Recurrence equations and their classical orthogonal polynomial ...

Recurrence equations and their classical orthogonal polynomial ...

Recurrence equations and their classical orthogonal polynomial ...


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314 W. Koepf, D. Schmersau / Appl. Math. Comput. 128 (2002) 303–327<br />

with two possible solutions e ¼ 2a that give the differential <strong>equations</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ðx 2<br />

ðx 2<br />

4Þy 00 ðxÞþ2ðx þ 1Þy 0 ðxÞ nðn 3ÞyðxÞ ¼0; ð27Þ<br />

4Þy 00 ðxÞþ2ðx 1Þy 0 ðxÞ nðn 3ÞyðxÞ ¼0: ð28Þ<br />

They correspond to the densities<br />

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

4 þ x<br />

qðxÞ ¼<br />

4 x<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

4 x<br />

qðxÞ ¼ ;<br />

4 þ x<br />

respectively, hence the <strong>orthogonal</strong> <strong>polynomial</strong>s are multiples of the Jacobi<br />

ð1=2; 1=2Þ<br />

ð 1=2;1=2Þ<br />

<strong>polynomial</strong>s Pn ðx=2Þ <strong>and</strong> Pn ðx=2Þ.<br />

Finally, in the third of the above cases, i.e., for d ¼ 3a, we get again e ¼ 0<br />

<strong>and</strong><br />

ðx 2<br />

4Þy 00 ðxÞþ3xy 0 ðxÞ nðn 4ÞyðxÞ ¼0 ð29Þ<br />

corresponding to the density<br />

qðxÞ ¼<br />

1<br />

rðxÞ exp<br />

Z<br />

sðxÞ<br />

rðxÞ<br />

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi<br />

dx ¼ 4 x2 p<br />

:<br />

The corresponding <strong>orthogonal</strong> <strong>polynomial</strong>s are multiples of translated<br />

Chebyshev <strong>polynomial</strong>s of the second kind<br />

pnðxÞ ¼knSnðxÞ ¼ p0<br />

n þ 1 SnðxÞ ¼ p0<br />

n þ 1 Unðx=2Þ ðn P 0Þ ð30Þ<br />

(see e.g. [1], Table 22.2, <strong>and</strong> (22.5.13); SnðxÞ are monic, see also Table 22.8),<br />

hence<br />

PnðxÞ ¼pn 1ðxÞ ¼ P1<br />

n Un 1ðx=2Þ ðn P 1Þ:<br />

We see that the recurrence equation (24) has four different (shifted) linearly<br />

transformed <strong>classical</strong> <strong>orthogonal</strong> <strong>polynomial</strong> solutions!<br />

Using our implementation, these results are obtained by<br />

> strict: ¼ true:<br />

> RE :¼ ðn þ 3Þ pðn þ 2Þ x ðn þ 2Þ pðn þ 1Þþðn þ 1Þ pðnÞ ¼0;<br />

RE :¼ ðn þ 3Þpðn þ 2Þ xðn þ 2Þpðn þ 1Þþðn þ 1ÞpðnÞ ¼0<br />

> REtoDE(RE,p(n),x);

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