trilingual agricultural dictionary - Department of Agriculture: Western ...

trilingual agricultural dictionary - Department of Agriculture: Western ...

trilingual agricultural dictionary - Department of Agriculture: Western ...


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Tweede uitgawe<br />

Uitgegee in 2011<br />

ISBN 978-0-620-49961-3<br />

Alle regte voorbehou. Geen deel<br />

van hierdie boek mag sonder<br />

skriftelike toestemming van<br />

die Departement van Landbou:<br />

Wes-Kaap gereproduseer <strong>of</strong><br />

in enige vorm <strong>of</strong> deur enige<br />

elektroniese <strong>of</strong> meganiese<br />

middel weergegee word nie,<br />

hetsy deur fotokopiëring, skrif <strong>of</strong><br />

bandopname <strong>of</strong> deur enige ander<br />

stelsel vir inligtingsbewaring- <strong>of</strong><br />

ontsluiting.<br />

Second edition<br />

Published in 2011<br />

ISBN 978-0-620-49961-3<br />

All rights reserved. No part <strong>of</strong><br />

this book may be reproduced<br />

or transmitted in any form<br />

or by any means, electronic<br />

or mechanical, including<br />

photocopying and recording, or by<br />

any other information storage or<br />

retrieval system, without written<br />

permission from the <strong>Department</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>: <strong>Western</strong> Cape.<br />

Ihlelo lesibini<br />

Lipapashwe ngo-2011<br />

ISBN 978-0-620-49961-3<br />

Onke amalungelo agciniwe.<br />

Akukho nxalenye yale ncwadi<br />

emele ukuphinda iveliswe<br />

kwakhona okanye idluliselwe<br />

nangayiphina indlela okanye<br />

nangaziphina izinto, ezombane<br />

okanye ezomatshini, kuquka<br />

ukuyifotokopa nokuyishicilela,<br />

okanye naso nasiphina<br />

isixhobo sokugcina okanye<br />

sokukhuphela ulwazi, ngaphandle<br />

kwemvumelwano ebhaliweyo<br />

esuka kwiSebe lezoLimo:<br />

eNtshona Koloni.<br />



Die Departement van Landbou, Wes-Kaap het hierdie woordeboek so akkuraat moontlik opgestel. Aangesien<br />

hierdie woordeboek terminologie bevat wat in sekere gevalle nuut is in die Xhosataal, kan die korrektheid<br />

daarvan nie gewaarborg word nie. Enige persoon wat hierdie inligting gebruik, doen dit op eie risiko en die<br />

genoemde instansie <strong>of</strong> enige ander party sal onder geen omstandighede verantwoordelik gehou word vir enige<br />

verliese gelei deur enige persoon/instansie wat die inligting in hierdie woordeboek gebruik nie.<br />

The <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>, <strong>Western</strong> Cape prepared this <strong>dictionary</strong> as accurately as possible. However, as<br />

this <strong>dictionary</strong> contains terminology new to the Xhosa language, its correctness cannot be guaranteed. Any<br />

person using this information will be doing so at own risk and the said organisation or any other party will<br />

under no circumstances be responsible for any loss suffered by any person/organisation using the information<br />

contained in this <strong>dictionary</strong>.<br />

ICandelo loMlawuli oyiNtloko lezoLimo eNtshona Koloni lilulungisile olu xwebhu ngokucacileyo. Kodwa<br />

ke, njengoko olu xwebhu lunesigama esitsha kulwimi lwesiXhosa, ukuchaneka kwaso asinakukuqinisekisa.<br />

Nabanina osebenzisa olu lwazi uya kukwenza oko ngokuthanda kwakhe, nalo mbutho ungentla okanye<br />

nabanina phantsi kwazo naziphina iimeko akasayi kuba naluxanduva lwalahleko efunyenweyo nangubanina/<br />

umbutho osebenzise ulwazi olukolu xwebhu.<br />



<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>, <strong>Western</strong> Cape<br />

Private Bag X1<br />


7607<br />

February 2011<br />

Second Edition

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