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The hunger-twinges in Speckle-Top moved from one eating pouch to another. They got so bad she<br />

began to think about the old days in the dump when the garbage sleds from the centertown eating places<br />

would come. It was long past turnfeast and shehad to get something to eat. The trouble was, the crust<br />

around her was too quiet. The clankers would hear her for sure when she pushed the rock away from the<br />

end of the tunnel. So she moved to the tunnel entrance and stuck one eye through a crack between the<br />

rock and the wall.<br />

"Bright's Curse!" she whispered as she pulled her eye back in—a clanker was out there. But there was<br />

something wrong with her. Putting her eye back out to watch the reaction of the clanker, she moved the<br />

rock slightly. A rasping sound radiated out through the crust, but the clanker didn't move. Growing<br />

bolder, she pushed the rock aside and flowed out into the still sparkling atmosphere.<br />

Keeping her eyes half-shielded under their flaps, she went over to the clanker. The large body had<br />

flowed into a wide oval. A few dull yellow-red eyeballs hung out over their fleshy eyeflaps and the large<br />

clanker badges had fallen from their holding sphincters.<br />

"Too tender to stand a little crustquake, you slink-treading egg-sucker?" Speckle-Top picked up a<br />

clanker badge and stuck it onto her decorationless hide. The badge was heavy, but felt good.<br />

"It looks better on me than you, you eye-ball-sucking father-lover," she said as she flowed up on the<br />

carcass of the clanker and took the rest of her badges. In one pouch she found an<br />

electronic lash. Speckle-Top's hide had tasted the lash the first time she had been caught and had been<br />

foolish enough to try to run away. Ever since, the just let the clankers lead her away when they caught her<br />

doing something wrong. She flowed off the dead clanker and turned on the lash. High voltage currents<br />

flickered across the crust. She swept the lash under the tread of the clanker. The first sweep produced<br />

some reflex reaction in the edges of the tread, but even that stopped as the lash played its aura over the<br />

dead body.<br />

"Just let any clanker try and get me now!" she bragged, waving the lash around. "I'll fry their treads and<br />

eat them for a 'tweenfeast snack!" She pouched the lash and moved on toward the center of town, the<br />

huge badges almost dragging in the crust. The silence bothered her. Ever since she had hatched in the<br />

dump on the other side of town, her tread had felt the constant rustle of tread and hum of machine<br />

coming through the crust. Now there was nothing, not even the high-pitched whine of the Jump Loop.<br />

She finally thought to look up to where the Jump Loop should be, hanging in the sky. It was no longer<br />

there.<br />

"That must have been a slider of a quake!" she whispered to herself as she moved slowly on, her<br />

street-wary tread alert.<br />

When turnfeast came again, she was no longer hungry. She had loaded her pouches full of<br />

strange-tasting foods taken from shops guarded by flowed shopkeepers. Her stuffed hide now glistened<br />

with badges of every kind, including the two-star admiral badges she had stolen from the space-trooper.<br />

Her speckles were covered with splotches of fluorescent body paint inexpertly applied, and around each<br />

eye-stub was one or more expensive glow-jewel eye-rings stolen from a jewelry shop. Her tread felt a<br />

sound off in the distance.<br />

"A clanker!" She moved quickly to a narrow alley between two store compounds. Once in the alley, she<br />

took off the heavy badges, hid the eye-rings in a pouch, and listened carefully with her tread. There<br />

seemed to be only one thing moving and it sounded like a Slink. Feeling a little lonely, she moved off to<br />

find the source of the noise. As soon as she started to move, the noise changed direction and headed

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