General Orders 1946 - Fort Benning

General Orders 1946 - Fort Benning

General Orders 1946 - Fort Benning


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GENKIIAL On~rns<br />

NO. 23<br />

Section<br />

WODAL OF HONOR-Polth~~rnous nrr;trdr ................................... I<br />


DISTINGUISHSD~SEK\71Ci: MEDAL iOAK-I~1LkF . CLUSTERI-A\rartls ........ I11<br />

~<br />

SILVER .................................................... IY<br />

LEGION OF Ml3KIT-AwarBs .............................................. V. VI<br />

LEGION OF MlGRIT (OAIC~LEAF CLUST1:R)-Amxb ....................... VII<br />


~~ ~ ~ CROSS-Awrwl - ~ ~ -- ~~, .................................. ~ - ~~<br />

7111<br />

B O B STAR E D d . IX<br />


ILMEDAL OF HONOR.--Gg direction of the President, under the provisions<br />

of the act of CongrPXF apllrorcd 9 dilly 1915 (WD Bull. 43, 191R), a Medal of<br />

Honor for ConSpicIioIIS %allantry ant1 intrepic!ity at the risk of life above am1<br />

hrwnd the call of duty was nmnrdcrl r~tu_m.n~?Q b~ the War Dcpnrtment<br />

in thc name of Congress to tile fallor%.ing-named OiCrrr and enlisted nlarl :<br />

Private First Class Jams H. Dirrmond (Army serial No. 3872309), ns a<br />

member of a inachine~gnn sccf.ion, Company D, 2let Infantry Regiment, AmLy<br />

of the Uniteri States. clisl,ln~ed extreme gallantry and intrepidity on 8, 9, 10,<br />

and 14 May 1945, at l\l:ntnl, MinCanao, Phili~~pine Islands. When a Jatjancsc<br />

sniper rose from his fox hole lo throw a grenade into th~ir midst, this wliant<br />

soldier charged and killed the enema with a burst from his sirbmachine gun.<br />

Then, hy delirering ~nstaineil fire from his p+:i?rsonal arm and sirnultan~onsly<br />

directing the lire ul 1OZ-mm and .W cniiher wenwns uwn the enemy pillboxes<br />

immobilizing his and another michinc gnn section, he Pnrlblrd thmm m pot<br />

their guns into aciirin, Then two inlantry com!~uoies estnbli3hcrl a tnMgrIrmr1,<br />

he vohmtarily ;~ssistf:l in evnciinting tl~c wnuiid~d rinrler heary fire and, seexiring<br />

an nhandoncd rehirlr, ti'nns~ul'teii casualties to the rear through martar and<br />

artillery five so intense as lo render the rehicle iouwratiue, rlesgite thc fact<br />

he was suffering fmmn a painful mounrl. The folloming Any he ngain volnottvxed.<br />

this time for the h:iz:rrdons job of rcyairing x hdlige under heavy enemy Grr.<br />

On 14 May 1945, wlxn lending a ~iztral to e~acuute casualtics from his batta!ion,<br />

mhich was cut off, hc ran thmng!~ a virtual hail of Jalrancse lire to secure an<br />

:ibandoneil m:rchiue gun. Though mort.nl1y nml~r~lcd as he rcached the mm,<br />

11e s~leereded in drawing suffici:nt fire upon himself so that the remaining<br />

members of the plrnl could reach safety. Priratc D:nmo?:d'n indomitable<br />

spiril, constant dihrvmrd of Cnngrr, arid eagerness to assist his comrades will<br />

wer remain n 8)-n:boI of selfl~ssncs~ and heroic sncrifice to those for mhom be<br />

gave hi: life.<br />

Captain Ri,~moiw W. Tcrrg, 01305021 (then first lieutmarlt), commanding<br />

Conir,any U, 33211 1:lfantry ReFiment, .4~rns of thc United States, an Oirinnwa,<br />

ily~tk)u Islands, nns lending an nltacli awinst hcnr-ilg defended 7xbra Hill, on<br />

11 May 1945. when dwastating fire frm five pillboxes hdted the advance.<br />

He braved the hail of bullets to secure satchel charges and white pilo~pharns<br />

grenades >md then Inn 30 rards direclly at the enem37 with an ignitcd charge to<br />

the first slronglmirl, demolished it, and rnorcd on to llx other pillhoxcs, bombarding<br />

them with his grennrles and c;rlmlr entting dovm their defenders mith rifle<br />

lire as they attcnlpIcd to escap?. \Vhm hc had finished this job by sealing the<br />

four pillboxes mith erl3losirrs. he hnd 1:ilitYl 20 Jnp:inow and rlestroyed 3 machine<br />

guns. The adrnrlcr w*s ngnin iic.ld up by an intense srellade barrage which<br />

A 1 1 - - 1 . lifC25i,o 16

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