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for the year ended 30 June 2007 vir die jaar geëindig 30 Junie 2007<br />

Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of fi nancial assets that require delivery of assets within<br />

the period generally established by regulation or convention within the marketplace. Financial assets are<br />

derecognised when the contractual rights to the cash fl ows from the fi nancial asset expire, or when the<br />

contractual rights to received the cash fl ows are transferred.<br />

Held-to-maturity investments Beleggings gehou tot verval<br />

Non-derivative fi nancial assets with fi xed or determinable payments and fi xed maturity are classifi ed as heldto-maturity<br />

when the Group has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Investments intended<br />

to be held for an undefi ned period are not included in this classifi cation.<br />

(j) Inventories (j) Voorrade<br />

Inventories are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Costs incurred in bringing each product<br />

to its present location and condition are accounted for as follows:<br />

Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

Aantekeninge by die Finansiële State<br />

“Gewone manier”-aankope en -verkope is aankope of verkope van fi nansiële bates wat vereis dat die bates<br />

gelewer word binne die tydsbestek wat algemeen deur regulasie of konvensie in die mark bepaal word. Die<br />

fi nansiële bate word ontken wanneer die kontraktuele reg tot die kontantvloei van die fi nansiële bate verval,<br />

of wanneer die kontraktuele reg om die kontantvloei te ontvang, oorgedra word.<br />

Nie-afgeleide fi nansiële instrumente met vaste of bepaalbare betalings en ’n vaste termyn word geklassifi seer<br />

as beleggings gehou tot verval wanneer die Groep die positiewe voorneme en vermoë het om die termyn<br />

te voltooi. Beleggings wat vir ’n onbepaalde tydperk gehou word, word nie by hierdie klassifi kasie ingesluit<br />

nie.<br />

Voorrade word gewaardeer teen die laagste van kosprys en netto realiseerbare waarde. Die koste om elke<br />

produk in sy huidige toestand by sy huidige plek te kry, word soos volg in rekening gebring:<br />

• Raw materials – purchase cost on a fi rst-in, fi rst-out basis • Grondstowwe – aankoopkoste volgens die eerste-in-eerste-uit-metode<br />

• Finished goods and work in progress – cost of direct materials and labour and a portion of manufacturing<br />

overheads, based on normal operating capacity but excluding fi nance cost<br />

• Klaarprodukte en onvoltooide werke – koste van direkte materiale en arbeid en ’n deel van<br />

vervaardigingsbokoste, gegrond op normale bedryfsvermoë maar met uitsluiting van fi nansieringskoste<br />

• Slow-moving consumable stock – valued at 80% of the weighted average cost • Stadig bewegende verbruiksvoorraad – gewaardeer teen 80% van die geweegde gemiddelde koste<br />

Cost of inventories includes the transfer from equity of gains and losses on qualifying cash fl ow hedges in<br />

respect of the purchase of raw materials. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary<br />

course of business, less estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.<br />

(k) Loans and accounts receivable (k) Lenings en rekeninge ontvangbaar<br />

Loans and accounts receivable are non-derivative fi nancial assets with fi xed determinable payments that are<br />

not quoted in an active market. After initial measurement, loans and receivables are subsequently carried<br />

at amortised cost using the effective interest method less any allowance for impairment. Amortised cost is<br />

calculated taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and includes fees that are an integral<br />

part of the effective interest rate and transaction costs. Gains and losses are recognised in the income<br />

statement when the loans and receivables are derecognised or impaired, as well as through the amortisation<br />

process.<br />

Koste van voorrade sluit in die oordrag uit ekwiteit van winste en verliese op kwalifi serende kontantvloeiskanse<br />

met betrekking tot die aankoop van grondstowwe. Netto realiseerbare waarde is die ge raamde verkoopprys<br />

in die gewone gang van sake, min geraamde koste van voltooiing en die geraamde koste benodig om die<br />

verkoop af te handel.<br />

Lenings en rekeninge ontvangbaar is nie-afgeleide fi nansiële bates met vaste bepaalbare betalings wat nie in ’n<br />

aktiewe mark gekwoteer word nie. Na aanvanklike erkenning word lenings en ontvangste teen geamortiseerde<br />

koste erken deur gebruikmaking van die effektiewerente-metode min enige aanpassing vir waardedaling.<br />

Geamortiseerde koste word bereken met inagneming van enige kortings of premie by verkryging en sluit<br />

gelde in wat ’n onafskeidbare deel uitmaak van die effektiewe rentekoers en transaksiekoste. Winste en<br />

verliese word in die inkomstestaat erken wanneer die lenings en ontvangste ontken of vir waardedaling<br />

verminder word, asook deur die amortisasieproses.<br />

Annual Report/Jaarverslag 2007 Page/Bladsy 51

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