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Manager-Director/5 set up a conference link with her team leaders.<br />

"All tanks separated," said Void-Manager/18.<br />

"All tanks powered," said Electromagnetic-Manager/1.<br />

"All samples obtained," said Science-Manager/23.<br />

"Monopole generators ready," said Monopole-Manager/4.<br />

"Inertia pushers ready," said Graviton-Manager/53.<br />

"Proceed," said Manager-Director/5. She returned to the<br />

task of braiding the long hair on her prize-winning Slink. She could have had robots do it for her, but<br />

Rapunzel deserved personal care.<br />

"Cut away," Void-Manager/18 told his team of engineers.<br />

Void-Maker/111 and her robots sliced off the science tower at the north pole of Dragon Slayer, and it<br />

floated upward in the residual gravity tides. There it would be held in place by gravity robots while the<br />

disinto robots reduced it to stored energy.<br />

"To you," said Void-Maker/111.<br />

"To me," said Graviton-Maker/321. He paused, waiting for the next phrase from Void-Maker/111.<br />

There was a long pause.<br />

"Touch," said Void-Maker/111, holding off her disinto robots for a while.<br />

"Touch!" said Graviton-Maker/321. He sent his personal flitter directly at the gigantic structure. He<br />

pulled his eyes in under their eyeflaps to avoid the glare as the cold metal turned into a hot plasma as it<br />

was torn apart by the strong gravity field surrounding his spacecraft. There was a breeze of ionized gas<br />

that rapidly settled to the deck and he was through to the other side.<br />

"Touch!" he hollered again on his screen as he swooped his flitter around and dove once more at the<br />

mountain of nothing.<br />

Soon, most of the engineers had put their crews of robots on automatic and joined in the fun.<br />

Manager-Director/5 was notified of the disruption by the contract performance program, but she did<br />

nothing about it. The robots would probably get the rest of the job done in half the time, now that the<br />

cheela engineers were out of the way having fun.<br />

It took five long seconds to reduce Dragon Slayer to five spherical steel tanks, bobbing gently in the<br />

center of the ring of six condensed asteroids. The cheela electromagnetic engineers brought back the<br />

laser communicator, attached it to Pierre's tank, and set it up so it was pointed out to St. George.<br />

04:02:45 GMT WEDNESDAY 22 JUNE 2050

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