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with spots of different emittance than the rest of her body. The speckled pattern extended to her eyes,<br />

some of which were pink instead of the normal dark red.<br />

Crumpled-Tread gave the gang leader one of the two travel bags he had snatched, and the three street<br />

urchins took off in opposite directions. Cliff-Web heard a banging on the closing automatic door and<br />

stepped on the activator mat to open the door and let the Public Peace Officer out. Her twelve eyes took<br />

everything in at a glance, and she took off after the gang leader, who was still trying to stuff a heavy travel<br />

bag in a pouch. Cliff-Web watched her go, but it was obvious that the officer, weighed down with her<br />

weapons, badges, and communicator, was not likely to catch the fleet youngling.<br />

Cliff-Web had been appalled by the size of the smallest thief. In his clan hatchery, a hatchling this size<br />

would still be playing with the Old Ones, hearing the ancient stories of the clan heroes and their exploits.<br />

The little one must be what the social workers called a "dump hatchling." Its mother was probably a<br />

clanless prostitute who left her egg at the local dump. If the egg wasn't eaten by scavengers, the little<br />

hatchling had a reasonable chance of living, since newly hatched cheela could feed themselves and there<br />

was plenty of food at the dump. Older hatchlings would take the dump hatchlings under their mantle and<br />

then teach them to steal for them.<br />

Just thinking of the poor, unprotected hatchling with its ugly speckled top brought a surge of protective<br />

emotion through Cliff-Web's body. He wanted to find that poor hatchling, throw his protective mantle<br />

over the ugly scarred body, and feed her, and love her. He wanted....<br />

Cliff-Web shook himself and drove back the feeling. He couldn't allow his hormones to turn him into an<br />

Old One yet. He had a job to do. He flowed through the door and entered the terminal, all business. He<br />

found the gate and went through, his magnecard confirming his reservation for the<br />

launch. Since the jump-fare was a major expenditure, they had a tread-reader at the gate that verified he<br />

was the true owner of the card.<br />

As he glided onto the long, slender vehicle, an attendant assisted him in depouching his travel bag. Now<br />

significantly thinner, he made his way up the narrow aisle and slid sideways into his slot. He raised the<br />

panel that would keep his body from slipping out into the aisle during acceleration, pulled out a scroll, and<br />

started reading it the hard way in the cramped quarters. He scanned a small portion while he used his<br />

tendrils to unroll one end while he rolled up the other.<br />

The jumpcraft left on time, and he put away the scroll to watch as the clear superconducting shields<br />

moved up to enclose the compartments. The vehicle slid down a chute to the start of the Jump Loop<br />

proper. The Jump Loop looked like a flattened pipe that traveled along the crust for a while, then slowly<br />

raised itself up off the crust into the sky in seeming defiance of the tremendous gravity of Egg. Cliff-Web's<br />

aisle mate was a youngling that looked as if he had just left the Combined Clans Engineering Academy in<br />

Bright. He was wearing his engineering badges, and they looked newly made.<br />

"Sure looks impossible, doesn't it," said the youngling.<br />

"As if it might fall down," Cliff-Web responded.<br />

"Don't worry," the youngling reassured him. "Everything is perfectly safe. You see, what is holding it up is<br />

what you can't see, the super-high-speed band traveling inside the pipe. There is a big underground<br />

electromagnetic linear motor in a tunnel to the east of here that is pushing the belt up to high speed and<br />

feeding it into the pipe."

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