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had first come to<br />

the resort, she had made arrangements to berth the flyer at a local repair garage for the resort's robotic<br />

glide-cars. The mechanic was not there to attach the tie-bolts that kept the flyer from sliding around<br />

during crustquakes, so she had to do that chore herself. She found the mechanic inside his machine shop,<br />

impaled on a sharp piece of heavy equipment. She moved away in horror and went to the video link to<br />

call the butchers. The link was dead.<br />

The glide-cars at the garage were piled into a heap in one corner of the compound, so she had to make<br />

the trip by her own tread. The streets were deserted and the crust was silent except for the low rumbles<br />

coming up from deep in Egg. She passed by compounds with cracked walls. Through the cracks she saw<br />

nothing but death. Flattened cheela bodies that had flowed through partially opened doorways, many<br />

with eyes cooked and hide blistered. Pet Slinks imitated their masters in death, their hairs singed off.<br />

Any plant of any size had either toppled or been sheared off at the root, while the smaller plants and<br />

ground cover looked limp and lifeless. It took her a while to find the compound for the peace officers, for<br />

there was little need for them in this exclusive resort area. The peace officers were dead too, and none of<br />

the equipment in the office seemed to work. She finally left and returned to her flyer. When she turned on<br />

her communications set, a voice blared through the deck.<br />

"... anyone on Egg. Please reply on Channels 1, 12, 36, or 144. West Pole Space Station on an all-band<br />

call to anyone on Egg. Please reply on channels…" The voice sounded squeaky and hurried since time<br />

moved faster on the orbital space stations than it did on the surface of Egg.<br />

She switched her set to channel 36 in the flyer band. "This is Qui-Qui in Flyer 7. I have landed at West<br />

Pole Mountain Resort near the West Pole Rejuvenation Center. Everyone in West Pole Mountain Resort<br />

seems to be dead. All the video links are gone, too. I'd appreciate it if you would call Bright's Heaven<br />

and have them send a mechanic to service my flyer. I've got to get back by next turn to start rehearsals<br />

for my show."<br />

She then waited for the long two-grethturn interval while the signal traveled the 400 kilometers or so up<br />

to the West Pole Station and back.<br />

"Flyer 7," came a voice. "This is Lieutenant Shannon-Capacity. You are coming in weakly. Did you say<br />

your name<br />

was Qui-Qui?The Qui-Qui? I'm sorry, but I can't call anyone for you. As far as we know, you are the<br />

only one on Egg with a working free-space transmitter."<br />

Qui-Qui became concerned. "Do you see any signs of life anywhere? If it isn't too far, I could fly there<br />

and find them." She had two grethturns to worry as she waited for a reply.<br />

"Wait. I'll check with the Space Operations Commander," he said. A few sethturns later a harsh<br />

harassed voice rasped through the deck.<br />

"You there! This is Admiral Hohmann-Transfer, Commander of Space Operations. We have an extreme<br />

emergency. As of now, I am commandeering your private flyer in the name of the government of the<br />

Combined Clans. We will need it to restore contact with the remaining authorities on Egg and start the<br />

recovery process. Let me speak to your pilot."<br />

"Iam the pilot," she said and waited for the reply.

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