General Orders 1946 - Fort Benning

General Orders 1946 - Fort Benning

General Orders 1946 - Fort Benning


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Captain 3%-ndericb F. Thomas, 0316C€tl, Cavalry, Army of the United Statcs.<br />

distinguished himself by gallantry in action on Luzon. Philinnine Islands, while<br />

~ - . assigned to the 13th Infantry, Philippine Army. At Urdanetta, in December<br />

1941, he displayed remarkable courage lending his battalion in the defense uf<br />

the a~~proaches of the tactically important Carmen bridge. When his nntrained<br />

troops disintegrated before vastiy superior forces, he saved the remnants of his<br />

command by swimming across the treacherous Agna River. Again at Betis,<br />

Pampanga on 4 Jarnmry 1942, Captain Thomas mas able, by outstanding leadership<br />

and gallantry, to cxtricale ihe remnants of his personnel after his position<br />

lind been overrun by enemy tanks.<br />

2. By direction of the President, under the provi~ion~ of the act of Congress<br />

anwroved 9 July 1915 (WD Bul. 43. 1015. a Siiver Star for - enllantrv in action<br />

was awarded wsthnmously by the Commander in Chief, United Statcs Army<br />

Forms, Pacific, tn the foiiowinp-named enlisted man:<br />

Private Wdliom 34. ~cnnessi (Army serial No. 201100718) Company C, l%th<br />

Tank Enttaiion, Infantry, Army of thc United States, displayed outstanding<br />

. ~allalltr~ - ncar Barrio Piis. . Tambas. . Lnzon. Plrilionine .- Islands. ou 25 December<br />

1041. When n half-track, uf which he was one of tho crew, was ambushed n:ld<br />

subjected to the intense lire of three Japanese machine guns at point-blank range,<br />

he assisted heroically in rcpciling the attack, thus ensuring the maintenance of<br />

contact brtweeu elements of two Philippine Divisions. Private Hennessfi's con.<br />

duct rcflects grcat crerlit upon himself and the combat soldiers with whom he<br />

nerved.<br />

IV--SILVER STAR-1. By direction of thc President, under the pu~isions of<br />

the act of Congress approved 9 July 1918 (TI) Bull. 43,1918), a Siiver Star fur galinntrg<br />

in action was awarded by the War Department to the following-nnmerl<br />

ofliccr :<br />

Second Lieutenant Vernon C. Clark, United States Marine Corps Reserve<br />

displayed gallantry in action whiic commanding a pintoan of Company A, 1st<br />

Battalion, 1st Marine Parnchnte Regiment, on 28 December lCJ4d, at Raugainnille,<br />

nritiih Solnmon Islands. When his leadine assault nlntoon was hit bn fierce<br />

enemy fire following a strenuous march thronxh ddesc swamp and jungle, he<br />

fearlessly exposed bimsclf, lcd his men in n daring attack, and gersonaliy destroyed<br />

the occnpants rrf two enemy emplacements. Because of Lieutenant Clark's heroic<br />

exarnple. the platoon scized its ohjrctive and contributed greatly to the sneeessfnl<br />

accompiishrnent of the comgans's mission.<br />

2. By direction of the President, under the provisions of the act of Conzress<br />

approved 9 July 1918 (WD Bul. 43, UlB), a Siivcr Star for gallantry in action<br />

was awarded by <strong>General</strong> J. M. Wainwright, United States Army, to the follawingnamed<br />

officer and enlisted men:<br />

Corpornl William 8. As7~ (Army serial No. 18053#M) (then m-ivate first class).<br />

Coast Artillery Corps, Army of the United States, on 6 May 1812, during a heavy<br />

enemy artillery and ncrial bumbnrdment, disging~d gallantry in action on<br />

-~ -<br />

Corre~idor, Philippine Islands. As he was running a shot truck forward loaded<br />

with a sensitive fused projectile, he was severcly wounded, but with errat<br />

couragc and presenec of mind he successfully brought the vehicle to n halt, thus<br />

insuring that the runaway truck did not detonate the sensitive fuse. Corporal<br />

Ask's heroic determimalion and fortitude reflect great credit on himself and the<br />

military service.<br />

Lieutenant Commander Malcolm XcG. ChemnXn, United States Xnn1 R?s:~-m.<br />

as Naval Aide to the Commanding <strong>General</strong>, Unitcd States Army Forces in the<br />

AGO B o a

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