in the crust of Otis as the tidal forces from<br />

Egg attempted to pull the planetoid apart. Cliff-Web anxiously looked out in all directions, hoping that the<br />

crust in this region would hold together for a few more microseconds.<br />

Just before the planetoid reached its periapsis, the captain acted. "Launch!" commanded Otis-Elevator.<br />

His tread moved rapidly over the touch screen beneath him and neutrino beams sent out coded signals<br />

from Eagle to the machinery sitting around it. The power generators had been storing their power in<br />

temporary accumulators while waiting for the launch command. When the signal came, all the stored<br />

energy plus all the power that the generators could produce was switched into the pumps that drove the<br />

ultra-dense dust in the bigger gravity catapult.<br />

The pumps, shrieking from the high loads, pushed the dust in the twenty-centimeter-diameter torus at<br />

unbelievable accelerations. The moving stream of black holes generated a rapidly increasing<br />

gravitomagnetic field inside the torus. The increasing gravitomagnetic field in turn generated a repulsive<br />

gravitational field at the center of the torus. Eagle was repelled upwards at many times the gravity of Egg,<br />

but the crew felt

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