Volume 10 - Issue 1, February 15, 2008 - Lake Chapala Review

Volume 10 - Issue 1, February 15, 2008 - Lake Chapala Review

Volume 10 - Issue 1, February 15, 2008 - Lake Chapala Review


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Page 44 <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Chapala</strong> <strong>Review</strong><br />

<strong>February</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

An Impure Fantasy<br />

by Jim Rambo Papa Bear and Momma Bear<br />

Once upon a time in a far off country, there was a Papa<br />

Bear and a Momma Bear. The bear, formerly known as<br />

Baby Bear, had grown and gone on to work at a hedge fund<br />

deep in the woods. Papa and Momma lived comfortably<br />

in Castle Den, their historic home in Gumshoe Ville, a<br />

blue collar bear neighborhood. Those inhabiting nearby<br />

dens loved them. Papa was just months from retirement<br />

as a honey taster with Honeydew Corporation. He had<br />

worked hard his whole life but had never felt comfortable<br />

because of mortgage payments and tax raises that always<br />

seemed to increase more than his meager wages and bear<br />

bennies.<br />

Momma and Papa decided to retire in Mexico. They had<br />

learned that the country was bear-friendly, particularly up<br />

in the cool mountains, and that costs were reasonable.<br />

And so The Bears sought out a retirement specialist, the<br />

Sly Old Fox. Fox came to the house one night, under cover<br />

of darkness, and sat down with the Bears to discuss their<br />

plans that were only in the cub stage.<br />

“You know, Bears, my inside information is that the real<br />

estate market will take a dive in a few years. That doesn’t<br />

bode well for your plans for Mexico. Your equity in Bear<br />

Castle Den is going to be reduced dramatically and that<br />

scenario could affect your retirement dreams. Being the<br />

Sly Old Fox that I am, I have a serious suggestion for you.<br />

Because you have been at the mercy of banks and other<br />

unscrupulous lenders your entire lives, you may find my<br />

proposal amusing. On the other hand, your ‘responsible<br />

side’ might find it downright offensive. In any event, here<br />

it is”:<br />

“People have called me, the Fox, a predator but I’m<br />

a piker compared with the banks today. These guys are<br />

throwing money at their clients. Why? Because they<br />

have built interest escalation clauses into their supposed<br />

‘give away mortgages’. Interest rates will soar in just a<br />

few years, balloon payments will be incorporated in many<br />

of their loan documents and guess what? Poor working<br />

folks like yourselves are gonna be unable to keep up with<br />

their mortgage payments. Foreclosures, with attendant<br />

lawyers’ fees, will be rampant for certain. It’s all quite<br />

predictable but the banks and real estate lawyers, out of<br />

incredible greed, are ignoring it completely. It borders,<br />

even to a Sly Old Fox, on the criminal. Instead of being<br />

victimized by this sophisticated scam, however, you’ve<br />

got to be proactive. Yeah, that’s the term, ‘proactive’, so<br />

hear me out.”<br />

“Jack up the value of your home however you can.<br />

Paint it, put in new light fixtures and otherwise clean<br />

it up…on the cheap. Then find yourselves a friendly<br />

mortgage broker to appraise it. The broker will be more<br />

than giddy, in today’s ‘go go’ market, to give you a high<br />

appraisal. After all, his own broker’s commission will be<br />

based on the value of the loan to be given, right? Then<br />

take out a loan as high as possible on Castle Den, with<br />

the assistance of your good broker, no matter what the<br />

outrageous terms might be. They’ll probably suggest<br />

starting off at a mere one percent, just to lasso you bears<br />

in. But the fact of the matter is, you will be doing your<br />

best Little Red Riding Hood imitation and lassoing them<br />

instead. So listen a while longer to what this Old Fox has<br />

for you….<br />

With the loan in hand, put the Castle Den up for sale at<br />

a price even higher than the broker’s appraisal. It won’t<br />

sell because the broker was way high to begin with. You<br />

have to give the impression anyway that you believe in the<br />

possibility of a sale that would pay off your indebtedness.<br />

But, of course, there will be no sale, no matter how much<br />

advertising is done, no matter how many showings you<br />

have and no matter who the real estate agent may be. In<br />

this cautious buyer’s market, no fool will bite; not even<br />

on this historic Den. Now comes the interesting part:<br />

Buy your dream den in Mexico. Take all of the equity<br />

that you bled out of Castle Den and spend it on a haciendastyle<br />

den befitting all your labors over the past 45 years.<br />

Get one with a swimming pool and a casita den for visits<br />

by Baby Bear, when he can drag himself away from the<br />

hedge fund. Make the mortgage payments on Castle Den<br />

to demonstrate your good faith efforts at a sale until the<br />

first interest rate adjustment is implemented by the new<br />

mortgage company. Then you call the company and tell<br />

them that you’re not making another payment. Oh, I can<br />

see by the looks on your faces that this will be a radical<br />

move for you stand up bears. But think about it real hard<br />

for a moment.<br />

The mortgage company will be up to its ears in<br />

foreclosures by then and the stock market will surely<br />

be for bears only too. They will try every way to make<br />

you reinstitute payments. They will forgive back debt<br />

and they’ll waive penalties but, importantly, they will<br />

not waive the interest increase on your loan or agree to<br />

modify it. If you insist that you refuse to pay, they will<br />

threaten you incessantly. Their calls will be on the area<br />

code for Far Away Land via Vonage so they won’t know<br />

that you’re already in Mexico. Your credit rating will be<br />

shot, but who cares? You’ll be in Mexico’s cash society!<br />

Finally, they will threaten to issue a <strong>10</strong>99 for any debt that<br />

they may decide to forgive on the loan. You’ll be told that<br />

it could be as high as $<strong>15</strong>0,000 and that you will have to<br />

English<br />

spoken<br />

Test our original Italian pizza D.O.C.<br />

and enjoy our yellow house<br />

Ajijic St. Andrew’s<br />

Angelican<br />

Church<br />

Hidalgo #75 • Riberas del Pilar<br />

Tel.: 01 376 765 6996<br />



Italian<br />

spoken<br />

<strong>Chapala</strong><br />


Gnocchi, Pollo alla Cacciatora, Meatballs w/<br />

tomato sauce, and different weekly specials.<br />

Assorted desserts<br />

Eat In or Take Out<br />

Hours: noon to <strong>10</strong>pm<br />

Closed Tues. & Wed.

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