Cornelli Taciti annalium

Cornelli Taciti annalium

Cornelli Taciti annalium


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His depraved lusts have full play and Rome becomes a scene of<br />

gross licentiousness. He exhibits himself on the public stage at<br />

Naples and meditates a tour of artistic triumph among the cities of<br />

Greece. But his power was declining, as the conspiracy recounted<br />

in the latter part of the book shows. With the army, his credit had<br />

been impaired by a reverse in Britain (xiv 32, 33), followed by a<br />

disgraceful surrender in Armenia (xv 14, 15), and many soldiers<br />

were imbued with the characteristically Roman view that bracketed<br />

Nero's performances in theatre and arena with his worst crimes<br />

(xv 65, 2 ; 67, 3). The affection of the people, already shaken by<br />

the insistence on the harsh sentence against the household of<br />

Pedanius Secundus {xW 42, 45) and by the disregard of popular<br />

sympathy with Octavia, was further weakened by a widespread<br />

rumour that he was accountable for the great fire (xv 44, 2) ; and<br />

his fiendish cruelty to the Christians, on whom he fastened the<br />

blame, ended by moving compassion for the victims. The upper<br />

classes saw that high birth, uprightness, popularity, and in fact<br />

eminence of any kind, were dangerous : Burrus, it was believed,<br />

had been poisoned ; Seneca had sought safety in retirement ; the<br />

use of the statute dealing with 'maiestas' had been revived and<br />

might soon be turned against fresh victims ; Thrasea had received<br />

direct notice of the emperor's disfavour (xv 23, 5). Under these<br />

conditions there was ample prospect that a change of ruler would<br />

be generally welcomed, and when the better of the two prefects of<br />

the praetorians, Faenius Rufus, joined the conspiracy, it seemed to<br />

have every chance of success. But both Piso, who was to take<br />

Nero's place, and Faenius Rufus alike behaved with fatal<br />

pusillanimity at the critical moment when information of the plot<br />

had reached Nero ; they dropped their plans without striking<br />

a blow ; and Nero was able to follow up his detection of the plot<br />

with a very reign of terror, striking down not only those whose<br />

complicity could be proved or suspected, but others whom he feared<br />

or disliked on other grounds. Thus fell C. Cassius and L. Silanus,<br />

and the other victims enumerated in Book xvi, of whom the most<br />

prominent are Thrasea and Soranus. Against the former there is<br />

no direct charge of conspiracy, but his abstention from public life,<br />

an attitude adopted shortly after the emperor's renunciation of his<br />

friendship, formed the basis of the charge against him (xvi 22) ;<br />


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